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I'm right handed and i would hold it like that, when i chop wood, i have my right hand lower and left hand higher.

you would hold the axe like a batton when running and also facing forward for if you got attacked ;)  its keg handed (wrong in the animation )

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He's this guy http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/57087-snoww/ and he's in the testing team.

Wouldn't that then go against any NDAs in effect? unless he is BSing about the date or i haven't heard that rocket has said it will be out by the end of 2013 ( not that youtube vid which quotes rocket in 2012 saying it will be out by the end of the year)

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Wouldn't that then go against any NDAs in effect? unless he is BSing about the date or i haven't heard that rocket has said it will be out by the end of 2013 ( not that youtube vid which quotes rocket in 2012 saying it will be out by the end of the year)


Didnt rocket say it HAS to come out by the end of the year?

I thought it was common knowledge of a 2013 release date. It sounded like, optimised or not, its going to be released in 2013.

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Looks a lot better, I just hope we can turn all the stupid post processing/blur and HDR effects off as I hate all that shit.


as long as it doesnt give you an advantage

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as long as it doesnt give you an advantage

first thing everyone does in any game with blur , motion blur or anything similar is turn it off. almost make you sick with it on terribad. why do you want vaseline spread on your screen when playing.

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Guys when rocket says they will replace the renderer does that mean that they are going to get rid of directx and move to something like Mantle for example?

I highly doubt it.

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Guys when rocket says they will replace the renderer does that mean that they are going to get rid of directx and move to something like Mantle for example?

Good question. "...entirely replace the renderer so that we're not always reliant on DX." sounds like DX is still in somehow though.

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I look forward to playing with all of the forum brotherhood. I'll post my username when I register. See you in Cherno

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Didnt rocket say it HAS to come out by the end of the year?

I thought it was common knowledge of a 2013 release date. It sounded like, optimised or not, its going to be released in 2013.

that's what he said last year, and of course he was wrong. that's why he doesn't want to start giving dates again, which is a good thing.

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looks okay but far from ready for release.


sun is a bit dice for eg blinding ! dice seem in there games to make sure you know they added effects like sun blind you with over the top sunshine. so maybe a tweak of that.


the axe i still cant get why it was animated on the left hand and being held flat. you or majority would have it in right hand with the chopping head sharp side pointing down or forward.


are those women zombies just loaded for that section or for the videio and keeping others secret or not finished because i seen like 50 women with same clothes on. will zombies have individual clothing on? 1000 zombies wearing similar clothing will get tired very quickly. thanks for showing the video , you didnt have to ;) . carry on the good work.


lmaoo everything you stated here is nothing to delay the alpha. lol complaining about left handed axe  and women zeds?! lmfaoooo im done... 
Edited by Zul
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Video - Water bottle fighting stance. & Zombie apocalypse? nah, "You feel like taking a nap"

Hungry? Thirsty? Cold? Sick? Dying? How about a nice nap?

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I'm amazed no one has complained about the choice of font yet again. :)

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Looks a lot better, I just hope we can turn all the stupid post processing/blur and HDR effects off as I hate all that shit.

You can.

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Looks a lot better, I just hope we can turn all the stupid post processing/blur and HDR effects off as I hate all that shit.

You can.

I'm amazed no one has complained about the choice of font yet again. :)

Someone on reddit managed to. Asked for sans serif.

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I'm amazed no one has complained about the choice of font yet again. :)

They did on Reddit haha


Edit: didn't see Klesh's response 

Edited by Owain1122

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Someone on reddit managed to. Asked for sans serif.



They did on Reddit haha



Haha, of course they did. Glad I didn't see it, might have caused my eyes to explode and brain to resign.

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