applejaxc 2500 Posted December 4, 2013 I've never thought wearing a rubber halloween mask would be an advantage in combat, but whatever works for you. If it's hard rubber/plastic. If it's just an el cheapo $5 mask then yeah, you might as well wear a giant "Hey, rob me I'm an idiot" neon sign. I didn't follow the link in his video and assumed it was an actual, protective mask. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted December 4, 2013 Ive broken most o the above in fights... if only i had a clown mask in my dumber days :(I wrote that assuming the in-game mask would be like a hockey mask. ...why the fuck are you getting into so man fights? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted December 4, 2013 Hello there I dont really have a major issue with masks, but from an outsiders perspective, I can understand why some folk are feeling (or assuming) its warz like. Fortunately they are not correct in their worries, but I can see why they are perturbed. All I can say, is that from my limited knowledge, no matter the impression you get from the screenshots, the masks are not a major "thing". This seems to be the usual "jump on a macro point and create a mountain out of a mole hill" With the "face" placeholder for an object, just think of all the varied (and realistic) coverings that could be created? Im imagining things like those painter and decorator masks one sees and the recent riots in Thailand for example or a simple scarf, think of the possibilities. Would one not prefer a really customisable avatar ingame compared to the standard civvie model where we all look identical? As R points out, folk will run around in their pants being silly. Ive done it myself, and trolls will troll. Id rather that we had freedom to wear what we like and the freedom to not wear what we dont like than have all the same style. I think the main reality jar/shock is that one particular mask is so identifiable as being from another game. Thats the one I have a tiny, tiny, wee, small and miniscule issue with on a personal level, but tbh I dont really give a poo, it wont affect my enjoyment of the game. I can see the conclusions folk are jumping to, but as far as Im aware theres no need to panic. Rgds LoK PS R, I want the horse heads! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImageCtrl 719 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) I can see the conclusions folk are jumping to, but as far as Im aware theres no need to panic.I can only say, for me it is gamebreaking seeing this mask each day. And it is fun for me when I get surprised after a few weeks seeing someone wearing this mask. Edited December 4, 2013 by NoCheats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingochaos 131 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) I wrote that assuming the in-game mask would be like a hockey mask. ...why the fuck are you getting into so man fights?Yea, hockey masks would be cool... imagine it, some noob, cowering in the corner o a room in cherno at night, twitching at each noise, then he hears a chainsaw turn over, then splutter out , then again, then it roars into life... in a panick he throws out a red chem light, just to illuminate a hockey masked, chainsaw wielding physcopath silloutted in the door way... that would be so awesome! :D I dont have an issue personally with this stuff at all... i WANT hockey masks, there are so many very cool ones out there, and they would be practicle, but if they have clown masks... i also want a richard nixon mask > :( As to the fighting, i had everything yah listed there broken in one fight, three other dudes, and they put the boots in, was the only time ive ever bleed outta my eyes, collapsed my nose, pretty much took all the skin of one side o my face, i had to swallow my food for about a year after.( upper jaw was fractured, but didnt find out till after it had knitted when i finally went to a dentists about all the loose teeth) But i did use to get in fights fairly regulary up until then, where i grew up, types o people you hang out with.. Thats not who i am now mind. (although with that one, i was at a mates place, out in the country, and they came out and kicked the door in... couldnt really avoid it.) Edited December 4, 2013 by KingOchaos 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted December 4, 2013 Yea, hockey masks would be cool... imagine it, some noob, cowering in the corner o a room in cherno at night, twitching at each noise, then he hears a chainsaw turn over, then splutter out , then again, then it roars into life... in a panick he throws out a red chem light, just to illuminate a hockey masked, chainsaw wielding physcopath silloutted in the door way... that would be so awesome! :D -snip- As to the fighting, i had everything yah listed there broken in one fight, three other dudes, and they put the boots in, was the only time ive ever bleed outta my eyes, collapsed my nose, pretty much took all the skin of one side o my face 1: ...and then he realizes he's glitched in the doorframe and an army of zombies is running at the noise of the chainsaw/red light...2: That's what I'm talking about. Don't get into fights, if you absolutely have to, wear something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonesnap 75 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) I agree with Dean. He is adding more