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Servers with connection issues to central hive

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Don't let them get to you man... no matter what you say or do many will whine & moan.  And they are always the loudest on the forums..  keep your pecker up! :)

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Is the server maintenance happening right now? Friday the 24 at 10am gmt?



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Alternatively, you could have all the characters uploaded to an internal server where you are so there is no chance of losing characters.


 On the server stability side, i agree with rocket that i bet that there's been a lot of hard work put in by the Developers and everyone associated with editing and making the game. The number 1 issue for myself is, and for probaly a lot of people is, not to focus on creating new content every week, we can wait a week or two, is just the server stability (connection to main hive (server)) and the basic bugs in the game itself like zombies through walls (pathing) and really small bugs with mags, glitches etc.


I for one applaud rockets hard work and his other colleagues but what im saying is the basic fundamentals that are fixed would make a better gaming experience than making more cotent at the moment as i believe people can wait a week or two (or more) for new loot.


Thanks for the hard work Rocket, keep it up! 

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All the servers have the save issue, the ones that didn't were night servers, but they weren't all centralized either so i would start with a new character in different servers. I managed to find a server labeled "nighttime" which, ironically, was a daytime server that spawned a nighttime server's character then, today, I log on I still see my gear and character are all there in the very same server, but after the server reset I lost it all. 


Also on a side note the spray paint glitches the mosin. I spray painted my mosin green and then i was only allowed to chamber one bullet. I decided to try spray paint the mosin black afterwards and it deleted my mosin. 


I have a question regarding the release of these updates. Do they get tested for stability? Is there some sort of process for releasing these updates? What kind of checkpoints are you looking for in updates? Are some checkpoints universal?

Edited by DogeTheDoge

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I have found that the only servers that save my char successfully are the MGPOs or something like that. They were  the only servers also that i could use successfully before the patch also. Gameservers are the worst for me, ive had constant char wipes and resets on those so i avoid them like the plague.

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Look, honestly, I'm getting a little sick and a bit angry around attitudes like yours. We've just spent a very difficult few weeks working on exactly what you are asking for. The issues we are having with the hive are because we are introducing systems that will allow us to do this. For goodness sake, get off your soap box for just a minute and you will look and see that me and the entire team have been working late nights and exposing ourselves to a great deal of difficulty and tough work - just so you can do what you want eventually.


You say there is no "rocket science" behind all this, then I challenge you to go out and actually do it. Because we are. And because most of the companies who have released games with complex server architecture have had disastrous releases, with far more money and experience than we have.


I'm not switching on "ignore mode", I'm switching on "angry parent telling a child to grow up mode".

I love your game. 


But you really need to communicate with the players about whats happening. Taking down the hive servers for two hours and only making one post on twitter the day before doesnt help people understand what you guys are doing. People get upset because they want to play your game! Because they love it! But when something as routine as server maintenance isnt disseminated to the players, people will get frustrated. There are literally no less than 5 posts on the first page of general discussions not knowing whats going on because the only place the maintenance was announced was on twitter a day ago.


May I suggest a small popup box on the main screen? Or updating the 'news' section for the game on steam?


Keep up the good work. I have nothing but high hopes for the game!

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Wow so many whiny children, I feel bad for Rocket and the Dayz Team. If these children only knew the complexity in designing a game. 


I for one am happy that they even allowed us to play in Alpha, they didn't have to do that at all. They could have been like most game companies and had a closed beta that a select few could join but instead let everyone play even before beta. I knew what I signed up for buying a game in alpha, breaks in the game don't bother me one bit because its in ALPHA. If these kids cant realize that alpha is used to spot and find errors that need to be fixed before release then I wish they would stop playing and harassing the Dayz team.Then they wouldn't have to filter through all your petty nonsense and could actually read posts that had new bugs they weren't aware of or posts containing supportive criticism.  You know how honored I would be to be allowed to get into and test other games in alpha just to help them find bugs and fix them? 


So I say thanks to Rocket and the Dayz Team for allowing me to participate in the Alpha testing of Dayz and look forward to the beta and eventual release. 

Edited by Legendaryhero
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I'm not switching on "ignore mode", I'm switching on "angry parent telling a child to grow up mode".


Rocket, I hugely admire you and your patience. Really, if I were you, I wouldn't even bother to answer such posts; I can only imagine, how much it irritates you to explain every time that net code and all those client-server architecture issues are actually rocket science (and they are; I can't even understand, how to get something like RV work as client-server). As for me, you are doing a great job.

Regardless of issues, you (or other devs) try to come out and tell us what is going on. This is great and, IMO, hugely important. Keep things going like this and I (and I suppose I'm not the only one) will stick with you and your product for a long time to come.

Edited by Ranadaine

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I just look forward to a good game like everyone else, I find it a bit of a insult when people criticise Rocket and the Dev's, he and his team are now a worldwide name, and who are you? any of you? I've never heard of you. And on top he and the dev's reply to you give you updates, its like you want them to stop fixing and stay on forums answering your question, I for one would rather see a announcement or two a day rather than them spending there time dealing with wingers  

Its that simple just wait patiently and all will come

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... not to focus on creating new content every week, we can wait a week or two, is just the server stability (connection to main hive (server)) and the basic bugs in the game itself like zombies through walls (pathing) and really small bugs with mags, glitches etc.


The people who work on new content are not the people who work on these other things. I could send them all away on holiday, but instead of that, we are having them continue working while the other people are working on the bugs.

For example, the SKS requires no effort from programmers. Artists are currently not involved in fixing server stability (and you would not ever want this).

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I love your game. 


