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Tell me your stupidest death stories...

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As the title says share your stupidest mistakes that lead to your untimely demise whether it be in combat or something like just accidentally ejecting out of your vehicle.

For example;

My non-combat story would be when I was on top of Elektro hospital and was trying to protect my friends dead body on the floor from any looters and I tried to get up on the small ledge so slowly walked towards it, I accidentally must have clicked 'w' twice and sprinted over the edge to my death.

Or my combat story which happened yesterday I had just left our camp on my way to stary sobor, trying to take care on my journey as I had been ambushed in these fields just a few days earlier, checking left and right I see something in a field, walk out of the cover I was in and thought 'that looks an awful lot like a guy in a ghillie suit crouching in a field', it was, and I was exposed, then before I knew it I was dead!

So there are mine, please go ahead and share yours :)


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When I was playing with my friend, we were both new to DayZ, I had just gotten an Enfield, but a Zed had taken me down to low blood, so I gave my rifle to him since he could accurately see.

We went to go into a building and he waited inside, by the door, ready to close it, unaware at the time that doors don't stop zombies. He scrolled his mouse-wheel and went to click to close the door, but I ran in-front of him, and I suppose I nudged him or something, because the action menu closed itself as he clicked, and he accidentally shot me in the face with my own rifle.

We laughed for hours.

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All of mine would involve a barn staircase and my incapability to take my time.

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damn. On the firestation, was going to lay down, pressed z, then he automaticly took a few steps forward and lay down jut outside the building falling down...

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I shot at a helicopter thinking it was unarmed.

That is fantastic.

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I shot at a helicopter thinking it was unarmed.

Funny you say that.The first helicopter I heard I climbed up onto a roof in Cherno on one of those hospitals you can't enter, to get a better look.

Climbed down a ladder and died when i got off. Had some pretty gawd awful Kemenka suicides. Jumping off on the lowest section, getting KOed, still have a lot of health, leave my char to bleed to death over the course of 10 minutes. The same amount of time I could get to Balota AF or Cherno by...

Edited by Trizzo
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This one requires a little backstory, I was approaching Electro in a skoda and was about to put pedal to metal to avoid getting shot at when in Sidechat someone was asking for morphine and blood in Electro, against my better judgement I said 'fuckit' and told him I would help out. Guy was surrounded on the north firestation roof by zombies, I pull up, start axing away and get up to him on the roof, blood him up and fix his leg. After that he asks for a ride and I take him up to the NE airfield, we get some loot then he wants to go to the northwest airfield, on the way we find a littlebird just sitting out in a field and I help him fuel it up enough to return to NEAF. All the time hes covering me from zombies and any players as I do the tedious task of fully fueling up the bird. Tank's almost full and he spots a UAZ heading toward us, "I got a shot on him..." "FUCKIT! RUN!" he got in his littlebird and i got back in my skoda and tried to go offroad, guy talked to us and was friendly, didnt even see us till we took off and he started to run. Turns out the guy I friended usually kills everyone on sight, but me being nice and blooding him up put me on the 'do not kill' list.

Next day I log in and my Skoda's gone, I search around, and find a UAZ to replace it (not the same one the day before) and he logs on and said he lost his heli so I pick him up. I meet up with another friend of his and we find another UAZ which they take and we start roaming NWAF for gear and crashsites. Meanwhile in sidechat people are talking about going up to the airfield, Im ready to GTFO but they were like 'Lets ambush em' "uhh nah Im good..." I split up with them, and the ambush kinda went south when a 3rd-4th guy showed up to kill them. So of course having the only remaining car I head out to go pick em up from their spawns. I pick up one guy, and he wanted me to go back tot he ambush spot to try and get their gear, along the way in Zeleno (I can drive a friggen bus through there at speed without hittting anything at night but cant seam to avoid a small trashpile with a UAZ during the day) I get a couple flat tires, we get out and start scavenging for new tires, and after a bit we find em, I repair the UAZ and head to the coast to pick up the other guy and hit a lightpost, getting stuck on it and barely having time to say 'WTF' before the UAZ blows up killing both of us.

