OrLoK 16191 Posted October 22, 2013 Hello there TBH there is nothing we can do. If one has a copyright issue one must approach the person in question. You can post here until your face is blue, but at this time we are unable to assist. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedNome 443 Posted October 22, 2013 People like you, who lack respect toward addon makers, are ruining this great community. Vilas is a renowned addon maker known throughout BIS community for over a decade. His contribution to BIS games has been tremendous and boosted countless number of people's gaming experience. Keep in mind that no matter what you think, countless number of people will, and still do, download Vilas's addons. Without great modders like Vilas, BIS games wouldn't be the same and now some new modders and users who were introduced to ArmA 2 via DayZ are damaging the community. I have massive respect for the modding community and all the work they do for us all. That being said, this doesn't make you exempt from criticism if your actions then become questionable at a later date. His joining Origins and selling out like this deserves all the disrespect coming to him, it is a cancerous mod that has damaged this community and that is something I cannot forgive. Taviana Martin is also in that same bracket as far as I'm concerned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) and now some new modders and users who were introduced to ArmA 2 via DayZ are damaging the community.That strikes me as a tad naive if I'm honest. There is a cross-over in the communities and many of these "new" modders (which I agree are ruining the community) have come straight from the Arma community itself. They haven't just suddenly learned to make mods using BIS assets in the last few months. It's not about Arma vs DayZ, as mentioned before they have a mutually beneficial relationship. This whole topic is about modders in general behaving with integrity, sadly it's becoming less common as there is now money to be made (hopefully not for much longer). Edited October 22, 2013 by Fraggle 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmberHelios 2071 Posted October 22, 2013 and what is Dayz Taviana in his avatar ? nope he has no avatar silly... thats a signature and the original taviana map was under the Creative Commons License so they were free to use it. what he said was they couldn't edit it and they have to give credit and the original readme included with the files. its the new taviana map you cannot use 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmberHelios 2071 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE FREE OF CHARGE FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE AND TO CREATE NON-COMMERCIAL GAME CONTENT FOR BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE'S PRODUCTS. ANY COMMERCIAL USE IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT PERMISSIONIMPORTANT, READ CAREFULLY: YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM.This computer software program, any printed materials, any on-line or electronic documentation, and any and all copies and derivative works of such software program and materials (the “Program”) are the copyrighted work. All use of the Program is governed by the copyright law and by the terms of the End-User License Agreement, which is provided below (“License”). By using the Program you agree to be legally bound by the terms of this license agreement. Any use, reproduction or redistribution of the Program not in accordance with the terms of the License is expressly prohibited. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install or use the Program.1. Ownership: All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including but not limited to any titles, computer code, themes, objects, methods of operation, any related documentation, and addons incorporated into the Program) are owned by Bohemia Interactive a.s. (the Licensor) or its licensors. The Program is protected by the Czech copyright laws, international copyright treaties and conventions and any other applicable laws. All rights are reserved.2. Limited Use of License: the Licensor hereby grants, and by installing the Program you thereby accept, a restricted, non-exclusive license and right to install and use one (1) copy of the Program for your personal use. You may not network the Program or otherwise install it or use it on more than one computer at a time, except if expressly authorized otherwise in the applicable documentation. The licensor also specifically prohibits the use of the Software for other purpose than designing, developing, testing, and producing non-commercial game content for computer games developed by the Licensor only.The Program is licensed and your license confers no title or ownership in the Program.3. End User's Obligations: A. As a Subject to the Grant of License herein above, you may not, in whole or in part, copy, duplicate, reproduce, translate, reverse-engineer,modify, disassemble, decompile, derive source code, create derivative works based on the Program, remove any proprietary notices or labels from the Program or otherwise modify the Program without the prior written consent of the Licensor. B. You are entitled to use the Program for your own use, but you are not entitled to: (i) Sell or transfer reproductions of the Program to other parties in any way, nor to rent, lease or license the Program to others (ii) Publish and/or distribute the computer Program or any of its parts (iii) Exploit the Program or any of its parts for any commercial purpose including, but not limited to, use at a cybercafé, computer gaming center, computer aided training center or any other location-based site where multiple users may access the Program; (iv) Commercially exploit or allow a 3rd party commercially exploit game content you created using the Software, including but not limited to use by military organizations for computer aided training or commercially released game content;4. No Support: You acknowledge and agree that BI is providing you the