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First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

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I think something to point out is that Dslyecxi has track ir. It's makes a big difference in 1st person, because you have WAY better situational awareness. Third person gives you a better overall perspective. I'm generally in 3rd when running around in forests or surveying an area. I switch to 1st when shooting and when in cities.

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I think something to point out is that Dslyecxi has track ir. It's makes a big difference in 1st person, because you have WAY better situational awareness. Third person gives you a better overall perspective. I'm generally in 3rd when running around in forests or surveying an area. I switch to 1st when shooting and when in cities.


Most people look around corners with 3rd, then pop out and shoot with 1st.

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Decisions that are key to the very core experience of DayZ need to be taken away from the admins.   By far the most popular public servers for a while had stupid starting loadouts, rediculous amounts of vehicles, pay to win elements and anything else that could be added to basically make the game "easier".  MThat's not their fault,  it's a result of admins having too much choice and not really caring for the game, just wanting full servers to boost their ego's and wallets.


100% agree , tired of +500 vehicles servers and rambo gear at start.  Anyway to stay on thread stuff , 3rd person isn't realistic but looks cooler than 1st , thats why I use it  B)  not in combat because its annoying

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I'm done...This is pointless...



This is pointless...I'm done.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

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100% agree , tired of +500 vehicles servers and rambo gear at start.  Anyway to stay on thread stuff , 3rd person isn't realistic but looks cooler than 1st , thats why I use it  B)  not in combat because its annoying

Are you trying to tell me that you don't use the 3rd person view when looking around a corner? Sorry, but that is a part of the combat, actually it is the most important part of combat.

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I find it funny how this is suddenly a huge discussion once someone released a youtube video.....

Edited by FrostDMG

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I find it funny how this is suddenly a huge discussion once someone released a youtube video.....

No not true.  The video came out and we thought it would be a good time to re-discuss.


This discussion is far from being new.

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I'll put this here because i put it in another topic but it is more relevant here...


 It is a weird thing this path to less resistance deal that i have seen thrown about a lot especially in some other topics. 9this one)


 Take il2 for example. Mil sim still but aviation and more niche than fps..more hardcore as well when you get to a full locked in cockpit no outside view, full engine management..essentially 1st person mode. The game is modded six ways from sunday and ten odd years old, but you never find empty locked in pit servers v full 3dp servers..why is that ? It is the same with FPS games..all seeing eye view gives you all of the advantages, but hardly any choose it in IL2 and the 3dp servers are nowhere near as enjoyable regards a tight core community and skill set, really, no elitism meant in that comment.


 I can always step straight into a full server of 1st and even have a ton of options on which map, theatre, planeset etc i want because there is so many to choose from. Whereas with DayZ ... although so many seem to want 1st there is sweet fannie adams of them ...with over 4000 servers. Does it say something about the player base and what games they have come from or ..? The dev group needs to bite the bullet one way or another with this thing and then move on happy with their choice.

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there is only one reason people like 3rd person and few are honest enough to admit it.


it allows you to see without being seen.


remove it, all other FPS games in history and the current blockbusters do fine without it, it has made some players lazy and they have become dependant on it.


it's like junkies saying 'i'm not an addict, I just enjoy it'. bullshit, you want the easier option because it's there, it's ok, that is human nature.


trouble is try taking crack away from a guy who's had a few months to develop an addiction.


we need tough love, take it away in SA. leave 3rd person methadone on the mod, take a chance, believe me all these addicts will thank you when they are free from dependency.

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This argument went to shit fast. Make it server side option, and all our problems will be solved. Oh, I forgot. If other people who aren't even in the same game as you can use 3rd person, IT MUST BE DESTROYED. Are you too lazy to play on a first only server? DESTROY THIRD PERSON! If other people can enjoy and use something that I don't like and can avoid, I MUST DESTROY IT!

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This argument went to shit fast. Make it server side option, and all our problems will be solved. Oh, I forgot. If other people who aren't even in the same game as you can use 3rd person, IT MUST BE DESTROYED. Are you too lazy to play on a first only server? DESTROY THIRD PERSON! If other people can enjoy and use something that I don't like andan avoid, I MUST DESTROY IT!

I wish you were correct but people, just like everything in nature, (except those of us who actively seek a challenge and thrive under difficult conditions) will opt for the easiest route, the path of least resistance.


make it a choice and it will dominate as it does with the mod. the game will become an arcade classic.


it is a freakish feature among FPS games and it destroys the 'realistic survival experience' dayz purports to be.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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I wish you were correct but people, just like everything in nature, (except those of us who actively seek a challenge and thrive under difficult conditions) will opt for the easiest route, the path of least resistance.


make it a choice and it will dominate as it does with the mod. the game will become an arcade classic.


it is a freakish feature among FPS games and it destroys the 'realistic survival experience' dayz purports to be.

Why can't we have both? Why can't there be two options, for the server owner to pick. Is that too hard, does it scare these people that there are people out there that use third person? Do they have to ruin the game for them?

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Why can't we have both? Why can't there be two options, for the server owner to pick. Is that too hard, does it scare these people that there are people out there that use third person? Do they have to ruin the game for them?

because if both exist 'First person only' will become marginalised, just as it is in the mod.


why on earth do you guys want a feature that would be called a wall hack in any other game?

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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It's not controversial. It's common sense. On balance of arguments, for and against, third person loses every time.


Improving mouse aiming, movement would help ARMA2 but they have fixed these issues for SA, therefore it should be scrapped.

Edited by Trizzo
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Why can't we have both? Why can't there be two options, for the server owner to pick. Is that too hard, does it scare these people that there are people out there that use third person? Do they have to ruin the game for them?


Why bother with a system that has no place in the game from the beginning just to please a part of the playerbase? Just as I won't bother buying if third person stays (in it's current form) people shouldn't buy if the decision is made to go first person only and they don't like it. It really is as simple as that.


Third person in stuff like the Elder Scrolls games is a gimmick that's okay because they are single player games and the only one you ruin it for while cheating is yourself. In a multiplayer survival game where one shot can kill you? Nah, not so much.

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Why bother with a system that has no place in the game from the beginning just to please a part of the playerbase? Just as I won't bother buying if third person stays (in it's current form) people shouldn't buy if the decision is made to go first person only and they don't like it. It really is as simple as that.


Third person in stuff like the Elder Scrolls games is a gimmick that's okay because they are single player games and the only one you ruin it for while cheating is yourself. In a multiplayer survival game where one shot can kill you? Nah, not so much.

precisely. :beans:


if it had never existed no one would be crying out 'GIVE US 3rd PERSON!!!'


anyone that did would be blasted off the forums and called all manner of names.

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I think this is a perfect opportunity for the devs to think hard about it and make the decision. Vehicles are being redesigned from scratch, animations and character movement/stances is a work in progress. If they just design those with 1st person view only in mind, nearly every complaint and issue is solved right there. FOV slider is already in the game and we can see our character in 3D in the inventory screen too. A much better solution than implementing a complex, context sensitive restricted 3rd person view that is never going to be perfect anyway.

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why cant you understand people like 3rd person ?


everyone likes different things !


you may like 3rd person you may like 1st person none is wrong just different.



blah blah like wall hack wtf you smoking? if you going down that route why give admins godmode or capability to do whatever they want ? thats worse than 3rd peson oh no you dont cry about that shit and thats basically legit hacking on every private server in the game .


such dramatic bs.


its like the kos shit.

Edited by dgeesio
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I think a good compromise would be to lock the camera position behind your character in third person - not allowing you to angle it over/around walls using freelook etc and keeping the camera close enough to your body that it can't be exploited much even with a relatively high FOV.

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it is a freakish feature among FPS games and it destroys the 'realistic survival experience' dayz purports to be.

Sure, realistic.

When I look at the sun I see a lens flare in real life, and if I put some morphine into my leg I can fix a broken bone.




I think a good compromise would be to lock the camera position behind your character in third person - not allowing you to angle it over/around walls using freelook etc and keeping the camera close enough to your body that it can't be exploited much even with a relatively high FOV.

But then it's pointless, in fact it would put 1st person players at an advantage

Edited by Garmalak

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why cant you understand people like 3rd person ?




you may like 3rd person you may like 1st person none is wrong just different.



the trouble is 3rd person has swamped the mod, as it will (if allowed) swamp the SA


this shall mean that all those guys who really want to play a First person shooter either choose from a handful of servers or join the masses and play in a way that is just plain ridiculous lest they succumb to the extreme disadvantage.


3rd person is fine in single player games but as said before in a pvp situation it just rips up all true strategy and tactical play.


Dayz is either a hardcore survival experience that aims like no other for realism or it's not.


Watch any youtuber who plays 3rd person, it is like watching someone cheat.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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But then it's pointless, in fact it would put 1st person players at an advantage


How so? The only real difference between them would be that you can see your character in third person and can't n first person as well as mostly removing the third person exploits of looking over walls etc. It would actually make them much more balanced.

Edited by SmashT
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This is an interesting idea:


When ever you shoot your weapon/get hit, you immediately (automatically!) go into First Person if you were not already in it.


EDIT: Combined with Smash's idea of not being able to look over walls, this could be an interesting balanced opportunity for both types of players.



Anyway, for my personal usage of the two:


First Person:

-When in a vehicle (IF I AM NOT DRIVER/PILOT)

-When in a fight

-When looting cities/looking at objects a bit closer

-Whenever I shoot something


Third Person:

-When in a vehicle (AS PILOT/DRIVER)

-When travelling long distances

-When being stealthy

Edited by Garmalak

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why cant you understand people like 3rd person ?


everyone likes different things !


you may like 3rd person you may like 1st person none is wrong just different.



blah blah like wall hack wtf you smoking? if you going down that route why give admins godmode or capability to do whatever they want ? thats worse than 3rd peson oh no you dont cry about that shit and thats basically legit hacking on every private server in the game .


such dramatic bs.


its like the kos shit.


I can understand that you like 3rd person just fine. Why can't you understand it really doesn't have a place in a first person shooter game? There is a reason the game genre is called "FIRST PERSON Shooter". Really people... how simple is that? ^_^

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