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Quick status update for week 8 November

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You know when you're a kid and you spout unrealistic video game ideas, as your more tech-savvy friends shake their heads in mocking disapproval? 


Well, they can go f*** themselves. Very Ape of 2003 was right, all thanks to Rocket. 

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So how long can we expect these fixes to take? Just a rough estimate.

Come back in a month.

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Im wondering about Gas masks/ Respirators, Maybe they could be used if a gas tanker had leaked, or some toxic substance was in the air.


Either way, you answered my question good, thanks mate ;).


Yes there are many items like this and more coming in each day. However most of these items lack their functionality and proper configuration. This is because most of the project is current focused on finalizing the alpha build. Once it is released they will return to finalizing functionality on specialist items.


Rocket, I have a question regarding the night cycle in the Standalone and I actually made a topic about it recently and this has been lightly touched. Will there be improvements such as more night ambience? (Topic here for more details)


We spent a few days improving some aspects of lighting. Some environmental aspects are being improved, such as the new rain system, god rays, new lense flares, etc... However we plan to remove the rendering system completely in our roadmap so it doesn't make much sense for us to do something we would be removing. Also note that removing the rendering from being bound to simulation is a major undertaking that would cause serious issues and possibly delay a build - so we won't undertake that until we have a stable alpha branch.

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forgive please my stupid :huh:


what is difference of server fps and client fps?


how is affect player this ones?

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So, basically a week or two till release ? December probs  :)


Just continue your work, dedication is the key to success  :beans:


Much love,


Cookies for everyone

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Thanks for the update, Dean! No rush, imma playin Overwatch now, have a SUV and a Heli and a small camp, w00t!

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Rocket, intend to focus on subterranean cities?!, I know we will be able to dig to save our items ...

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Thanks for fast reply Rocket. Well appreciated. I hope all goes well with the whole process and I'm looking forward to the best zombie survival game :)

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I like you Dean, you are nice.

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Rocket please answer how long you estimate the fixing will take so we can get just a rough estimate. 1-2 weeks? A month? 2 months??

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Rocket, intend to focus on subterranean cities?!, I know we will be able to dig to save our items ...

Base building is something that's being looked at but the implementation will be at a much later date.

At the moment for the alpha release they are just looking to get the base (Excuse the pun) game out of the door.

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Rocket please answer how long you estimate the fixing will take so we can get just a rough estimate. 1-2 weeks? A month? 2 months??


Dude, no.



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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I saw that books were in the game, are there going to be army field manuals or medical journals added? And in saying that will certain books allow the character to do extra things, for example an army FM might allow you to set small game traps, construct water collecting apparatus for your canteen, start a smokeless fire (not really smokeless), a medical journal would let the player know what blood types are compatible without alt+tabbing. You know what I'm getting at!

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Rocket please answer how long you estimate the fixing will take so we can get just a rough estimate. 1-2 weeks? A month? 2 months??

I know you are excited mate but this isnt the way to go about it.

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Dude, no.



Shoo! Go away! I don't have any food for you. Go! Find somebody else to bug.



nvm my question was answered on Reddit.. somewhat

Edited by HumanBeing25

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Will Time Travel be available in the Alpha release ?

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Will Time Travel be available in the Alpha release ?


That's like asking if there's a pre-order option ;)

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One thing I'd like to hear. Does the game still have the old thing that it doesn't utilize more than 2 cores well or can servers see now more and better core usage compared to Arma? I'm not asking about better client utilization but better server/hoster side utilization?

Shortly, does it have better server side multi-core utilization?


Ok I got answered http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1q7bcs/teased_tormented_abusedcome_on_rocket_and_co_give/cda0f5y?context=3



The app architecture is old, it's a 32 bit app. Like the vast majority of games, it's designed for previous gen processors. Games generally aren't designed to use six cores and etc... I'm no expert on hyperthreading but one thing that does help is raw clock speed on a single core. There is some multithreading stuff in the engine, i looked at it but I don't understand how it works. And I think that's all clientside anyway.

I personally haven't looked into clientside CPU and my client runs fine for what I need. But on the server, it only uses one core. Which means raw clock speed is critical. It scales well enough with faster CPUs.


Got to say that I'm disappointed.

Edited by St. Jimmy
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To be honest I think you should jusat release the apha now if its playable. Isnt that what an alpha ands early access is supposed to be for? lol

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To be honest I think you should jusat release the apha now if its playable. Isnt that what an alpha ands early access is supposed to be for? lol


Bro, he just said it isn't playable, bro.

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