I've only Killed 2 people in all my time playing (both times in self defense once with a hatchet against another guy with a hatchet, and once with a winchester against a (shitty) bandit with an AKS ((still shocked I managed to kill him, though I did have help in the form of a sharp eyed cousin watching me play "Dae dat fuckah, get em! En dah bush!")) ) although im probably responsible for the deaths of 5 indirectly.

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My friend accidentally clicked "respawn" instead of "abort" when he logged out.

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So, this was back in June when I first got ARMA and DayZ, I met up with a few friendlies with some friends and we were going north to Stary then NWAF from either Cherno or Elektro. Well, we literally ran though most of the cities we encountered, and were beaten by zombies along the way. Somehow, we ended up in Zelen in the market. We had no blood bags, or anything useful after running through like 7 towns or something like that. I was at 400 blood, literally 400 blood. I called up one of the medics on this very forum to come bring us all blood bags and some extra ones for on the road. We waited for him and had the bright idea of going to the outskirts of town on top of a hill covered in woodland so we had cover. We start moving and we went through some yards to get there. I can barely see anything and I come to a fence, I press V to vault, and as I get about halfway, I die instantly. No gunshots, no zombies, no anything. I just randomly died out of nowhere because I tried vaulting a fence.

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The other day me and a friend were playing, and we were at Kamenka after getting some awesome gear (I have no idea why his tent was in Kamenka). For some reason that day, Kamenka was very popular and people were going out of their way to get there. I'm up a bit from the road, keeping an eye out with my M107 and watching sidechat, when I notice about 4 people proclaim that they're in Kamenka, watch out. I spot one of them named Sinbad a few seconds later, aim and fire. And I somehow miss! Due to the amount of people in Kamenka at the time, you can imagine the amount of zombies that heard my shot. 30+ zombies came sprinting at me, I manage to lose a few of them running through the trees, but I still have about 15 on me and I have to bandage because the one hit i took made me start bleeding out. Unknown to me, Sinbad was a brave motherf*cker and was following me the whole time! I crouch and try to bandage as fast as I can while zombies are still coming for me. Next thing, I see Sinbad right behind me! I can't move because I'm bandaging, and I see him take my M107 from me, and he shoots me in the head with it. With my own damned gun.

It turned out to be a good thing though, it somehow made us friends, and he pretty much dominates Cherno with that gun on our server. If anyone shoots without permission he kills them, but since the gun was from me I can do what I like. Feels good man. If there's a heli in Cherno and I want it, he'll kill anyone but me or people I approve that try to take it.

Still kinda pissed though.

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I shot at a helicopter thinking it was unarmed.

With a Makarov?

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The other day me and a friend were playing, and we were at Kamenka after getting some awesome gear (I have no idea why his tent was in Kamenka). For some reason that day, Kamenka was very popular and people were going out of their way to get there. I'm up a bit from the road, keeping an eye out with my M107 and watching sidechat, when I notice about 4 people proclaim that they're in Kamenka, watch out. I spot one of them named Sinbad a few seconds later, aim and fire. And I somehow miss! Due to the amount of people in Kamenka at the time, you can imagine the amount of zombies that heard my shot. 30+ zombies came sprinting at me, I manage to lose a few of them running through the trees, but I still have about 15 on me and I have to bandage because the one hit i took made me start bleeding out. Unknown to me, Sinbad was a brave motherf*cker and was following me the whole time! I crouch and try to bandage as fast as I can while zombies are still coming for me. Next thing, I see Sinbad right behind me! I can't move because I'm bandaging, and I see him take my M107 from me, and he shoots me in the head with it. With my own damned gun.

It turned out to be a good thing though, it somehow made us friends, and he pretty much dominates Cherno with that gun on our server. If anyone shoots without permission he kills them, but since the gun was from me I can do what I like. Feels good man. If there's a heli in Cherno and I want it, he'll kill anyone but me or people I approve that try to take it.

Still kinda pissed though.

That has to be pretty humiliating to get killed with your own weapon, I'd probably go cry in a corner of a dark room for a month.

