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About Estevacio

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  1. What i always say Engineers, engineers everywhere..
  2. Estevacio

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    have you guys noticed the lag due to a lot of people is almost gone?? at least comparing to a few months back it was impossible to be on a 40 ppl server(or i might have been lucky with the servers,there are some where it still is impossible)
  3. Estevacio

    Erm, did something change with fireplaces

    well, i did have the matches, i tried on 5 diferente servers with diferente fireplace kits(sticks, logs,paper) and diferent áreas(under roofs, on the street,on the forest) and it did not give me an option
  4. Estevacio

    Black screen while game still running

    hey man there is a thread around here(and a lot more) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176140-crash-to-destkop-game-minimizes/page-2?hl=%2Bcrash+%2Bto+%2Bdesktop#entry1811171 there are some suggestions to lower some settings and get longer play times but at the moment the game crashes on certain GPU's i have recently upgraded my 260M to a 750Ti and i still haven't had a crash(played around 4 hours) but sometimes on my old card i could play for days without it crashing so, still trying it out what seemed to help me most was disabling anti aliasing and post processing like that give it a shot man!!
  5. Estevacio

    Erm, did something change with fireplaces

    Hey man the same is happening here, must be an issue with the current build
  6. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Hello guys My 260m just got updated to a 750ti, i have played yesterday for half hour and it was smooth, will try to confirm the crash or the absence of it!
  7. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    yeah,seems random, usually restarting the computer helped me to get longer sessions but it would always crash when i was with friends in the proximity for too long! currently the devs are fixing the client side crash as they said it in the devtracker,lets hope it has something to do with us aswell!!
  8. Estevacio

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Hey man, still no solution at this time after you get the crash if you alt+tab before it automatically takes you to the desktop you can see the warning that the driver crashed
  9. this is a troll cave! Anyone who likes and understands the game should leave this forsaken place, the trolls turn to stone at the first light now Run!!
  10. Estevacio

    Unbearable FPS

    hello mate, your specs get to the recommended? i remember that problem being somewhat regular a few months ago, the game lags and then it looks like minecraft right? check for GPU drivers or try to verify the cache of the game on steam
  11. Estevacio

    Graphics error when it rains

    make sure your GPU drivers are up to date, also try to check cache of the game on steam, might be something corrupted?
  12. Estevacio

    Character resets

    Hey man Yesterday the servers were not working correctly, if you logged in at that time, it may have caused the reset another thing is, some servers are not connected to the central hive(by error) and if you keep joining those servers you will reset everytime you log to it(or any other) choose a server, give it a few laps, disconnect, reconnect, check if everything is the same as you left, and stick it to your favorites Got ninja'd!!!
  13. no man. You gotme wrong, i do not touch the gamma, the part i do not enjoy is others exploiting it, i love night time, the background sounds scare me sh*tless, have you guys ever tried with headphones??you hear weird stuff
  14. i dont mind pitch black darkness but with the gamma exploit it is hard to enjoy it! Absent moon at night you can´t even see your hand in front of you, moon cycles could bring an end to all those "too dark" "too grey" opinions!
  15. aha you got to admit it was a great surprise on this update!!