BelMarduk 169 Posted February 7, 2013 (edited) @R4Z0R49 I suggested this before regarding bloodbags/food restoring health. Could a system be implemented where:Infection, forget blood bags giving a chance of infection, but regarding infection if I remember right infection causes blood loss of 3/second? Use that 'model' for blood bags/food, as explained here.Blood bag gives immediate 20% of the difference between 'patients' current blood and max blood and an increase of 6 blood/second for say 20 minutes.Caned food does not give any blood, only restores hunger meter to full.Keep blood gain from various meats the same, with the following caveat.When hunger is above 75% and body temp is above 80% then blood regens at 3/second.You have to be well fed and warm to regen health. Maybe the 'sleep' at a tent boost this?Example of blood bag usage.Patient has 2000 blood, blood bag is administered for an immediate 2000 blood (12000 - 2000) * .20 then over the next 20 minutes will gain an additional 7200 blood (6blood/sec * 1200 seconds).I am not sure on the 'balance' of the numbers I chose, they seem fitting to me.*EDIT If hunger is above 75% there is no buff to blood from eating meat (this would end spamming meat for blood?) Blood bag regen buff and meat/hunger buff ARE stackable e.g. blood bag gives +6 blood/second and well fed/warm gives +3/second would give the player +9blood/second (for 20 minutes at least) Edited February 7, 2013 by BelMarduk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barrance 22 Posted February 7, 2013 On 2/7/2013 at 3:49 PM, R4Z0R49 said: Its just been removed for now while we test 5.2 the log are just changes made.Good thing.But I often think when people worry about this stuff, just dont do it? Like hiding in bushes to escape zombies. If you dont like it, just dont do it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Draco122 412 Posted February 7, 2013 On 2/7/2013 at 7:23 PM, obviousrprsnts said: did those fly overs 15 min before a restart... and its probably a hive sided issue which no-one knows how to solve since razor showed logs of heli crashes spawning.. :\I've noticed that servers that have "custom wrecks" are often the most bane of this, often the custom wrecks spawn but its usually the default wrecks that dont. I've wandered around one server I frequent that has alot of custom wrecks and I've noticed since the patch that theres more custom ones than there are default (and most of the custom wrecks I've seen are all medical loot) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PongoZ 127 Posted February 7, 2013 Played for about 4 hours on the new version in one sitting.Zombies, they cannot see better, but they hear better, they seem to hear axe strokes now and come to them. The winchester seems to really really attract them now.I found antibiotics in the first building i crawled into.The boil water seems to work find, but water from a well or resivour should already be clean.You should be able to drink with a water source and a can....I found not a single hand gun in 4 hours.I never saw one crashed heli going from Electro, to the mid west, then accross through stary all the way back to the east coast near that big garage.Zombie behavior is fine, but the side effect of lots more swings through the sides of buildings and zeds walking right through walls is kind of lame.I did get killed half way through my journey by one swat from a long armed Z, but made it back from the wilderness to my body and carried on.I keep seeing dead zombies lying around.I like the upgrade, I wish I could sling my rifle and still carry the axe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted February 7, 2013 I think the new combat roll needs to be seriously looked at. Have you seen the stuff you can do?Its one thing to jump over a fence but some of the things remind me of that other game.....jumping over cars, over barbed wire fences, across roof tops...all this with a combat roll. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polli 57 Posted February 7, 2013 Ok. I have to come back to you. The lag issue is still there.CPU is at ~30% but the network still has drops at sending to the hive. Server FPS drops also at this times to 0-3 FPS.Normal FPS is around 12-18 with 40 Players.Anyone else have this problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hoik 415 Posted February 7, 2013 (edited) Since the update I have been coming to grips with the crossbow and all its little inconveniences. The most anoying aspect for me has to be the iron sights - I don't know if bolts take some strange trajectory like bow/arrows, which (from my very limited experience) you have to aim off center from your target, please correct me if Im wrong... because otherwise I don't understand why it hasn't been fixed (aside from you working two jobs and have three kids :P ).Also a larger firing range would be nice. As for quivers, It would be cool, but then bolts should be a hell of a lot rarer. If I go on a "bolt hunt" through a city I can easily come away with eight or more. This might not sound like much, but the fact they are reusable makes up for this.If the aiming were fixed, qivers made and the range increased, I think that even having two bolts would make you a rich man!