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3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game

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  On 4/8/2013 at 1:48 AM, bad_mojo said:

That is implying he can't have no third party bullshit in DayZ without also turning it into an "ultra-hardcore-super realistic Zombie Apocalypse simulator DayZ game". If we want one thing based on realism, we have to make everything ultra realistic.

"Let's add X to the game, it's realistic!"

"No if we add X we have to remove Y, Z, W, etc for being unrealistic, then the game would suck!"

"Why not just add X and worry about the rest as we go?"

"Because you want it all super hardcore impossible realistic mode"

Why even change the subject to spawning when someone mentions realism applying to voice communications? Just to piss people like me off?

No, I'm NOT saying that.

I never even implied that.

I'm just saying, that if he wants it to be as realistic as possible, as it seems he does, he shouldn't have an option respawn.

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as far as I know side chat was banned because everybody could hear the people in side chat, which usually got filled with cry babies moaning about a bandit or something and everybody hated it

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Meta-gaming is inescapable. I do agree that if it was technologically possible to eliminate it, It'd make for a far better game experience. IE Immersion.

But the fact of the matter is, until we all go to 'gaming hubs' that are businesses outside our homes, where we all plug into one singular game-host and play within the same world, it won't happen.

I agree with all points of this post, but its similar to beating a dead horse. There's no way to fix it and something we have to deal with as a community.

If a hardcore group, like say the caliber of 'Balota Buddies', pops up where every player is linked in and white-listed at the same time, just for the sake of immersion, I'll be all for that and I hope they do exist. But expecting someone to provide that for you when you purchase a game is like praying. Nothing will happen unless you strive to do it yourself.

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I use skype to speak with my friends while playing the game. It's saved our asses many times. Sue me.

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  On 4/8/2013 at 3:52 AM, PaxC4T said:

I use skype to speak with my friends while playing the game. It's saved our asses many times. Sue me.

Do you have to be so lax? All the OP is saying that it ruins the core-point of the game. If you and your buddies are talking to each-other within the world, it's plausible that 'your asses' wouldn't be saved if whoever you're fighting overheard you discussing strategy. Which is the exact point the post is making.

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In principle i totally agree, in an ideal world everyone would start off on an equal footing using only the game mechanics available.

But you will never convince players to abandon 3rd party software like TS if that is how they want to play the game. I wouldn't call this cheating though.

If i am looking for a server as a Lone Wolf i generally will pick one where there aren't too many clan members present. For example If i see 12 players with a [badAssKillerZ] name then i can pretty much guess they are all wired into TS.

But then again sometimes it is a welcome change to be able to chat to folks on TS if you are on a whitelisted server that requires TS for example.

Like most things - extra vehicles, starter gear, 3rd person enabled, death messages, sidechat etc it depends on the server you choose.

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I have no problem with a private server banning metagaming, but it's one of those things you have to learn to live with and no amount of bickering and no number of thread will ever change.

I play alone, and if I get killed by a group I know is working together on TS I don't get angry. I treat it like every other death. I respawn and start again.

Also, what's the point in playing a game if you get so upset about something that can't be changed? Just sit back and enjoy the game.

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  On 4/8/2013 at 4:04 AM, DemonGroover said:

In principle i totally agree, in an ideal world everyone would start off on an equal footing using only the game mechanics available.

But you will never convince players to abandon 3rd party software like TS if that is how they want to play the game. I wouldn't call this cheating though.

If i am looking for a server as a Lone Wolf i generally will pick one where there aren't too many clan members present. For example If i see 12 players with a [badAssKillerZ] name then i can pretty much guess they are all wired into TS.

But then again sometimes it is a welcome change to be able to chat to folks on TS if you are on a whitelisted server that requires TS for example.

Like most things - extra vehicles, starter gear, 3rd person enabled, death messages, sidechat etc it depends on the server you choose.


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  On 4/7/2013 at 11:39 AM, Applejaxc said:
TS3 is a third party program. That's even worse than abusing the game. The TOS need to be changed, and TS3/Skype/et cetera needs to be stomped out.

You do know thats not possibal. Alot of peopla use Skype as their phoneline for example. Im not gona unplugg my phone to play a game. And not will i shut of steam webbrowser origin and so on to launch a game. Go play on a rp that you create and force people to only use in game voice.

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  On 4/8/2013 at 4:01 AM, Raged said:

Do you have to be so lax? All the OP is saying that it ruins the core-point of the game. If you and your buddies are talking to each-other within the world, it's plausible that 'your asses' wouldn't be saved if whoever you're fighting overheard you discussing strategy. Which is the exact point the post is making.

Correction; he is making out as if we're the worst people on earth for doing it. Topic tags prove this.

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lot of babies playing games and cant play with normal game rules and easy for them to use c++ and create some babie tool to have advantage as usual in all pc games , but servers cost money, babies fill servers, lot of babies pay them so ...... etc etc etc ..... u know the rest

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OP I still got my old gameboy somewhere with Tetris on it... seems to me that might suit you're prefered gaming style a bit better?!

Sorry but this thread is bs... If you don't like playing with or against people using voip comm programs, don't do online gaming at all!

Edited by terrorizer33

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Cant the OP just play on servers that offer what he wants?

I mean whats the point of telling other players how they can and cant play?

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  On 4/8/2013 at 10:55 AM, Eegore said:

I mean whats the point of telling other players how they can and cant play?

There is no point. And other than a discussion, there is no point in this topic [ultimately]. It doesn't matter how many times he expresses his view(s) [even if his execution of expression is good] upon 3rd party programs, it won't change anything about DayZ on a global scale; anything at all, really.

But a discussion is still lovely.

