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About -DMG-Jonesy

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    Hunting on the PVE Server.
  1. -DMG-Jonesy

    .58 Player DeSync

    I haven't experienced any of these issues, and I haven't seen any other complaints, so it's possible the issue is isolated to you, and perhaps a small minority (who for whatever reason aren't reporting it?) Nice job, tossing in the snide little dig at the developers though, I'm sure that will sway them to your aid. Also- bug reporting section.
  2. -DMG-Jonesy

    Tactical bacon is actually real..!?

    My wife has a bunch. It's passable, not bad. Very, very greasy. And a little rubbery.
  3. -DMG-Jonesy

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    The value of trucks is almost off the charts for some players. It makes them irresistible bait. My groups new favorite hobby is to park one in the middle of the road between Kamy and Berenzio, hobble it (remove one front tire, strip battery/plug) and then wait. We toss some food into it, maybe a canteen, etc. Fresh spawns we let take what they need, geared dudes (and dudettes, we're equal opportunity) we pick off. More loot for the wandering freshies.
  4. -DMG-Jonesy

    Where to find Truck Batterys?

    After about three hours of searching I found one in the little shed about ten feet from a truck in Pogorevka. Still no glow plugs.
  5. I'm renting a private shard server to avoid this. Find my loots, build a camp, get cozy, and then remove the password. Additional bonus: No ghosting players because I'm on an isolated shard.
  6. Just because your idea is "simple," that doesn't mean instituting it will be. It ain't going to happen. There are a myriad number of ways around ANY "simple" solution you can come up with, short of having a guard physically standing behind each player to make sure they abide by your convoluted rule set.
  7. -DMG-Jonesy

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    I upgraded from 8.1 to 10, but found some compatibility issues with my installed software. So I used the media creation device to make an ISO and did a fresh W10 install. Definitely feels smoother in DayZ than W8.1. Though my wife is still running Windows 7 and seems to plays with the same smoothness. ( I also forced the upgrade. To hell with waiting for microsoft. )
  8. I find them everywhere. Pub, garages, kitchen tables.
  9. -DMG-Jonesy

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    The game IS about theft, and that's why I KOS anyone wearing ANYTHING other than full on bambi starter gear. Anything you have on, you looted. It's not yours. You thieving scum. So I kill you. Then I take your stuff and either disperse it throughout the land, or hold onto it until the rightful owner returns. I don't want your stuff. I just don't want you to have it. http://youtu.be/REDvY4zUVrc?t=3m49s
  10. Anyone pretending that acquiring the amount of gear a "long-term survivor" has takes more than two hours to find is either: A. Full of shit. B. Full of themselves. C. Really, really, truly bad at scavenging. The wipe isn't punishing anyone, nothing you have now can't be replaced by walking around and finding it again. Get over yourselves.
  11. It's not being done solely to combat dupers. If it were, wipes would be occurring more often. The tone I'm getting out of this is a lot of petulance. Entitlement even, loathe as I am to use the term. Regardless, at the end of the day, we're here to test the game. Not acquire and collect loot. Wipes should be expected as a necessary component of testing. Don't turn in to Smeagol, people.
  12. It ruins nothing. The gear is all pixels, and you can find it all again. This game is basically a scavenger hunt- not an episode of hoarders. Hunting for stuff is the (currently) the best part of this game.
  13. -DMG-Jonesy

    Helicopter crash differences

    Found a grenade in the Persistent Helicopter Crash site yesterday.
  14. We get it. You're a duper. And you think it's okay, because others are doing worse things. But duping is cheating, "hacking" is cheating. They're one in the same. You're a cheater, regardless of how you spin it. Hey, what happens when someone who doesn't cheat runs into you with your infinite ammo? Do you pause after every thirty shots, and pretend to reload? Didn't think so. ( Spare me whatever rationalization you've got queued up for that scenario. ) This clean wipe is going to hurt all the cheaters, Yourself included. Nobody else is going to feel bad about it for you. Your real issue here seems to be frustration at not being able to re-dupe your ammo after the wipe, which just suggests you're not as smart as some of the other cheaters. Which in all honesty, was fairly obvious from this series of "duping ain't so bad" posts.
  15. -DMG-Jonesy

    Hell of a DayZ (fan film) - Live Action

    Not often, guy