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About Smirl

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Smirl

    Should I Play DayZ?

    Yeah, post it here OP: http://dayzmod.com/f...un-it-ask-here/
  2. Smirl

    Suggestion (suicide)

    No, I don't like the idea of suicide in DayZ. With the feature added, as stated above ; If I am unhappy with where I spawned, i could just suicide. Especially in the SA, where they're will be more loots because of more enterable buildings. Without a suicide feature, it makes me work much harder on the character i'm currently on, and spawning far away from Cherno/Elektro is part of the game. I don't think anyone would actually use the suicide feature if one were surrounded by zombies. Most of us would try to run and get out of there, and not use the suicide feature, which is its main intent. I would get pissed seeing groups/clans killing themselves until they got to a certain "meet-up" spawn point.
  3. Smirl


    Sure, there going to implement grey hounds instead of shepards because a random person from the forums likes "grey hounds" better.
  4. Smirl

    [Item Suggest] Zombie Repellant Idea

    Its an interesting idea but I think it would be used so much, it would take a lot out of the game. Hatchets are the most common weapon in the game, and you can't go anywhere without finding a Zombie. If all you need is a hatchet and a zombie, then everybody would be using it.
  5. Smirl


    They did at one point, and I think there's a good reason behind it when they were removed.
  6. Smirl


    That would just get annoying really.... having a dog follow you around... when you trying to hide from a bandit you dont want a dog standing right next to you while your hiding in a room, building, bush etc. It would make sneaking much harder, and moving stealthy and silently.
  7. Thanks for the friday devblogs! Game is looking fantastic!
  8. You know you play DayZ too much when you are worried you're going to break your leg when you walk through the door of the supermarket.
  9. Smirl

    How does night time work?

    As the above poster said, moonlight nights will provide a lot of light, but nights with no moon will be pitch black. When you start out, start on a day server so its easier to get your supplies... then when night time comes you can hit the popular cities like Cherno, Elektro, Stary, NWA much more easily then in the day time. Zombies are far less likely to spot you, and other players, even if they have Night Vision its still difficult. DO NOT USE A FLASHLIGHT! You can see it from so far away, talk about a player magnet. You need to get one of these items for night time: Chemlight, flares, NVG (night vision goggles), or any other source of light. (guns with lights on them can work too) If you see flares, try not to run right to them, they are a sign of a recent player.
  10. Ramdisk, tweak the config file... It is a laptop and laptops won't preform well for gaming, especially ArmA 2.
  11. -The hourglass mean that you are Unconsciuos and losing blood, you are not dead. If you regain consciousness and still have blood, you will still be alive. But if you lose all your blood while being unconscious you die. -You could not find water or food? I reccommend going to a large city such as Elektro or Cherno to get food. Some servers have loot problems and you may run in to trouble finding items such as food/water. Make sure you have enough resources so you can head up North. -When you cannot aim down your sights, drop the weapon and pick it back up. Well, that works for me. Good luck!
  12. Smirl

    Flying cows>

    Its a script/hack, yep.
  13. Smirl

    Too hard since

    People need to stop complaining that the game is hard. Its a real life zombie survival simulator, not a kitty game with unicorns.
  14. Smirl

    Server jumping!

    in DayZ commander, there will be a cloud with an "X" before the name of the server. If their is no cloud with an "X", its a public hive.
  15. Smirl

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I LOVE how the items are going to be more hidden and not in a corner. This aspect alone makes DayZ so much more fun!