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DayZ is dead to me..

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I hoped DayZ would be a success, I'll start off with that I guess.

Some would say it is a success, If your counting how many copies it's sold, that is.

But that's not what I look for in a game, especially in games like DayZ that start with a small idea that ends up becoming something big, I look for dedication. So when I heard that at the end of 2014 he will be permanently leaving the DayZ team I was shocked. After going through years of development he won't be able to fully put his finishing touches on the game. I'm sure DayZ will be fun and all and have everything they promised, but I was hoping for rocket to be the man designing the ways to execute challenges, and be the creative man in charge. Which if course he will be for quite some time. But in a way I don't look at DayZ the same anymore, you know something's wrong when the main dev of the game calls his creative vision "fundamentally flawed" I was very upset.

So what's with all this rambling about you may be asking? We'll if any of you noticed or cared, I've been increasingly less active on the forums, as I've slowly begun to lose interest on it all. So this is a farewell to everyone, I may come back in time, but at the current point in time I'm gone from all this, thanks to everyone who made these forums some of the best times I've ever had.

Farewell everyone.


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don't worry pretty face about nothing kevsta545  :)


DayZ is only game


wait for see full release version after make decide if dayz is great game or fail game


before this nobody know nothing ;)


also rocket giving 3 year of life to bohemia will be 4 year when he going :rolleyes:


is enough, he deserve to take chance with reward money for genius concept and make dream happen start new studio :D


I say good luck to him and good luck to you I hope I see you back in few days saying 'was beer make me do it' :huh:

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So you're saying DayZ is dead to you because Project Lead is leaving when he is not needed anymore, even though the rest of the team is perfectly capable of carrying out the job to the end. I can't say I understand your thinking. Sometimes the guy with the idea is not and cannot be the guy to bring it to reality. Albeit we might miss those nice little Rocket touches of insane difficulty at some point. Lets hope the team has a similar mindset. :)

I also think R is a perfectionist and they are hard to understand as it is.


Anyway it has been fun (best of times DayZ Forums 2012-2014 <3), and continues to be fun. ;) Take care and good luck out there.

I bet you'll be back soon enough :P

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Hello there


The forums will be here for you when and if you decide to come back.


I know of several folk who dont actually play, but still post here for the chums they have made, so perhaps that's an option?


Respect your decision although its always sad to see someone go.


Be careful out there and keep in touch occasionally!





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Rocket needs to go and  the sooner better, he is in fact THE fundamental flaw in DAYZ. I knew it the moment i saw Motorbike helmets. I mean wtf why be working on shit like that and not giving us the vehicles to use them with!!!!!! No lets make 500 different types of clothing instead and let the game quietly die. DAYZ ALPHA = Boring as batshit.

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  On 2/27/2014 at 2:02 AM, SP45M said:

Rocket needs to go and  the sooner better, he is in fact THE fundamental flaw in DAYZ. I knew it the moment i saw Motorbike helmets. I mean wtf why be working on shit like that and not giving us the vehicles to use them with!!!!!! No lets make 500 different types of clothing instead and let the game quietly die. DAYZ ALPHA = Boring as batshit.


It's an ALPHA.  It's not meant to be a fun game to play.

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  On 2/27/2014 at 2:02 AM, SP45M said:

Rocket needs to go and  the sooner better, he is in fact THE fundamental flaw in DAYZ. I knew it the moment i saw Motorbike helmets. I mean wtf why be working on shit like that and not giving us the vehicles to use them with!!!!!! No lets make 500 different types of clothing instead and let the game quietly die. DAYZ ALPHA = Boring as batshit.

Why don't you tell us what you really think

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Hello there


I think we should ignore it as its not relavent to this thread and get back on the topic.


Kevesta's leaving. That's the topic





Edited by orlok
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Well back to the main point, I personally haven't played DayZ much at all in a long while, still haven't bought DayZ Standalone and won't till most likely Beta, but I find the community here pretty good for pretty much everything that isn't DayZ lol It's not gigantic so it's just a mess of constant random topics, but it's not too tiny that you feel like you only see one or two active people. If you feel you gotta nothing else here, it's probably for the best, I mean, why continue to do something you don't like? lol

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I personally think that Dean won't be needed then. He's done a good job pushing the game in areas that are important, specifically netcode, but he's a risk-taker, and that only has so much value down the line. Besides, remember that Dean said it wasn't set in stone; if he needs to stay longer, he will.


I think Dean did a great job bringing the vision to life and will continue to do so... but I also think the current team is more than capable of finishing it.

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I haven't played in a month, but I'm still here.


See-ya, Kev.

Edited by Inception.

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  On 2/27/2014 at 1:32 AM, Kevsta545 said:

I hoped DayZ would be a success, I'll start off with that I guess.

Some would say it is a success, If your counting how many copies it's sold, that is.

But that's not what I look for in a game, especially in games like DayZ that start with a small idea that ends up becoming something big, I look for dedication. So when I heard that at the end of 2014 he will be permanently leaving the DayZ team I was shocked. After going through years of development he won't be able to fully put his finishing touches on the game. I'm sure DayZ will be fun and all and have everything they promised, but I was hoping for rocket to be the man designing the ways to execute challenges, and be the creative man in charge. Which if course he will be for quite some time. But in a way I don't look at DayZ the same anymore, you know something's wrong when the main dev of the game calls his creative vision "fundamentally flawed" I was very upset.

So what's with all this rambling about you may be asking? We'll if any of you noticed or cared, I've been increasingly less active on the forums, as I've slowly begun to lose interest on it all. So this is a farewell to everyone, I may come back in time, but at the current point in time I'm gone from all this, thanks to everyone who made these forums some of the best times I've ever had.

Farewell everyone.



I contend to you that this is not news in the slightest. Dean said he inevitably leave the DayZ team at some point, that he knew he would become a hindrance to the project. Frankly, I don't doubt it it to be true. Oftentimes in the creative process, you learn from current actions even as they unfold.


This isn't his ultimate game, but up until you were disillusioned you loved it anyways. 

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Cheers OP ... Good Luck.


  On 2/27/2014 at 2:02 AM, SP45M said:

Rocket needs to go and  the sooner better, he is in fact THE fundamental flaw in DAYZ. I knew it the moment i saw Motorbike helmets. I mean wtf why be working on shit like that and not giving us the vehicles to use them with!!!!!! No lets make 500 different types of clothing instead and let the game quietly die. DAYZ ALPHA = Boring as batshit.


Sorry, don't want to derail the thread ... but have you ever tried to develop a game or be involved in game development?


Not trying to defend Rocket and his team or start a flame war, but if the models and textures already exist (from say the Arma3 engine or any other source) they are relatively straightforward to put in the game.


Yes it can be frustrating that some game mechanics are not being fixed ... but the chances are pretty high that there is a content team and a development team ... and as is pretty normal, content is easier and faster to create and implement then debugging issues or adding new game mechanics. This is a given in the game development arena ... yes I am talking from experience as I am a managing member of a Independent Game Development Studio.


Anyway ... as Orlok said, sad to see the OP go.

Edited by novogeek

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Isn't this like the 18th time Kev's leaving?

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I haven't played DayZ since just after the alpha got released, I don't really like it that much, but i'm still here.

But if you are going then see ya mate, have a good one!  :thumbsup:

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Why does people makes these threads. When in reality no one cares if one leaves or what ever... If your about to go just go. But people must just want the last bit of attention like this. If someone stops posting people woudnt even notice his gone, goes all of us... expect mods maybe.

No one cares if anyone leaves, really.

Edited by Zeppa
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Stopped reading at 'permanently leaving' to post. This is when I realised that the OP was openly lying about what Dean Hall said. Hence, OP is an idiot. Fail.

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  On 2/27/2014 at 1:32 AM, Kevsta545 said:

I look for dedication.


You´re not dedicated enough to test an alpha.

Close the door when you leave.

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Rocket will always be involved in DayZ in some capacity - i cant see him just cutting ties and saying See Ya.

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The statement "fundamentally flawed" has been discussed and it doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means. To leave because that was your big hangup sounds like you were just looking for an excuse to leave and were grasping at something so you could blame someone specific... which makes no sense to me, but whatever.

Either way, I want this game to succeed, but they really need to stop letting Rocket talk. What he says can be so hard to put into context and always seems to cause a shitstorm.

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  On 2/27/2014 at 9:29 AM, Demoth said:

Either way, I want this game to succeed, but they really need to stop letting Rocket talk. What he says can be so hard to put into context and always seems to cause a shitstorm.


Word, he hardly makes official press statements - what people know is mostly absorbed from conversations in some random stream / interview.

Its always some word of mouth evolving into everyone assuming stuff without real context.

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I have been playing the DayZ mod for enjoyment and the standalone to test out the new stuff as it comes out.

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