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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

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Haha, I was only kidding. Hackers are everywhere; those who deny this are in la-la land. I was killed by a hacker the other day. I ran back to my body, and we ended up talking. He informed me that he paid $15 for an executable file that hooked the DayZ.exe or something along those lines (I run cranes, I'm not that computer savvy beyond putting one together). I asked him what the program could do, so he directed me to the website he bought them from. I'm not going to link said website, but here's a copy/paste of some of the "features":


Teleport (Player and other players)
Item/Gun Spawner
Aim Boxes/Bot
God Mod
No recoil
Infinite ammo
Speed hacks - 300% faster run
Ammo box spawner
No clip
Execution script
Drop all players/npcs
Disarm everyone
No grass
Speed Shot - 150% faster shooting
So yeah, there are definitely no hackers in the game, right guys?  :rolleyes:




Please tell me you have reported said website to the Devs because doing nothing is just as bad as letting them win. At least if the devs get hold of the executable they may be able to dissect it and see the code used and add it to battle eye. this way any fool who pays the money to get it will get really pissed off when they get globally banned for the privelige. No doubt they will cry to staff begging to be unbanned and say they didnt do anything wrong blah blah blah, but if they got it and battle eye detects it they are caught bang to rights and they lose $15 as well as the cost of dayz too

Edited by archamedes

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what if you (devs) did a wipe AND don't fix the heli crash for a week, so there are no m4's. then tweak the system to detect people picking up m4's for said time. i guess it might be complicated if they just spawned them in and left them on the ground for an unsuspecting person to pick up, though. does anyone know if it spawns it right on top of the person? maybe a proximity check of players when an M4 magically appears? then insta ban. It certainly might not stop all the spawning but it might start giving the hackers something to think about before doing it. maybe this could be implemented covertly with other things too... since things get broken from updates it could go under their radar... i hope i didnt just give away a strategy that has already been thought of!

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what if you (devs) did a wipe AND don't fix the heli crash for a week, so there are no m4's. then tweak the system to detect people picking up m4's for said time. i guess it might be complicated if they just spawned them in and left them on the ground for an unsuspecting person to pick up, though. does anyone know if it spawns it right on top of the person? maybe a proximity check of players when an M4 magically appears? then insta ban. It certainly might not stop all the spawning but it might start giving the hackers something to think about before doing it. maybe this could be implemented covertly with other things too... since things get broken from updates it could go under their radar... i hope i didnt just give away a strategy that has already been thought of!

You think it's a shitstorm of complaining now, HA, take m4's out for a lil bit and GG, let the tsunami of complaints roll in.

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Haha, I was only kidding. Hackers are everywhere; those who deny this are in la-la land. I was killed by a hacker the other day. I ran back to my body, and we ended up talking. He informed me that he paid $15 for an executable file that hooked the DayZ.exe or something along those lines (I run cranes, I'm not that computer savvy beyond putting one together). I asked him what the program could do, so he directed me to the website he bought them from. I'm not going to link said website, but here's a copy/paste of some of the "features":


Teleport (Player and other players)
Item/Gun Spawner
Aim Boxes/Bot
God Mod
No recoil
Infinite ammo
Speed hacks - 300% faster run
Ammo box spawner
No clip
Execution script
Drop all players/npcs
Disarm everyone
No grass
Speed Shot - 150% faster shooting
So yeah, there are definitely no hackers in the game, right guys?  :rolleyes:


What if I told you that.. this is fake?

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Question: is this someone cheating?  See below.


Two days ago I am in the military base just south of NWAF.  I emerge from the northeast barracks at the same time someone else emerges from the one west of me.  He saw me, and before I can toggle my mic, he splits around the corner.  So, I boogie to a bush that has a clear line on that same barrack entrance and wait, crouching.  The guy comes back, does not see me, and strolls to the entrance at which point I say ,"Hi friend!"  Well, this is when it gets weird...


He goes into a crouch and looks like he is fumbling for a weapon.  Meanwhile his toon moves around flawlessly at hyperspeed over about 100 game feet between the barracks and the north compound wall.  He seems to be unable to get a weapon in his hand, then his toon starts glitching in and out and he disappears again behind the barracks.


So the speed he moved at was beyond a fast run.  He went into glitchy mode which I assumed was lag.  Those were suspicious.  However he did not go right at me (maybe he didn't know where I was still), and he ran away.  I know lag is an exploitable issue on some games like BF4 and I have seen guys totally exploit it, but usually it shows itself as an all the time thing, and you can tell from the user name and a connection speed chart next to the names who is lagging in the red zone and who isn't.  Is it possible for someone to initiate lag on purpose with this game?  I would think it would be constant or nothing.  The guy clearly was not lagging in the beginning.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Yesterday I was with my group of friends in Berezino. We ran across two guys that both had M4s with unlimited ammo, killed them. Then a little while later ran into four guys with unlimited ammo M4's. 

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>The Maxedout


Wow, thats some serious effort and skillz going on, respect.


That certainly explains a few things, they can location hack + teleport to you i think. I was hiding in a sniper spot covered by vegetation and camo gear waiting to pick off some bandits. Was in 3rd person view so got a clear view of my surroundings. However, out of no where some dude was shooting at me with a M4, i turned around he was right there... and im dead.


Respawned and took me around 1 hour to gear up, saw a group of 4-5 pax at a distance, around 500m away give or take was shooting at me, sprint the other way for around 1 min only to be taken over by some dude and shot me... Thought he got some steroids for the insane moving speed. Guess not...

