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The Curse of Green Mountain

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We all know the tales of Green Mountain; the myths, legends and truth of that horrible hill. From a group of survivors getting mauled by the infected, to a lone survivor who's Ural ran him over as he got out. Every Green Mountain encounter -from the Mod to the Game- has left us afraid, in pain, sad, or even dead. "They're just legends, they're just myths" they say. Don't listen to those lies. There is a darker presence that cascades from that mountain like the blood pooling from it's victims. If you remember anything from what you've ever learned about Chernarus, let it be this; Green Mountain is cursed.



Now, in order to properly fear something, we must know a little bit about it. Green Mountain is located at grid 037093 on the Chernarus Map. Represented by the red marker in Figure 1:1


[Fig. 1:1] A map of North East Chernarus.


Green Mountain is one of many Numbers Stations set up by the Soviets in the late 20th century during the Cold War. These Numbers Stations are extremely hard to track, and broadcast on very specific frequencies of shortwave radio. Though their main purpose is shrouded in mystery, many people have guessed their intended purpose was to act as a beacon, warning Russian citizens if Nuclear War with The United States were to ever happen. Many countries have made these stations, including Great Britain whose most famous station, nicknamed "The Lincolnshire Poacher" for it's continuous broadcast of - you guessed it- The Lincolnshire Poacher. Each Numbers Station plays a unique set of songs, noises and dialogue on loop non-stop since the day they were turned on and forgotten. Despite being half a century old, these Numbers Stations continue to be operational today, after being abandoned and left to deteriorate.


Here's what Great Britain's "Lincolnshire Poacher" Station sounds like:


Now that we know about what Green Mountain is, we can go deeper into what makes it unique.

Please note: due to lack of solid information on the subject, the following is just theory.


During the outbreak in Chernarus, the military set up killing zones in an attempt to contain the infection. These areas are found across Chernarus (In the mod, not the standalone) and always contain a few broken down military trucks and a mass grave. The most common ones I have found were outside of Chernogorsk, the North West Airfield and Green Mountain. (These have all been removed for now, unfortunately, but I hope to see them again in the Standalone's future). I believe the Chernarussian Military used these points by broadcasting them as "safezones", then lined up the civilians that arrived and shot them, piling their bodies into a mass grave.


What makes Green Mountain so important is that it's the biggest broadcasting station of North East Chernarus [see figure 1:2], making it the easiest way the Chernarussian Military could get broadcasts through to the civilian population. So in a way, Green Mountain is the source of all the mass graves and executions in Chernarus - which is why it's cursed.



[Fig. 1:2 All of Chernarus and its major cities, including Chernogorsk and the Nations Capital - Novigrad]





Thank you for reading the massive wall of text! I tried to lighten it up with pictures and a video.


To continue this thread, please comment, add information you may know about Numbers Stations, share your theories about Green Mountain or tell us your horror stories about the dreaded Green Mountain!

Edited by mullraugh
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Your meds... are you all out?  ;)

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To learn more about Numbers Stations and where they come from, check out the following video!

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  On 3/11/2014 at 3:44 AM, lrish said:

Your meds... are you all out?  ;)


It's not the meds I'm out of.. it's the alcohol.

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This is a well thought out theory. I really enjoyed reading.

There are some mass graves in the Standalone. One being at a burned out bus on the side of the road at the entrance to the Otmel docks. The docks right across from Skalisty.

Could it be that the military did the same thing in Otmel and then just killed the people on the side of the road as they were getting off at the docks? Maybe they thought Skalisty was safe...

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It was a dark and stormy night.  4 friends were scrounging for parts to fix a broken down GAZ in Stary Sobor.  2 of them headed to Zelenogorsk and along the way, they noticed a large radio tower on a hill.


One of the survivors wanted to check it out, figuring there would be something special to find.  The other wasn't keen on the idea, saying it didn't feel right.  The first survivor went for it anyways, alone.  It ended quickly with a strike of lightning on the tower, a few shots of his shotguns and screams of his mouth.  He managed to barely escape with his life.  When the other survivor asked what happened, he didn't want to talk about it and merely said "I wouldn't go back there even if you gave me NVG's to do it."



That actually did happen (with a bit of fluff for story telling) but any experience I've had with Green Mountain at night has never been pretty.  I did used to have a tent stashed there that never got touched, but that's for good reason.


Nice research on the history of it, great job.

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I believe even writing about this topic is haunted went to play the video and couldn't get it to stop had to refresh the entire page. But more about green mountain, the only trouble I ever had with it is that cursed chain link fence always broke my legs or sucked me in to a group of zombies.

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I find this interesting. Need more RP/Backstory type stuff in this game to pass the alpha time away.


Where's the resident "graphic novel fan fiction dude" when you need him?

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The Lizard Man of Green Mtn..




Tales of the Lizard Man of Green Mtn. started long before the fall of humanity in Chernarus. Stories of a WW2 Nazi Scientist who had escaped capture and hid out in a secret underground lab, continuing his tests on poor souls that got too close and disappeared forever. These stories were of course just local legend, but a few wise souls knew that some truth lay behind them. A secret lab did in fact exist at Green Mtn.. One that people did seem to disappear around. The townsfolk of Zelenogorsk had many tales they told their children to keep them away, but every generation a few people would vanish into thin air.. their last known location somewhere near Grn. Mtn. 




Just before the outbreak the local Doctor of Zelenogorsk was reportedly taken from his home in the middle of the night. His wife witnessed the event and was said to have gone insane. Her account was simple, "The lizard man took him." She swore by it to the authorities. The investigation showed signs that she was telling the truth, and the rumors began to spread. Perhaps the lizard man story, used to scare kids away from the Green Mtn. was in fact true after all? People started locking their doors. Things had a different air about them. But all remained calm until 3 weeks later, on an otherwise peaceful night. A person was admitted into the Zelenogorsk Hospital. That unknown patient turned out to be the missing Doctor.


Who was also: Patient Zero, Day Z. 




What quickly unfolded could only be explained as pandemonium at best. Those of us that have survived, or come ashore to Chernarus in hopes of finding adventure in this wasteland can see the signs. People had no time. No chance of getting out alive. The military shut down all routes out. They had to contain the disease, stop the spreading. In the end they were successful. The infection was contained to Chernarus, and over time there may be hope of people and life returning there.




But for now its a quarantine zone off limits to all human beings. And as time went on, people became curious. Reporters snuck in and a lucky few that made it back brought with them pictures and stories of a place filled with danger.. and surprisingly enough, survivors. People, not many but some were alive and well in Chernarus. These people had grown used to a savage land rife with distrust and murder. But not all hope was lost.. new life was now coming ashore every day. Danger tourists, those trying to help find a cure. People from all over, get through the quarantine barriers daily.. but almost no one ever comes back anymore. Something is happening in Chernarus that is not allowing people to return home. And the story of a man who looks like a Lizard has been told again. And a place so dark, so evil, you can feel it crawling on your skin. A mountain so vile, that even the birds would not dare go near. Only those brave enough to go there at night, to search for the Lizard Man of Green Mtn. can tell the true tale.. 




The stories are true. He does exist. You must search him out. He is the key to unlocking the cure. He can lead us to the source that infected patient zero. The world needs a hero...


Are you that person?



Edited by lrishjake
pics update
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Has anyone noticed that the concrete walls that surround the base are all intact?

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The other day I just happened to travel up to a mysterious looking tower and had a look around. When I got there, I could sense something spooky in the air for sure. I couldn't put my finger on it though.


I tried to climb the tower and ended up breaking my leg somehow. Thankfully I managed to heal it quickly but that was enough for me so I skittered away without finishing my exploration.


I think if I had know that *this* was actually the infamous Green Mountain I would have never made the trip. I'm glad I went and survived but I don't know if I'll go back.


:thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


Now, as far as Lizard Man goes...I think you may be on to something there. Talk about the ULTIMATE hunt. If there was just one lizard man 'AI' character that would appear randomly in wooded areas...what a prize to find and kill one. I like it.





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I know Dean wants the lore to be written in game by the players (I think I read him saying this once), but I am hoping that text and audio messages made by the DayZ dev team are also implemented in showing what Chernarus was like just before and during the apocalypse.

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  On 3/12/2014 at 2:09 AM, Tibialis said:

I know Dean wants the lore to be written in game by the players (I think I read him saying this once), but I am hoping that text and audio messages made by the DayZ dev team are also implemented in showing what Chernarus was like just before and during the apocalypse.

It could be said that Arma 2 takes part of DayZ's lore since we have items that link it to the events that have happened on the campaign on Chernarus.

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  On 3/11/2014 at 3:27 AM, mullraugh said:



[Fig. 1:1] A map of North East Chernarus.



The Operator's Mark! Slenderman can be found at Green Mountain!

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one does not hunt down and kill the lizardman.



one is hunted down, and killed by.... well, they never really know if it was the lizardman or not...


one minute sunshine and daises. the next, a black screen saying "you are dead"

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 I've always quite liked Green Mountain, passed through it today and consumed a meal while overlooking Chernarus from the top platform.


There is something very distant and tranquil about it despite the utter madness around that little metal island.

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  On 3/12/2014 at 3:22 AM, Merry_Mac said:

 I've always quite liked Green Mountain, passed through it today and consumed a meal while overlooking Chernarus from the top platform.


There is something very distant and tranquil about it despite the utter madness around that little metal island.


It's hypnotized you!

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  On 3/12/2014 at 3:22 AM, Merry_Mac said:

 I've always quite liked Green Mountain, passed through it today and consumed a meal while overlooking Chernarus from the top platform.


There is something very distant and tranquil about it despite the utter madness around that little metal island.

I try to make Green Mountain a rest spot if I travel to NWAF from the south.  It's easy to get your bearings when you're there, there's normally a few bits of loot like clothing and food, etc, and it's a fairly unique location in Chernarus. I didn't know about the lore until today.  I guess that wasn't an easter egg statue of some lizard man that I thought clipped through the tower floor...

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If someone finds a glass pipe with Kermit the frog up there, please return it to me.  Thanks in advance.

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