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About napalmdog

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  1. So let's say there's no initial warning howl and you're attacked by wolves. Is the freeze on manipulating your inventory at that point a bug or a feature? Couldn't reload, couldn't drop weapons, both hotkeys and drag-and-drop a no-go. It seems to be a consistent theme with 'silent' wolf attacks for me. Anyone else with this experience?
  2. Reporting a hacker. I've been playing regularly on DayZ Livonia US - LA 5396, It holds a regular but low population. Someone playing on the server is using a hack to unearth buried crates on a fairly regular basis. I've buried them specifically to see if they would be discovered and it never fails, within a few days all unearthed.
  3. napalmdog

    Experimental Update 1.06

    I know the effects of rain have been mentioned before. I would just mention in my experience the current set of effects is detrimental to playing the game. Sitting in a building waiting for it to stop is *not* fun and as rain applies an immediate deterioration of health not moving from shelter is the only means of controlling that. That's just dull.
  4. napalmdog

    Experimental Update 0.63149374

    Here's my constructive feedback. Since I cannot change the key bindings and they have no intention of fixing this from what I've read until 1.0, I will not play this game and contribute to any stress testing, bug finding, etc. because I *cannot* play the game. I'm left-handed and WASD doesn't work for me. So, along with the constructive criticism mentioned, I feel it's perfectly fine for me to mention that this sucks very, very much and irritates me equally as much.
  5. I'm talking about keeping your stealth and the mobs upon mobs. A 30 round magazine won't cut it...
  6. I love hunting snipers, but the jury is still out on how many zombies will be in the game in the end. Sniping when there's potentially hundreds of zombies around that will come to you is gonna be hard...
  7. napalmdog

    The Growing Hacker Threat/Issue

    Now is the time for them to be in and doing everything they can to hack; While in Alpha. The more and varied the hacks, the more will be snuffed out. The sub isn't in the ocean yet, they're sorting out the leaks...
  8. napalmdog

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    Gear whores should be willing to pay a penalty, but I am talking about slow heel-to-toe movement, that thing we did sneaking into the house not to wake your parents...
  9. When we humans want to move undetected we can move heel to toe very slowly, limiting noise and eye-catching movement. Is there any chance we might see an addition of such movement?
  10. napalmdog

    How zombies will change the game

    I don't think so. Players don't have the patience to site someone, take the shot, log out ans log back in to try and find another player to shoot at. It might be clever, but it would also be boring as sin...
  11. napalmdog

    Why am I dying suddenly?

    I've experienced a temperature bug and have died of hypothermia lately, fully clothed....
  12. napalmdog

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    1. You get hit by rain, you are immediately soaked through. I thought this might just be a message bug, but I promptly start cooling off at the same time. 2. "Promptly getting cold" and "You are freezing", then dying of hypothermia in full pristine gear? It's kind of suggests something went wrong with the update. It's an Alpha, these things happen. This might be the first one that it makes me put it into unplayable Territory, simply because you do die within 15 minutes no matter what. It was suggested to me to play on Verilayer.com servers, and it does seem the problem does not exist there...
  13. napalmdog

    Sporter 22 scope

    It's not that I think it should have such a plethora of specific items like the one pictured. It's the fact that scopes should be shared on it.
  14. napalmdog

    Sporter 22 scope

    It's more than that. The 10/22 is very easily modified and can go to something like this... If you can stick that scope on an M4, you can stick it on this rifle.
  15. napalmdog

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Please refer to Louis CK's "Chair in the Sky" sketch. Relax, Emo Boy, it's coming...