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What do you guys consider an acceptable ping?

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Seeing as the pvp element is rarely up close and personal, I was wondering what most consider an acceptable ping. Ive been on servers ranging from 50 - 200ish and cant say I noticed much difference if any.

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19-345 ping are my limits, any higher is just to hard to play I,E people desync like crazy at higher than 350.

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Anything under 300ms ping is fine. Arma has such terrible netcode that your ping really doesn't matter at all.

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Under 150, preferably under 100, I usually play on servers from 70-90.

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I found pings under 200ms to be perfectly acceptable.

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I'm used to pings of up to 300 average. If I'm playing solo, I aim for 100 or less, and will avoid 200+. If I'm in a group, which more often than not are comprised of American players, I'll settle for anything around 250. It's bad, but why make everyone else have 150 ping for me to have 100, when they can all get 50 and I just get 200?

Edited by Rage VG
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I am Australian but I play mainly on US servers, so I'm used to the 200-300 ping. There is hardly any noticeable FPS difference between that and, say, 50.

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Why aren't you all living in Australia?

It´s all about the ping. I choose my living always by ping. How is the ping in this house? OK I´ll buy it... :P

Settings in DayZ Commander Max Ping 40. Play most times below 30 ping. Most Servers in Germany you get auto-kicked from Server with a ping higher than 99.

Edited by NoCheats

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Everything under 300 is acceptable.

Ninja'd by Aussie. :(

Edited by DayzForumer

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I usually aim for anything under 200, but I can tolerate 250 if I really want to.

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I always try to choose under 50. I currently play in some private hive servers which give me about 40.

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Any thing from.


10-40 Fabulously fine

40-80 Fine/Ok but i bet on it can be better.

80-140 Not good but i can still play fine.

140-220 Bad in my opinion.

220-440 Pretty much a kick from most servers. OR i just can't stand the lag :P

"Also i actually almost can't tell the difference from 1 ping to 100, just so you know n_n"

Edited by exomonkeyman

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Hello there

1-100 for me is my ideal

Around 250 will be my max, but really it depends how the game/server is performing. Quite often my ping will be over 200 and I just dont notice.



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1 - 200 is my usual. I always pick the servers with the least ping though, if one of my regular servers has got high ping for some reason, I don't mind finding one with 100 - 200.

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Depends how lazy the hit boxes are in arma. Ping wont really effect ur fps more so where your shots land. Rule of thumb for me was anything over 150 and you have to start leading ur shots a lot. Anything over 150 and it starts to get hard, but this is based on amother game i used to play and as each game could have different hitbox sizes it might be ok to run a bit higher.

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Anything under 250 in ArmA

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Depends how lazy the hit boxes are in arma. Ping wont really effect ur fps more so where your shots land. Rule of thumb for me was anything over 150 and you have to start leading ur shots a lot.

I was testing yesterday first time 70 - 90 ping. I saw my friend lagging behind me, lagging to my front. I was asking him to come in supermarked, he answered I´m next to you. Shooting one guy, thought first he has godmode on before he died. This all never happend to me before testin high ping. FPS is the same, the synchronization of the player coordinates are shit. The lower the ping the higher your K/D ratio.
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Although "acceptable" changes depending on what game I'm playing. It doesn't matter if you have a ping of 200 in DayZ, however if you got this in Counter Strike, for example, it would be unplayable.

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I was testing yesterday first time 70 - 90 ping. I saw my friend lagging behind me, lagging to my front. I was asking him to come in supermarked, he answered I´m next to you. Shooting one guy, thought first he has godmode on before he died. This all never happend to me before testin high ping. FPS is the same, the synchronization of the player coordinates are shit. The lower the ping the higher your K/D ratio.

it gets worse if the player you are shooting also has bad ping. Certain games people used console comands like in quake engined rtcw ppl used to use timenudge command to try and compensate for bad ping, it was a legit command but got abused by people with good pings to make themsleves harder to hit. I have always felt 150 < is playable across most fps games, but depends on who you come up against, if it is a completly fair sudden face off against someone of equal skill you will mostly loose out due to the bad ping, but against someone that sprays a little etc etc you will have the time to play the ping lottery ( especially with much higher ping) Having bad ping can make your player harder to hit also.

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