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Gandalf the White (DayZ)

Reaction On Dying

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If killed by other player I hadn't spotted : hit respawn button.


If killed by zombie due to my doing something stupid : minor swearing + hit respawn button.


If killed by Arma : epic swearing + go play something else for a while.

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Last night I got super pissed off. I was watching some bandits on a hospital. My friend tells me they are shooting at someone. I figure its not me. No flashes from their guns or sounds of bullets hitting around me. I take a few shots at them with my mosin to help me friend out of that situation. Along with the chamber one bullet bug and no idea where my shots are even landing I decide to run off there is nothing I can do. Next thing I know I am bleeding for no reason and still no shots that I can hear no bullet spray no damage sounds from my guy just complaints of blood on my clothes. Next thing I know I can check a body while I'm running away. I press F and see all my loot. I am looting my own body which made no sense. A minute later I pass out. I ask someone to check my connection info and I'm constantly desyncing but my ping is fine I have no clue whats going on. I recover and get up bandage myself check with the guys in town if I'm being followed wait about 10 minutes then just logged. We all went to a new server which happened to be night time. I run into town and the next thing I know I'm being chase by 5 zombies well okay no problem trying to run and switch to hatchet however my guy just stands there and switches and I get really pissed off next thing I know I am surrounded being pummeled on by these things and I'm knocked out. I self recover some how to find out im still surrounded and there is no way to escape. I don't recover this time. My friends arrive to where I was but they don't see me. One of the zombies pushed my body away and I just rage and clicked respawn and quit the game. Sometimes the games issues just get to you.

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My latest reaction: "Well f**k this, never helping someone again, KoS it is"

Edited by Blissful
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It's kinda funny cause for a week straight I was dieing twice a day... I got really good at gearing up during this period.  My current Character is going on 2.5 weeks alive... I haven't climbed a ladder for 2.5 weeks ;p

Those ladders are the most devious and evil things in the game.

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*sigh* "Welp, time to do it all over again."

Whether it's to a bug or another player, getting attached to your gear and raging after losing it is counterproductive imo.


I just look at it as, you WILL eventually die anyway it's just a matter of time.  ;)

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Dying? Whats that. Ive been alive for the past 97 gamehours.

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I calmly rise from the computer, leave the room, and domestically abuse my significant other.


"Dayz:  Causing spousal abuse since 2009"

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I calmly rise from the computer, leave the room, and domestically abuse my significant other.


"Dayz:  Causing spousal abuse since 2009"


Domestic Violence related to gaming? Have my beans!


*Looks at his can* Sorry, ate it all :(

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I used to get really really mad and curse and have to walk away. That was for like my first 20 hours of playing. After that...I die significantly less often and my reaction is usually "Oh well, whatever". To quote a wise unknown Day Z player: "Don't get attached to your gear". 

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Dying? Whats that. Ive been alive for the past 97 gamehours.


Says the player hiding in Palona. 

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Last time I died, I said "i'm dead" with the same sort of chipper, upward inflection that a waitress would use to wish you a good day. There may have been a bit of surprise in my voice too. I'm about 90% sure I desync'd and shot myself that time. It's hard to get mad when you don't even know what happened, I guess.


I was more annoyed watching my friend die the day before, someone ran up, shot him with a magnum, and ran off before I knew what'd happened. I was feet away, with an M4, and if I'd been on the ball that hit and run wouldn't have happened. So that stings, but more than losing any of my own characters ever has.

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That's pretty much the gist of it.

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1. I pull some sort of face

2. Wife takes pic(s)

3. Wife taunts me

4. I turn off pc

5. I go play fetch with the dog, check around for tuna cans





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depends. I dont get too mad anymore and embrace my freshness after a dead. Sometime i laugh my ass off dying because the circumstances where so hillarious and congratulate my killer via voice chat and wish him a pleasent night.  :D

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Oh man.....  regeared decide to take a look at offices, climb a ladder a buggy one... try to hit f as much as i can to not fall...  than fell from aproximately 2 meters ...

"you are dead" oh man.... fuck this shit, I'll be back when atleast ladders are fixed and zombies can't walk thru walls, hope its going to be soon.

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Fully geared and ready to begin a life of banditry when I encounter a ladder...


Yes, I know, I'm a little sissy. But, at least you won't find me whining on the forums about bugs on an alpha game and yell out that I'm going to stop playing until a certain issue has been fixed.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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Did you where in  Elektro ? In a corner of a room in a building at the first floor with the door closed ?

No, I was in Berezino near hospital.

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Normally I don't give a shrug when I die, its part of the game... regardless if I have any good gear or not.

That being said, I was quite enraged a single time. I've was pretty well geared up, just logged in and was about go on a trip around the map.

I went into a factory building as I needed to sort my inventory, suddenly a zombie glitches through the wall... half of his body was in the ground.

He was moving extremely fast and attacked me straight with that "jump attack"... guess what, I instantly fell down unconscious (I did not wear a helmet).

End of the story: That zombie basically killed me with a single strike, in a matter of seconds. I had no chance to react xD


That was the only time where I felt enraged...

Edited by YassirX

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Says the player hiding in Palona. 


Upper left corner of the map. In the woods, surviving.  <_<

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