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About Siegfried

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. DayZ has become a mess of shitty servers and hackers, I'm hoping the standalone will have strictly vanilla servers for atleast a while and no bullshit like extra starting gear.
  2. Siegfried

    Looking for AUS Clan

    Add me on skype if you want: anthonyfried.
  3. Describe the feeling you get when you see that there is a new blog post and in this case video! I jizzed.
  4. My steam ID is YoloSwag, don't mock me :D I'm 16 but I think I'm mature.
  5. Siegfried

    Come join us!

  6. Siegfried

    Looking for a youtube partner.

    Skype: anthonyfried. Age: 15 Location: Australia Scale (1-10) gun skills: 9 with assault rifles and medium range guns 6 or 7 with snipers Do you play like a bandit?: I like to play a hero because it proves much more challenging, but I do play bandit sometimes to mix things up Special Skills: I know the map and loot spawns very well and I,m good with vehicles.
  7. Siegfried

    ameture youtuber with partnership

    You seem very ameture.
  8. Siegfried

    Vehicle Improvements

    I think that vehicles in Dayz should be more gta-esque, before you rage at me, just hear me out. A vehicle should spawn with a key in it, which can later be removed. This would mean that the player who originally found the car would be able to add it to their toolbelt or something similar. Anyone who stumbledupon a car without a key would have to hotwire it, making it take longer to get going. Also I hope the implement some sort of leaning out windows and shooting in the future.
  9. Siegfried

    Hero Clans?

    DO such things even exist?!? hahah, but seriously, I'm looking for a clan based in Australia or New Zealand that preferably doesn't shoot on sight and likes to help new players. I want to hunt some bandits :D My main server I play on is avagaming, great private hive which actually has a modest amount of cars and loot. Anyone interested post your skype names or message me :D
  10. Even if you took away the gamma settings, people can still adjust their monitors, they'll find a way hahah.
  11. I listen to all sorts of stuff; The xx, alt J, A Day to Remember, Art vs Science, The Foo Fighters, Muse, Coldplay, Deadmau5, just to name a few, gut I tend to not listen to music while gaming, DayZ is actually great for this though, it makes those long runs alot more bearable :D
  12. Siegfried

    SA DayZ: No Modifications? [POLL]

    Well I don't mind giving up tweaks to have a game with much less hackers, and hopefully more "legit" servers. I'm so sick of just about every private hive spawning you with way too much gear, and electro always being packed with cars, and the airbase being packed with helis.
  13. Siegfried

    Looking for buddy to stream Day Z live.

    Nah I usually get kicked for ping after about half an hour on us servers