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117 Excellent


About triage

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  1. Bump - Septemeber 18th @Rott - We tried adding night before and lost a good bit of our players.
  2. Septemeber 15 - Bump Things Fixed *Fixed missions spawning on traders *Fixed the rifel ban bug *Fixed Inifistar kicking everyone for no reason *Fixed Guba Bay not spawning loot and buildings *Changed the Guba Bay icon.(Looked like a trader zone and confused people) Things Removed -Removed intro music (It was 400Kbs and nobody even know it exsisted) -Removed the "Display Name (Yes/No) at start. -Removed DZMS Things Added +Added EMS (A 10x better mission system the DZMS) +Added WAI (A nother mission system, consist of vehicle crashes and caches mostly not really AI missions) +Added some weapons to the trader that were not there +Added Brandon's name to the admin list for the server credits. +Added More Bandit skins to the AI missions. +Added some vehicels to the trader that were not there.