(And yes bolt recovery can be a problem, personally when I loose a bolt I count this down to attrition. Bolts wont last forever. Thankfully this dosn't happen to me too often :) )EDIT:And I have experienced some preformance issues in populated areas of the map. Nothing like what you mention, but lower FPS than I experienced pre-patch. Though, a day later and I was in the same area, with around the same no. of people playing and it was running a dream...sorry I know thats not of much use :( . Edited February 7, 2013 by Hoik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lupatchi 143 Posted February 7, 2013 People need to understand that arma 2's problems aren't dayz's fault.They needen't spend all they're time working on bug fixes for the mod when they are working on something far greater (standalone) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
polli 57 Posted February 8, 2013 I dont mean the client FPS, they are always good. I talk about the server FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ATOJAR 23 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/7/2013 at 11:59 PM, Lupatchi said: People need to understand that arma 2's problems aren't dayz's fault.They needen't spend all they're time working on bug fixes for the mod when they are working on something far greater (standalone)Exactly! ... People are bitching about a bloody mod! ... Its a FREE mod, If you don't like it go play something else until the standalone is released, When you have actually paid for the game the you have a right to complain. Constrictive criticism is one thing, Damn straight bitching/complaining is another! Edited February 8, 2013 by ATOJAR 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masterfocker 103 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/8/2013 at 12:08 AM, ATOJAR said: Exactly! ... People are bitching about a bloody mod! ... Its a FREE mod, If you don't like it go play something else until the standalone is released, When you have actually paid for the game the you have a right to complain. Constrictive criticism is one thing, Damn straight bitching/complaining is another!And that attitude will kill this mod. If everyone that complains leaves, there's not only 3/4 of the fanbase gone right there, but everyone would praise the community devs for their updates, even if they're complete trash. The game would be beyond broken, way worse than it is now, and the whole project would implode. Criticism/complaints are necessary. You literally NEED them to have anything successful.If you have a friend, and he makes a terrible meal, for example, and you lie to him and tell him it's great, he'll keep making it that way. He'll keep making it terrible, because he thinks it's good.If you tell him, nicely, it's not great, he'll adjust and make it better.Now, you tell me, do you want complaints or not? Do you want the better meal, or the bad meal?**Oh, and people have a right to complain. This update, even though it's added and improved a lot, has definitely fucked some things up. There's some things in this patch that literally makes the game unplayable for a lot of people. You need to acknowledge that, and stop being ignorant. Edited February 8, 2013 by Masterfocker 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted February 8, 2013 Hey,Was wondering if you guys ever thought of using the method of soda removal and give tin can- and use it on matchbooks so they only have 1 or 2 times you can use. This will allow matches to be a little less rare but also the player must be careful on when to use them since you might have one or 2 matches in the book.Make match book Value1 and match book Value2 with slightly different icons/or add number 1/2 to it.When player use matchbook Value2- it is destroyed and you receive matchbook Value1. Once Value one is used then you have no matches and the item is gone. The number of uses could be higher if you want- just using 1,2 as an example.Logan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
facet 66 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/7/2013 at 2:34 PM, Dudeist said: Sure. Can anybody post screen shot with crash site @v As I know, here no crash sites now.Well... Finaly I found crash site. Was no smoke, no fire, and... no zeds around. I'm not sure, maybe it was 'custom crash site', because I was on custom server. It was crashed Mi24 with bandages, heatpacks and weapon - AKM - lol and M16A2 M203 lol#2, so nothing special.If it should be that rare, so maybe should be here better lot?UpdateI found I think another custom site with some transport plane crashed, med supp was here only. And finally regular, UH60 crashsite, with 2x Camo clothing and some other lot. UH60 was in fire, 2 zeds around. I think, before was some problem server/hive side, because was NOT crash sites :) Edited February 8, 2013 by Dudeist Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diz (DayZ) 35 Posted February 8, 2013 Good balanced changes IMO.Thanks for listening to the community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/7/2013 at 1:32 PM, Boudro said: Just throwing in my 2 cents here.Zeds (Walkers) is the hot topic. People forget zombies are dead rotting corpses that hunger for your blood and flesh, they are not world class sprinters! In fact their senses and muscles have deteriated down to nothing, more so on the ones that's been dead for a long time. Fresh zeds might have a little spring to their step but thats about it. Sight and Hearing should only be a fraction of a live human. Zeds should be more like The Who's Tommy, deaf dumb and blind and there only strength would be there sheer numbers.And some people seems to forget that this aint no TWD... Check 28 dayz later for reference. Edited February 8, 2013 by Zeppa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grndctrl 28 Posted February 8, 2013 On 2/7/2013 at 5:01 PM, HeinrichM said: While I disagree with the new changes coming so soon after being released, I will say at least these devs listen to the majority of complaints made by the community. You don't get that with a lot of other games.But its worst , so pls explain what makes it any better . I like the new zombie mechanics , but to many other things went blaaahh , its like its not tested or anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apexx 19 Posted February 8, 2013 On 2/7/2013 at 10:48 AM, R4Z0R49 said: Ok so far the biggest concern ppl have is the zeds. So this is where we areCommunity Notes:Affected addons:* dayz_code* dayz_sfxCommunity Change log:* [NEW] - Added a 2 minite delay to new zeds spawning once MaxLocal zeds fall's below the acceptable level.* [NEW] - Added new sfx for chopping wood.* [uPDATED] - loot weighted array generation fixed.* [uPDATED] - Updated logout system to check radius of zeds from 50 meters to 25 meters* [uPDATED] - Player range on logout to 6 meters.* [uPDATED] - Max Range of targats 120 meters down from 300 meters. (this should help long range agro).* [uPDATED] - AI behavour updated to try making them zigzag less.* [FIXED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 80 meters down from 200 meters (FIXED)* [FIXED] - CookedBeef StringTables now added.* [FIXED] - Spanish, French StringTables updated.* [FIXED] - logout timers updated from sleep 3 to sleep 1 this should now fix long logout timers.* [FIXED] - Zeds should no longer walk though objects.* [REMOVED] - Chase combat logging systems removed.Just wondering when we might expect to see these fixes released. And thanks btw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted February 8, 2013 Zombie spawns seem rather borked. Its insane how many zombies can get pulled. They also seem more broken than usual and because there's such an extreme amount of zombies, I was getting some rather nasty lag from it and I never usually see that. Combined with their usual bugginess, they can be a real nightmare and not in a legitimate way lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boatie 34 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) It's amusing to see these survivalist talking about how tough or easy the zombies are. Do they even go into any of the big cities? I mainly see bambis or other bandits. So I guess they need to make the zombies tougher, considering that they probably see only 3-4 each time.In any case, thanks for listening and making a quick update. Developers, I know that you guys want a hard-core survivalist mode but the mod exploded into popularity because it offer a deeper, more tactical pvp than exists with any game currently around. Compared to COD or CSS, the pvp involved so many more variables. Don't underestimate that "lightning in a bottle." It, and not the survival mode, made the mod unique and great. Since rainbow 6 and rogue spear, my friends and I have been looking for a deep, tactical pvp and this delivers in spades. It would be sad to see the great dayz mod with server ghost towns with only 5-25 ppl. If the survivalists win with their whining, that's where we are heading. Edited February 8, 2013 by boatie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/8/2013 at 4:56 AM, boatie said: It's amusing to see these survivalist talking about how