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About BTT`

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    Your Nightmares
  1. Fun server, already has double digit population and it is less then 24hrs old.
  2. Wow, what was wrong with the 7 page thread that is on the main page on this very topic already?
  3. BTT`

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    Oh the "realism" argument. If you played this game and died and put the game down never to play again, then by all means continue to use the "reamlism" argument. If you died, clicked the RESPAWN button and played more then please please please stop using the "realism" arument because you are making an ass out of yourself. Also let me know if you have seen any zombies in the real world you are comparing a video game to? I have used TS/Ventrilo for a decade and I don't think it is cheating. I also assume everyone else is using it ( this is 2013 afterall not 1996) I do not know what to say to the people who think it is cheating. I can only assume they either have no friends or have completely missed the concept that video games are ment to be fun. Playing DayZ the way people who think TS is cheating ( basically alone) is not something I would consider fun. I had my fun playing games alone in the 80's. Anyway, that is my opinion.
  4. BTT`

    Starting Gear.. sucks.

    Play main hive servers. They all should have the same basic starting gear and you can get hacked innumerable times ( thus getting to play with your starting gear all the time ) and then you can say you had a true DayZ experiance.
  5. BTT`

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    At what point do I mention a server I play on? If you think you can hang come try it out. rapedungen.net #1 you might have heard of it. It plays Taviana and is 50/50/24/7. I nor the group I play with has anything to do with running the server. We just play on it and have our own TS. And let me be clear I know where most of the people on the TS I use are. If you are thinking I am an admin with an admin tool to see the whole server you are dead wrong.
  6. BTT`

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    You are welcome. If only more people relized this. If there were no PvP this mod would have died out last April. My threshold for shooting on site is to ask in the TS I am on if anyone could possible be my target. If they all say no ( most of the time I know where everyone is) I shoot.
  7. BTT`

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    The main reason I play third person is so I do not have to listen to my gear rattle and whatnot as I run. Really annoying noise. Haha..no actually I use it because it gives me a better overall perspective of my surroundings. I feel 3rd person more accurately represents a real life awareness of my surrounding then first person. I can hear it now. ZOMG you can not see around corners or over walls in real life. While I may not be able to directly see around corners and and over walls I can sure as shit attach a mirror to a stick. And if this zombie apocalypse was real and there might be a zombie around the next corner you can bet your ass I would have a mirror on a stick!! lol I am so perplexed as to why people keep beating this dead horse. Make it a server option and be done with it. Your problem is not with 3rd person...it is that 1sp person servers are empty. I guess it is easier to scream and cry "get rid of 3rd person" then it is to find a like minded group that can fill a server set to 1st person.
  8. BTT`

    No DayZ for 8 months, few quick Q's

    The best thing about a private hive with active admins is they can roll the server back if it gets hacked. Essentially making it like the hack never happened. This leads to hackers avoiding such servers since their efforts are futile.
  9. BTT`

    So I ran 14600 meters

    Speak for yourself please. I have never had this happen to me. Of course I wouldn't run 10 feet to give someone I didn't know a blood bag.
  10. Adjusting a setting in game is a trick? lol ok then. I just look at it as my pupils dilating. But whatever you need to help you say alive. If it is pitch blackness just shut your PC off and your guy will live forever and your screen will look just like DayZ at night.
  11. Have you guys removed the .50 cal? Could be interesting if it was. Seems a lot of people complain about it. I think it makes for better firefights if there are less of them around. So does night. I'll have to check out your server. When does it get dark?
  12. BTT`

    How to get better at gun fights.

    I am curious what kind rig the OP is playing on. I know I was not doing well in firefights and it was suggested to me to adjustp/lower my setting some to increase my FPS. I went from 10 to 15 FPS to 25 to 30 FPS and that helped me in firefights.
  13. Has anyone who has posted in this thread suggesting military gear go and enfields and the like stay ever played 2017? If you make all the guns the same and leave no incentive to go away from the beach then you end up with Cherno and Electro being the only place to go and it actually turns into some Bennie hill fighting around buildings with axes and pistols and enfields. It was fun for a little bit but got old. Ironic that an idea for less PvP from anti PvP people actually leads to more PvP and in a silly manner. Also if you think about it, making tents disappear after death and the other suggestions only screw lone wolf players. My buddies and I always grab the gear off our fallen. It can be thrown in a vehicle and the person who died can be picked up or return to the vehicle when they can. There are so many ways to play this game, the wonderful thing about a "sandbox" game. Just give the admins freedom to adjust settings and look for a server that is set up the way you like it. There will be 1000's of server for the Standalone. Surely one of them will be run by people with a setup that suits your ( any DayZ player) needs and wants.
  14. Sounds like 2017 to me. Since the loot is so rare and the same everywhere, there is no need to run north for an enfield or whinny. Just party down in the 2 big cities. It is fun as fuck I will give you that.