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Argamore (DayZ)

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110 Excellent

About Argamore (DayZ)

  • Rank
    DayZ Cookie Central

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    Hunting bambi killers on the hills of Elektro

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  • Bio
    DayZ Cookie Administration, also involed with the DayZ Cookie Intelligence Federation.
  1. Argamore (DayZ)

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    So, basically a week or two till release ? December probs :) Just continue your work, dedication is the key to success :beans: Much love, Cookies for everyone
  2. Argamore (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    I should be studying and yet here I am.. Lurking.. laughing.. learning.. Thanks guys <3
  3. Argamore (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Goddamnitthishypeiskillingmeh. Soon, boys and girls.. Alpher is commin' ! inb4: Changes were made the whole day in the steam database, regarding the game AND the server architecture, updates. xoxo
  4. Argamore (DayZ)

    It's too late For Dayz.

    Makes campfire - creates a 9mm pistol. I love logic in this game :)
  5. Greetings! Love the tool, it's really awesome for quick comparing :D Is this a bug? Check dmg on AK-74: http://prntscr.com/1bus7v Now check it again compared to a Bizon: http://prntscr.com/1busae Keep up the good work. Cheers
  6. Argamore (DayZ)

    Very mad friends

    You deserve my cookie! I is very please to giving you cookie. Very best you is with this. I best hope for you is. Argamore gave a cookie to: G000gle !
  7. Argamore (DayZ)

    New patch coming soon to dayz

  8. Argamore (DayZ)

    Need Urgent Help!

  9. Argamore (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Favorite thread.. EVER.
  10. Argamore (DayZ)

    DayZ Origins 1.7.5 preview

    I was really thrilled about the 'FPS boost' and the way things are done server side. I assume you don't know when's the release date. At least I'm glad they are working on it, seems pretty good imho. Cheers
  11. Argamore (DayZ)

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    THE MORE COMPLICATE, THE BETTER. INB4: Not sarcasm. I really like helicopters, and I enjoy them being harder to play with.
  12. Argamore (DayZ)

    [SA] Prison Jumpsuits + Backstory

    Can I be a Samuel L. Jackson type of convict ?
  13. Argamore (DayZ)

    I believe my key has been stolen

    Contact BattleEye and BI ?
  14. Knocking people out and infesting feces into them... I WANT TO PLAY A GAME...
  15. Argamore (DayZ)

    TrackIR 5 - the hat that got me killed

    It's kind of funny (atleast to me) that some of you say like "If I have Oculus Rift, how would I watch the keyboard?" Seriously, if you aren't familiarized with the position of keys on your keyboard (especially if you have it for a long period) it's kind of sad.. What gamers are you :( Some would say "noob" here, but meh. TIR looks fun TBH. Inb4 Oculus Rift ftw..