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About hexrain

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. hexrain

    We cant look straight up?

    My first and main suggestion is to be able to look and aim straight up. I noticed you can only go to like 45 degrees or maybe a bit more, but you can look straight down. that means if i am up in a tower and someone is below me, i can shoot them but they have to run a considerable distance to be able to aim up at me. My second suggestion is make an option to wrap ghillie suit parts and peices on the OUTSIDE of a backpack for camo. IRL the pieces could be easily rigged to fit over most of the medium and large packs. dont know how feasible this one is but i think it would be a nice option. My third suggestion is to make a set of animations mimicking zombie movement. like even the walk and maybe jog. then a player could as a new spawn, damage some clothing and pretend to be a zombie. all the while having a loaded derringer. suddenly the zombie you just came across pulls a weapon and, crap!!!!! thats not a zombie its a player! could be cool. maybe make it so you have to wash your face or your character gets all dirty. if you eat meat that you butchered you are covered in blood, so the wolves come... al these could be good synergistic additions.
  2. hexrain

    FPS drops, Memory Leaks after U0.49

    I have the same problem... to try and narrow the cause down, does anyone else who this is happening to use the -winxp launch option? because i took that off yesterday and played with no problem for about 30 minutes. today i put -winxp back on and in 15 minutes had the freeze and fps drop again. it is really unfortunate if this is the cause because without the launch option i get 20-25 fps whereas with it i get 35-45. note that i tried changing settings while i ws getting the fps drop and lag (someone mentioned this fix) but all the possible fixes refresh the screen (which crashes the game whie using -winxp launch option) so no help there.
  3. i mean they have been gone for weeks now on stable...
  4. what if you (devs) did a wipe AND don't fix the heli crash for a week, so there are no m4's. then tweak the system to detect people picking up m4's for said time. i guess it might be complicated if they just spawned them in and left them on the ground for an unsuspecting person to pick up, though. does anyone know if it spawns it right on top of the person? maybe a proximity check of players when an M4 magically appears? then insta ban. It certainly might not stop all the spawning but it might start giving the hackers something to think about before doing it. maybe this could be implemented covertly with other things too... since things get broken from updates it could go under their radar... i hope i didnt just give away a strategy that has already been thought of!
  5. hexrain

    New patch kinda broken

    i also spawned in after logging and everything in my taloon backpack disappeared. if it was an internet connection problem i would have experienced it before. i havent. just noticed these things after last patch.... i mean it happened before but it is happening to a crazy degree now... i didnt make a bug report because most of the things i see on there have been reported 10 plus times.
  6. hexrain

    New patch kinda broken

    I feel like im pretty forgiving of the whole alpha thing, at least up to this point. However, I have been getting like 5x the lag and dysync after the patch. I just lagged or dysynced with a zombie approaching, tried to axe it like 4 times, and i'm suddenly dead. lost my full gear. on respawn i get a fire axe. 2 more zombies around me... try to axe it. axe wont swing. tried fists and cant punch. im getting kinda frustrated. i kinda want .44 back.
  7. I think may have been on the same server with you, with the same hacker. it was last night in Berinzino i believe on Kilo server. There was a guy running around with no pants firing M4 a bunch. He was shooting my friends through the cafe walls. clipping in and out of buildings. I took a shot at him and missed. thought he didnt know where i was. then im laying there watching the town and all of a sudden my mosin gets put away and comes of my hotbar. then everything else also disappears as im tabbed to look at my stuff. no one in sight. To the devs: I understand that it is hard to rationalize fixing these things so early in the development stage, because with every new patch there is potential backdoors. however, im experiencing this more and more, and the hacks are becomming more game breaking. I urge you to please devote a team to countering this behavior. More server control would also be good for admins. Maybe a way to spectate and find these people. Im just getting really fed up that like 10% of players seem to be hacking. another 10% seem to be glitching/duping/etc. Its just ruining the skills that others have developed to play this game. Im not a coder so i wont pretend that its a simple fix that will just pop up, but its extremely frustrating that 25% of my deaths are from hackers or cheaters.
  8. hexrain

    Graphics Glitch

    Im getting this weird graphics glitch. Anyone know how to fix it? It makes it look like a lot of movement is happening with all these textures bleeding through.
  9. hexrain

    How could we deal with hackers?

    i have noticed BE is kicking way more people in game for .pbo decrepencies and file sizes... which i think is fairly new... i also noticed a couple of global ban kicks... maybe were are experiencing the next wave of bans. also the last couple of days i havent encountered hackers at all, when the previous 2 weeks i have seen like 2 a day.
  10. hexrain

    Dayz in five words or less

    Geared Up, Hunt, Hacker, Dead...
  11. any devs or players care to comment on my question? wouldn't you have to have an invisible hack to melee attack like 10 times, or could you melee while stuck in a wall and seem invisible? this was in the apartments. seemed like i was getting hit through the floor because my pants were ruined. well i didnt for me... i got the 60 rounds and dropped the million stack (didnt feel good about it, possibly giving others hacked ammo) but when i looged out and into a different server my 60 mag had millions of rounds in it again.
  12. when you relog the ammo will be infinite again... i tried ditching the hacked stack after i picked one up and this happened to me. had to run to NE to get a stanag mag or some unhacked stack. on a seperate note, i just got taken to almost 0 health by a guy in the apartments who was invisible or in the floor and walls. he was hitting me with melee but i coulnt see him. is this new? i have never experienced this one before, nor heard of anyone being able to get in the walls or be invisible in the apartments. super annoying. i keep reading sables posts saying that they are working on fixing this but it seems like more and more hackers are arriving every day. i wont say its unplayable but it is getting close.
  13. hexrain

    For the GIRLS...

    Someone else mentioned a tutu... i would totally rock a pink tutu.
  14. hexrain

    New PvP Idea

    Well the BF4/COD mentality was the point of this suggestion. It would filter those people out... and I'm not suggesting making a new map. Just trimming the existing one down for this purpose. And the testing aspect seems like it could be promising. But I have no idea the ease from a developing standpoint. It just seems that no matter how many people say it is not solely a PvP game, a LOT of people treat it as such. Why not give people a server tailored to their needs. Oh and if the geared players locked down the towns, maybe an effort would be made by random people to team up more.
  15. hexrain

    New PvP Idea

    So I read the some of the thread of the poll on spawn locations, and also the KoS thread and a thought dawned on me. Maybe it would be nice to test a server where the debug plains start 3000 or 4000 meters from the coast and/or just reduce the size of the map to 4 towns for the purposes of PvP based server. Make people spawn purposely close to the cities. That way people who just want to PvP have easy access to it, and it might reduce the number of those people on other servers where people want to survival aspect. Question to the devs... would this make 100 player servers easier to test? would this increase performance/reduce lag of servers, make respawning loot easier to test, make testing building models/clipping/ladders, etc. easier to test? Also wouldnt this be a great way to test new weapons/mechanics, given that the stress on servers would be reduced? Talk amongst yourselves...