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November Round-up

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I'm Polish and I don't appreciate the slur.

There is nothing vague about Poland, sir.

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One area that bothers me and I imagine they struggle with is how far to go with realism.  When I have my compass out or any other navigation tool; it should just anchor down in the bottom right hand corner.  With so much to do in the game there needs to be a level of convenience with mechanics like this - it will get frustrating really fast having all of these "you can't do that - you have something else in your hand" blockers.  If I want to drink and I have an item in my inventory, let me right click and say drink, not jockey items in and out of my hands.  I don't see any "fun factor" in these exercises.


For me the fun lies in exploration and discovery and the organic tension created by player interactions.  There is a subtle line between actions and rewards.  Fixing a car or cooking food is a very big reward and a fairly rare occurrence, so it's fun to have to jump through some hoops because it's worth it, but common tasks (like looking at your compass or drinking) need streamlined even at the risk of immersion imo

Edited by oompah

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One area that bothers me and I imagine they struggle with is how far to go with realism.  When I have my compass out or any other navigation tool; it should just anchor down in the bottom right hand corner.  With so much to do in the game there needs to be a level of convenience with mechanics like this - it will get frustrating really fast having all of these "you can't do that - you have something else in your hand" blockers.  If I want to drink and I have an item in my inventory, let me right click and say drink, not jockey items in and out of my hands.  I don't see any "fun factor" in these exercises.


For me the fun lies in exploration and discovery and the organic tension created by player interactions.  There is a subtle line between actions and rewards.  Fixing a car or cooking food is a very big reward and a fairly rare occurrence, so it's fun to have to jump through some hoops because it's worth it, but common tasks (like looking at your compass need streamlined even at the risk of immersion imo)


I think that thinking of things in terms of "realism" is a bit misleading. I personally like the "item in-hand" mechanic, but would attribute any encumbrance to the interface rather than the spirit of the inclusion. It provides for a lot more than you'd expect, like not being able to easily shove food into your character's mouth whilst in a firefight, or requiring a player to fall back to shove a morphine injector into their thigh/wherever it goes.

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One area that bothers me and I imagine they struggle with is how far to go with realism.  When I have my compass out or any other navigation tool; it should just anchor down in the bottom right hand corner.  With so much to do in the game there needs to be a level of convenience with mechanics like this - it will get frustrating really fast having all of these "you can't do that - you have something else in your hand" blockers.  If I want to drink and I have an item in my inventory, let me right click and say drink, not jockey items in and out of my hands.  I don't see any "fun factor" in these exercises.


For me the fun lies in exploration and discovery and the organic tension created by player interactions.  There is a subtle line between actions and rewards.  Fixing a car or cooking food is a very big reward and a fairly rare occurrence, so it's fun to have to jump through some hoops because it's worth it, but common tasks (like looking at your compass or drinking) need streamlined even at the risk of immersion imo

one word: quickbar


and i think they want the player to play this game on a slower pace and  it will certainly require more tactical approaches in several situations

Edited by joe_mcentire
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The problem will be if you burden the experience with trivial tasks that server minor or repetitive purposes it will get annoying very quick.  Especially when considering there is so much to do that is fun and so many areas to explore.  If you have 10 straight hours to play each day then it might be ok, but the majority of players will want to get on and have a fun experience within 20 minutes or so - and since fun comes from simply exploring I think the game can deliver that as long as the player is not overly burdened with item jockeying and fighting against the ui to do things like look at a compass.

Edited by oompah

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The problem will be if you burden the experience with trivial tasks that server minor or repetitive purposes it will get annoying very quick.  Especially when considering there is so much to do that is fun and so many areas to explore.  If you have 10 straight hours to play each day then it might be ok, but the majority of players will want to get on and have a fun experience within 20 minutes or so - and since fun comes from simply exploring I think the game can deliver that as long as the player is not overly burdened with item jockeying and fighting against the ui to do things like look at a compass.


I'm sorry, but having a "quick experience" isn't within the auspices of DayZ and never has been. The old adage, "forest running simulator" comes to mind. Nothing's stopping you from exploring, but there will be hindrances and consequences. That and DayZ is what you make of it, if you only have 20 minutes to spend on the game then you're going to have to play within the confines of that time. The game itself shouldn't be dictated as such.


I don't think making myself vulnerable to eat something is a trivial experience, in fact it's a very significant experience which could lead to my character's death.

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[...] as long as the player is not overly burdened with item jockeying and fighting against the ui to do things like look at a compass.


one word: quickbar


This. From what I've seen, using the compass per quickbar isn't really a "struggle". I'm pretty certain they just wanted to make you actually select the compass for using it, putting aside your weapon, therefore adding another element of suspense and a risk for you to take in order to navigate. Kinda like the whole "pistol-flashlight" thing.


I agree with you on the other stuff though; I hope managing your inventory, drinking and eating (not regarding preparation) will be made as intuitive and non-annoying as possible.

Edited by Tempus

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I see the system is much like Arma 3's. Only some item or weapon changing could be bit faster. Though if I remember right DayZ has weapon changing in movement when in A3 you've to stop?


I fail to see how useful would switching a weapon while in movement be, especially with the clunky movement. Sorry, it's not even close to Arma 3. The movement in first person looks exactly the same as in Dayz mod

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I fail to see how useful would switching a weapon while in movement be, especially with the clunky movement. Sorry, it's not even close to Arma 3. The movement in first person looks exactly the same as in Dayz mod

I agree, the movement in first person still looks very clunky.

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Did you learn something about jumping to conclusions today?

what noticing issues with animations is conclusions ? wow you taught me a lesson big time ! what i said is still true even if the animations are place holders :rolleyes:


sorry i dont go read on a none official dayz forums . why do we even have these forums if all new info gets posted on nerdit ?

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You know, you can turn down head bob in first person, as well as altering the aiming deadzone. First person can be as rigid as half life 2, or as bumpy as mirrors edge. It's really just user preference. I don't get it. You can change those values.

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is it me or did they really slow the zombies down to work with some early kind of fatigue system  :)  ( would love that)

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is it me or did they really slow the zombies down to work with some early kind of fatigue system  :)  ( would love that)


I think they might've just added an intermediate walk animation, rather than having them always be at either loiter, or FULL SPRINT RAWR!

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I hope they will add in the future the possibility of chopping of a zombies head or hand with sharp weapons

and i'm hoping too for a katana :P

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I hope they will add in the future the possibility of chopping of a zombies head or hand with sharp weapons

and i'm hoping too for a katana :P


Or maybe ears? Hmm... I bet Daryl could make a sweet necklace out of that...


But seriously, I don't think that's really necessary or appropriate (apart from not being a priority at all). Sounds like something that would get misused too easily and would make it too hard for the game to pass censorship.

Edited by Tempus

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Some of Rocket's comments on Reddit are hilarious but some of the people who suck up to him make me sick... literally make me ill...

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And I would love a shield like this, just pushing zombies away and in the other hand a wakizashi


Can you not have thoughts like this?

Edited by Katana67

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