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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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Most threads I would be quick to scorn anyone without reading past posts.  But, given the nature of this topic, simply make it a poll and watch the no's pile up.  This shouldn't even be discussed since it will never happen.  Interesting idea, maybe for group identification, but not roles.  Never roles. Bad idea.  Bad!  (rolls up magazine and slaps nose) BAD!

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Here's a counter-argument that will blow the OP's world:

In dayz mod, I was once shot at by a hero when I was skinned as a civilian and did not even have my gun pointed at him.

Sorry bud, skins are redundant. Everyone is still KoS, hero skin or not.

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No. Besides, what is a hero anyways? how does he differ from a bandit? they both kill

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Most threads I would be quick to scorn anyone without reading past posts.  But, given the nature of this topic, simply make it a poll and watch the no's pile up.  This shouldn't even be discussed since it will never happen.  Interesting idea, maybe for group identification, but not roles.  Never roles. Bad idea.  Bad!  (rolls up magazine and slaps nose) BAD!

Yeah I'd like to see the poll.

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A long topic, but in my view the game should be skill indexed. There should be more to this game other than avoiding other people, or KOS from a good position far removed from your targets. 


Whether this is through some hero system, or other method, it should be hard to be a hero and easy to be a bandit, so there would be a point to surviving for weeks, other than looting and making sure you do not meet anyone else. There should also be rewards of some sort - perhaps making you harder to kill if you are a hero, but if you are a hero turned bandit, there may be a bit of time until you deplete your status, until you start from the scratch or something along those lines.


There would still be many tense meetings and events, perhaps even more so as there would be an underlying backbone to the whole survival point.


The way to implement it could be through a split branch of the game (like we have experimental/hardcore/regular), and see how successful it is with that audience.


In my view it such a system would add more to the experience rather than take away.

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look at the statistics for the mod, last I read something like 36 million people died and around 2 million were bandits (in so far as  the game decided if you were a bandit or not) it proves that the humanity system was useless, we have also had AI bot's as heroes & bandits = meh ( I know a lot of people get enjoyment killing bots in arma but it sucked imo).  So we know what heroes and villians should look like - the lore of the game has established it, just there is no guarantee that the people dressed in such a way are actually what the story says they are..

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Bandits don't like being identified. Makes them a target. Also makes backstabbing more difficult.

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Why should heros get an advantage ???


In a post apocalyptic world, there is no justice system, there is no tangible reward for helping others.


Bandits gain an advantage that is your loot. That is the main reason for banditry.


If this was "real" then 95%+ of the population would be dead by now.  Everyone would've KOS'd everyone else until there were very very few people left.  So please quit with the realism argument.


And you just made my point for me.  There is no reward or anything HELPING heros, there is always a reward for KOSing bandits.


There needs to be "balance" so that people who don't want to KOS everyone they meet, can actually play as hero characters.


It's 100% in favor of bandit style gameplay.  Thanks for providing the proof that the system is all in favor of bandit gameplay.  I hope you don't think you're going to be a lawyer later in life, because you wouldn't be good at it.....lol

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No. Besides, what is a hero anyways? how does he differ from a bandit? they both kill


what the hero gives the bandit takes away it's as simple as that, people can play as NPC's if they like and  try and stay neutral on the fence, but it's not going to stop the bullets coming at them from others - unless they can control the situation, good luck to 'em!   As exerting that "control" is what DayZ is all about..

Edited by Calibre

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How is any of this relevant to the topic ???

Because Epoch is for losers like them who need everything handed to them? You can build a helicopter in that mod with 1 scrap metal and 1 fuel tank part. It's about as CoD as you can get in the mod. Funny how the kids crying for this stupid idea saying KoSers need to go play CoD want to turn this into a team vs team CoD game because they are to stupid to know it is dumb to walk up to an armed person with your gun on your back and think you're not going to die. That's called being a dumbass not being a hero.

Edited by Weedz
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Another poster that hasn't read anything in the post.


The KOS Deathmatch Permadeath Standalone is slanted 100% in favor of bandit style gameplay right now.  There is no balance.  ALL of the advantages go to the bandits.  They don't have to discriminate targets, they don't have to pause to see if someone is friendly, they just murder everything they see without thinking about it.  Heros have ALL of the disadvantages.  There's no point to being a hero unless you like DYING a lot.


With the +250 humanity for killing bandits, -500 for civilians, and -1000 for heros (with double negative humanity if you kill 2 heros or civs in a row), it would be really hard to farm your way to Hero, only to go back to KOS everything.  You'd have to kill anywhere from 6 to 12 bandits to wipe out two consecutive civilian or hero kills.


Heck, you could even make it +100 humanity for bandit kills, then it's even less exploitable.  Then you'd have to kill 15 to 30 bandits to wipe out two consecutive civilian or hero kills.


All they would really need to add is "anti-humanity farming" that doesn't give you any humanity if you kill the same person within a 2 week period.  So you couldn't have a bandit group, where 1 fake hero farms their "friends" for positive humanity over and over.  So if a fake hero shot their friend over and over, they would only get the humanity once every 2 weeks.

well lets start by saying this is my 5th post on your thread so how you decided that i have not read the thread god only knows ?


considering this is your thread,  i think you are the one that as not read it because if you had done you would of known that the post you are referring to was my 4th post here and realized i was following the thread correctly 


secondly i have not got a clue how you got all this from my post when all meant to say was, that you should not give your characters  intentions away by stating bandit or hero (by using armbands ) because you could loose any advantage that you may have been able to use in the game



sir i think you are just trolling a lost cause here, so wake up start reading your own threads and talk sense man 

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If this was "real" then 95%+ of the population would be dead by now.  Everyone would've KOS'd everyone else until there were very very few people left.  So please quit with the realism argument.


