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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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I dont know if it's already been hashed out in the 20 pages of this that I didn't read (I swear I read the other 22 but ran out of time) but the humanity system in the mod used an audio cue of the player's heart beating faster to simulate someone getting nervous if they were close to and looked at a player who had a very low humanity level.


Also hah, this thread won't die for a reason. We had humanity system in the mod, there's no reason there shouldn't be something like that in the standalone. :D

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I dont know if it's already been hashed out in the 20 pages of this that I didn't read (I swear I read the other 22 but ran out of time) but the humanity system in the mod used an audio cue of the player's heart beating faster to simulate someone getting nervous if they were close to and looked at a player who had a very low humanity level.


Also hah, this thread won't die for a reason. We had humanity system in the mod, there's no reason there shouldn't be something like that in the standalone. :D

Well other than they felt the experiement that was the humanity system didnt work . It was highly exploitable ( farming humanity to be a bandit who wears hero skin ) and it generally removed the natural authentic interaction they were HOPING to get us to have on our own terms.


But yeah apart from that and well rocket said he didnt want to use a humanity system  there no reason at all.....

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Well that's a bit of a shame. Exploitable though the humanity system was, the audio cues had a lot of potential. Helped to counter the fact that every human behavioural cue can't really be implemented in the game.

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In real life, you would not shoot everyone you met for a can of beans.  Or, if you were dumb enough to do that, you would meet someone like ME that is actually military trained on guns and tactics........and you would cease to exist :)


I was in the Army Cadets for two years... 

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I basicly like the idea but i dont think one should be able to chose it in beginning. Instead i like to see something like standing/karma based system like in fallout3 or eve online for example. If you shoot someone without getting shot at or not using any communications would lower you standings etc. While you wouldnt get any standing losses for killing "pirate standing" guys. Then there could be a way to raise your standings helping other players or giving stuff or killing bandits etc.


Just my few cents about it...

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 it generally removed the natural authentic interaction they were HOPING to get us to have on our own terms.


But yeah apart from that and well rocket said he didnt want to use a humanity system  there no reason at all.....


Please for the love of all that's holy can this be /thread?

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42 fucking pages... whose bright idea was it to bump this?


Was my idea to answer to OP. Im a noob so im also new these forums. But i kinda liked OP's idea as now its better shoot first and ask later. And i think thats not really fun afterall or it could be better. Anyways who cares about thread being 42 pages? And who bothers post to tell about lenght of thread? Right?

Edited by MangoX

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Possible immersive solution....


When you search a body that has been shot, you get blood on your hands. Can be washed off at lakes wells ect, or pour out an entire bottle of water or canteen to wash it off. You could catch bandits red handed. Could lead to some innocent looters getting the blame for a kill they didn't commit, but that would be the risk of searching a corpse :)

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Was my idea to answer to OP. Im a noob so im also new these forums. But i kinda liked OP's idea as now its better shoot first and ask later. And i think thats not really fun afterall.

Because there's still not much to do in the game.  Once there's more to satisfy the urges of the trigger happy KOS'ers, there's no reason for a buggy, exploitable humanity system.  Plus it completely takes all the guessing and stress of wondering whether someone is friendly.


Having a defined system where bandits look like X and "heroes" (wtf?) look like Y is not only pointless, exploitable, and stupid, it completely removes all interaction and guessing from the game.

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Because there's still not much to do in the game.  Once there's more to satisfy the urges of the trigger happy KOS'ers, there's no reason for a buggy, exploitable humanity system.  Plus it completely takes all the guessing and stress of wondering whether someone is friendly.


Having a defined system where bandits look like X and "heroes" (wtf?) look like Y is not only pointless, exploitable, and stupid, it completely removes all interaction and guessing from the game.


Well i just kosed someone last night as i got spooked as i saw gun in hes hands while i was in military base building. But on other hand who goes in military base gun holstered if he has a gun. I just mean i dont see myself as trigger happy koser but if i see someone holding m4 in hands places like airports or military bases etc. I will prolly shoot on sight. But i do understand your point aswell. However aslong it is as it is if you have a gun in hands your dead on sight for me.. And why? Because ive got kosed multiple times for not doing so. And i like to keep mu stuff if i can. Yea im a noob but i doubt i will change that aslong it is as it is.

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Possible immersive solution....


When you search a body that has been shot, you get blood on your hands. Can be washed off at lakes wells ect, or pour out an entire bottle of water or canteen to wash it off. You could catch bandits red handed. Could lead to some innocent looters getting the blame for a kill they didn't commit, but that would be the risk of searching a corpse :)

Or getting blood on your clothing from searching players that you killed.  That would be an instant alarm bell that someone is trouble

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Well i just kosed someone last night as i got spooked as i saw gun in hes hands while i was in military base building. But on other hand who goes in military base gun holstered if he has a gun. I just mean i dont see myself as trigger happy koser but if i see someone holding m4 in hands places like airports or military bases etc. I will prolly shoot on sight. But i do understand your point aswell. However aslong it is as it is if you have a gun in hands your dead on sight for me.. And why? Because ive got kosed multiple times for not doing so. And i like to keep mu stuff if i can. Yea im a noob but i doubt i will change that aslong it is as it is.

