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Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

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Couldn't agree more. What bothers me is bohemia gave him an upfront signing bonus and the title of project lead with the expectations that he would use the money wisely to open his own studio and hire new people.. He did not.


Instead he chose to use $100,000 of the signing money he made to go climb mt everest.. great..


And yet he still thinks he could go ahead and achieve successful creation of the standalone with just his handful of modder buddies? Get real


Plus dean hall just put zombie skins on the arma2 AI soldiers at first and it became a hit.. There were other arma2 zombie mods at the time that were even better, it just so happened that dayz had a catchy name and a creator who couldn't help but let everyone know about his military background so it just took off.  (in real war dean hall strikes me as the person that would curl up in a ball in a hole and cry for his mommy while holding his helmet). But where it becomes a problem is you cant go on to "STANDALONE" using the same smalltime mod mindset.. If you think about it he really can't do anything developer-wise. He can't even make loot respawn.. sad.. Everything about standalone just screams mod. Breaking your legs is just a prone animation, Melee items are just guns with an effective shot range of 12-36 inches, the new "jump" is just a reskin of the step-over animation.. The new weapon bayonets don't function.. It just seems like they have no clue on how to create something new unless the arma engine supports it. So yeah.. Its still just a mod.. And why wouldn't it be? Its made by modders not by game developers.

You have informed me of many things I did not know before. I didn't even know Rocket spent $100,000 to climb a mountain instead of opening up his own studio. And you're right, Rocket does kind of come off as the loudest chestpounder in the room until the real combat begins where you'll find him conveniently running the other way, but that's just my opinion.


The RV engine doesn't support any kind of melee at all so they will never get melee combat done properly technically or visually. We're to believe that Rocket achieved his dream of designing a game, he gets put on as project lead and the thing he's most concerned with is when he'll go back to NZ? It's probably a convenient excuse for him to get out of dodge before people find out DayZ won't be as great as he's drummed it up to be. He even admitted its a flawed design so why bother continuing then? No doubt he'll try to use his cult following later for his next big idea

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Since it's going to take forever either way for this game to come out, why not just take a few steps back and build it with the ARMA3 engine? At least it will be a smoother and prettier experience when the game reaches full completion in 2015/ 2016...

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I think you have to take a deep breath and realise he's not going to be out of touch from the game for good. A year from now DayZ will be well into its stride and you can't do the same thing forever. It has been a mod and retail success so we should be excited to see what future projects Deans new studio comes up with. We should be excited about this.

To be honest I'm dead jealous, I lived in New Zealand for a year a few years ago and if I had the money and job security I would move back there in a second and not come back. Such a beautiful country you can't not but want to go back there. Ahh miss those DayZ .....

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what does he think is flawed in the SA so far?

which things cant be done if not changing "core fundamental elements"    !


Name those things plz....

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just saying something is flawed and/or broken  IS SO EASY!?




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just saying something is flawed and/or broken  IS SO EASY!?




Or to shorten the list.. what isn't


Plus dean hall leaving might be the best thing thats ever happened to this game..Do you we really want someone who's heart isn't 100% into it leading our favorite game??The last thing we need is some guy with a glass is half empty attitude .To say that he can't make the changes to the game that everyone is hoping for is like a skinny girl crying saying that she is fat

Edited by randalmcdaniels

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Ill just quote Dean Hall one more time in this thread...on the "flawed" thing:


I am saying I do not believe DayZ is the ultimate multiplayer game. I'm rather surprised people think the concept is so amazing, because it's about 20% of what I believe an amazing concept would be. I'm not saying the DayZ concept is flawed in itself - but compared to my ideal of the "ultimate" game it is not.

Please remember: these quotes are tiny selections from a four hour long discussion about DayZ and my future plans. The two things have nothing to do with each other, I want to go home to New Zealand. And in future, I want to do my best to make the ultimate MP game one day.


That was one comment made in the middle of a four hour interview :)

What I'm referring to there, is that I see DayZ as having elements of the "ultimate multiplayer experience" but I was discussing with the interviewer all the things that I did not think were perfect about DayZ. We were discussing the ways in which I believe the concept - the core design - that I came up with is flawed. There are things the game cannot do because of the way I designed it. These are important lessons that I take heed of.

However, they don't detract from the game at all, and indeed to change these would dramatically change the game and not necessarily for the better (for example: I could just be completely wrong). The DayZ game should head in the direction it is, but any future game I make should take into account what I feel are flaws in my previous design(s).


Where did I say I was not happy with what I created?

I find flaws in everything I do. Even the way I travel to work, I critique the way I drive constantly, attempting to minimize risk. For me, to look at a concept and identify it's core faults is as natural as breathing.

Also, I did not write the article. I discussed DayZ with a journalist who was visiting the studio over three days. The interview in question lasted about four hours.



You call people who have legitimate concerns over wasting their money on a broken game


No, I did no such thing. As hurtful as your comments are to me: they completely undermine the efforts and commitments made by the large team who have been working very long hours on DayZ for some time. Saying that my departure from a lead position will not deliver on the promise is directly saying these people do not have the capability to deliver.

Say what you want about me, but the team does not deserve such hateful comments. My ego is not so big that I think the project could not carry on without me. While I believe I am useful and I contribute value as both a designer and a leader, it is unfair to think that others will not be able to meet that role. I need to balance the value to the project of me remaining with the need to be with my family and return home.

The greatest gift I can give the project, and the team, is a longterm vision and culture that would survive long after I am gone. If I have done my job right, I will have forever changed those involved in the project. That is leadership, to grow a team to the point they no longer need you. I'm proud of the people I have worked with. I am proud of what they are accomplishing. And I am proud to say that I can see a day when I am not needed. That is very hard for me to accept, but I know that the day must come. That day is good for the project. That day will not be a pleasant one for me.


Edited by LaughingJack
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Or to shorten the list.. what isn't


Plus dean hall leaving might be the best thing thats ever happened to this game..Do you we really want someone who's heart isn't 100% into it leading our favorite game??The last thing we need is some guy with a glass is half empty attitude .To say that he can't make the changes to the game that everyone is hoping for is like a skinny girl crying saying that she is fat

i am happy that he leaves after reading that fuck he said bout taking risks and pushing others to the limit!

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I'm missing something, what's wrong with the Real Virtuosity 4 (RV4) game engine?


The Mod ran on RV3 well enough. They have all that content from RV3, why can't they write a script to convert the mods RV3 code to RV4 and at least have all the mods features available. Then leave it to server admins to figure out what they run, and players where they join? Rocket or not, you'd think they'd be able to do that much.


I thought that they started SA to surpass the Mod, I can't understand why the Mod's features are still missing at this point.

It is clear a majority of people have no idea of what goes on in a development pipeline and what the term Alpha means. So much is evident in that post and many other posts talking about DayZ "needs this", "must do this" and "<insert expectation here>".

While I agree that RV3(4) is terrible usability wise and interface wise, it's a rather phenomenal engine. I don't see any engines other than maybe Skyrim's doing what DayZ does, and even then, Skyrim doesn't even come close.

All I see is a lot of "hootin' and a hollerin'" about things people have no knowledge of. No one here is a mind reader and no one here is a psychic that can predict the future... period. Some of the reactions on here are like a 13 year old that had someone piss in his cereal.

The game is in alpha, Dean's going to stay on as an advisor. That's all that we know. We can speculate, and we can try to guess... but that's all it is. Until we get more concrete information, that's the matter at hand.

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DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall has said that he plans to step down as the head of the popular open-world survival game before the end of this year, and will start a new studio in New Zealand.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Hall called himself a grenade with a specific use. "I'm really good at risk-taking and making other people take risks," he said. "I've always been good at that in my life. Like you say, maybe I've got the gift of the gab, so I can talk, I can explain something, I can talk people up to the ledge and get them to jump off it."

"But eventually, that's the bad person to have. Eventually, you don't want the guy telling you to go over the top and get through. So at some point I'll be a disaster for the project, at least in a leadership role."

"And also, I never intended to be here," continued Hall, who originally intended to spend a few months working at Bohemia as a break from the New Zealand army: he's now been at the developer for over two years. "It's kind of like cooking in someone else's kitchen: I don't want to be constantly telling Bohemia that this is how I do it and this is the way we do it," he said.

Hall said that his original plan was to leave Bohemia before 2014, but said that doing so would have been unfair to the community--the game has now been played by more than 1.5 million people. "I have to be on the project as long as it's important to," he said. "Whether that role is as the leader, whether that role is in a more creative sense... But at a certain point there will be diminishing returns."

"The thing is, if I'm involved in the project, I'll be fighting anybody on the project to make sure it's good, so for the rest of the year, I'm there. And I don't just sit around; it doesn't matter if I'm the cleaner or the leader or whatever, I will be making sure--I will be in Marek's [spanel, CEO] office yelling at him. I'm notorious for it."

When Hall leaves, then, development of the popular survival title will pass to the rest of the team at Bohemia. For his new studio in New Zealand, Hall says that he's already cooking up some ideas--he has three ideas ready, and is working on two more.

Hall says the new ideas have "similar DNA" to DayZ, because he's fascinated in that type of game. "I feel like DayZ is a fundamentally flawed concept," he said, "and I've always recognised that. It's not the perfect game; it's not the multiplayer experience, and it never can be, [with] the absolute spark that I want in it."


"I feel like DayZ is a fundamentally flawed concept," he said, "and I've always recognised that. It's not the perfect game; it's not the multiplayer experience, and it never can be, [with] the absolute spark that I want in it."

Why did Dean even start bothering with DayZ in that case?

Edited by DayzForumer
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Oh nooooooooooooo. I would doubt the quality of Dayz after Dean leave

Edited by ColByKid

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The only flaws I see here are in Rocket’s lame excuses.


A few questions came in my mind after reading his statements on Eurogamer and his formal apology letter on Reddit:


When he starts to develop his climbing game by his own studio, will he say after a couple of months since the early access that his project is flawed and he will dump it after 10 months?


If BI makes him a new offer with increased percentage of royalties, will he change his mind and stay until final release?


If homesickness is your problem, I think you could somehow sort this out with the BI and work from NZ after you’ve completed, let’s say the 80%, of the work needs to be done.


You are a self-proclaimed leader, but a true leader doesn’t quit. At least not until the job is done. Not to mention that you are way too cocky and unstable for a developer who has only participated on only one game and that’s for the Alpha stage only.


You haven’t hurt fan’s feelings, you’ve mostly hurt your credibility and lost a big chance for your name to be written with golden letters in history of multiplayer gaming.


Just make sure you won’t come back crawling to BI and fans asking for a second chance. You’ll reap what you sow.



Good luck with whatever you are planning to do.



PS I think it's time to change this: 29fz1pk.png






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The only flaws I see here are in Rocket’s lame excuses.


A few questions came in my mind after reading his statements on Eurogamer and his formal apology letter on Reddit:


When he starts to develop his climbing game by his own studio, will he say after a couple of months since the early access that his project is flawed and he will dump it after 10 months?


If BI makes him a new offer with increased percentage of royalties, will he change his mind and stay until final release?


If homesickness is your problem, I think you could somehow sort this out with the BI and work from NZ after you’ve completed, let’s say the 80%, of the work needs to be done.


You are a self-proclaimed leader, but a true leader doesn’t quit. At least not until the job is done. Not to mention that you are way too cocky and unstable for a developer who has only participated on only one game and that’s for the Alpha stage only.


You haven’t hurt fan’s feelings, you’ve mostly hurt your credibility and lost a big chance for your name to be written with golden letters in history of multiplayer gaming.


Just make sure you won’t come back crawling to BI and fans asking for a second chance. You’ll reap what you sow.



Good luck with whatever you are planning to do.



PS I think it's time to change this: 29fz1pk.png

No. He really hurts my feelings, he hurt all fan's feeling, he hurts his "baby". Now i'm really sad about this news. I feel like Dayz will be incomlete without him. Really sad.

Anyway Dean Hall, good luck with your plan in future.

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In DayZ: we're tough! We can take on zombies and bandits and drink infected blood for breakfast!

In DayZ forums: oh noes! What will we ever do without Dean Hall. *cries*

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