And you just made my point for me.  There is no reward or anything HELPING heros, there is always a reward for KOSing bandits.


There needs to be "balance" so that people who don't want to KOS everyone they meet, can actually play as hero characters.


It's 100% in favor of bandit style gameplay.  Thanks for providing the proof that the system is all in favor of bandit gameplay.  I hope you don't think you're going to be a lawyer later in life, because you wouldn't be good at it.....lol


Why should they get a tangible reward? like i said the only reward a hero should get is a sense of wellbeing.

there does not need to be balance between hero and bandit because they are not complete opposites. there are many other ways to play the game, should they all be in balance ?

Its not 100% in favour of bandits. that is a narrow minded point of view.

bandits gain loot, heros kill bandits, heros gain loot, bandits kill hero, bandits gain loot. it is a cycle.

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Why should they get a tangible reward? like i said the only reward a hero should get is a sense of wellbeing.

there does not need to be balance between hero and bandit because they are not complete opposites. there are many other ways to play the game, should they all be in balance ?

Its not 100% in favour of bandits. that is a narrow minded point of view.

bandits gain loot, heros kill bandits, heros gain loot, bandits kill hero, bandits gain loot. it is a cycle.

i think he means is  that the bandits don't take the risks of showing them selves like hero's do,, they can hide away with there snipers and m4s pointing at you,,,  therefor they have an advantage


what i cannot understand is why if you have chosen to be a hero would you expect to get any advantage ? let alone a  50/50 advantage that the nature of been an hero you are on the disadvantaged side

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i think he means is  that the bandits don't take the risks of showing them selves like hero's do,, they can hide away with there snipers and m4s pointing at you,,,  therefor they have an advantage


what i cannot understand is why if you have chosen to be a hero would you expect to get any advantage ? let alone a  50/50 advantage that the nature of been an hero you are on the disadvantaged side


yeah well bandits actual generally are hidden, underworld sort of thing. Heros are more exposed, take centre stage etc


edit: i dont know why this topic even exists because the beauty of this game is you are free to do anything, take any role etc

to take only 2 roles, define them, give them outfits, is basically racists against all the other styles/roles

Edited by Skyline-GTR
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yeah well bandits actual generally are hidden, underworld sort of thing. Heros are more exposed, take centre stage etc


edit: i dont know why this topic even exists because the beauty of this game is you are free to do anything, take any role etc

to take only 2 roles, define them, give them outfits, is basically racists against all the other styles/roles


What a stupid comment.

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What a stupid comment.


His point makes perfect sense. 


If you want a role based game, go play any of the many arma mods that feature the goodguy/badguy game style.

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To play a hero.  Stand in a top floor of a building.  Wait till someone passes by and kindly ask them to stop.  If they don't, keep hiding in the corner rocking backing and forth with your arms around your knees saying, "I only want to help, I only want to help."

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His point makes perfect sense. 


If you want a role based game, go play any of the many arma mods that feature the goodguy/badguy game style.

i think you miss-under stood what he meant, i think he meant was role played games consisting of two roles only is not what this games all about 

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What a stupid comment.


Yep, couldn't agree more.


Right now there are only bandits.  Everyone is a bandit at some point.  If you haven't KOS'd someone, then you're playing as Bullet Sponge.


This would ADD something to the game, the ability to be a Hero.


But this system wouldn't DICTATE how you play.  Want to be a douchebag?  You can still do that.  Want to randomly chase people?  You can still do that.  Want to help other Heros?  You can do that.


I love how people think a LITTLE ARMBAND that you can TAKE OFF would FORCE people to play a certain way.  I guess it's part of the mindless NONONONONO philosophy.

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the only thing that need be added is the players desire to be a hero and heroes by definition have to overcome adversity and what appears to be insurmountable odds!! that's the challenge if people "choose" to follow that path.. running round screaming "friendly!! friendly!!" does not a hero make!

Edited by Calibre

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Yep, couldn't agree more.

Right now there are only bandits.  Everyone is a bandit at some point.  If you haven't KOS'd someone, then you're playing as Bullet Sponge.

This would ADD something to the game, the ability to be a Hero.

But this system wouldn't DICTATE how you play.  Want to be a douchebag?  You can still do that.  Want to randomly chase people?  You can still do that.  Want to help other Heros?  You can do that.

I love how people think a LITTLE ARMBAND that you can TAKE OFF would FORCE people to play a certain way.  I guess it's part of the mindless NONONONONO philosophy.

thanks for the insult dude...


So, right now there are no bandits. A bandit is an outlaw, this is defined term. With no law system in place, there can be no bandits.

Adding an armband into the game does not add the ability to be a hero. It would give a player an armband for completing a series of actions. This can be easily exploited.

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Well as it stands now, I kill any person with firearm on sight, just in case. If there were any possibility to distinguish the hero guys and the rest I would not shoot the heros for sure. Not that I'd be a hero type of player, more of a neutral stand.


Because the general mood is KOS, I do it as well just to survive, anything else has always failed me. So - I see a guy, I kill the guy. I don't even try to make any contact with any person in the game. But, give me another option (to yell "friendly, friendly" or lower/hide my gun is just plain stupidity, not an option) to recognize a good guy and I won't do that. It would be a definitive plus for me. I'd try to talk to the person or just let him pass by.


Today it's just plain deathmatch, not a survival mod.

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This thread feels like personal frustration instead of anything useful. The bandit skins were tried and tossed out in Day Z mod already.

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