tough or easy the zombies are. Do they even go into any of the big cities? I mainly see bambis or other bandits. So I guess they need to make the zombies tougher, considering that they probably see only 3-4 each time.In any case, thanks listening and making a quick update. Developers, I know that you guys want a hard-core survivalist mode but the mod exploded into popularity because it offer a deeper, more tactical pvp than exists with any game currently around. Compared to COD or CSS, the pvp involved so many more variables. Don't underestimate that "lightning in a bottle." It, and not the survival mode, made the mod unique and great. Since rainbow 6 and rogue spear, but my friends and I have been looking for a deep, tactical pvp and this delivers in spades. It would be sad to see the great dayz mod with server ghost towns with only 5-25 ppl. If the survivalists win with their whining, that's where we are heading.Play another mod then or regular ARMA2. The purpose of DayZ isn't about tactical pvp action, that is just a part of the survival game that is DayZ. I'm pretty sure there are other mods that would serve that purpose better. I think Wasteland is one mod and there's probably more. Edited February 8, 2013 by Maxgor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/8/2013 at 4:56 AM, boatie said: It's amusing to see these survivalist talking about how tough or easy the zombies are. Do they even go into any of the big cities? I mainly see bambis or other bandits. So I guess they need to make the zombies tougher, considering that they probably see only 3-4 each time.In any case, thanks for listening and making a quick update. Developers, I know that you guys want a hard-core survivalist mode but the mod exploded into popularity because it offer a deeper, more tactical pvp than exists with any game currently around. Compared to COD or CSS, the pvp involved so many more variables. Don't underestimate that "lightning in a bottle." It, and not the survival mode, made the mod unique and great. Since rainbow 6 and rogue spear, my friends and I have been looking for a deep, tactical pvp and this delivers in spades. It would be sad to see the great dayz mod with server ghost towns with only 5-25 ppl. If the survivalists win with their whining, that's where we are heading.I don't understand, doesn't ArmA already offer that experience if that is what you are after? Edited February 8, 2013 by smasht_AU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boatie 34 Posted February 8, 2013 On 2/8/2013 at 5:00 AM, Maxgor said: Play another mod then or regular ARMA2. The purpose of DayZ isn't about tactical pvp action, that is just a part of the survival game that is DayZ. I'm pretty sure there are other mods that would serve that purpose better. I think Wasteland is one mod and there's probably more.Lol. Another fanboy, "get out, it's my house not yours." Please stop with the brownnosing. You will hurt your nose. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boatie 34 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) On 2/8/2013 at 5:07 AM, smasht_AU said: I don't understand, doesn't ArmA already offer that experience if that is what you are after?I tried the regular arma 2, hated with a passion. Thought it was boring. PvE, please.Arma II did not explore on the scene. Dayz did. It's was not the survival mode that did it. Just notice: where have all the huge servers gone? There is only a few left. Before there were hundreds of 50/50 hive servers. If the big servers die, then this fan base will decline rapidly so that only the hardcore fanboys are left. Doesn't that already describe Arma II? There are only these hard-core fanboys playing Arma II. Compare that to CSS, COD, and of course, dayz from 3 months ago. If all you want are a small group of hard-core players - the I play for 5 hours a session - then focus on making things harder for the bambis. They won't have fun and they won't come back. Edited February 8, 2013 by boatie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zob (DayZ) 3 Posted February 8, 2013 Anyone else noticed the auto aim/ESP for the M107? I'm sure all the owners of said gun won't be complaining but jesus H christ wtf is that bs, srsly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted February 8, 2013 On 2/8/2013 at 5:11 AM, boatie said: Lol. Another fanboy, "get out, it's my house not yours." Please stop with the brownnosing. You will hurt your nose.No need to be a dick. Its stating fact. Its called DayZ, not DayPVP. Also the amount of servers falling off is simply because the DayZ hype rush is over and many people are waiting for good fixes to the game and mostly waiting to play the standalone which would fix alot of the problems the DayZ mod might never get. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites