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Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:25 PM, gibonez said:

Perhaps but this would fix the problem quickly.


Why mess around with other solutions when this one would work immediately.


Because it should be done right...I could build you a garage in a day....or spend a week doing it to a much higher standard. Impatience will mess things up more that help imo. Community impatience already saw a half assed combat log system put into effect because they had to put something out there to stop the whining. This could end up the same, so much complaint that they add it just to clam people down. Then we end up living with a half asses system for ages.



  On 4/17/2014 at 8:23 PM, TheScruffyBandit said:

Anyone else noticing that the 1pp comunity wants to solve problems and find solutions to unbalanced PvP and the 3pp community just throws a hissy fit at the thought of having their magical camping periscope taken away?  :rolleyes:


Edit: I say 1pp community, but what I really mean Is people who would play on either hive, if only 3pp wasn't an abuse ridden campfest.


Yes your post is so in depth for combatting this imaginary problem, its not just a transparent attempt to belittle 3rd users that anyone with a brain cell or 2 to knock together can see right  through. How about some counterpoints to my arguments instead of weak attempt at propaganda :P


  On 4/17/2014 at 8:18 PM, DarkwaveDomina said:

Even if you did it would be totally irrelevant. What other games do is not the discussion and it's a fallacy of logic.


 OK so why did we need 1:1 mouse input if what other games do is irellivent. It is relevant, it dispays how that view, used in other titles is managed. Its there for a lot more reasons than just "corner peeking" or whatever. Its so much more. Would help a little if you gave me some counterpoints to work with, other than saying im defending corner peeking or finding obscure relations between my avatar and view point :)

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:40 PM, Karmaterror said:

Because it should be done right...I could build you a garage in a day....or spend a week doing it to a much higher standard. Impatience will mess things up more that help imo. Community impatience already saw a half assed combat log system put into effect because they had to put something out there to stop the whining. This could end up the same, so much complaint that they add it just to clam people down. Then we end up living with a half asses system for ages.





What exactly is not right when the problem is fixed ?

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:40 PM, Karmaterror said:

OK so why did we need 1:1 mouse input if what other games do is irellivent. It is relevant, it dispays how that view, used in other titles is managed. Its there for a lot more reasons than just "corner peeking" or whatever. Its so much more. Would help a little if you gave me some counterpoints to work with, other than saying im defending corner peeking or finding obscure relations between my avatar and view point :)

For me better mouse movement is needed because the current implementation is shitty, it's nothing to do with other games. From what I can see that's the same argument people are making for a better implementation of 3PP. As for your avatar I was mostly joking around, but I found it ironic because an avatar like yours might usually be associated with someone who appreciates skill over cheesy mechanics.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:40 PM, Karmaterror said:

Yes your post is so in depth for combatting this imaginary problem, its not just a transparent attempt to belittle 3rd users that anyone with a brain cell or 2 to knock together can see right  through. How about some counterpoints to my arguments instead of weak attempt at propaganda :P


Perhaps I'm just tired of seeing perfectly good logic wasted on people who blatantly only care about maintaining their favorite unbalanced & unrealistic advantage. :rolleyes:


It has all been said already, the cases have been made and I for one am tired of repeating myself to deaf ears.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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This picture shows how easy it is to exploit 3PP.


I managed to set myself up in a position where I can see if someone is coming past or through the door, and I can simply click if I want my shotgun blast to connect as the barrel is pointed and ready to fire. If I move my camera, as well, I can see through a window and down on the plaza of Svet. This is so ridiculously unfair and stupid it is just outrageous.


There is no way anyone can get past this room without dying as I will know before they are even about to come in and I will thus be ready to fire both of my barrels into them or yell out at them to leave!


I just wanted to show how 3PP is so exploitable right now that it is absolutely sickening.


In that screenshot, if I hit enter, I am looking at the wall in 1PP, but somehow in 3PP I can see into a door and a window if I move the camera into the right position.

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:41 PM, gibonez said:

What exactly is not right when the problem is fixed ?

