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  1. JIJOK

    Clan vs Clan PVP Competition

    since thread has been started at august 2012 and you just reply february 2015, what means "soon" for you ? ps : old threads should be auto-locked/closed whatever
  2. JIJOK

    Bring back old dayz!

    you are the boss, but will keep the gun loaded, you know just in case
  3. JIJOK

    Bring back old dayz!

    Not really, he said "if you're smart enough" as you can see this is his 2nd thread asking for old UI http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218416-old-ui/ answered by Razor ( dayz mod stuff ) less that 2 weeks ago this thread, not smart enough, close it ? both maybe, sorry bother admins ;)
  4. JIJOK

    Will DayZ Survive?

    Except mmo's ( some of course ), all games die some day, as simple as that, better pc's = better game engine = posible better graph and gamplay games ps : minecraft its mmo right ? You can close thread since I am right and you all know it B)
  5. JIJOK

    DayZ Standalone Suggestions

    Original Post was "Posted 11 January 2013" kinda old dont you think
  6. Do you create a thread every time you stop playing a game ?
  7. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205545-dayz-commander-not-working-read-this-dayz-launcher-the-new-alternative/ but if I am not wrong launching dayz from steam should have no prob at all
  8. JIJOK

    DayZ Mod Crash

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205545-dayz-commander-not-working-read-this-dayz-launcher-the-new-alternative/ maybe this ?
  9. Sure, play Dayz SA Release Date : 16 Dec 2013 ( Steam info ) so the game will be finished .... when ? maybe 2016 ? Btw, what do you call play Dayz SA ? Pay 35 $ for a beta game that has more than 1 year in beta ? Sorry to ask but, whats the fun of dayz sa ?
  10. JIJOK

    dayz mod hero char

    ouch, too much info, how find it to use on a self made mission ? map editor, sorry bother
  11. I want know what ... soldier/man or however its called, was used to be used as hero character on dayz mod ( arma 2 ) eg: bandit is german guy, survivor is tactical driver, hero is .... do u know ? thanx a lot
  12. JIJOK

    last version vanilla vid please ?

    THANK YOU BOTH !!! nice vids, btw viny, I played lot of dayz mod, but new versions looked not fun at all and thats why stoped playing it for a long time, maybe its for a 2nd round
  13. JIJOK

    BattlEye Just Broke...

    I am still having probs with battleye, actually started today/yesterday, when launching arma 2 oa using steam it shows that window about battleye then says " succesfully instaled ....." but nothing, re-launching arma will get the same window open again
  14. JIJOK

    last version vanilla vid please ?

    long time stoped playing dayz because I think updates removes weapons and adds craftable stuff and some other complex ruining game things and dont want update it and try by myself
  15. So, looking on youtube all I found is ..... well you know, full of bs videos, so I am looking for a long video ( more than 5 mins :P ) of gameplay about dayz mod vanilla with last version. thanx a lot