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Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.33.114782

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Loosing the char dont really bother me, im kinda bored of looting up and killing high level characters. I squad wiped a whole team the other week while playing solo, took at 6 all on my own while moving and playing the waiting game.

Im basically bored after 132hrs straight and i cant be bothered to play after this new patch just to try one new gun lol like the SKS...(yawn).


lol.. what?  HIgh level characters?  squad wipe?  This isn't BF4 son..

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Is there going to be a fix for zombies running through stuff like walls and fences, etc.?

No this is100% definetely permanent feature

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love the new animations but the sound for the magnum sucks =/

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Is there going to be a fix for zombies running through stuff like walls and fences, etc.?

IRL zombies can actually run through walls and fences.. it's a perk of being a Zed.

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I cant attack on experimental servers. I tried to wave my fists and nothing happened. I found a baseball bat, equipped it and pressed space and sill nothing happened. 


I respawned couple of times and after all that i still cant attack. 


P.S. I tried to jump of factory twice and each time i survived (didnt break my leg)

What the hell is happening? Anyone with similar symptoms?

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i was playing with my friends this late January around 29th or so.

i had a nice character with some very lame gear but i liked my location etc etc.

i logged in and my character wiped completely... what did i do? i loged out and checked and yes my character had been wiped from simply joining a server.


i joined a new server with few ppl (5) and 50 ping  very nice, i ran to elektro and had some Serious Rubberbanding on the way.

i ran to the firestation and grabbed a few items and geared up nicely.


then the server restarted, okay i rejoined the server. my chracter got a completely new Spawn, completely wiped and spawned at the coast.




Why aint anyone Fixing this Bullshit?

im Sick and Tired of this Shit!


What the Hell is Wrong?

is the new patch somehow doing this? is there more Damage being dealt than Good from patching?


Ive had Enough! How can rocket not Recruit like 1000 people to Fight for fixing this game rather than swiming in our money and doing Squat to fix the game, At least make it PLAYABLE !!!


MAKE  THE  GAME  PLAYABLE!! i dont care about Content, i just want to be able to fkn PLAY!


How Hard is it to make the game Playable?

Just to be able to Spawn with your Gear, Not Get Wiped every time you relog and For God sakes Fix that damn Zombie bug, i keep seeing Zombies hitting the air trying to kill themselves.

Just Copy Paste the DayZMod Zombies while your Shitty zombies are still in Alpha!  Jesus chirst this is driving me insane.


Its Not much to ask to be able to play a game wich i paid $30

Simply be able to play.


Cut all this Content , Delete the entire content, Never include vehicles and Never include anything new ALL i ask is that i can actualy Login and Play without Piece of SHIT Bugs Fucking me over.


Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!


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MAKE  THE  GAME  PLAYABLE!! i dont care about Content, i just want to be able to fkn PLAY!

Its Not much to ask to be able to play a game wich i paid $30

Simply be able to play.

Cut all this Content , Delete the entire content, Never include vehicles and Never include anything new ALL i ask is that i can actualy Login and Play without Piece of SHIT Bugs Fucking me over.

Just Let us Play the Damn game!



(et cetera et cetera)



Just wait for release.


Don't rant here again.

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How Hard is it to make the game Playable?

Just to be able to Spawn with your Gear, Not Get Wiped every time you relog and For God sakes Fix that damn Zombie bug, i keep seeing Zombies hitting the air trying to kill themselves.

Just Copy Paste the DayZMod Zombies while your Shitty zombies are still in Alpha!  Jesus chirst this is driving me insane.


Its Not much to ask to be able to play a game wich i paid $30

Simply be able to play.


Cut all this Content , Delete the entire content, Never include vehicles and Never include anything new ALL i ask is that i can actualy Login and Play without Piece of SHIT Bugs Fucking me over.


<sigh>  Yet another one..


Someone else wanna explain the state of the game to this guy?  


@Aruze - Just come back in a few months, check on it's progress, if it's still not up to par for you, come back a few more months down the road.  All the bugs, glitches, etc., are not going to be fixed overnight.  It's going to take time.. and with that, patience.  Sure, the game can be frustrating from time to time.  But that's part of the deal you signed up for when you laid down $30 to buy it.  You should have had full understanding of what you were buying.  Myself, I am loving the game and the progress being made along the way.  It's only going to get better as time goes on.


Glad to be a part of DayZ SA Alpha, growing into the awesome game that it will be.. and is.   :)

Edited by Antykain

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If your characters decides to vault or lunge ahead when trying to grab a ladder, simply turn around and your character will vault onto the roof. I've NEVER died in a ladder while using this trick. Without the trick is a different story tho :P

However, I haven't had an issue with the ladders since the last patch. They work quite fine for me, and the character doesn't vault/lunge around anymore.


my problem hasn't been character vaulting while trying to use ladder, it's been unable to actually stand on solid ground after climbing up, as in he gets up the ladder and then just kinda slides into the ladder hole and falls to his death, no amount of movement halts it. doesnt happen with all ladders, most noticed with tennant building tops

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my problem hasn't been character vaulting while trying to use ladder, it's been unable to actually stand on solid ground after climbing up, as in he gets up the ladder and then just kinda slides into the ladder hole and falls to his death, no amount of movement halts it. doesnt happen with all ladders, most noticed with tennant building tops

Yes i have this problem, luckily i take no fall damage

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Hoarding is not possible with server hopping and ghosting. In other words, you can be safe defending your camp/base till small group of attackers hop through few servers and spawn just in the middle of your camp/base. (Surprise mother$&@%#*!!!)

This is why each server needs its own database. In the Mod, you could only hop through a few connected hives. Once Rocket implements respawning loot and zombies, he'll be able to single out each server, so no more server hopping.

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Confirmed: Servers + Hive are back online,   


I have my character back from a few hours ago..  :thumbsup:

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i was playing with my friends this late January around 29th or so.

i had a nice character with some very lame gear but i liked my location etc etc.

i logged in and my character wiped completely... what did i do? i loged out and checked and yes my character had been wiped from simply joining a server.


i joined a new server with few ppl (5) and 50 ping  very nice, i ran to elektro and had some Serious Rubberbanding on the way.

i ran to the firestation and grabbed a few items and geared up nicely.


then the server restarted, okay i rejoined the server. my chracter got a completely new Spawn, completely wiped and spawned at the coast.




Why aint anyone Fixing this Bullshit?

im Sick and Tired of this Shit!


What the Hell is Wrong?

is the new patch somehow doing this? is there more Damage being dealt than Good from patching?


Ive had Enough! How can rocket not Recruit like 1000 people to Fight for fixing this game rather than swiming in our money and doing Squat to fix the game, At least make it PLAYABLE !!!


MAKE  THE  GAME  PLAYABLE!! i dont care about Content, i just want to be able to fkn PLAY!


How Hard is it to make the game Playable?

Just to be able to Spawn with your Gear, Not Get Wiped every time you relog and For God sakes Fix that damn Zombie bug, i keep seeing Zombies hitting the air trying to kill themselves.

Just Copy Paste the DayZMod Zombies while your Shitty zombies are still in Alpha!  Jesus chirst this is driving me insane.


Its Not much to ask to be able to play a game wich i paid $30

Simply be able to play.


Cut all this Content , Delete the entire content, Never include vehicles and Never include anything new ALL i ask is that i can actualy Login and Play without Piece of SHIT Bugs Fucking me over.


Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

Just Let us Play the Damn game!

You can play this game, servers are online ;) But If you don't need content, maybe you should try Gary's Mod, MW3 or BF4?

It's sad that sometimes game in ALPHA-state is unplayable, due to desyncs, server lag, etc., but  DayZ crew warns about this everywhere. Did you missed it? You did read Steam feedback or community forums, didn't you? :D


On Steam:


Same warning if you try to buy DayZ via dayzgame.com website (but this time in red box):




Enjoy what you have and hope that the game-play will improve over time.

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Yes i have this problem, luckily i take no fall damage

Pressing V while char is sliding down the ladder helped me so far. Char just does a step over and gets knee deep in roof textures, but doesn't die. :)

(I'm talking about rooftops of 9 storey buildings in Dubky)



This is why each server needs its own database. In the Mod, you could only hop through a few connected hives. Once Rocket implements respawning loot and zombies, he'll be able to single out each server, so no more server hopping.

Wouldn't it be fun if hive consisted of sectors (2x3, 3x3, 4x4, etc. )? Each sector would have it's own server, cover different part of the map and you could only jump to neighboring sector/server. To make things more crazy, there should be few different map sets or even randomly generated big areas divided in sectors.

You'd have to cooperate with other survivors to survive, build bases and protect your stash. It's like TWD, but in Chernarus :)

Edited by Simplicity

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Hey Aruze the spaz...let me guess?


you are picking random servers and possibly sketchily named servers?


Considering im running on a several weeks old character, as well as many thousands of other players.


You have yet to grasp the search function in the forum or the common sense approach.


1. - Alpha (you bought a not complete game, with full warning!)

2. - servers had some sync issues (follow the forums, dev twitter, rocket twitter, simple)

3. - pick these servers only vilayer.com, fragnet, mpgs, and anything else that you see MANY of (gameservers had some issues recently though...so ive shied away)

4. - calm the fuck down kid

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cant find information in the bugtracker... is the roofbug on top of the firehouses fixed where u instantly dying if u lay down there for 2-3 minutes? happend to me last night on the NWAF.... 3 times on 2 diffrent servers where im alone on.

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Whenever i go up a ladder i fall back down to my death


Not on the experimental build you don't. I have yet to die from falling. My friend and I both tested it last night and neither of us were able to die from a fall of any height.

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