You bring up a great point, but as I said it mostly comes down to not being much else to do at the moment.  When "uber military loot" is harder to come by and zombies infest military bases like the plague, there will be a lot more cooperation. 


Also, say I am shot at - but not hit.  I kill that man and this process repeats several times.  I'm not a bandit with a giant "KILL ME I'M A BANDIT" skin on that I can't do anything about.  Would that be fair?  I don't think so.

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In a vain attempt to quash this thread ONCE AND FOR ALL, may I suggest this as a means of identification?




If no one else is cool with it, can the developers at least incorporate it into the game for me?


// flips wrist //

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In a vain attempt to quash this thread ONCE AND FOR ALL, may I suggest this as a means of identification?




If no one else is cool with it, can the developers at least incorporate it into the game for me?


// flips wrist //



I'm halfway there already!

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There is a way to distinguish between the 2. Observe the potential bandits behaviour and go from there. You shouldnt want to have an easy means of saying "that guy i can kos with a clear conscience, that other guy i cant." Not knowing is part of the fun.

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There is a way to distinguish between the 2. Observe the potential bandits behaviour and go from there. You shouldnt want to have an easy means of saying "that guy i can kos with a clear conscience, that other guy i cant." Not knowing is part of the fun.


If you have enough time to wonder, either they aren't KoS or you have the advantage and shouldn't get killed. They may be something else, betrayer or whatever you might want to call it, but that is all about strategy.


I met a guy in game, traded with him, he dropped mention of some great loot on a roof somewhere. I thanked him and said I'd go check it out shortly. Of course, I didn't go anywhere near that roof, I went the opposite direction and didn't look back.


On topic though, no I don't see a need to distinguish. If it works perfectly, it takes all of the suspense away. If it only partially works, it is useless and just causes annoyance (a hero killed me for no reason! I became a bandit for defending myself against a previously bandit new-spawn that wasn't bandit yet and was shot on sight!)  Not to mention, realism.


My suggestion to everyone wanting this system is to come up with a social system (these clothes mean hero). Wear them. Enforce it by grouping and killing anyone using the clothing to KoS.

Edited by Valadain

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There is a way to distinguish between the 2. Observe the potential bandits behaviour and go from there. You shouldnt want to have an easy means of saying "that guy i can kos with a clear conscience, that other guy i cant." Not knowing is part of the fun.

Get off the forum.  You can't use logic or make sense 'round these parts.

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Personally I think the solution is to have those who persist in evil and malicious banditry to have their clothing slowly morphing into Tim Curry's outfit from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Starting with a little charcoal for the eye liner, working up to a bushy black hair wig, to high heeled shoes and by the time of their 20th unsolicited kill they look like this..




Any further violations would have the game replace the users microphone chat with Frank-n-Furter's, "Oooh, Rocky!", sample.

Edited by ricp
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Because there's still not much to do in the game.  Once there's more to satisfy the urges of the trigger happy KOS'ers, there's no reason for a buggy, exploitable humanity system.  Plus it completely takes all the guessing and stress of wondering whether someone is friendly.


Having a defined system where bandits look like X and "heroes" (wtf?) look like Y is not only pointless, exploitable, and stupid, it completely removes all interaction and guessing from the game.


Errrr couldn't people change out of those skins in the mod? So there was no guarantee at all you could tell what someone was by looking at them. The audio was really the only thing and you had to get close for that. I mean even tho there was a bandit skin I think 50% of the bandits i ran into were wearing ghillie suits.

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My suggestion to everyone wanting this system is to come up with a social system (these clothes mean hero). Wear them. Enforce it by grouping and killing anyone using the clothing to KoS.


The suggestion wouldn't work for 2 reasons.

1.  If everyone decides what clothes a "hero" should dress in...............guess what all the KOS bandits are going to find to wear?

2.  So if you see someone violate the rule, you have to group with another player that may be a KOSer, to kill the fake hero?  That sounds like a perfect way to get yourself killed.


You don't have to wear the armband, you can take it off if you want.  It's a 100% optional system.

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Personally I think the solution is to have those who persist in evil and malicious banditry to have their clothing slowly morphing into Tim Curry's outfit from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Starting with a little charcoal for the eye liner, working up to a bushy black hair wig, to high heeled shoes and by the time of their 20th unsolicited kill they look like this..




Any further violations would have the game replace the users microphone chat with Frank-n-Furter's, "Oooh, Rocky!", sample.


I wouldn't want to force anyone to wear that outfit.....lol  I watched that movie once, never again.  Disturbing......lol

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Seems we created an entire generation of youngin's who want someone else to make decisions for them and remove their need to think for themselves.


Forcing an appearance or behavior (other than what the player chooses) to satisfy your inability to cope with making decisions is NOT going to happen - no matter how many threads like this get started.


you want a different game


===> the door.

Edited by Bubbajones
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