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Hunting the Hackers and calling them out at the end

Holy *****.   I wish I could give you money for that, but for now, here's my beans!


I love how the cheat tries to gloat in the end and you totally called him out.

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Medium pop FR server last night, 15 players out of 30 I think, myself and 2 friends playing near Krasno. One friend is detached from myself and another friend in Krasno town to recover items from his body killed a few minutes before by a dodgy player with M4 (ammo hack most likely). He gets killed again by same guy so we decide to go help. On our way to Krasno Piano house where he was we see a fresh spawn acting a little weird, running in circle with a Zed on chase - as if that player was trying to attract attention - we keep on our way to the town keeping to the tree line on North side hill. The fresh spwan has spotted us and keeps running in circle while advancing towards us, as he got quite close we started getting shot at with what was a hacked AKM with infinite ammo. Turns out the hacker was invisible... My friend gets killed but I managed to escape running down the field. The fresh spawn is also running towards me ... I ended shooting him as it became obvious that he was the decoy for that invisible hacker.... I must stress that this is probably the first time in over 220hours that I come across an obvious hacker.

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As a Berezino bandit clan a lot of my time is actually spent clearing out the house left of the two story pub in Berezino just opposite the church. This house is a hot spot for hackers to spawn too, get gear and an unlimited ammo and just kill everyone.

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This house is a hot spot for hackers to spawn too, get gear and an unlimited ammo and just kill everyone.


Why that house?

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Why that house?

Lots of reasons; 


2 entrances/exits, both on ground floor. One from main Piano house road the other from back of pub area. 

3 Story building means any assault will have to walk up to an advantage point

The floor makes a hell of a noise

Supposedly you cannot shoot into the windows but you can shoot out. 

There's only a few places in Berezino you can see into the top room


It's a great place to use as an defensive building.

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Holy *****.   I wish I could give you money for that, but for now, here's my beans!


I love how the cheat tries to gloat in the end and you totally called him out.

Thanks a lot man it really always feels good to serve justice! btw thanks for watching i appreciate it!

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Theres a lot grenade hackers too, especially in Berezino. They should wipe out every character.

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what if you (devs) did a wipe AND don't fix the heli crash for a week, so there are no m4's. then tweak the system to detect people picking up m4's for said time. i guess it might be complicated if they just spawned them in and left them on the ground for an unsuspecting person to pick up, though. does anyone know if it spawns it right on top of the person? maybe a proximity check of players when an M4 magically appears? then insta ban. It certainly might not stop all the spawning but it might start giving the hackers something to think about before doing it. maybe this could be implemented covertly with other things too... since things get broken from updates it could go under their radar... i hope i didnt just give away a strategy that has already been thought of!

Man, that actually made allot of sense.

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Man, that actually made allot of sense.


I don't think they can actually spawn them in, they just move one that is lying around within their network bubble to their player and then modify the ammo count in memory.

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And two more 



Both with hacked SKS mags and the guy on the right had most his gear and all clothes pristine after eating a lot of AKM bullets, clearly cheats.

Edited by General Zod

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And two more 



Both with hacked SKS mags and the guy on the right had most his gear and all clothes pristine after eating a lot of AKM bullets, clearly cheats.

Am I reading that right... 25000+ ammo in the mag?

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Am I reading that right... 25000+ ammo in the mag?

Yes, for both of them.

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That's a new one to me, guess hackers preferred the M4 more until now.

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oh you think this is funny right?


You maybe think i will give up right?


But you know what? I will NOT let them go through with this while your kind of fucktards blindly accept everything Battleye says like they are your Omnipotent god of games or something.


I don't care if BI is not responsible for any bans issued by stupid Battleye i PAYED money for this game wich comes with responsibilities to grant access to the product i bought and you just can't prevent that without ANY REASON!


And that's the point they just banned me without any reason i wrote to battleye support for ages and until this very day i didn't get a single god damn reason why i'm possibly banned and that means you just took my money without any recompense (it's called stealing btw) and hurt my rights as customer with this kind of behaviour and i'm going to repeat myself: I WILL NOT LET THEM COME THROUGH WITH THIS! And you should side with me like it is expected from a social community to help those ones who got victim of injustice.

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oh you think this is funny right?


You maybe think i will give up right?


But you know what? I will NOT let them go through with this while your kind of fucktards blindly accept everything Battleye says like they are your Omnipotent god of games or something.


I don't care if BI is not responsible for any bans issued by stupid Battleye i PAYED money for this game wich comes with responsibilities to grant access to the product i bought and you just can't prevent that without ANY REASON!


And that's the point they just banned me without any reason i wrote to battleye support for ages and until this very day i didn't get a single god damn reason why i'm possibly banned and that means you just took my money without any recompense (it's called stealing btw) and hurt my rights as customer with this kind of behaviour and i'm going to repeat myself: I WILL NOT LET THEM COME THROUGH WITH THIS! And you should side with me like it is expected from a social community to help those ones who got victim of injustice.

We don't think it's funny, we just think you're lying.


You should care if BE is responsible, they're the ones who can unban you - no one here can. To put it another way, you're barking up the wrong tree.


If you read the terms and conditions of the purchase on steam, they're not stealing at all. They have no right to compensate your money. You were caught hacking, you were banned - you inadvertently tried to edit files and values within the game. If anything you can be liable for persecution for damaged against DayZ title.


Not to mention you sound like a kid whining after someone brought Hulk to your Wendy tea party.



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