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About DogeTheDoge

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    On the Coast
  1. All the servers have the save issue, the ones that didn't were night servers, but they weren't all centralized either so i would start with a new character in different servers. I managed to find a server labeled "nighttime" which, ironically, was a daytime server that spawned a nighttime server's character then, today, I log on I still see my gear and character are all there in the very same server, but after the server reset I lost it all. Also on a side note the spray paint glitches the mosin. I spray painted my mosin green and then i was only allowed to chamber one bullet. I decided to try spray paint the mosin black afterwards and it deleted my mosin. I have a question regarding the release of these updates. Do they get tested for stability? Is there some sort of process for releasing these updates? What kind of checkpoints are you looking for in updates? Are some checkpoints universal?