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it kinda counts as rewards. rewards for buying a mic, rewards for having friends, rewards for being able to install one stupid program.

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Hahaha. Completely missed this thread. Wow.

I can understand why you wouldn't a fan of these things but at the end of the day, your regieme is never, ever going to be in place.

There's no way you could ever enforce the things you'd want, unless it was hard written into the game (which won't happen) - so.. all in all, this thread just makes you seem like a bit a child throwing toys from the pram.

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I would be all for NOT using TS or Ventrillo if we had an option to Whisper (heard only in a 4m radius or less). Direct chat is like talking very loudly or yelling. If Im stratigizing with my teammate who is behind the tree next to me, the bandit 40meters away shouldnt be able to hear me.

Other than that I like the OPs dedication to realisim and respect it. At the same time I dont know how you would regulate it...and I dont think banning 3rd party software like TS is the solution. Would be great to have a way to set up a Veteran server that could do things like that, while giving others the choice of others servers that dont ban 3rd party stuff.

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I personally would prefer to play on some kind of hardcore server that does not tolerate third party tools like TS or Skype. Since radios, notes and overhauled chat mechanics are confirmed for the SA I think this would be much more immersive.

just my two cents :)

Edited by Private Evans
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I've only ever brought this subject up with regard to other supposed "exploits" and I'm not in a mood for repeating myself, but I'll add my thoughts.

If the communication system in-game was such that it could negate the requirement for these 3rd party systems, that would be preferable to forcefully disallowing them.

If I'm honest, I'm not keen on TS skype for DayZ. But I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

I don't want these chat-tools banned JUST to stop other squads form being able to communicate.

In terms of immersion and authenticity it may be unnatural, but in terms of gameplay, it's something you just have to deal with.

It's a game. People play how they choose to play.


In an ideal world there would be no need for (or use of) these programs, but "ideal" isn't all too common.

Edited by Chabowski

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  On 4/8/2013 at 4:29 PM, NovaDose said:

tl;dr horsefag

So what's it like living with the attention span half the lifetime of a Higgs boson?

OT: If the SA comes out and it has radios, cellphones or even two tin cans with a wire between them and people continue using Teamspeak to communicate about stuff happening in DayZ, they will be the Lance Armstrongs of Dayz. Sure you'll win but it's not something to be proud of.

Edited by BadLuckBurt

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  On 4/8/2013 at 3:08 AM, Inception. said:

No, I'm NOT saying that.

I never even implied that.

I'm just saying, that if he wants it to be as realistic as possible, as it seems he does, he shouldn't have an option respawn.

Oh i see, ONLY respawning matters in your arugment? You weren't using respawning as an example of one of the many things in dayz that are unrealistic, you're ONLY talking about respawning?

In that case, why is respawning such a big deal? Why can't a game be as realistic as possible while keeping respawning? Anyone can get all dramatic in a discussion like this and say if you don't get physically harmed during play it's not realistic. But, it's obvious to most why hurting or killing the player of a video game is a silly idea, just like removing respawning would be in a game like dayz.You can make the experience more realistic without making the consequences 100% realistic.

Edited by bad_mojo

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  On 4/8/2013 at 4:01 AM, Raged said:

Do you have to be so lax? All the OP is saying that it ruins the core-point of the game. If you and your buddies are talking to each-other within the world, it's plausible that 'your asses' wouldn't be saved if whoever you're fighting overheard you discussing strategy. Which is the exact point the post is making.

Being lax is what games are for. As for the OP. If you want extreme hardcore make your own server and bar it from use and rely on the honor system. Speaking in game if it had decent way of doing so wouldn't be a problem, but it doesn't.

Sad, thing is talking over skype is like a personal radio. As far as chatting in game for others to hear Code speak isn't hard to learn smart ass. So saying someone can understand your way of speak is sometimes hard to note. On a Side note of speaking in code so others don't understand you, how about people who speak in forign language? So let Pax be Lax cause, why not it's a game.

Either way, games/mods are for fun. If you don't like the fact sand box and 3rd party chat is around. white list a server and play the way you want don't force your way on others.

Edited by Fuzzy_Chimera

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  On 4/8/2013 at 1:12 AM, Inception. said:

Precisely. The two players that can take down a squad without using an 3rd party communication programs is superior to the two players that took down the squad whilst using 3rd party programs.

Anyway, overall, I'm still going to use Teamspeak while playing with friends/whoever because it's more convenient. Most players do it, so I don't really see a point in disadvantaging myself at this point in time, nor will my act of not using 3rd party programs really affect anything.

But, I would still love for there to be servers that do not allow Teamspeak and such. I like your ideas, Applejaxc, but not when they are applied to the global server population. Only specific servers would I like to be enabled upon. There are times where I want to feel really immersed, and there are times where I want to just have some ridiculous fun within DayZ.

Thank you, Inception.

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  On 4/8/2013 at 6:29 PM, bad_mojo said:

Oh i see, ONLY respawning matters in your arugment? You weren't using respawning as an example of one of the many things in dayz that are unrealistic, you're ONLY talking about respawning?

In that case, why is respawning such a big deal? Why can't a game be as realistic as possible while keeping respawning? Anyone can get all dramatic in a discussion like this and say if you don't get physically harmed during play it's not realistic. But, it's obvious to most why hurting or killing the player of a video game is a silly idea, just like removing respawning would be in a game like dayz.You can make the experience more realistic without making the consequences 100% realistic.

Taking out spawning = no one buys your game, first of all. Second, everyone has died for some dumbass reason before (glitchiness, extreme lag). Third, I'd like to see a mechanism where you weren't allowed to loot yourself/your old body, maybe. Maybe. I can see arguments for and against that idea, too.

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