content and clothing items. I can see why some people don't like it, as it might not fit your idea of what the atmosphere should consist of in DayZ; but in all actuality, you are complaining about more ways to personalize your character. Really?? If you don't like it, don't wear it. If you don't like someone else because they are wearing it, shoot them. If someone was wearing a My Little Pony mask, I for one would put a 9mm between their eyes. But I wouldn't start a thread to complain about it. If you're concerned about Dean "wasting his time" implementing items like this into the game, consider the fact that you wasted his time to have him post in this thread to defend the fact he has added more clothing items to customize your character with. I for one, strongly support adding more clothing items to customize your character with.. with the rare exception being MLP content, lol. edit: On a final note, masks do not seem out of place at all in DayZ. In real life, a bandit would wear a mask to conceal their identity so they are not recognized by the public as a criminal, so what makes DayZ any different. Edited December 4, 2013 by bonesnap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted December 4, 2013 nevermind the fact the game looks like complete garbage Maybe that's because it's in pre-alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
broguenz 333 Posted December 4, 2013 I want tanks, jets, atomic bombs and masks in the game.It depand on how many of this items are in the game.10 jets for all servers together + half the amount rockets20 tanks for all servers together + half the amount bullets1 atomic bomb for all servers together Maybe this mask is only 100 x ingame?I don´t worry about that atm. Never sort a item out thats already done. Make it rar. serious? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted December 4, 2013 There's no way (nor should there be) for us to enforce exactly how someone plays the game. because that is not the game we are making. There are many people playing the game for many reasons - and it is this great variety of reasons that I believe adds a the unique character to the game. so KoS problem confirmed for SA.... sweet... how does it feel to spend 18months deving something thats gunna devolve into a DM map within a short period of time ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImageCtrl 719 Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) serious?Don't expect that you see it ingame yourself. You will see that only on youtube then.All things tell storys. Thats it. Nothing wrong having each 3 months a new nuke spawn. :P Edited December 4, 2013 by NoCheats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badluckburt 974 Posted December 4, 2013 I suppose I can understand why someone might not like it. We discussed this kind of thing. In the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake I saw some photos of guys robbing a place wearing those horse head things. What we want to do is add content. Payday is also a product we feel very strongly about, it's something we all really like and we wanted to honor it as a product. We wanted to put masks in game not only for hiding identity individually, but to allow the players to gain some kind of group identity if they wanted. It's another thing to: find, trade, or treat as junk. With or without the masks, someone is going to find/do something that you don't like in the game. Someone is going to run around electro naked, with a radio blaring "Never Gonna Give You Up". There's no way (nor should there be) for us to enforce exactly how someone plays the game. We're also not always thinking "what would be in Chernarus, for reals" because that is not the game we are making. There are many people playing the game for many reasons - and it is this great variety of reasons that I believe adds a the unique character to the game. I'm not going to ask for screenshots but could you elaborate a little bit on what other facial cover we could expect? If I wanted to go incognito I'd just tie a bandana over my face and pretend I'm a desperado instead of wearing an entire mask. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingochaos 131 Posted December 4, 2013 so KoS problem confirmed for SA.... sweet... how does it feel to spend 18months deving something thats gunna devolve into a DM map within a short period of time ???Where in gods name has this whole "dayz is about surviving zombies" come from... its has ALWAYS been about putting players in an environment, that will force even friendly players to do unsavioury things to survive. It is not a death match, but if you are getting pawned all the time, you probably need to rethink your game... you obviously dont have good survival skills/tactics. You dont need to hunt down other players to survive, but if others choose to pray on the weak, Good on em. now to take o quote o mine from another thread. I think this from the wired article on rocket was probably what rocket was envisioning "Eventually he hit on the idea to replace Arma‘s terrorists with zombies, but the undead would actually be the least of a player’s concerns. Hall was designing the game as a social experiment: Every time a player logged in, they’d be pitted against other players also hunting for supplies. Players would compete for limited food, water, and weaponry, and their