Software free of charge in order to allow you creation of non-commercial content for BI's gaming products only and you agree to not commercially exploit any game content you may create using the Software without BI’s prior written permission.5. License Transfer: You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this License to the recipient, provided that the recipient agrees to the terms of this License and you remove the Program from your computer.6.Termination: This License is effective until terminated.You may terminate the License at any time by destroying the Program and any New Material.The Licensor may, at its discretion, terminate this License in the event that you fail to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein. In such event, you must immediately destroy the Program and any New Material.7. Limited Warranty: THE LICENSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM.THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED “AS IS”WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Program remains with you.8. Limitation of Liability: NEITHER THE LICENSOR, ITS PARENT, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS SHALL BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF GOODWILL,WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGE OR LOSSES.9.Miscellaneous: The License shall be deemed to have been made and executed in the Czech Republic, and any dispute arising hereunder shall be resolved in accordance with the Czech law.You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understand the foregoing License and agree that the action of installing the Program is an acknowledgment of your agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the License contained herein.You also acknowledge and agree that this License is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the Licensor and you.Copyright © 2008 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved. Double post sue me... Edited October 22, 2013 by AmberHelios 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) Double post sue me... So your saying kingscunt can't sue over false claims of ownership due to ultimately using BIS tools and thereof all surrounding user made add ons he tries to buyout and force to imply to other popular modception concepts they are not able to use without adhering under BIS guidelines. Seems legit, I sure hope the dev team does not tell Origins they are not allowed to use the dayz code that would be a wild twist over kicking up a fuss. Edited October 22, 2013 by Steak and Potatoes 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted October 22, 2013 I actually support this guy but I still find it hilarious that he's crying about his work being used in other mods that people are making money from while supporting Origins. lmfao guy. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RabidDiabetic 63 Posted October 22, 2013 Let me get this right... You claim you made mods for the good of the gaming community. Simply to enhance the experience for yourself and others, not for profit. But some people have started making profit off it, and now you want some? Even though everything you made can be accessed for free still, some people have started making money off of it, but nobody is forced to use them. You make mods for the good of the gaming community, you think it's wrong that people be charged for your content. So you want almost everyone to stop using it besides the people who charge for it. You even want the people who don't charge for it to stop using it, even though they make no profit. Best part though... You, Mr. All for the community guy, now want to receive money for people using your mods. It's pathetic really, you apparently have a good record but just because you saved someone's life 5 years ago doesn't mean you're still a good guy if you murder someone tomorrow. You can't claim you made these mods for the good of the community then try to stop EVERYONE from using them unless they are going to pay you. Talk about a hypocrite. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted October 22, 2013 Don't worry about it that ship sailed long ago. Aww man. I was almost done with the list. Oscar PhillipsRichard WurthingtonIrene ThompsonGene "the man" EpsoIshmael OberannieNathaneal Fredderick Wash IIISophie Mayburgson Steven CobbUrkel SampsonyChristopher HuntKristina WortfaceSco 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted October 22, 2013 I may have arrived a bit late on this, but I am I the only one being seriously concerned about the fact that the OP says he doesn't want anyone to use his custommade additions but the Origins-peeps? I do still remember the discussion that was brought up multiple times already about Origins using DayZ-code without asking for a license while they're actually selling what they're claiming is their licensed version of a mod?I mean, yeah - at the end of the day we all want a bit of recognition and maybe a bit of money out of what we've been working for so long, but Jesus Christ - without Vanilla DayZ you wouldn't exist in the first place.I have never understood how they got away with so many servers and people playing it and people paying for it. TL;DR: You don't want people using your stuff because they didn't license it and make it exclusive to people selling stuff they didn't license? Nice one. Hell - do we even know it's the actual guy that created those things in the first place? 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) edit - >:( DONT PAY THE MAN >:( FOR HIS WORK Edited October 23, 2013 by KoS 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted October 22, 2013 > :( PAY THE MAN > :( FOR HIS WORK You go ahead. :P 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted October 22, 2013 >:(You go ahead. :P who is making profits from this guys work no permission bastards owing OP some cash >:( also owing to BIS :thumbsup: :) is simple honour thing if guy give me bank detail in pm I don't mind send him some cash for sure I play this mods using his work, I enjoy for free send some money is no problem :) just for show respect and appreciate his work give me pleasure guys who take moneys owe him also and to BIS they owing money is simple way capitalist system working, everything have price :thumbsup: ;) I pay already BIS why not this guy??? and other guys who doing something but don't say 'is free to use' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) And this is exactly why the Garry's Mod Addon-making community went to shit; people began misusing the content (or at least in the creator's eyes, they did) and then they 'boycotted' addonmaking because of how people were taking credit for something that clearly wasn't theirs.While I'm all for people using customized content in DayZ addons, it's quite frustrating when people use your addons in a mod and don't even give a thought towards crediting you, and often take the credit for themselves. It's a shame, too, because this has created a divide in the entire ARMA community. Sometimes I think that the Internet only exists for people to act as assholes and get the same back, not for 'increased globalization' or 'sharing of information'. Whatever, that's my dumb tangent of the day. (Although I will add that Vilas is being a little unreasonable if he isn't willing to allow people who do ask for his permission to use or modify his addons in DayZ mods.) Edited October 22, 2013 by Chaingunfighter 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) Hold the breaks East Weapon Pack has now been updated with a new license: License: The included files cannot be used in any type of commercial projects, professional projects (this includes but is not limitted to professional usage of VBS and/or VBS2) or projects funded by donations. This includes projects based upon mods like DayZ which I mention specifically due to the nature of most DayZ related projects. I have decided to add these limittations to the usage of my content because addons are made to be for free gaming, not profit making of any type. These limitations also apply to any previous permission ever given in the past. If you wish to use my content in a commercial, donation or professional way, no matter the date you started to use it, you will have to contact me (again) and await written permission. If you do not wish to ask for my permission you are forbidden to use any of my content and you should stop using my content in anyway immediatly. There is no permission to use any of my addons in DayZ due to profit-making character of DayZ related projects. Any of my addons such as (but not limitted to) weapons packs, civilian/military vehicles and all Project 85 addons should no longer be used in any DayZ related projects due to character of DayZ activity in Armaversum. Usage of any of my addons in any other mods require my written permission! All of this also applies to elements of models released before MLODS which are for Arma2 military not DayZ since now.You can not use any of my work to make money or ask for donations without my explicit permission. This license replaces any previous license. If the archive contains another license you are to accept the license written on this page instead! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9218 I hope SV5000 knows about the changes...... Edited October 22, 2013 by Steak and Potatoes 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PK Richie 507 Posted October 22, 2013 Hold the breaks East Weapon Pack has now been updated with a new license: So he plans to break his own terms then ? He clearly stated that Origins will use them cause they pay him a % of the license money they earn :lol: What a fucking money whore hypocrite. This is just getting stupid, why don't BIS just shut down Origins ? BIS own the Dayz trademark so close the wankers down and none of this shit will keep happening :) Job done. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spikér 136 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) So its ok Origins use it, but no one else? OK i will leave it at this. ANY respect i had for you AT ALL is gone. You have just proven that you are a money grabbing whore. You and Origins are just as bad as each other so a match made in heaven. I have decided to add these limittations to the usage of my content because addons are made to be for free gaming, not profit making of any type. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9218 so are you telling origins to remove it all too? hypocrite! EDIT reason Removed childish name calling. Edited October 23, 2013 by Spikér 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OfficerRaymond 2064 Posted October 22, 2013 Are you sure it's not mods like Origins that use DayZ as a revenue stream that is killing addonmaking and modding?^this You'd get banned on the BIS forums for looking at a moderator funny. Here we allow people to speak their minds freely as long as it's not abusive, so with that in mind let's keep it pleasent.^most definitely this I actually support this guy but I still find it hilarious that he's crying about his work being used in other mods that people are making money from while supporting Origins. lmfao guy.What I wanna know is where the part of the modding community that just wanted to share their creations with everyone went? OP seems to have his jimmies rustled at the fact that someone got their hands on content that he made that makes the game better. Why do you have to make it about money? Why can't it just be enough that people are enjoying the content you have made? God forbid something be free for once. rocket released the mod without the intention of making money off of it, and then people like you go off and grub your way through trying to scurry up every cent you can. Origins, don't even get me started on those bunch of leeches. I sympathize with you being pissed about people using your content without consent. I'd sure as hell want some credit if I created something that was being used by others. That being said, I also wouldn't go around waving the legality of it in peoples faces with lawsuits. It's not just the modders that keep the modding community going, it's the people that want those mods and the companies that allow their games to be modded. Also, people aren't TECHNICALLY making money off of your addons if they're accepting donations for a server. They aren't TECHNICALLY getting paid because YOUR content is present within the server they run, and people aren't TECHNICALLY paying the owners of said server because YOUR content is used. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted October 23, 2013 (edited) Well this has raised a lot of interesting issues that many of us have been frustrated about for months. @Vilas - If you're wondering why you're getting such a hard time it's because the whole point of your topic is to state how disgusted you are with the lack of integrity some modders are showing while at the same time jumping into bed with those modders (in fact you're taking money from some of the modders with the worst reputation in the DayZ community) because you've been offered money. It simply doesn't make sense. If this isn't true or we have misunderstood you then you could use this thread to explain why, so far you have failed to do so by completely avoiding the valid concerns raised. @Mojahe955 - It's interesting to me how you too have used your first post on these forums to blindly defend the OP while failing to understand the issue at hand. You want to make it a "DayZ VS Arma" argument. Well there's a couple of reasons why to me that is stupid. Firstly many of the people that create these DayZ sub-mods are part of the Arma community itself and have been for many years, much like Vilas himself. In my eyes there's one simple reason why in the last year these modders and content creators have started acting in this way: Money. It's not because as DayZ players they are a lower class then your average niche mil-sim modder as you would like to believe, many of us enjoy both games, me included. The people creating content and mods since OFP have been able to do so on a trust basis simply because until DayZ became popular there was no money to be made, it's a hobby, a passion or something done for fun and always should be. Unfortunatly the very theme of this thread seems to show us that as soon as money is involved that integrity very quickly get's thrown out of the window to make a quick buck. As I've said before, ALL of the content creators who's work gets used should always recieve recognition or be asked for permission to use their assets, sadly that doesn't seem to happen often enough and now we find ourselves in this mess. Personally I just hope that the SA is released ASAP and the interest in these sub-mods quickly dies. The SA won't be moddable so these modders and content creators will be left fighting over the scraps of what now looks like a very dated game. Anyhoo, I'd like to keep this topic open so with that in mind can we all keep it polite/mature while discussing it, cheers. Edited October 23, 2013 by Fraggle 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xalienax 621 Posted October 23, 2013 The one pint that fraggle made realy rings true with me. Many of us in the A2 community have done various things over the years and "publicly" released them. everything from the simplest Map/mission all the way up to massive under-takings like entire islands (the physical map) from scratch with custom buildings and models. regardless for years these were openly and with little thought used on MP servers and one mod added to another in clan run servers that accepted donations. none of this was an issue. No one had ever cried "OMG I WANT SOME OF THOSE DONATIONS". simple fact was, those donations were funding small niche servers and getting your content used by the players of arma (which was always the purpose of it being made public any way right?) DayZ changed it because it brought a MASS amount of players in, to the point that clan/server owners could PROFIT by hosting servers. that is why I think the modders now want compensation. People are using their work on servers (always was fine) but now those servers are able to generate income beyond covering hosting costs by offering the custom weapons and what to players in "donor packs". The modders simply want their fair share for their hard work if PROFITS are coming in. sadly, this also means many servers who put all their donations back into hosting and expanding to more servers will get the short end of the stick because a few communities like origins want to monetize. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spikér 136 Posted October 23, 2013 Wouldn't it be an awesome twist if Rocket/Razor were to tell origins to stop using DayZ material as they are not sharing their donations with BI/DayZ team? 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted October 23, 2013 Look, cut the bullshit and say what we all know you mean :POrigins have told you they will share the license money they charge in exchange for you stopping other mods using it, Your thread title says no Dayz mod can use it but you're allowing Origins :lol: You're a hypocite Vilas and you can't stop anyone using the files because you no longer own the rights to them, go ahead and copyright them and send Epoch a DMCA notice. is true OP??? >:( respect revoke :thumbsup: :| 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 23, 2013 Have you payed royalties for the use of the BMW brand? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted October 23, 2013 I finally that other link I was searching for. Generally describes what is going in between Origins and other modders and how they're "dealing" with anyone else but themselves. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 23, 2013 I finally that other link I was searching for. Generally describes what is going in between Origins and other modders and how they're "dealing" with anyone else but themselves. Sorry, but, I found this funny. [12:16:45 PM] KinGHuNT: you can aknolege reciption of the leagal note 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites