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Being a Lone wolf, you should consider it.

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I can see people a lot of people asking for clans, and a lot of clans recruiting.

I know a lot of them consider it's more fun playing with a lot of people, because they have vehicles, and all the stuff they want.

In my opinion, that's a mistake. As a hero, I've encountered people who were in a clan throughout my adventures. What I have to say is most of them seemed to be almost bored, the last one was considering(And his clan was also) starting to play WarZ. When I asked him how longer had played Dayz he said that for a month more or less.

He had had everything, he picked me up in a truck and gave me weapons and stuff.

The problem: He hadn't almost experienced being a newbie, discovering things for yourself, being fascinated and afraid from a helli, being happy for finding your first military grade weapon, finding the red car, repair it, carefully hide it... What I call the "Being a noobsy magic".

it's just my opinion. I've been playing for months, and I'm still not bored. After three months being playing a friend of mine started playing with me, and after three months we discovered our first repairable helicopter(The Little bird)

I think the reason why people get bored of this game is because they discover everything very fast, and this is usually due to clans.

Being in a big clan breaks what Dayz is meant to be:

-Where is the feeling of Dieing if your clan is gonna pick you up and you are going to recover all your equipment?

-Where is the feeling of survival if a member of your clan can give you a blood bag at anytime in 10 seconds, even in combat?

Of course, being in a clan will probably reward you somehow, but it doesn't compensate.

I repeat again, just my opinion. I know there's going to come people saying I'm in a clan and I blah blah blah...

Yeah, I know. I only speak for the people I have met.

Edited by Mitor
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I have been a lone wolf since the start and I find myself struggling when trying to play with other people, unless I'm the leader. So, I usually bloodbag the guys I help and then continue on myself.

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Hello there

I also LW the majority of the time. I dont mind affiliating myselfs with others now and again but prefer to rely on myself. Also, it means I'm terrified 90 percent of the time which I like.



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I've played with up to eight people, all using voice coms, it gets confusing in panic situations.

I much prefer playing with two or three.

Three team mates is a good idea, you can organise fixing up vehicles and travell across country in relative security.

Yes 3 is good, it's official.

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I am a LW for the majority of the time but it is also great to goof off with friends sometimes.

IMO though DayZ is truly at its best when you are alone, paranoid and fearful of everything.

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Yeah I lone wolf it all the time. Every time I've randomly joined up with others it was fun because it was different, but I end up dead!

I stumbled upon a Russian sounding Ghillie guy with a silenced rifle of some sort. We were on the west side of Cherno and I decided he was safe enough because I wasn't already dead. He took the lead and headed into Cherno. He moved through town at an unsettlingly fast pace and the whole time I felt very exposed. He picked off nearly all the z's as we moved off east. As we neared Elektro, we headed up to approach from the open fields to the NW of town. He kept moving without really stopping, aggroing and killing z's as he went until a hoarde descended on us. He was overcome and I ran for it but bled out soon after due to not being able to stop and heal.

It was memorable, but I think I would have survived longer on my own.

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Yeah, as some of you other people I've party with has been ingame, sometimes saving them, sometimes saying Hello!!! through direct chat, and sometimes because they have either save me or haven't shoot me. Only that, and my friend.

I consider the game a better experience like this.

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There's a "red car"!? :blush:

I'm a Lonewolf and when I started playing this game last August? I made a point of only learning about the game from playing the game. I've never seen a map unless I've found one in game, I only just learn't that G17 ammo can be used in a mp5 (is that right? lmao), I still get excited when I find a compass, have only ever had one GPS & I have never driven a vehicle :rolleyes:

I've made the mistake in the past with "conquering" games too quickly and burning out. I'm still playing DayZ with the same enthusiasm & fear I started with in my first week of play ;)

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Lone wolf can be fun but man I have tons of fun with my mates. Get like six people in a Skype call or Teamspeak and just do a bunch of crazy shit, you won't get bored. There's always -something- to do on DayZ. Unless you play for over 10 hours straight which I've easily been doing lately x.x -- no life.

Edited by Primeval

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I think that only small groups can work good together, you still have to find a car and repair it, it may just get's speeded up.

And yes, the first experience in DayZ you should defently make alone, not with someone in TS or Skype etc. just play the Game, turn the volume of the Ingame Music up and you get the DayZ feeling :).

And also, if you wan't it back, i can just say to the people who disabled it to can hear the people in TS etc. better, turn it back up. Makes everything twice interesting :D

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I basicly just like teamwork more than just playing with myself, in my opinion, Lone wolfing is boring as fuck.

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As a member of a gaming community I almost always have people to play with. Though I do get to play LW early Sat and Sun mornings because I seem to be the only on who wakes up at the crack of dawn. I enjoy both playing in a group and by myself. Someone said large groups can get confusing in panic situations and this is dead on. But I find that confusion ( and the results of us shooting each other on accident in panic situations) to be very amusing.

I would like to point out to the OP that not everyone in a clan/community misses out on the "noob" experience. Most of us started playing last spring ( around March) but none of us knew what the fuck was going on. It took days to find each other and whatnot. So most of us got the LW noob experience that way. As we got better and more familiar with the game we had a non-written rule that any new players to our group via our community had to make it to us on their own. We refused to pick them up and gear them up until they proved they would not be detrimental to the group. Thus forcing everyone to experience the LW style of play for a little bit. We also have members of the group that do their own thing and are almost never with the group in game.

Of course even now when I play alone it is not a true LW experience since I have the resources of the groups camps to fall back on if I die. I can not imagine playing this game (or any game) alone for hundreds of hours. That is what the 80's and 90' we for. :D

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I agree 100%, it should be a RULE that when you first play DayZ, you should play it by yourself. Only then do you truly discover what this mod is about. After you learn that, play with friends.

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I play in a 2 man squad and we have plenty of fun, joking around etc. We tend to get geared up extremely fast but I find it boring being a lone wolf...after awhile I get bored of having no company, no one to talk to or anything.


To start out I did play alone for awhile :D

Edited by Nitro DayZ
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I consider myself to be a lone survivor, I have tried playing in a group of 3 with some friends who also have the game, can't say I enjoyed it other than the fact I had people to talk to. I'll tell you one thing.. it was funny as hell when my friend found a bike, he was sooo choked! positively tugging away at his penis at the fact... well he got on and started circling around the town we were in and zeds surrounded him, he ran into one of them and that broke the bike... they then broke his legs, knocked him out and then proceeded to munch him.. he was screaming in chat for us to help him but I was just too busy laughing to do anything. He died, I aint even seen him play the game since haha.

What I'm saying is playing with a group is for fun more than for the scary, the mods intended tense and bumhole twinging impact is only really noticeable when you are playing alone... but whatever floats ya boat I guess... it's just a preference thing.

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I LW the majority of the time. I play with another fella whenever we happen to be on our regular private hive at the same time, its a pleasant change of pace. I've played once with irl mates who were newbies and I ended up being friendly fired :(

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The entire point of DayZ is to scavenge for loot and survive. If you have everything in excess, what fun is that? The fun part of DayZ is just making it by surviving be it by yourself or with others.

When I first got into DayZ I use to play alone or with one other friend (I started when it first came about). After a month our "pair" grew to four, five, six and up to something around twenty at its peak. It was allot of fun having groups of 10 survivors doing tactical maneuvers around towns to get loot or hunt a player. We had stockpiled more than one of every weapon in the game (with ammo), eight vehicles, tents, meat, clothing...everything. We were all so pleased when we reached this point and we took many screenshots. Eventually we realized that we had achieved "survival" and infact were thriving. Zombies no longer became a threat, other players were but a fart in the wind, food and medical supplies were abundant, map was explored and vehicles had been drivin by all. It no longer became DayZ but rather a game of hunt the guy in balota every single day. The group now consists of about 4 people, and I am liking it allot.

Long story short, DayZ is fun with big groups but the survival element goes away rather quickly with a massive group of players all hunting for loots. Its best played either by yourself or with a small group of 1-4 people.

(also allot more gratifying when you take out a group of 10 unorganized bandits with only yourself or you and a friend or two)

Edited by PracticalTactical

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I can see people a lot of people asking for clans, and a lot of clans recruiting.

I know a lot of them consider it's more fun playing with a lot of people, because they have vehicles, and all the stuff they want.

In my opinion, that's a mistake. As a hero, I've encountered people who were in a clan throughout my adventures. What I have to say is most of them seemed to be almost bored, the last one was considering(And his clan was also) starting to play WarZ. When I asked him how longer had played Dayz he said that for a month more or less.

He had had everything, he picked me up in a truck and gave me weapons and stuff.

The problem: He hadn't almost experienced being a newbie, discovering things for yourself, being fascinated and afraid from a helli, being happy for finding your first military grade weapon, finding the red car, repair it, carefully hide it...

it's just my opinion. I've been playing for months, and I'm still not bored. After three months being playing a friend of mine started playing with me, and after three months we discovered our first repairable helicopter(The Little bird)

I think the reason why people get bored of this game is because they discover everything very fast, and this is usually due to clans.

I repeat again, just my opinion. I know there's going to come people saying I'm in a clan and I blah blah blah...

Yeah, I know. I only speak for the people I have met.

100000000% agree.

A lot of DayZ clans try and play this game like a war game...it's not its a survival game.

I've been in clans and they give orders like there a fucking god yet all of them are shit at the game.

The only way to get real good at DayZ is to be a lone wolf because u learn everything for yaself and more.

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Being in a big clan breaks what Dayz is meant to be:

-Where is the feeling of Dieing if your clan is gonna pick you up and you are going to recover all your equipment?

-Where is the feeling of survival if a member of your clan can give you a blood bag at anytime in 10 seconds, even in combat?

Of course, being in a clan will probably reward you somehow, but it doesn't compensate.

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I have gone with the lone-wolf tactic mostly, and it has led to less frustration (no offense to those who I play with...).

I have kept my involvement to clans to a mercenary level, where I can do what they require, but go back to the original stand-point.

Clans have their benefits, perks, and overall superiority, but the lone-wolf style keeps the game going, having the experience of what DayZ is.

I simply stand as a benefactor to those who need me...

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for players looking for a challenge as a lone wolf.

So, your bored and babied clans need someone to shoot at who's not protected by admins? I've looked into all that. Sad, really. Protection of their base camps etc? I see why you have to search for others to play that server.

Lone players are challenged every day they play reguardless of the server.

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My opinion about clans is this: The servers (for the most part) are too small to support a decently large clan and pubbies as well, so they tend to dominate everything around them because their numbers make up 1/3rd or 1/2 of the entire server. In the future I hope to see much larger server compacities, which will not only allow clans (for the most part) to be outnumbered by the general population 20-30 clans vs 70 or 120 random people but also allow for more clans to be built on a specific server, that way they have direct clan vs clan attacks to worry about.

.. but as it stands right now I can see the dilemma, since most private hives only sit at 40 or 50 player caps, which is tiny for the amount of area Chernarus provides.

Edited by Cdrive

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I always go lone wolf I am not a social creature I always avoid contact unless I can't avoid it but I do stalk other players ( if I see you you are definitely way off the city grids) this is simply to determin if you are a threat or not. This can be from your proximity to my territory or how close you get to my resources in my tents. It's pretty intense avoiding detection following someone and observing them from a distance. It also gives you an opportunity to determin their intentions ( such as catching them killing others without provocation ) in which case I mercifully end their existence as they have now shown themselves to be a threat to others. Besides you always have the voices in your head to keep you company. Well that and the sound of a M4A1 CCO SD's suppressed whispers to keep you company.

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