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About jaffaman

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  1. Who adds the servers to the white list for the Dayz SA servers ? as we have just had our SA server moved to a new server box with a new I.P and has been on the new server box for 50+ Hrs and still not white listed we can join the server by I.P but it will not show up in the server list. We are hosted by Multiplay and they are telling us it is down to Valve and Bohemia and they only update the white list once a week on a Wednesday surely that can't be the case ??? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. jaffaman

    Non kos is as much of a thrill as kos

    Well played........... Beans for you :)
  3. jaffaman

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    No need to be so rude and go on the attack but thanks for the great feed back very constructive but for your information our children clan is a over 18's only clan with most of our members aged 30+ and after finishing work sorting out there kids ect: they do not have 4/5 hours a night to spend on the PC.
  4. jaffaman

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    I like the game at night when i have the gas lantern but that makes you a big target and rightly so but when you turn it off or get killed it's just to dark for me and i do not like playing with the gamma up as i don't like using any sort of exploits.
  5. jaffaman

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    I would like to see spawn points all across the map :) The only problem i have with it is that some of our clan members only have a few hours to play a night and if they get killed they can waist 20 mins or even longer if they are getting there arse kicked by zombies or they get KOS trying to get back to where the rest of the clan are and by the time they have reached us it's time for them to log out.
  6. jaffaman

    When do you feel safe to logout?

    I go to the woods as well and wait about 2 mins to make sure that there are no zombies about to kill me when it's logging out :)
  7. jaffaman

    Mugging off Dickheads!

    lol funny as fook :)
  8. jaffaman

    Starting doing youtube videos :)

    One thing I would say is that it's annoying that you can hear the keyboard clicks (Still watching the 1st video)
  9. I don't mind having them in game but maybe one of each but before you could fly them you would need to find parts and fuel for them so they do not dominate the game also have it so that the parts only respawn once every 24hr in game cycle. When they do come in to the game there must be a way to be able to take them down like stingers and make it that the stingers are not as rare so that a few players can find them.
  10. jaffaman

    Remember kids, cranes are bad!

    lol that's class
  11. jaffaman

    Ella's standalone guide

    Thanks for the guide helps a lot of us noobs out :)