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Why do you use 3rd person?


243 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like 3rd person removed?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Why do you use 3rd person?

    • To see my surroundings better.
    • To see my character.
    • To see other players/zeds while in cover.
    • I'm not used to First Person.
    • First Person is poorly done.
    • I don't.
  3. 3. Would you stop playing if 3rd person is removed?

    • Yes
    • No

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I'd like to know why so many people are so butthurt about 3rd person being removed. Honestly, I don't see any reason for 3rd person at all rather than to exploit it for an easier experience. The only valid reason I ever heard is that you want to see your character. For me, IMO I rather have the minecraft way to see my character.


Anyway, I know lots of you will say to make it server side option. I think that's a pretty shallow way at looking at it, here's why:

-Most servers will have it on.

-First person only servers will be so low populated I don't think any more than 5 people will be playing at it.

-Playing in First Person is like tying your own hands behind your back. Why would I want to play in First Person if almost everybody is using 3rd person to take advantage of me?

-Not everybody will get the same experience with DayZ let him be a bambi or an experienced player.

Why fixing it probably won't work and is just a waste of time:

-Making the camera too close to the player will defeat the purpose of third person.

-Nobody will be using it if they can't take advantage of it.

-No matter what you do, people who uses 3rd person will always get the advantage(taking cover behind a tree and peeking with the 3rd person camera, less chance of a surprise attack etc etc.)

I've seen some arguments in favor of 3rd person and I'd like to adress them right here:

Arguement: Running with 1st person is boring.

-Running for miles is boring, doesn't matter if its in 3rd person or 1st person. I don't think I enjoy running long distance even with 3rd person.

Arguement: 1st person makes me dizzy and motion-sick.

-I agree with this in the mod since 1st person is very shaky and limited but I have a question for you: Do you feel dizzy and motion-sick too if you played Battlefield or Cod for hours? I don't, and if you do, you're probably a casual gamer and I don't think DayZ will be catering for you. Everybody should be able to play it no matter if you're a casual gamer but you need to adapt with the mechanics of the game like everybody else. Just because it's hard for you to get used to, doesn't mean we have to put an easy button for you.

And finally, a list of why 1st person should be forced and not a server-side option.

-Zeds will be a lot more frightening. They will be around every corner and since you can't peak on corners without 3rd person, they will actually surprise you and they will be a lot more difficult to take on alone.

-Firefights will last longer. Since it will be harder to see the player who shot you, firefights will be a lot more immersive and challenging just like it is in real life.

-The player with the better skill will survive longer. Right now, a bambi behind a cover can kill a really experienced player without much trouble. With 3rd person gone, you need to expose yourself if you are behind cover and wanna see anyone, everybody will have to risk their lives if they want to see other people so it's pretty much survival to the fittest.

-Hell a lot more immersive. DayZ is DayZ, not ExploitZ. It's supposed to be a zombie apocalypse simulator not GTA with zombies and 1st person. Its supposed to be an anti-game, not another shooter that caters for the masses.

Don't let the players choose the features they should experience so that the game will be easier for them. Make them experience the apocalypse like everybody else, nobody gets to see their backs because that's not possible in real life unless you look at it on the mirror.

Edited by landfish
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I only use 3rd person to drive because you really can't see objects on the road cruising at 80-90km, other than this fact I personally dislike 3rd person.

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-Most servers will have it on.

-First person only servers will be so low populated I don't think any more than 5 people will be playing at it.

You just answered it. 5 people like the first, and 50 (just an example) like the third. If you like seeing your character minecraft style, that doesn't mean everyone else does. I like seeing my character and I think the third person FOV is a lot better. I use first only for driving and aiming.

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5 people like the first, and 50 (just an example) like the third.
You're half right and half wrong. I understand people using 3rd person in the mod because 1st person there is poorly done. But if 1st person is to be improved in the SA, there is no justification to really use 3rd person rather than to gain an advantage. People like it because it's easier and that's bullshit. DayZ is a brutal game and is no place for people who like using the easy button. Edited by landfish

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You're half right and half wrong. I understand people using 3rd person in the mod because 1st person there is poorly done. But if 1st person is to be improved in the SA, there is no justification to really use 3rd person rather than to gain an advantage. People like it because it's easier and that's bullshit. DayZ is a brutal game and is no place for people who like using the easy button.

