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Rocket and his team simply don't have as much brainpower as the entire modding community. So yeah it will never beat the mod.

They have more resources though and that is all that matters. Modders can come up with genius additions to games but lack the resources and ability to change the base architecture of the engine. Until they can do this they will always be modding Arma.

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Something you don't seem to understand about doing an SA over a mod is that with SA, the developers end up owning their IP straight up. You can't really sell a CoD:BO mod to EA even if it was the most popular mod ever made. This is because it would be useless for EA to be reliant on it's competitor. Creating SA means if the game works out well enough, they could get investors in which means more help in development which in turn means a shorter development cycle as well as a better game (though at a higher price).

The other thing you need to realize is that building SA, rather than migrating the mod to ArmA 3 means they're not a slave to the problems of the host game (just the basic engine which they can fix).

Might I also point out that for almost 10 years Counter Strike was the top FPS in the world. Were there newer, prettier, more realistic games? Sure but that doesn't mean it translates into fun. Who cares about a game with more textures and polygons? If you want eye candy there are a TON of games out there. If you want a game that's complex, immersible, and won't get you burned out in a month or two, then you're probably better off sacrificing pretty for gameplay.

I haven't played DayZ yet but I watch this everyday because I'm tired of these shooters out there that have a ton of weapons and that look pretty, but are dumbed down to where my dog could play them. I don't just want some extra movement mechanics like sliding, rolling, or fence jumping, but rather the ability to build stuff (buildings, weapons, vehicles), fix stuff, and interact in an almost RPG/FPS sandbox.

Edited by treeHamster
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They have more resources though and that is all that matters. Modders can come up with genius additions to games but lack the resources and ability to change the base architecture of the engine. Until they can do this they will always be modding Arma.

True they have a mocap studio and ability to tweak the engine. But what good is all that if their idea of fun is to add shit piss and vomit to the game?

Edited by Killzone_Kid

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But what good is all that if their idea of fun is to add shit piss and vomit to the game?

Yes because that's all they're doing *yawn*.

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Arma3 is a great game, as is arma 2, im sure the SA will be awesome... ill continue to play wasteland/domination etc on arma3, and mess around with the editor on it, ill play dayz on SA the second its released. Sure there is stuff that they are adding to dayz that raises one o my eye brows at times, but a mod wont compete with it, as has been explained in this thread a plenty. I too am frustrated they havnt released it yet... but that wont stop me playing the shit out of it the moment i get my hands on it. But arma 3 is a great game, and if thats yer proffered poison, all the power to yah, i prefer to mix my poisons ;)

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I'm pretty sure the textures of the guns will be just as good as A3's. It's the models that are changing to increase performance, no the textures. I doubt many people will even be able to tell the difference, assuming the guns retain some basic animations. A Glock 17 will look like a Glock 17.

You want survival but nothing that actually makes survival interesting? Running barefoot for your entire life and running barefoot for the first time in your life, on rocky terrain, pavement, and probably broken glass, are two entirely different things.

No thanks to unlocks.

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I would like to see zombies in ARMA 3.

Maybe not Dayz but some sort of zombie thing would be neat.

I personally am going to sink my teeth in the SA and uninstall arma 2/Dayz mod.

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well guys thanks for the feedback, i do hope the SA will be awesome in every way. I just hope they dont spoil the factors that made the mod such a hit in the first place.

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Yes because that's all they're doing *yawn*.

yawn back at ya. This just shows that they run out of ideas and start adding any trash they can think of.

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yawn back at ya. This just shows that they run out of ideas and start adding any trash they can think of.

Are you trolling or joking or both? They have more ideas than they can possibly implement, and this is a realistic survival game that hinges on disease. Having to take time to piss and shit and having to vomit because you've gotten sick leaves you vulnerable and exposed. Those are brilliant mechanics because they are small changes that greatly increase the amount of planning and strategy you have to implement.

If you honestly think they're running out of ideas, you haven't been paying attention.

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yawn back at ya. This just shows that they run out of ideas and start adding any trash they can think of.

Yes, clearly that's what it shows. *Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn*

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ArmA II is a terribly unstable game with terrible performance and bad overall optimization. (It's still a good game don't get me wrong)

I've played the All in Arma mod for Arma 3 and its much more fluent and looks nicer than A2, and it feels alot less clunky

A3 isn't optimized any better than A2 (for now).

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I have Arma3 and i see its better performance and visual gains if comparing with previous Arma and OFp games. But in my view, all Arma' engines are suitable in most just for mil sim.
DayZ' style game, imho, needs a engine, which give huge gameworld  territory and many players on server. Is somewhere such engines? First choice might be Outerra engine. But it is yet raw and needs work to completion. Also its multiplayer opportunities isn't yet clear.





Next example might be WWIIOL engine (though it needs refreshing). You see how huge map it have and all players from whole world plays on one server (imagine this in DayZ).






All this means, that theoretical possibilities exist.However, if the devs have started to search, purchase and converting its mod (i even don't talk about making from scratch) on some of this (or some other similar) interesting engine, then hmm....
That's why i think, that intermediary stage with Arma 2.5 engine seems reasonable choice by devs.

And later, after succesful selling SA, they might have a better chance to make big true "apocalyptic world".




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1. Real guns. I don't understand this. Guns do look pretty good in ArmA 2, and looking at the screenshots, although they do look a bit undetailed, they're still WIP and will probably look awesome at release. I'm seeing the screenshots and it looks awesome.


2. Survival. The game is going to have a lot more survival elements. The weather is going to affect you more,  there will be more civilian weapons and a more complicated medical system.


3. Realism. The shoe feature is realistic. DayZ is set in like,  2 weeks after the apocalypse. Feet don't get used to it that fast, it will probably take around 2 months I think, if you walk often without shoes.


4. Loot.  The radio is there for immersion. It seems to also be able to play music, and its very interesting as it will probably replace global and side chat, which would make the game much more interesting. There could be a channel for requesting medical help, a clan channel etc. It's supposed to kind of give away your position, just like you would in side chat, except that it's only if there's bandits on the exact same channel.


5. Roles. I'm pretty sure more players will choose dedicated roleplaying roles once SA comes out, due to the new clothing features, the better player interaction, bases and etc. and basically you should be able to recognize someone who could patch you up if they have medical clothing, but they could also be a bandit trying to trick you. But it might be unlikely for a bandit to wear a Doctor suit due to it being white (Thus the bandit would be extremely visible).

Anyway my rant is this. I think once the standalone gets released, it will die a slow death and people who are working on Arma 3 Dayz (Zoombies) will benefit more from people coming back, lacking the taste Arma 2 Dayz left in their mouths for years to come. No.

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Arma 3 DayZ is getting better and better.


Plus, Arma 3 blows the DayZ mod OUT OF THE WATER! I can't imagine the standalone being better than Arma 3 due to the weakness of the ToH engine compared to the new Arma 3 engine.


Why not just get Arma 3 and forget about DayZ standalone?




Radios in DayZ: Blah

Radios in Arma 3: Holy shit I'm IN COMBAT.

Shoes in DayZ: Blah. Seriously, do you realize how long it takes a pair of shoes to wear out. Years. 

Roles in DayZ: Meh,unless your born into the role with each new spawn because realistically if you aren't a helicopter pilot, you aren't becoming one after the zombie apocalypse. 

Edited by DrGonzo

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yawn back at ya. This just shows that they run out of ideas and start adding any trash they can think of.

No, body fluids are part of the disease system which is part of the overall survival mechanics. It is not my favourite thing but it is entirely valid. I would want some surprise lore elements in the game but I can see how getting the whole 'health' thing is more important to the basic gameplay. 

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I don't understand the fuss with Arma 3 vs Standalone because until we play Standalone we don't know what the game will be like.


Could be better could be worse than what we think today....My money will be that Standalone will be a fun game but as said before who really knows.

Edited by Razorblade2609
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I don't understand the fuss with Arma 3 vs Standalone because until we play Standalone we don't know what the game will be like.


Could be better could be worse than what we think today....My money will be that Standalone will be a fun game but as said before who really knows.

Amen. Gotta love (ignorant)people on the interwebs that bitch about things before they even happen. It has happened with a million games, and will happen with a million more. Tbh it's sad.

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I think that some things that rocket is implementing will make the SA unique, and therefore above ArmA3 DayZ. Remember that ArmA3 DayZ is also a mod, with the limitations a mod has.

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I can't get Arma 3 dayz to work for me it makes my game crash every time I have never even gotten into a game so I can't really vouch for the gameplay but I can hope the dayz sa won't crash like that. Although I can't really vouch for that either its just a hope

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I just think it's insane that development of the standalone started with such a big mistake. It can still be a good, even great, game, but it's been gimped from birth by not being on the latest engine version.

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I just think it's insane that development of the standalone started with such a big mistake. It can still be a good, even great, game, but it's been gimped from birth by not being on the latest engine version.

But they built and customized an engine to fit their needs using the Arma 3 engine would not work well for an mmo style game so if anything they made a great decision by not going that route

Edited by whoknowswho

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Well Arma 3 is fucked anyway right now...

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