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Ella's standalone guide

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Good guide; could do with a bit of formatting & changing the colour scheme a little so it's not so...intense, but on the whole a nice work in progress.

Could I maybe suggest a section on interaction with others (unless I've already missed that bit...)? Just common etiquette/terms that people should be accustomed to? Of course headed by the DayZ mantra: Don't trust anybody.

Could always argue that this guide is in the ALPHA stages ;)...

good ide, will add soon

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The colour makes my eyes bleed rainbows.


Edited by Daemonkid

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Nice detailed, laid out guide.  Colors are fine for the most part.  The beginning had better color formatting than the end, ie. blocks of bright colors aren't gentle on the eyes, maybe keep the awesome colors to the headings and key words.  Spoilers are also an idea to help condense and make it easier to find a specific topic (but in-spoiler-text may have issues with browser "find" function).

Besides that though, it's a job well done.  Keep up the updates spartan

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world is a better place without guides, its really boring that everyone know where is the best loot/sniper spot, all vehicles location, but the world evolve to mmorpg.   check last CoD's and BF3/4 

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holy pumpkin sauce, that was quite the read.

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I think you did a great job! The colours are just kawaii and fun, and the grammar can be a bit charming, so don't worry. Keep it up, gurl! c:

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I don't give two sheets about the color. Just keep the contrast good.


Good job on the guide.

Edited by agrtga

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I love how people post these guides and have the nerve to call others bambis. Alot of this crap is 6 years old now and applies to the original ArmA 2 platform. You bambis can keep padding yourselves on the back for regurgitating old info.


Some of the new stuff is cool but people seriously need to quit calling fresh spawns bambis beause those fresh spawns will put a hatchet between your eyes take your gear and then you become the B word.

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 Let em whine. It is still a useful guide to people just getting started....which i assume is what you intended. It may not be the prettiest (sarcasm, cuz of all the color use) but it still get's the core survival information out there for bambis. Keep it up! Great work. As a suggestion, maybe team up with an experienced PVP'r (if you're not one) and add a PVP guide. I.e. handcuffs, when to communicate, when to engage, or when not to engage, good sniping spots, or moving from one house to another, how not to leave an obvious loot trail etc etc

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Usually those titles only mean something if they are given to you, not self-claimed.


Some useful stuff there, though.



good ide, will add soon


Don't tell me we are stating to teach people how to interact...

Edited by SGT. Kalme

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without wanting to sound like "that dick guy in the corner" most of the nice comments here seem o be from guys who have very little life, and want to be seen to be nice to you cos your a girl, and well,,,, they probably dont meet many girls, let alone that play dayz


as for NOT GOING TO high risk areas...... meh fuck dat high risk = high risk for a reason. just go there with your wits about you and preferably an axe and a gun for back up.


on the subject you mentioned of not knowing how to gain blood naturally, THIS IS MASSIVELY important for new players to know as it is also the only real way to gain good blood without needing a team mate or trusting randoms to be friendly


firstly eat a fuck tonne of foods (apparently rice is best, yet i only have this guidance from people on forums who tend to go by the i said it so it must be trues method of thought) i personally achieve it with any amount of foods you just gotta spam it till your not showing any signs of hunger. next slowly but surely spam a water fountain or your canteen, once your character is full on both your status indicators show green and say "hydrated" and "energized" at this point i then eat just enough that i get a new status in yellow which reads something like "full" or "Stuffed" at this point pretty quickly you wil regain full colour vision and your blood goes up again.


also you missed in the things that open cans "HACKSAW" really useful item for that as is a quick slot quick change (does not have a full melee item animation when equipping from hotkey) melee and also when i use it to open cans i never lose more than 20-22% of the over all can


#after reading through some more to point out some bits i noticed that most of your guide is pretty hit and miss and would probably lead more to someones death than survival.


top tier tips when you see a player, tail them stay out of sight, but observe the playstyle, if you see them encounter another player observe what happens, if it turns to a friendly situation, make your self known and join the party ALWAYS USE VOICE voicing or at least typing to someone shows high probability of being friendly thus lowering chances of being shot if you are known to be in area and not of shot on sight yourself


when you find food and drink just plough through all of it till your character is in the green zones that way you get hungry and thirsty a lot less and do not need so much surplus on you thus can carry more useful things, also NEVER BLOOD BAG unless fully sure everything including blood type is correct... my advice wait for tents and then play, so you can hoard and not feel sad when you dies

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And write about the use of the microphone by pressing CapsLock for voice-talk or "/" for text-chat.

If you remain silent and don`t answer, the players will kill you much faster.

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