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Tents should disappear on death.

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As the title says, my opinion is that tents need changing slightly so that once placed, they stay only until your character gets killed.

It will improve the game for the following reasons;

* Loot farming tents practically won't exist.

* Players will be far more cautious through the game as they know they have a nice amount of gear at their home.

* Players will no longer be able to run back to their tent once killed to get all the same if not better gear, therefore bypassing the purpose of the game.

* Players will be more protective of their possessions, may lead to more aggresive style, or more secluded style where they don't venture far.

What are people's thoughts?

Give me some negatives?

(that aren't oh I'll lose my AS50 because I got crowbarred in the back above Electro)

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I don't think the existing system is that great but I'm not convinced having them removed on death will change player behaviour much. You can already fit everything you need on your person so I wonder what purpose a tent would serve if it's removed on death, why would I continue to use them at all? I think a lot of people would just stop using them and I really enjoyed spending hours up North looking for tents, the amount of gear you can horde does get a bit silly though.

Edited by smasht_AU
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if that happened people would just put any spare gear in cars.

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I think another issue is simply the amount of gear you can fit in a tent. I think its far too much. Much like the backpacks.

Cayote backpack = 4 car wheels.

Edited by thehet

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It should be not possible to save more than one tent per player, if the player gets killed the tent should be removed during the next server restart (like the dead player bodies).not immediately.

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Limiting a player to 2 or 3 tents could be okay imo, but removing the tents entirely on death will be just another occasion to destroy maybe valuable items which has been sought for a long time. Wouldn't be amused if it hits me and I'm already at the point to say goodbye to every item as soon as I lay it out of hand. Even a backpack once somehow disappeared from my back.

Do you want to know how long I took to realize that putting a full backpack into a tent will not save the items in there? ^^

Edited by Ken Bean

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I disagree somewhat, it would remove too many tents. For example if a group has a few tents and items in all of them, the player who set up the tents dies and boom, all gone... really? Nah.

Also what about other players being able to loot the tents after killing the owners?

Imagine stalking someone to his tents, killing him and observing the tents vanish into thin air...

"Remove at the next server restart" goes into the right direction imo but not far enough - we all have had situations where the restart comes just at the wrong time.

Maybe an 1h period after death whithin which you cannot access your old tents? And a 3-day timer until the tents disappear after gradually breaking down (should be in description of tent, eg "sliced and torn tent" shortly before it goes)

Edited by SoWeMeetAgain
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..... why would anyone use a tent then? "oh guys that im playing with i have a tent in the woods go ahead and store some guns in there oh whoops im dead too bad"

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absolutely stupid. Just fucking stupid

Posting a comment like this adds nothing to the conversation.

Care to elaborate? Utter moron.

Comments like this certainly don't help. All it does is make people even more mad. (But I can see why you said it.)

Anyways, I think I'm against this. Far too many tents would disappear. Also, you would have to apply this to base building as well.

Edited by colekern
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lol no.

Comments like these, as colekern said, are absolutely pointless and unnecessary, especially:

absolutely stupid. Just fucking stupid

Care to elaborate? Utter moron.

Responses like these aren't good, either, regardless of how stupid you conclude the above comments to be.


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If camping tents are removed on death, then you could never raid a camp because as soon as you killed the owner, all the gear is magically gone..?

Or, players should be limited to only 1 camping tent.

Both ideas a stupid, very stupid. Not only is this extremely 'unrealistic' but would ruin gameplay for everyone.

Exactly what are you trying to achieve by heavily ruining gameplay for anyone who wants to build a camp?

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In fact just don't post any insults and stick to reasoned arguments. All this "keyboard warrior" attitude is getting dull.

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Cayote backpack = 4 car wheels.

Heheheh I want to see the backpack able to do that... would be bigger than me! :0

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Really funny that a lot of people want the game to be a hard unforgiven bitch on one side but also have some kind of luxary zombie apocalypse including big offroad cars , all kind of military weapons, looting their own dead bodies after being killed and tents full of gear all over the place (servers). What sense does permadeath make if you simply can run and get your gear back from your dead body or get a new sniper riffle from one of your tents.

I agree that is is not a good idea to remove tents or dead bodies (inventories) immediately after a player has been killed, but tents per player should be limited and any gear of killed players should be removed at least after after some time...

just my two cents

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As far as I understand...

I think the default setting is to remove tents 3 days after death, to give your new character a little time to save some gear. Many/most servers customise the setting to 999 days because otherwise no-one bothers to use tents, and the server becomes very death-match orientated. But there is nothing to stop the server admins from setting it to zero days if they wish.

Edited by Anti

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I thought, tends get "de-personalized" if you die. You are not longer owning the tent, so you can't pack it any longer. The tent gets removed if you are not interacting with it a after you died.

At least the DayZDB says so:


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Heheheh I want to see the backpack able to do that... would be bigger than me! :0


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I thought, tents get "de-personalized" if you die. You are not longer owning the tent, so you can't pack it any longer. The tent gets removed if you are not interacting with it a after you died.

That information hasn't been updated since v173.

I'm pretty sure that, since v175, by default they disappear after 3 days whether or not they are 'interacted with'.

However, since it is just a parameter in the server config file, I think most servers have customised it to their own taste.

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Keep things the way they are with regard to tents. REDUCE THE DAMN SPAWN CHANCE OF ITEMS. The reason people can horde items is because the game allows you to horde items since you are pretty much given every item on a silver platter.

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That information hasn't been updated since v173.

I'm pretty sure that, since v175, by default they disappear after 3 days whether or not they are 'interacted with'.

However, since it is just a parameter in the server config file, I think most servers have customised it to their own taste.

As each server seems to handle it different, we probably won't see a wiki article covering everything up. ^^

Thanks for the info though, three days should be fine. I always don't know if I still can put items into a tent or not after I died since I never know when and if it disappears.

Keep things the way they are with regard to tents. REDUCE THE DAMN SPAWN CHANCE OF ITEMS. The reason people can horde items is because the game allows you to horde items since you are pretty much given every item on a silver platter.

May I ask, are you playing on public or private hives?

Edited by Ken Bean

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