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No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

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tissue anyone ?
all your ui are belong to us.
fixed for you

Posts like these are not constructive. I have to ask; where is the moderation team?

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Posts like these are not constructive. I have to ask; where is the moderation team?

Haha, you're funny.

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That's a misrepresentation. Apparently it's more than a temporary place holder. Granted, Rocket said things such as the pure Red/Green buttons will change, but others, such as the font, won't. However, he has defended the way it looks here and on reddit/twitter as well.

Alright gummy i think we all understand you seem to have some form of grievance about the UI and font, but now you're just repeating yourself.

As pointed out a few pages back you would be better of going here: http://dayzmod.com/f...yz-suggestions/ and creating your own thread.

Because its getting really repetitive and if people what to continue the discussion with you then all means have at it.........

Just take a few deep breaths and sing or hum my sig below might help.




Edited by Maca

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to hell with all the people pissing and moaning, Rocket. keep doing what you're doing to get this amazing game out when you can.

All of the people complaining, please redirect your rage to the War Z forums, that game truly deserves the shit you all are giving.

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I have come to the conclusion, that I cannot wait. But I will sit tight and fidget until it is released. Either way I'll have a smile on my face.

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Posts like these are not constructive. I have to ask; where is the moderation team?

Well we all got your opinion a long time ago but you keep on pushing it and come off looking like a bit of a dill , as well as name calling to everyone in the thread, then you ask for moderators help ? It is just weird man. Why don't you try and be a bit more constructive and maybe people would take you seriously.

Fair enough the ui is not the best thing any of us have ever seen, i like its simplicity myself.. but ranting, whining and namecalling just goes down like a lead balloon as well as lend zero credence to your argument.

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Posts like these are not constructive. I have to ask; where is the moderation team?

He's making a joke, gummy.

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Posts like these are not constructive. I have to ask; where is the moderation team?

Did you report it?

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Gummy - my honest advice to you is make your own thread about your grievances and discuss those things there. I am sure we are (almost) all adult enough to have an intelligent discussion without troll posts coming left right and centre.

You obviously have a problem with the way the SA is progressing, so tell us in a constructive manner what you think the problems are and how they can be rectified.

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First trolls the unfinished trivial UI graphics, then proceeds to knock the DayZ forum mods. Gummy just went full retard. Gummy didn't anyone tell you bud? Nobody goes full retard man.

For the record btw, i personally think the UI looks rubbish, but im glad it does, this tells me effort is being spent on more pressing issues.

Hacking anyone?



Engine Optimization?

nah but UI man, shit should be first on the list, fucking devs :rolleyes:

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Hey ROCKEEET, make it Bank Gothic so they won't whine... or at least give 'em cheese for their whine... (hehe :P)

I don't care as I still look at it as a temp thing... I am sure they WILL change it at some point.

Edited by osallivan

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Posts like these are not constructive. I have to ask; where is the moderation team?

I think you've been correct the whole time giving your opinion and facts.

I guess a lot of people don't agree for their reason. I myself find the font pretty ugly.

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Gummy I'll be screaming with you for a better looking inventory UI when it's really final in beta or full version and I think we won't be the only one :D

I wasn't expecting so many pages about this when I woke up.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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its not very similar to minecraft for example minecraft has way more ui slots, the clothes don't have ui slots and theres no gloves in minecraft

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Gummy I'll be screaming with you for a better looking inventory UI when it's really final in beta or full version and I think we won't be the only one :D

I wasn't expecting so many pages about this when I woke up.

We got bored while you slept.

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I hope that the only "easter egg" in the SA is a shitty font like comic sans.

That will give people like gummy something to cry about. Honestly the nerve and self entitlement of some of the people waiting for this game is disgraceful.

"Give us more screenshots" --> Rocket Delivers --> "Hurr this screenshot sucks, wah wah wah", how does the guy win?

It's so obvious that Rocket was trolling too.

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Granted, Rocket said things such as the pure Red/Green buttons will change, but others, such as the font, won't.

You're winner !!!!

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I genuinely hope Dean stone walls any further dev info from this point on. You know why? Just to make you neckbeared nerds rage until you all lose your minds and hopefully go and play something that strokes your ego.

fucking peasants.

...i have a neckbeard,,,,, and am partly peasant... :(

Edited by joe_mcentire

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...i have a neckbeard,,,,, and partly peasant... :(

You don't qualify as you seem to be able to string together a sentence without going into a fit of epic nerd rage.

You probably grow your neckbeard on purpose as well, this also disqualifies you :P

so cheer up sunshine. :beans:

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i'm sorry, my conclusion is that whenever some good arguments are brought up against your construct of arguments you seem to totally ignore and dismiss them. Instead you pick and choose the most suitable ones and keep repeating your original arguments...

let me ask...are you politician?

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i had that strange feeling of falling in love when looking at those pictures^^

awesome work! :)

thanks a lot for giving us dayz forum users something special.

i have a question that is haunting me since days^^

i know its a long ride till the final release but maybe you thought about how it is going to happen...

after the alpha and beta stage of dev, will the database get wiped or will everything remain like it was before the final release?

i think both options has its pros and cons...

because of the font... i like it. but for those who hate it, maybe add something like importing your own font by writing some special sentences with your hand on paper and scan it... xD

Edited by siew

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after the alpha and beta stage of dev, will the database get wiped or will everything remain like it was before the final release?

i think both options has its pros and cons...

please post it in here! maybe we get answers.


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