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About bigdogsco

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  1. bigdogsco

    New player, why is side chat enabled?

    KoS you're a smooth talking mofo. Players chat shit on side chat cos its there. Lose side chat and I won't mind but Tbh the servers I play on have strong community and side chat becomes almost an extension of the forums. Any tactical chat/medic requests etc are usually handled over TS.
  2. Everyone welcome. Except hackers and combat loggers :)
  3. Gametracker not 100% reliable you say? Shocking! Speak to Sula, she can count.
  4. bigdogsco

    DayZ is draining at first...but it's fun.

    Being from the UK, I had no idea Fraggle was part of the vernacular. I have never called somebody a Fraggle nor heard of anybody being called a Fraggle.
  5. bigdogsco

    New player, why is side chat enabled?

    Some find its more sociable with it on. If you hate it so much either find a server where its disabled or one with rules that govern its use and admins who actually enforce these rules.
  6. bigdogsco

    New player, would like advice.

    You don't but it's MUCH easier
  7. bigdogsco

    I'm new and need tips

    Under an umbrella?
  8. Last night saw 40+ players taking names and kicking asses. The server still runs like a greased up deaf guy.
  9. I would love to come and moider as many chumps as possible but its my mums birthday and I have to take her out. Hopefully I'll find some time in the 24 hours to get on :)
  10. bigdogsco

    1 month in Dayz

    My experience of origins is lag, fps issues, empty repetitive landscape and glitches.
  11. bigdogsco

    DayZ is draining at first...but it's fun.

    @OP I think you'll discover soon after you find your hallowed sniper rifle that you were better off with an assault rifle. Sniper rifles are great in the hands of a skilled operator, but get your range wrong by 10m your going to miss and most likely die. I would highly recommend ditching the PvP server. Starting with all that gear is robbing you of so many possible fun moments. I remember a great video posted by one of the bandit clans on my server. There was 4 of them tooled up in a Little Bird and they paradropped to try and kill an unarmed new spawn (Member of their big rival clan). Said new spawn ran into a building and found an Enfield and killed two of his pursuers before being overpowered.
  12. bigdogsco

    New player, would like advice.

    Balota buddies. Public and whitelisted available