anxiety would make them more deadly than the brain-eaters. The gameplay re-created his feeling of isolation in the jungle, surrounded by dozens of starving strangers, any of whom might be plotting to steal his meager supplies just as he was plotting to steal theirs. Hall wanted the possibility of dying and losing everything to drive players to kill other survivors in order to steal their rations. He would call the game Day Z, a twist on D-Day." I think survival as Dean has experienced it, is different than say what you may view on a crappy realty TV show(where yah dump a bunch o narcissists together, still provide em with enough rice and fresh water they dont all kill em selves, and watch the fire works. Where it went wrong in the mod was with duping, making what was supposed to be rare items common. Time will tell, but some things will remain the same, a group is always going to have an advantage over an individual, there is safety in numbers. Binding is pointless, unless with some o the more common weapons (ie yah fists) its not possible to kill some one, and if these are more stealthy than fatal weapons there exists a point to bind people... Either way, we will find out soon enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monolith1985 109 Posted December 4, 2013 i dont really like the masks in game, kinda reminds me how most people in gta online have monkey and goblin masks on. looks alot more like gtadean once mentioned about controlling loot globally, such as a total amount of an item across every server, so if there was only 25 masks globally, that wouldnt be so bad 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weparo 613 Posted December 4, 2013 Just shoot whoever's wearing the mask, take it and drop it on the bottom of the ocean if it bothers you that much. That's probably what I'll be doing. :)This :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamz 253 Posted December 4, 2013 I'm not too impressed with that particular mask, but I think the idea of headgear in general is a good one. I'm talking about masks/bandannas/balaclavas rather than motorbike helmets which players may use to give themselves added protection. I believe that personalisation of a players character will be very important in the SA, not only for fun but also to identify other players (perhaps even temper some of that wayward KoS...).If it's rare enough then so be it, to be honest if anyone is wearing that I'll see them long before they see me so they put themselves at a distinct disadvantage anyway. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted December 4, 2013 I have to agree with the sentiments of the OP a little. It looks a bit 'WarZ' to me. I wouldn't mind balaclavas, bandanas or even hockey masks but this just seems a bit silly. :S 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted December 4, 2013 I swear, if one more person tries the 'well X wasn't in The Walking Dead, so why would it be in DayZ' argument, I think I'm going to have an aneurysm.DAYZ HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WALKING DEAD.It's not an official TWD product, and therefore (strangely enough) there's a chance that stuff might pop up that isn't seen in TWD. Who'da thunk it?I don't particularly like TWD as a tv show, but I understand that millions do - what irritates me is that a not insignificant percentage of those people now see it as the holy grail of all zombie-related media and anything that wouldn't belong in that universe apparently shouldn't belong in any universe with zombies in. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted December 4, 2013 In a zombie outbreak situation (however implausible), it's uses would be as follows. A) A mask would protect your face from zombies and possibly melee attacks. B) A mask would give a higher prevention of blood being splashed into your eyes or mouth, which would prove fatal. C) A mask (in a real life situation of this nature) would strike an extra element of fear into a bandit's victims upon seeing said bandit for the first time. Raising said bandit's chances of success in whatever his goal was. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mzltv 2281 Posted December 4, 2013 Really? We're raging about a mask now? Fucking internet. This. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted December 4, 2013 Every self respecting bandit wears a mask. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted December 4, 2013 THIS: 10 points to the first person that can mark where the picture was taken on the map!! QUICK!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted December 4, 2013 Is it sad I noticed this was the Vybor bridge before I noticed the chicks in their undies? acckk! you win! I don't remember the water there though..? :beans: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted December 4, 2013 is fair point, for sure mask taking only one guy few hours why they don't model more gun or item important for dayz like item for survive? I don't think this mask delay SA release date but is maybe something to do after release :| Because they've done all that and are now just twiddling their thumbs? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted December 4, 2013 Standalone is already out in Australia. Not sure what you guys are doing way up there. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites