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October Round-up: #DayZDaily

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Yeah agreed quite pathetic when you think about it. It's not like they were ever going to use the Mod' Sounds, so they new all along they would have to do new Sounds, but have only just now got around to looking at hiring someone to do them. Another example of a badly managed Team.


Well, one: Sound design is not really vital in terms of pushing an alpha out. Two: It's going to be an alpha, it doesn't need immense sound design. They're planning that for beta/release. Three: What's it to you? It will have no effect on the performance of the Alpha come release, it won't prevent them from releasing the alpha and it sure as fuck doesn't have anything to do with you.


No mention of Zombies having been redone as yet, so far none detected in any testing . A Zombie Survival Game released  Alpha with No Zombies I can see the IGN Video now, or I could be wrong, they are all finished and look and act fantastic . Which Bet would you take ?



There's been no mention of much as of late. Doesn't mean they're sitting around in the office twiddling their thumbs and playing Monopoly. Again, it will be an ALPHA so don't expect the Zombie AI to be top notch. Worst case scenario we get the Zombie AI from the Mod. Deal with it. OR Don't buy into the alpha. It's that simple. 


I'm more sick of reading your kind of Posts , talking about a man you know nothing about.


You're quick to do the same. You're shitting on Dean because he's done things differently to what others do. You don't know him. All you know is he isn't a brilliant public speaker and you're one of the firsts to fling your shit in his direction saying he should shut the fuck up and BI should hire a public speaker etc. And then you damn near get on your knees and give a blowjob to someone who thinks like yourself. Hypocrisy thy name is you.

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The reason why the new sounds comes later have been explained and the reasons make perfect sense if you bother to think about it.

If you feel the need to complain at least bash on some genuine problems, not something anyone can figure out the reasons to (that also have been officially explained by Dean himself).

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Lack of transparency is killing developers.


No. No it's not. It's just killing your perception of them. 

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I think, as a fanbase, we are lucky rocket is filling us in. I remember when GTA V was announced, and a trailer was shown, and then suddenly it became a drought year. That was no new information for over a year when they finally released the second trailer.



Everytime you'd send them a message about it, you'd always get the reply "there is no information available to speak of at this time". It was quite the annoyance, but people need to realize we are not privileged to anything, and rocket had just as much power to stay quiet like R* did, but he didn't. We should be grateful.

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Oh long johnson, they are in game. I hope that closed test version is almost finished.

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What I don't understand is that people are so god-damn unpatient these days. Sure, I want the game. I prefer to have it tomorrow than next week. BUT, I am expecting a decent version and I'll wait until that comes, even if it's next year or the year after.

So far, everything Rocket and his team did with DayZ lead me to like the game and to be optimistic about what's coming. I am working in Marketing/Sales myself and no matter how big the hype is, the delivery of a solid product is most important. All that unpatient ranting I am reading on these forums and others are in my eyes only a sign of what's going to happen when DayZ is not delivering upon release. That's ALPHA release. Everybody that is now complaining about "Where is the fucking game? I WANT IT NOW" is very likely to be the first poster of criticism about "You have dumbed down DayZ! THIS SUCKS".

The same happened within the Call of Duty series. The same happened with the Battlefield series. The same happened with Total War games. The same happened with the Civilization series. Examples are countless to be found.

What that taught me is simple: If a developer thinks it's not ready for release, Alpha or final doesn't matter, well, it's simply not ready. If Rocket is smart and so far I think he is, he knows that most likely, he will not be able to hit the expectations that are laying on this game. I am sure, as a business person, he understands that he can better delay a release, even for another 12 months, to make sure that the first version of his product is sufficient to have a decent playerbase on this.

To almost all the people filling countless threads and forums with "I am not interested anymore", I can only say "If you weren't interested anymore, you'd left already. You'll buy the game anyway". That's what I would put my money on. Guys, just be patient.

Exactly, making a game is not easy, and with such a small developement team, progress will be slow. People just need to realize this isn't Treyarch or Infinity Ward who have hundreds of developers working on one project. Even then, they still take an entire year just to release a shitty rehashed version of Call of Duty running on an old as engine.

That is all.

Edited by SomebodyEpic

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I think, as a fanbase, we are lucky rocket is filling us in. I remember when GTA V was announced, and a trailer was shown, and then suddenly it became a drought year. That was no new information for over a year when they finally released the second trailer.



Everytime you'd send them a message about it, you'd always get the reply "there is no information available to speak of at this time". It was quite the annoyance, but people need to realize we are not privileged to anything, and rocket had just as much power to stay quiet like R* did, but he didn't. We should be grateful.


Rockstar is one of the worst, they pretty much ignore everyone and and all feedback. Last time I checked they don't even have a forum.

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Rockstar is one of the worst, they pretty much ignore everyone and and all feedback. Last time I checked they don't even have a forum.

Yeah, they pretty much don't need feedback.

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What I don't understand is that people are so god-damn unpatient these days. Sure, I want the game. I prefer to have it tomorrow than next week. BUT, I am expecting a decent version and I'll wait until that comes, even if it's next year or the year after....


...Guys, just be patient.


ARRRG!!! I have to time to listen to these rants and raves!!! arrrg!!!


*storms out*

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The last lap, are being so long. Hipe are a knive whit couble edge, how much long you hipe, yo get more expectatión but also, you get more angry people, my friends joke me alwais i ask hims this game are coming son. i still remember roket words about, relese alpha wen buble works, now bluble works, were is the alpha? sems they really no want to lauch alfpa, sems they expect lauch beta.


They can lauch the game wen they think is ok, but a seriusly developer, no ask you so much tiems game is near, game is near game is near, they ask game is coming in nex year. no longer check forum every day , i no want you angry why i hype you.

Edited by sycopata

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What I don't understand is that people are so god-damn unpatient these days. Sure, I want the game. I prefer to have it tomorrow than next week. BUT, I am expecting a decent version and I'll wait until that comes, even if it's next year or the year after.


So far, everything Rocket and his team did with DayZ lead me to like the game and to be optimistic about what's coming. I am working in Marketing/Sales myself and no matter how big the hype is, the delivery of a solid product is most important. All that unpatient ranting I am reading on these forums and others are in my eyes only a sign of what's going to happen when DayZ is not delivering upon release. That's ALPHA release. Everybody that is now complaining about "Where is the fucking game? I WANT IT NOW" is very likely to be the first poster of criticism about "You have dumbed down DayZ! THIS SUCKS".


The same happened within the Call of Duty series. The same happened with the Battlefield series. The same happened with Total War games. The same happened with the Civilization series. Examples are countless to be found. 


What that taught me is simple: If a developer thinks it's not ready for release, Alpha or final doesn't matter, well, it's simply not ready. If Rocket is smart and so far I think he is, he knows that most likely, he will not be able to hit the expectations that are laying on this game. I am sure, as a business person, he understands that he can better delay a release, even for another 12 months, to make sure that the first version of his product is sufficient to have a decent playerbase on this.


To almost all the people filling countless threads and forums with "I am not interested anymore", I can only say "If you weren't interested anymore, you'd left already. You'll buy the game anyway". That's what I would put my money on. Guys, just be patient.


Nicely put, except I think one thing. Rocket suffers from perfectionism, and the longer development goes on the more perfect he expects the "Alpha" to be which in return requires more development time leading to a vicious circle. Sometimes better is worse.

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The last lap, are being so long. Hipe are a knive whit couble edge, how much long you hipe, yo get more expectatión but also, you get more angry people, my friends joke me alwais i ask hims this game are coming son. i still remember roket words about, relese alpha wen buble works, now bluble works, were is the alpha? sems they really no want to lauch alfpa, sems they expect lauch beta.


They can lauch the game wen they think is ok, but a seriusly developer, no ask you so much tiems game is near, game is near game is near, they ask game is coming in nex year. no longer check forum every day , i no want you angry why i hype you.

Sadly, there are a lot of people that aren't like you. For example, Media and other news sites would probably bash the game since it's in such an early Alpha. If the Zombie AI hasn't that much changed they would criticize them for that, it's what they do to get more readers and make it more interesting I guess. They don't want to get bashed as it would result in less copies sold perhaps?


I mean DayZ was very glitchy and still is but that was the thing that was charming about it. I remember when there were only public hives/same map and updates would come regularly, with private hives I think we're not that close to the developers like we used to be. That's why I'm against private hives and modding in general in SA.

Edited by voddler
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Hicks and Matt are in game..Wish they could throw us some info :(

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I don't expect anything until they say "Hey we are doing a weekly devblog" then i expected it weekly. That lasted 3-4 weeks. I didn't expect another devblog until they said "Hey we are doing it monthly now". Lasted 2 Months. Just saying, if you announce something it is kind off expected.


Very true, basic psychology. I'm a developer now but I started my IT career in support for an enterprise backend product, one thing I learnt is that you can by a lot of patience from the customer if you simply if you send them regular responses that look like they were written by a human, like "I'm working, checked such and such logs, have an idea for a w/a but root cause not clear yet, I will update in two hours". This is good as long as you keep the promise for regular updates, the escalation shit really hits the fan if you fail to reply in time  and keep the customer guessing if anyone is working on his issue at all.

Edited by ZlobaRUS54
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Good lord man! I would rather be scared to death than scarred for life!

You should come play Killing Floor - it's an old game but some people still play it. They've recently changed the looks of zombies so some of them (those that spit puke) look grandmaish or Helen Thomasish lol

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Hicks and Matt are in game..Wish they could throw us some info :(

Not a chance.

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The fucking hell? 20 hours in-game, SmashT? Unpossible! http://www.game-monitor.com/dayz_GameServer/


SmashT might have gone AFK and is still in there for the event that Dean records a devblog. You know last time he did stuff like cuff someone then shoot them to show the localized blood locations etc. He might be doing something similar.

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The fucking hell? 20 hours in-game, SmashT? Unpossible! http://www.game-monitor.com/dayz_GameServer/

Maybe they are testing the amount of time needed before a restart? If restarts are needed at all in standalone...

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Maybe they are testing the amount of time needed before a restart? If restarts are needed at all in standalone...

hmm maybe but there're probably better ways to check for that, such as generating "synthetic" events that player would normally create.


Or just AFK.

Afk for 20 hours? Implausible but possible.

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