You answered your own question, the answer is simply "because it fixes the problem." :lol:


For all the wordplay and talk, that's precisely what certain 3pp players want to avoid happening.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:41 PM, gibonez said:

What exactly is not right when the problem is fixed ?


Because your fixing 2 things....one that isn't a fix its a break. You fixing the clipping issue.....then breaking 3pp with some strange gamey fog/blur whatever that pops in and out of existence. Yes fix the clipping but no need to rush to this mod because it does that.


Basically one real problem is fixed....then an imaginary problem is "fixed". But that breaks 3pp.



  On 4/17/2014 at 8:43 PM, DarkwaveDomina said:

For me better mouse movement is needed because the current implementation is shitty, it's nothing to do with other games. From what I can see that's the same argument people are making for a better implementation of 3PP. As for your avatar I was mostly joking around, but I found it ironic because an avatar like yours might usually be associated with someone who appreciates skill over cheesy mechanics.


Oh come on....nothing to do with other games. It was the direct comparison of dayz mouse movements to that of common fps that started the whole thing off. When in reality those games had it wrong and arma actually made an effort for realism. As for end bit.....3pp requires a lot more skill than 1pp....just try tailing someone in both views and see exactly what I mean, you cant get half as close when they have access to 3pp as you can when they only have access to 1st :)

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:55 PM, Karmaterror said:

Oh come on....nothing to do with other games. It was the direct comparison of dayz mouse movements to that of common fps that started the whole thing off. When in reality those games had it wrong and arma actually made an effort for realism.

It's usually the people who want to keep the current mouse movement who argue that changing it will make DayZ too much like ego shooters, even though that's a nonsense argument because there's a lot more involved in the gameplay in DayZ than there is in those games. Ego shooters don't have you worrying about nutrition, disease, gear, and so many other things that make a firefight more than just a firefight.

Those of us who want it changing just think the current implementation is crap and needs work, and the devs seem to agree with us. I imagine the people who argue against corner peeking think the current implementation of 3PP is crap and needs work too.



3pp requires a lot more skill than 1pp

You havin' a giggle m8?



just try tailing someone in both views and see exactly what I mean, you cant get half as close when they have access to 3pp as you can when they only have access to 1st  :)

Protip: You can also see behind you in 1PP, it just requires more skill because you might have a backpack that obscures your view and have to maneuver around a bit to watch your six. Tailing someone in 1PP requires more skill because you might actually lose them instead of peeking over every bush and wall and seeing everything they do. Have you even played on hardcore servers much? Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:55 PM, Karmaterror said:

Oh come on....nothing to do with other games. It was the direct comparison of dayz mouse movements to that of common fps that started the whole thing off. When in reality those games had it wrong and arma actually made an effort for realism. As for end bit.....3pp requires a lot more skill than 1pp....just try tailing someone in both views and see exactly what I mean, you cant get half as close when they have access to 3pp as you can when they only have access to 1st 


 Zombie Jesus Christ, back in my DayZ trolling meant something.


If you're serious about thinking 3pp requires more skill, then that's even more amusing. Tracking people in 1pp is MUCH harder, simply because you can't maintain constant line of sight on your target from behind cover, you need to expose yourself to the possibility of being spotted to keep eyes on someone.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:00 PM, TheScruffyBandit said:

 Zombie Jesus Christ, back in my DayZ trolling meant something.


If you're serious about thinking 3pp requires more skill, then that's even more amusing.

Haha, I saw your error before you edited but didn't get a chance to correct you :p

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  On 4/17/2014 at 8:46 PM, Insane Aradia said:



This picture shows how easy it is to exploit 3PP.


I managed to set myself up in a position where I can see if someone is coming past or through the door, and I can simply click if I want my shotgun blast to connect as the barrel is pointed and ready to fire. If I move my camera, as well, I can see through a window and down on the plaza of Svet. This is so ridiculously unfair and stupid it is just outrageous.


There is no way anyone can get past this room without dying as I will know before they are even about to come in and I will thus be ready to fire both of my barrels into them or yell out at them to leave!


I just wanted to show how 3PP is so exploitable right now that it is absolutely sickening.


In that screenshot, if I hit enter, I am looking at the wall in 1PP, but somehow in 3PP I can see into a door and a window if I move the camera into the right position.


That is completely fair game....I clicked on a 3pp on server...I expect that can happen there. If it was to bother me so much id go to a 1st person server. There are many ways (as iv said) to counter that trick you are using....


1 check the windows and pop ur ass while your waiting for me to come through the door.

2 pause outside the door and carefully listen for the sound of breathing, or a "shuffle" of feet as you reposition to scope more

3 since everyone has it....sit in the corridor and do the exact same thing so I can see into your room...or outside the widow....anywhere I can get los inside.


Theres many more that depend on situation to be effective but they generally work every time. Well except using 3rd to scope round, I don't use 3rd in cities I wanna see properly where my gun barrel is pointing.


The bottom line for me is that you can combat any of this with patience and tactics, and MORE EFFORT, just seems some want a safety net for if they do something silly....like barrel into a building they haven't even bothered to do a risk assessment on :)

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:13 PM, Karmaterror said:
The bottom line for me is that you can combat any of this with patience and tactics, and MORE EFFORT, just seems some want a safety net for if they do something silly....like barrel into a building they haven't even bothered to do a risk assessment on :)

That is exactly how I'd describe third person, a safety net for people unwilling or unable to play the game without one. :rolleyes:


it's like a training mode or a bike with stabilizers.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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OK 2 more posts then im out....


Q. Iv heard 3pp described as "playing against a team of wallhackers" would you say this is a fair assessment?

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:41 PM, Karmaterror said:

OK 2 more posts then im out....


Q. Iv heard 3pp described as "playing against a team of wallhackers" would you say this is a fair assessment?

Why don't you argue against people's actual points instead of shit you have heard? I have never said anything like that, myself.

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:44 PM, DarkwaveDomina said:

Why don't you argue against people's actual points instead of shit you have heard? I have never said anything like that, myself.


You don't either....I did like 3 posts packed with points and all you came back with at first was something about my avatar....I had to coax some real answers out of you....lol


Just humour me.... im making a point right now...is that a fair assessment to you....or scruffy?

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:48 PM, Karmaterror said:

You don't either....I did like 3 posts packed with points and all you came back with at first was something about my avatar....I had to coax some real answers out of you....lol


Just humour me.... im making a point right now...is that a fair assessment to you....or scruffy?

What point?  The only argument you've had is you want to be able to peek around corners when you normally shouldn't be able to.  Give us one good reason why you should be able to see something you can't?

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:50 PM, Caboose187 said:

What point?  The only argument you've had is you want to be able to peek around corners when you normally shouldn't be able to.  Give us one good reason why you should be able to see something you can't?


Quote me saying I like to peek.....you really are taking out of your rear end there sorry man. I in fact always (in futility it seems) tell you guys that I use 1st for combat and in cities. But as per usual people either don't read or just hear what they want to so I fit into there little 3rd user stereotype.


So again a direct answer to your question.....something I seem to have a hard time getting here lol



You should be able to see those things when in 3pp but not when in 1pp.....you make that decision upon selecting your server. as I have said quite a few times. Basically, seeing things that way GOES HAND IN HAND WITH 3PP.....WHAT WERE PEOPLE EXPECTING LOL


NORMALLY in 3pp you can see things in this way


NORMALLY in 1pp you cant




That's my point, people are now trying to break 3pp to make it like 1pp......THEY ARE DIFFERENT BY DESIGN !!!


As for the wallhacking thing...........Basically the point I was trying make was that if 3pp is like playing against wallhackers....then is it not logical to assume its gonna be harder against wallhackers than against none wallhackers??.....if anyone answers no to that they need some help lol


Saying pVp is harder in 1pp is flawed logic 101, and simply a biproduct of ego :P


The pic aradia posted shows exactly why its harder ;)

Edited by Karmaterror
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  On 4/17/2014 at 10:25 PM, Karmaterror said:

Quote me saying I like to peek.....you really are taking out of your rear end there sorry man. I in fact always (in futility it seems) tell you guys that I use 1st for combat and in cities. But as per usual people either don't read or just hear what they want to so I fit into there little 3rd user stereotype.


So again a direct answer to your question.....something I seem to have a hard time getting here lol



You should be able to see those things when in 3pp but not when in 1pp.....you make that decision upon selecting your server. as I have said quite a few times. Basically, seeing things that way GOES HAND IN HAND WITH 3PP.....WHAT WERE PEOPLE EXPECTING LOL


NORMALLY in 3pp you can see things in this way


NORMALLY in 1pp you cant




That's my point, people are now trying to break 3pp to make it like 1pp......THEY ARE DIFFERENT BY DESIGN !!!


As for the wallhacking thing...........Basically the point I was trying make was that if 3pp is like playing against wallhackers....then is it not logical to assume its gonna be harder against wallhackers than against none wallhackers??.....if anyone answers no to that they need some help lol


Saying pVp is harder in 1pp is flawed logic 101, and simply a biproduct of ego :P

Then what is your objection to the fourth wall?  If it's not for corner peeking why are you so butthurt about it being wanted?  Never mind, I already know the answer  :rolleyes:

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  On 4/17/2014 at 10:28 PM, Caboose187 said:

Then what is your objection to the fourth wall?  If it's not for corner peeking why are you so butthurt about it being wanted?  Never mind, I already know the answer  :rolleyes:


Oh man good counter points there.....oh no wait....its another attempt at belittlement....so sad.


Also love the way you tell me to answer peoples points then reply without a single relevant point to my arguments. Even thoug it was a direct answer to your question.............. Practice what you preach buddy :P


I will answer your one question/point. Having some magic fog of war is gamey as hell. It would ruin immersion on a big scale, even forcing a blur or PP effect will just look completely stupid.....evidenced by the vid for this mod.


Heres a list of all the points you apparently missed.....maybe il post this way from now on....


1, 3rd is intended to see around/over things by design, changing that is breaking it not fixing it....insert counterpoint

2, you accept that you will have any scenario that could arise from 3pp happen by clicking on that server.....insert counterpoint

3, If you have agreed to this ruleset why are you so buthurt that people use it against you?

4, If you want 3rd to emulate 1st so much why not just play 1st and be done with it?

5,There are less things to factor in when playing 1st person combat vs 3rd..primerily your opponents lack of vision....insert counterpoint

Edited by Karmaterror
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  On 4/17/2014 at 10:47 PM, Karmaterror said:

1, 3rd is intended to see around/over things by design, changing that is breaking it not fixing it....insert counterpoint Where does it state it's intended?  It was intended for ARMA so you can control your AI army

2, you accept that you will have any scenario that could arise from 3pp happen by clicking on that server.....insert counterpoint Getting sniped from someone laying prone on a rooftop using 3pp to gain an advantage, riiight.....

3, If you have agreed to this ruleset why are you so buthurt that people use it against you? I didn't agree to it as there was no option of clicking "I agree"

4, If you want 3rd to emulate 1st so much why not just play 1st and be done with it?  Again telling people to go play 1st person instead  :rolleyes: 

5,There are less things to factor in when playing 1st person combat vs 3rd..primerily your opponents lack of vision....insert counterpoint Less things huh?  You mean like me corner peeking to see where someone is hiding whereas you can't do that in 1st person so, 1) you have to factor exactly where the person is 2) You have to factor in if he's alone 3) You have to factor in using your ears to listen if they are moving.  All of those I can do with 3pp just by corner peeking.

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now we are getting somewhere....


1, Its third person perspective.....third person perspective allows you to see around more freely by definition. 3rd had nothing to do with controlling your AI army....that was the command map ;) Third was third, just another way to play arma.


2,so your butt hurt....we get it.... you KNEW that could happen upon joining that server....yet still made the choice to join. We shouldn't gimp the view because your upset.


3, Weeeeeak.......you agreed by clicking on the server.....maybe we need a box for people like you...."warning you may be shot in a manner that is only possible in 3pp.....because guess what.....your joining a 3pp server"....."do you agree?"


4, Again not telling you to go play first....im literally curious as hell and want a real answer.....if the goal of this mod is to make 3rd behave like 1st....why not play 1st? ....its obvious you don't like 3pp.


5, On a 1pp server I never have to worry that someone has eyes on from a place where I cannot see if I look hard enough....in 3rd they can.....harder pvp....


In 3rd they can run behind a wall then wait out of los with los on me and know exactly when il round the turn....not in 1st though....harder pvp...


Now....using your ears....this is how you beat 3pp users, even if you are using 1st. Its easy to tell if someone is inside a building by doing the proper scouting and listening ;)

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  On 4/17/2014 at 9:48 PM, Karmaterror said:

You don't either....I did like 3 posts packed with points and all you came back with at first was something about my avatar....I had to coax some real answers out of you....lol


Just humour me.... im making a point right now...is that a fair assessment to you....or scruffy?

When I made the mostly-joking comment about your avatar and defence of corner-peeking it was my first in this thread, as far as I can tell I have answered everything you have written to me.

  • I pointed out what I dislike about corner-peeking on lamecore servers
  • You asked me what other games obscure vision outside your LOS, I responded to that
  • You started with some irrelevant stuff about 1:1 mouse movement, I responded to that
  • You continued with rubbish about how 1:1 movement will make DayZ like other shooters, I responded to that
  • You made the most absurd argument yet, that 3PP requires more skill than 1PP, I responded to that

If anything there's a trend of you not responding to my points so far. I answer yours, and instead of responding you move on to a new point.

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  On 4/18/2014 at 2:39 AM, DarkwaveDomina said:

When I made the mostly-joking comment about your avatar and defence of corner-peeking it was my first in this thread, as far as I can tell I have answered everything you have written to me.

  • I pointed out what I dislike about corner-peeking on lamecore servers
  • You asked me what other games obscure vision outside your LOS, I responded to that
  • You started with some irrelevant stuff about 1:1 mouse movement, I responded to that
  • You continued with rubbish about how 1:1 movement will make DayZ like other shooters, I responded to that
  • You made the most absurd argument yet, that 3PP requires more skill than 1PP, I responded to that
If anything there's a trend of you not responding to my points so far. I answer yours, and instead of responding you move on to a new point.


But your points are all lame, rubish, irrelevant and even more absurd.

  Reveal hidden contents

How tastes your own medicin?

So if 3rd person is the the mother of all evil (lame stuff and so on) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . why don't you play on 1st person server?


Maybe 1st person server are too hard for ya-self, hmm?




*btw: is this a contest who's more harder or sth?

In this case I'd request a no person view, the zero vision, like in the film The Book of Eli.

Edited by Ken Bean

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  On 4/18/2014 at 4:28 PM, Ken Bean said:


I'm not sure if you're trolling or just stupid.

Edit: Now I look back, this is really all I had to say. I'm not wasting time on this.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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  On 4/18/2014 at 4:30 PM, DarkwaveDomina said:

The difference between us is that I actually responded to his points, he didn't respond to any of mine and just moved on to his next argument. You haven't responded to any of my points either, so no, that's nothing like "my own medicine". You have not schooled me or anything you silly little child.

Sure I have rtesponded, made them all green. :D Did you read all my posts? Did you respond to all of them? No? ...


  On 4/18/2014 at 4:30 PM, DarkwaveDomina said:

Try reading my posts. I do play on 1st person. I'm not sure if you're trolling or just stupid.

That's fine, problem solved.

Errr, what's your problem with 3rd person then? Shouldn't it be disabled on 1st person server?


  On 4/18/2014 at 4:30 PM, DarkwaveDomina said:

Edit: Now I look back, this is really all I had to say. I'm not wasting time on this.


I knew this would convince you. ;) There's no sword sharper than Eli's sword. :thumbsup:

Edited by Ken Bean

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