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DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

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theyre not just re-doing the animations, they're re-doing the model skeletons. Those who have been playing arma for a long while are probably far more excited about this, as it will probably be a look at what will be in Arma 3 in terms of movement.

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How fluid is the defecation animation with the new skeleton? And will there be a 2% chance of poison ivy upon foliage wipe?

Edited by PieEyedSniper
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theyre not just re-doing the animations, they're re-doing the model skeletons. Those who have been playing arma for a long while are probably far more excited about this, as it will probably be a look at what will be in Arma 3 in terms of movement.

Which raises the question, to what extent can they somply borrow updated ARMA III skeltons to save expense and time? Not every movement will aply, but surely most of the core movements will work in both.

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How fluid is the defecation animation with the new skeleton? And will there be a 2% chance of poison ivy upon foliage wipe?

They wouldn't know as Rocket said they will be coming back to that place until they get the animations perfect. In other words they aren't done with the animations so they couldn't tell you.

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How fluid is the defecation animation with the new skeleton? And will there be a 2% chance of poison ivy upon foliage wipe?

Well, hopefully, something other than fluid would be there. As for the poison ivy, yes, and you will need rash cream for that.

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Which raises the question, to what extent can they somply borrow updated ARMA III skeltons to save expense and time? Not every movement will aply, but surely most of the core movements will work in both.

ArmA3 uises the same skeleton as ArmA2.

A new skeleton is being developed, from scratch, for use with future projects - such as DayZ.

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the more these blogs show the more clear it becomes SA isnt even close to release yet.

ive been expecting not till june for a long while now.

starting to think even that might be wishful thinking.

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the more these blogs show the more clear it becomes SA isnt even close to release yet.

ive been expecting not till june for a long while now.

starting to think even that might be wishful thinking.

I've made that same mistake with Diablo 3 as well. I wanted it released fast and look at what happened.

I learned my lesson. I hope Rocket and his team take as much time as the need to get it just right. Because the disappointment after release, if it's rushed and it sucks, hurts much much more. Because Diablo 3 ruined Diablo universe for me and many others and I fucking hate blizzard for that now. I hope it won't happen here.

Edited by infi
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Fun video. Its great to see people who truly enjoy their jobs.

I'm a bit concerned about the SA though. Setting expectations regarding timing of release and not being able to meet those expectations can sour a crowd. Its the feelings you experience when you have a doctor's appointment at 1300, but sit in the waiting room until 1730 because the doctor is running behind. The office can only tell you "its going to be a few more minutes" a few times before you leave and find another doctor.

I love that the team is focused on creating an outstanding visual experience. The looks we've had of the environment and player clothing have been beautiful. I hope that the team focuses equally on the game mechanics and creating an immersive experience for players. Games can look nice and play poorly (SWTOR comes to mind). Games can also be bland but captivate the player (Tetris). Rocket's team needs to find a middle ground and develop from that position.

All said, I'm looking forward to the standalone and have a number of friends that are very excited also.

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I've made that same mistake with Diablo 3 as well. I wanted it released fast and look at what happened.

I learned my lesson. I hope Rocket and his team take as much time as the need to get it just right. Because the disappointment after release, if it's rushed and it sucks, hurts much much more. Because Diablo 3 ruined Diablo universe for me and many others and I fucking hate blizzard for that now. I hope it won't happen here.


i never said i wanted it rushed out.

quite the opposite.

im saying its obvious that SA ISNT EVEN CLOSE to shipping.

and these blogs are simply making that even more clear

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ArmA3 uises the same skeleton as ArmA2.

A new skeleton is being developed, from scratch, for use with future projects - such as DayZ.

Speaking of animations, do you think we might ever improved reload animations or, say, pump action and bolt action animations? It seems like you could do it, considering you got an entire clothing system working.

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ArmA3 uises the same skeleton as ArmA2.

A new skeleton is being developed, from scratch, for use with future projects - such as DayZ.

I didn't realise that. Now that really is the best news I've heard in a long time.

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Is the skeleton going to have 'bones' for things such as clothes and ponytails to be animated for realistic movement? When you finally add ragdoll physics, you can apply it to these bones so it can move more fluidly without any animation tying them down.

Either way, cool and funny video. Can't wait to see more!!

Are we going to see random new zombies such as ones that are wasting away to nothing, barely moving, but able to alert other zombies of your presence? Or zombies without legs or arms crawling away, etc.

I can imagine walking through a city with a bunch of dead zombies slumped around everywhere. You get closer to one of the corpses and it awakens to your presence, too weak to move but it starts moaning to alert all the other zombies to come. Would be fun and scary! Would certainly add a new unpredictable element to the game. Is that zombie dead or just to weak to move? Gotta be cautious everywhere

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Im hoping that some of the transition animations will be smoother, for example climbing a ladder. Maybe even a dive to prone, slightly more noise dependant on ground type but a lot quicker.

I'd love to hear more about a melee system as well if you have time.

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+1 for the melee

i think this is an absolute MUST-HAVE way more than defecation e.g.

Edited by joe_mcentire

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+1 for the melee

i think this is an absolute MUST-HAVE way more than defecation e.g.

+10 for meleeing while defecating. You could inflict some awesome splash damage!

Imagine sneaking up on a bandit while he's doing his business, and he maimes you with his poo...

Edited by codestargod
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skill system - with skill tree "defecation" --> Master level is this:

but we humans don't have a tail... right?

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I like how it seems that there will be different zombies with differing injures, that will hopefully effect the speed at which they move. Currently all zombies run at the same speed, if somewhat sporadically, so this change alone could potentially catch you off guard when in game as one undead soul darts at you from around the corner. Time to get swarmed!

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