But you really need to communicate with the players about whats happening. Taking down the hive servers for two hours and only making one post on twitter the day before doesnt help people understand what you guys are doing. People get upset because they want to play your game! Because they love it! But when something as routine as server maintenance isnt disseminated to the players, people will get frustrated. There are literally no less than 5 posts on the first page of general discussions not knowing whats going on because the only place the maintenance was announced was on twitter a day ago.


May I suggest a small popup box on the main screen? Or updating the 'news' section for the game on steam?


Keep up the good work. I have nothing but high hopes for the game!


Agreed, it was actually a surprise to me as well. I've discussed the process with the team responsible and we will make sure that in future, database maintenance will be properly scheduled and involve a complete shutdown so people don't loose their characters etc... I'm not quite sure who thought it was a good idea to shutdown the database but not the game servers, but rest assured that won't happen again. I've made that very clear.

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Mate i have been watching this game form since it was first thought of, and i have just joined the forum soley to say.

You and your team are doing a great job, the Alpha is already immensly fun to play and me and my friends are loving it, i have lost two fully loaded and eqiuped characters due to server issues etc and frankly i don't care.  Its part of the process, please ignore the crying keyboard warriors, the lastest generation of PC gamers are a bunch of whining kids most of the time.


Keep up the great work, on an outstanding game......



Edited by FuriousJam
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The people who work on new content are not the people who work on these other things. I could send them all away on holiday, but instead of that, we are having them continue working while the other people are working on the bugs.

For example, the SKS requires no effort from programmers. Artists are currently not involved in fixing server stability (and you would not ever want this).

Thanks for the insight Rocket, your the man.


Any news on server messages displaying when servers are going to reset (i.e 5 minute warning etc), would be of help to people dropping items etc.



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Agreed, it was actually a surprise to me as well. I've discussed the process with the team responsible and we will make sure that in future, database maintenance will be properly scheduled and involve a complete shutdown so people don't loose their characters etc... I'm not quite sure who thought it was a good idea to shutdown the database but not the game servers, but rest assured that won't happen again. I've made that very clear.

Hey man, thanks for being awesome. Please keep up the good work, and remember people only bitch when they care! 5 minutes answering some basic questions twice a day will pay you huge dividends!


You have no clue, how much I love this game.


Edit: You really really may want to have them bring down the servers and roll the characters back to just before the maintenance. If, as I assume when the servers reconnect to the hive players playing with a new character will over-right their old character.... 



Edit2: You dont have to but something for you to conciser.

Edited by Judopunch

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It appears the majority of this problem is now restricted to one provider. We are not 100% sure why this happens, it could be an issue on our end or an issue on their end - we don't know. But in the meantime, I have asked our Producer to get the game provider to shutdown all their game servers until the issue can be isolated and fixed. Will keep everyone posted about this.

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Hey Rocket (I know, i know, chances are that this post'll be missed by you in lieu of much more important thigs)


First off let me say "Sorry" On behalf of the angrier, more ungrateful players. Despite the fact you and others have made it quite clear that the game's not finished and will break from time to time (How many warnings on Steam/boot up? :P) they will always complain about something.


I, however, would just like to say "Thank you". the game's amazing even at this unfinished stage, and some of the bugs make it even more fun to play! So thank you! Keep marching on and doing what you guys do best. If this is what alpha has to offer, I honestly can't wait for what's still to come :)

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Great work rocket thankyou for fixing within 24 hours sounds like it sucked to have to police all the server providers.

EDIT- does berry picking work rocket? So far i havent found any bushes and seems like no one else has unless im looking in rong places.

Edited by spartan54820
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It appears the majority of this problem is now restricted to one provider. We are not 100% sure why this happens, it could be an issue on our end or an issue on their end - we don't know. But in the meantime, I have asked our Producer to get the game provider to shutdown all their game servers until the issue can be isolated and fixed. Will keep everyone posted about this.

What provider has these problems? if you could tell us that.

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@ Dean and all the other developers and participants on the development:


I really want to thank you for what you are doing! Spending that much time and passion and getting such unaffable and iniquitous response must be hard. Please don't get frustrated and keep up the good work. Based on what you've achieved in the past few weeks, I really look forward to what the game will be when it's finished.


Anyway I have to aggree with Judopunch that a small popup window with basic informations about whats going on might appease must of the complaining people.


With best regards



PS: It makes me sad that people always forget their integrity when they participate in forums.

PPS: Thanks Dean for keeping us up to date about the server-problem!

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Look, honestly, I'm getting a little sick and a bit angry around attitudes like yours. We've just spent a very difficult few weeks working on exactly what you are asking for. The issues we are having with the hive are because we are introducing systems that will allow us to do this. For goodness sake, get off your soap box for just a minute and you will look and see that me and the entire team have been working late nights and exposing ourselves to a great deal of difficulty and tough work - just so you can do what you want eventually.


You say there is no "rocket science" behind all this, then I challenge you to go out and actually do it. Because we are. And because most of the companies who have released games with complex server architecture have had disastrous releases, with far more money and experience than we have.


I'm not switching on "ignore mode", I'm switching on "angry parent telling a child to grow up mode".


Now I got "rocketed"! :)


Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate you taking your time to vent on my stupid rant!


I'm totaly aware, that you are taking A LOT of effort in making it happen! The "not being rocket sience" was related to running a dedicated hardware server on a up to date os and hosting a DayZ instance, not to put up a complex architecture to connect to like you guys do. And I actually know what it means to work overtime to get shit done, because people are whining. Sorry for being unclear there and sorry for whining myself.


This hive-connecting-issue is, as you pointed out, related to server-OSses not being up to date most of the time. Isn´t that all about unaware server-hosters, who are supposed keep servers up to date? Seems this is backfiring now a little bit.


So back to work now for me. We have a deadline to meet and people are starting to whine about it. ;)



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