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Me and my clan mate decided to go for a swim and he fell on me and broke my neck :/

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2nd life ever, spawned at the beach and crawled my way to what I later learned was the power plant. Inside I found some food and a Lee Enfield, being a nooby noob I walk outside and hand the first zed his death. This of course attracted every zed in the area and soon I'm sprinting up the hill with blurred vision and a geyser of blood erupting from my back. As I near the woods a voice orders me to halt, I stop and he emerges from the trees behind and to the left. 5 seconds later my parade of zeds kills us both, at least I took someone with me. Damn dinnerbell.

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2nd life ever, spawned at the beach and crawled my way to what I later learned was the power plant. Inside I found some food and a Lee Enfield, being a nooby noob I walk outside and hand the first zed his death. This of course attracted every zed in the area and soon I'm sprinting up the hill with blurred vision and a geyser of blood erupting from my back. As I near the woods a voice orders me to halt, I stop and he emerges from the trees behind and to the left. 5 seconds later my parade of zeds kills us both, at least I took someone with me. Damn dinnerbell.

At least you took down a player about to kill/rob you ;)

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That has to be pretty humiliating to get killed with your own weapon, I'd probably go cry in a corner of a dark room for a month.

It was, I was going to hunt him down and kill him! But I wasn't a dick about it on side chat so he decided I was alright and wouldn't kill me, and it kinda grew from there :)

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I got hit by a bus while trying to shoot out a wheel, should have shot the driver.

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Me and a convoy were driving down the bridge between elektro and chern.

Dayz physics activated, and my UAZ hurtled RIGHT into our heli, 100m off the ground, which proceeded to crash right into the center of our group.

Me and my mate saw it all from our air-borne bodies before we passed away.

All 15 of us died in possible the biggest fire ever, losing 2 URALs, a UAZ, 1 pick up, and a U1-H1

It did make a good camp zone, and eventually the whole server was just watching the fire, sitting down by 2 camp fires. Good times.

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Ran into a big metal warehouse with a stair up to a second level gangway, that ran around the inside of the building. I had some Zeds chasing me. While inside checking the room upstairs another survivor runs in. I watch him and all these Zeds start coming into the building. He shoots a couple and runs out of ammo for his rifle so he heads up the stairs and sees me. He pulls out a sidearm and says "stick close to me".

I, having played the game all of a couple hours, decide on a different approach. I "V"ault over the handrail and promptly break my leg. Zeds everywhere. I try to get up but having broken my leg I cant so i start rolling away from the nearest Zed.

This poor guy, I swear, shoots a couple on the way to me, tries to bandage me and then give me some morphine. All the while I'm rolling around trying not to get eaten. Hes like, yea roll away from that guy, no not too far. Ok, jsut a sec let me kill this one, STAY ALIVE , I'll help you. I just hope He made it out of there after I died.

I jsut once want to be as nice as that guy to a TOTAL Bambi.

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Me and a convoy were driving down the bridge between elektro and chern.

Dayz physics activated, and my UAZ hurtled RIGHT into our heli, 100m off the ground, which proceeded to crash right into the center of our group.

Me and my mate saw it all from our air-borne bodies before we passed away.

All 15 of us died in possible the biggest fire ever, losing 2 URALs, a UAZ, 1 pick up, and a U1-H1

It did make a good camp zone, and eventually the whole server was just watching the fire, sitting down by 2 camp fires. Good times.

That sounds pretty messed up, would have loved to see it!

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Large red industrial shed in Stary, shooting zombies like Rambo from the stairs and a crawler sneaked up the stairs through the bodies and punched me. I glitched through the handrail and fell to my death :(

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40 day character - pitches tent deep into in tree, lies down and circles the tree to try to access the tent. Tree kills character.

18 day character - falls off the dam accidentally, and is amazed to survive. Swims out as mate arrives. 'Check this out'. Splash. Dead.

24 day character - Past dusk at Olsha, with ghillie + Mk48 + DMR + NVG + rangefinder + coyote. I was just about to log-off and camp the spawned chopper in the morning, when a player crouches three feet to my right, unaware of my presence. She starts looking around and must surely see my silhouette in the next second or two, giving me no option than to shoot her in the head. Unfortunately her six newly-spawned squad mates were right behind us, all totally unaware that I was there until I fired. I, fully geared, got hatcheted to death by an angry mob ten seconds before I was due to log-off anyway.

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