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Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002

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That would suggest the devs take note of the feedback page. For a dude on the Dayz team to say "Exp is running awesome" today on twitter is a huge F-you to anyone who has posted a report regarding .42. 


I really don't think anyone is that much of a tool so i put it down to the team not taking note of feedback.


Funny. I keep getting updates about reports I'm following all the time in my in-box.

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Funny. I keep getting updates about reports I'm following all the time in my in-box.


Clearly people are liars too. I just read a bug report that sounded pretty major and no one has made any comment on it, up-voted it, down-voted it, or anything. There are a lot of issues that are getting basically zero attention because nobody is up-voting or making comments or sending in reports. They're coming here and whining instead. My game is running fine, there's not much I can add personally beyond the major bugs that have existed since the outset that are long-term issues.

Edited by AnarchyBrownies

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Hier tut sich auch nixmehr :D

Seit wann hast Du dass bemerkt? xD

Edited by sniperdoc

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So, when can we expect the stable branch today?

Next year. </end sarcasm>

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Clearly people are liars too. I just read a bug report that sounded pretty major and no one has made any comment on it, up-voted it, down-voted it, or anything. There are a lot of issues that are getting basically zero attention because nobody is up-voting or making comments or sending in reports. They're coming here and whining instead. My game is running fine, there's not much I can add personally beyond the major bugs that have existed since the outset that are long-term issues.


Please PM me a link so I can check it out.

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Please PM me a link so I can check it out.

I think it's the feedback thread that said "DayZ is broken"...

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I think it's the feedback thread that said "DayZ is broken"...


"Game crash upon entering big cities."


One of the ones I can't add anything to because it hasn't happened to me.

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"Game crash upon entering big cities."


One of the ones I can't add anything to because it hasn't happened to me.

Doesn't sound too huge to me. Especially if you yourself don't seem to be having the issue. Not saying it isn't an issue... but probably 90% of people that paid for DayZ Standalone aren't posting bugs... and the ones that are, probably know wtf they're doing on a computer. xD

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"Game crash upon entering big cities."


One of the ones I can't add anything to because it hasn't happened to me.


I haven't had that problem either. Only lag when I enter a larger city when playing on my laptop, but that's understandable.

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ok, since you asked, here is today's stable:



Wow, that's totally racist.

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Seit wann hast Du dass bemerkt? xD


Ich glaube, dass es eine neue Entwicklung ist. Hoffentlich. :D

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Gotta say this is a great update....strangely looking forward to the "Content: Farming hoe configured and spawns"


Farming Hoe causes a slightly faster run in exp

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Farming Hoe causes a slightly faster run in exp


The hayfork take one shot to the head to drop a zombie and two or three to the body.  :thumbsup:


However, I would prefer if it had a more stabbity animation.

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The hayfork take one shot to the head to drop a zombie and two or three to the body.  :thumbsup:


However, I would prefer if it had a more stabbity animation.


Yeah my buddy finished zombie by bashing him with hayfork, which did seem tad weird.

Hope devs will iron things out with those desyncs and I will be happy.

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Ich glaube, dass es eine neue Entwicklung ist. Hoffentlich. :D




Farming Hoe causes a slightly faster run in exp


Edited by sniperdoc
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"Game crash upon entering big cities."


One of the ones I can't add anything to because it hasn't happened to me.


Time posted: 2014-03-11 15:47


That one will get a response tomorrow morning and would have without you pointing it out. I'm sorry, but we can't always respond instantly. A game crash that affects one (or maybe two) people is of a lower priority than bugs that affect tens if not hundreds of players.


I'm sure you can understand that.


For the record, past week my colleague Kira and myself have responded to about 500 issues, nearly 50 of which were in fact crashes. That is not counting our very active moderators.

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prepair to war!


haha that's my new thing i say :-P it's orsum

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Time posted: 2014-03-11 15:47


That one will get a response tomorrow morning and would have without you pointing it out. I'm sorry, but we can't always respond instantly. A game crash that affects one (or maybe two) people is of a lower priority than bugs that affect tens if not hundreds of players.


I'm sure you can understand that.


For the record, past week my colleague Kira and myself have responded to about 500 issues, nearly 50 of which were in fact crashes. That is not counting our very active moderators.


Oh no worries I have faith in you guys. My point was that people come on here to complain rather than contribute anything at all to bug reports, which can screw up how bugs get prioritized. If people on here are complaining about a massive amount of bugs, resulting in not being able to play, then they should be reporting them and referring other people on here to the report on the feedback tracker. Yet I see some pretty severe ones that people aren't up-voting or commenting on so how are you guys supposed to know which ones are valid (not simply someone's PC screwing up for ex.). There's an awful lot of complaining on here for people who are given a platform to have changes made to the game.


Like I said, my experience on experimental right now is smooth, there's not a heck of a lot I can add if I can't reproduce issues. It's the complainers on here who should be adding more information to bug reports/adding their own when they're encountering something new.


Anyways, I wasn't knocking you guys at all.

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For the record, past week my colleague Kira and myself have responded to about 500 issues, nearly 50 of which were in fact crashes. That is not counting our very active moderators.

We need more responses like Accolyte's...!!!!



Edited by sniperdoc
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Hmmm i dont think there will be an updated tommorow..... but we'll see....

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Look at it this way guys... unless they push out a new update to Experimental, you KNOW you're not getting an update to stable...

They need to make sure it is, let me get this right here... "STABLE" before they can put it on the public servers. Just a hunch here... I may be wrong!!! But then again...



but in reference to that picture
the handprint on the cheek
the limp wrist of the guy slapping the dude and spread of the fingers
and the ever so slight lean forward by the slapper
and the expressions on both faces...
the hat flying out of his hands
the complete surprise with which the slappee was caught...
f*ck that 15/10
Edited by sniperdoc

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