I'm going to talk about myself here, because I know people may use it to gain an advantage and what not. I am a hero character and I very rarely enter in PVP activities, because I'm not that good at shooting. I have some awesome moments, but most are just bad. I use the third person because I like seeing my skin, I don't know why, but that's just how it is. If the first person was made better in SA, I don't know if I would use it. Maybe, maybe not. But for now, I'll stick to third person for running around and such. Also,some weapons look really ugly in first person, for example, the remington 870.

EDIT: Not everybody will get the same experience with DayZ let him be a bambi or an experienced player

Isn't that kind of the point of DayZ? Everyone getting a different experience.

Edited by Gh0st233
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I like 1st person, and I'm sure we all used it for awhile when first playing, but it feels like an unfair playing field if I'm not using 3rd person. For some reason the player feels really short to me. We also need a proper FOV slider. I know you can edit in your profile inside of my documents, but getting that right is hard, and no many people know about it.

The game would be much better with just first person in my opinion.

Edited by AussieStig

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I mainly play 3rd person because the 1st person even with head bob turned off is lurchy as hell within 10 ro 15 min i am feeling sick and have a headache starting

"-I agree with this in the mod since 1st person is very shaky and limited but I have a question for you: Do you feel dizzy and motion-sick too if you played Battlefield or Cod for hours? I don't, and if you do, you're probably a casual gamer and I don't think DayZ will be catering for you. Everybody should be able to play it no matter if you're a casual gamer but you need to adapt with the mechanics of the game like everybody else. Just because it's hard for you to get used to, doesn't ean we have to put an easy button for you."

I have been gaming for 26 years I normally play 1st person over 3rd person i only prefer 3rd person for melee combat normally but not on this engine

the vast percentage prefer 3st person

If you don't like it there are severs that force 1st person so maybee you should spend you're time trying to get the people who play these severs to play together on 1 server instead of trying to take it away from other people

start a group

that way you could get larger games together

I do see you're point of view (no pun intended) but the answer is to cater for 1st person players more NOT to take 3rd person way from the VAST percentage of people who prefer it

Edited by King Tubbs
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thats the primary reason i dont play in 1st person. I cannot see most of the stuff around me and its also poorly done making me feel sick.

I only use 1st person when shooting.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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3rd person adjustment would do it for everyone. I never use 1st person.

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I use first person mainly if I can't get a good look at a tent or under a crash site. The visual in 3rd person is wider for me.

Edited by Jammons5126

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It's hard to see anything when you move in first person, the screen goes unclear and shaky. Also the weapon mechanics are off, I don't know about you ladies and gets, but I can run and keep my weapon up. In this game you have to be perfectly still to shoot. When it comes to CQC you shoot at random and can't clear a room properly.

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It's hard to see anything when you move in first person, the screen goes unclear and shaky.

Do you use Post Processing? I really don't recommend use it or max at very low. It only eats your fps and gets the game uglier and unclear. Nice touch if you're doing a game movie etc.

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Is this not similar to the above 1st vs 3rd thread above?

Why should I not lock/merge, please?


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You're going to call off your rigorous investigation. You're going to publicly state that there is no problem with 3rd person view. Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... remove 3rd person view.

We the people.

The people who populate the majority of the servers, we enjoy 3rd person.

We have been for months in DayZ.

We have been for years in ArmA 2.

We have been for a decade in Real Virtuality.

The problem doesn't lie with 3rd person servers.

The problem lies with empty 1st person servers.

We're butthurt, because you're butthurt, because you can't even fill a forty player server and you want to remove or destroy a feature we like and enjoy, so you can force us to play on your ghost servers. This feature is a part of the mod, always have been and this feature is a part of the game, always have been. You don't have a problem with 3rd person, you don't even want to play on these servers, you want to play on 1st person servers, for your own reasons, but you don't have a patience to put in the work and effort to build your own server population. You want to force us to play with you, you want us to adopt your preferences.

How about 1st person players stop joining 3rd person severs, because they are full and start joining empty 1st person servers? You know how you fill up a server? You join it and then you wait for other people to join it! This is not easy and it can take time to build up a reputation for a sever, but if you're not willing to put in the effort, you're always going to have this problem. Stop joining 3rd person servers, because you filter for players and only join the high-pop servers at the top of the serverlist!

DayZ in it's nature depends on large player populations, what's a multiplayer mod without players?

Whether you like it or not, look at the stats and the stats indicate if you want DayZ to continue to succeed, you have to approach 3rd person with extreme caution. Take a look at 1st person population levels and popularity, before you decide to turn all servers into 1st person servers. Are you really sure you want to pull out a key component, a determining factor for whether a server is a party or a desert?

Why fix it, if it isn't broken?

Why tamper with ArmA's golden rule about difficulty enforced by the server?

Why remove the ability to switch between 1/3rd person on 3rd person servers?

We have already accepted both the advantages and disadvantages of 3rd person, we know it can work for and against us. Whether you're on a 1st or a 3rd person server, you have to assume, there's always someone out there eyeing you and your sexy beans. If you sit for too long, anywhere, exposed, someone at some point will drop an anvil on your head.

DayZ is a grind, DayZ a chore and you have to put in hours worth of gametime to progress and get around, 3rd person is less intense, less taxing, that's why people are playing longer sessions and thereby filling up servers. If you remove or radically change 3rd person, you're tampering with a key component that guarantees the population levels and the very player interactions DayZ so heavily rely on.

Edited by Dallas
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The main reason I play third person is so I do not have to listen to my gear rattle and whatnot as I run. Really annoying noise. Haha..no actually I use it because it gives me a better overall perspective of my surroundings. I feel 3rd person more accurately represents a real life awareness of my surrounding then first person. I can hear it now. ZOMG you can not see around corners or over walls in real life. While I may not be able to directly see around corners and and over walls I can sure as shit attach a mirror to a stick. And if this zombie apocalypse was real and there might be a zombie around the next corner you can bet your ass I would have a mirror on a stick!! lol

I am so perplexed as to why people keep beating this dead horse. Make it a server option and be done with it. Your problem is not with 3rd person...it is that 1sp person servers are empty. I guess it is easier to scream and cry "get rid of 3rd person" then it is to find a like minded group that can fill a server set to 1st person.

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I only use 3rd person when in towns, everything else is first.

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I'm pretty new to DayZ and even I'm getting tired of these threads. If you're going to complain about "server side settings" remove nametags from all servers. That gives players more advantage than 3rd person.

You're just another player that wants the game set up the way that YOU think is best..

If YOU don't like 3rd person, don't play on servers that have it enabled.

As far as making players adapt to the game, I suggest you take you're own advice and learn to use 3rd person so you can adapt to the game yourself.

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I mostly use first person, but it's nice to see my character and not be locked to first person all the time.

People who say they will quit playing if 3rd person gets removed are lying. Not gonna happen.

And I have set my FOV to 90-100 manually, so that's why I like playing in first person. FOV slider would help though.

Edited by Sutinen

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I mostly use first person, but it's nice to see my character and not be locked to first person all the time.

People who say they will quit playing if 3rd person gets removed are lying. Not gonna happen.

If you don't think it will make a difference, look at the population and popularity difference between 1st person and 3rd person servers. I think it will be a mistake to naturally assume, that people are simply going migrate and occupy 1st person servers, if you remove 3rd person or make 3rd person less desirable.

1st person servers are already a perfect example of what will happen if 3rd person isn't allowed.

So I agree removing 3rd person servers, not gonna happen. :)

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3rd person is a kind of metagame. I've always thought it was stupid to be able to see your surroundings like this, in a game which wants to be realistic.

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Aren't you an OFP/ARMA veteran Dallas? It's kinda strange that you're implying it has been this way since day one with this game. It hasn't. Even DayZ at the beggining had plenty of full 1st person servers because unlike now 3rd person wasn't enabled on practically every server.

Third person is popular because it is easier and allows people to peek around corners and over the walls without being seen. Just like 24/7 daylight or 1000 vehicles 100 choppers servers are getting more and more popular. If we were to go with what's most popular, DayZ standalone would be basically ARMA with some zombies thrown in. You're looking at it the wrong way around by saying the problem lies with empty 1st person servers IMO. DayZ mod would have gotten just as big even if there never was a 3rd person option. It's only now that everyone is used to it that removing it would be a problem.

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