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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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Can we say that batman undies are confirmed at this point?

If so I will be buying 6 copies as 1 character will not be able to hold the abundance of batman undies I will possess.

Just found some concept photos on the clothing customisation and new weapon handling that will be available in SA.


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Just found some concept photos on the clothing customisation and new weapon handling that will be available in SA.


I knew this photo would come to bite me in the rear...

Of course I kid xD

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spray paint = penis graffiti all over

on another note, any word on more updates for the mod? (couldnt find an unlocked topic about it)

Edited by white
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calling it "cheating" may seem like hyperbole, but I'd rather not mince words. it gives you an obvious advantage. the game has an in-game chat system that Rocket purposely nerfed (removing side chat). he blames himself for not giving people other group communication options (there was a lot of talk about the possibility of radios/cell phones), but I think it's clear that restricting it to 'direct chat' was because he didn't want people to just be able to magically communicate over large distances

but I understand a lot of this might seem like a foreign concept, given the current state of private servers with side chat enabled and a "join our teamspeak" message

I get your point buddy I really do, but if you are playing as part of a clan then using TS3 / Vent etc is really the only viable option if you want to meet up with your mates in the game, Your clan mate tells you where to meet, you get there eventually... then start using the in game chat system. But I can imagine alot of people sticking to TS3 / Vent if they use it.

Not sure what ideas have been mentioned about the in game chat system apart from disabling side / group chat etc. Anyone care to mention if the chat system has had an overhaul for the SA?

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calling it "cheating" may seem like hyperbole, but I'd rather not mince words. it gives you an obvious advantage. the game has an in-game chat system that Rocket purposely nerfed (removing side chat). he blames himself for not giving people other group communication options (there was a lot of talk about the possibility of radios/cell phones), but I think it's clear that restricting it to 'direct chat' was because he didn't want people to just be able to magically communicate over large distances

but I understand a lot of this might seem like a foreign concept, given the current state of private servers with side chat enabled and a "join our teamspeak" message

While I can agree with you, the lack of group chat in-game makes it hard for people to chat to each other without the people you are try to kill or defend yourself from is a masive problem.

Ok in real life if I was with a group of people and we wanted to talk without others hearing, we would whisper or use hand signals to each other, but in Day z that is not possible. I learned very quickly in this game that communication is key to living or dying.

I used to play solo alot, then I started to team up. In one situation I was chating to a random guy in side that was playing solo and we decided to team up. A few bandits decided to go to our meeting point to kill us. Now bare in mind we had just spawned and carrying no gear, so these guys were just looking for easy kills. So we met at Balota and as we were just entering the tower, when they sprang their trap. Losers couldn't even shoot, we found a few weapons(Luckily) killed 1 bandit who decided to come and get us. Now our only way of communicating was side or direct chat. As these guys were right outside and they could read and hear everything we were planning. We decided to use Skype and used the direct chat to set a trap by laying out false plans.

Ok we used an advantage by setting a false plan through the in game chat, while we planed our true moves through Skype. These guys looking to kill us were not exactly playing fair either. They were using an advantage by reading or listening to the only communication available in the game. If there was a group or friend chat in-game I would use that, but seeing as there is no chat like that. I will happily use a 3rd party communication program. If they add a full chat system to the SA and even if you need a radio to use it, I will use it. Until then I will use Skype, vent, TS3 or anything else.

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ahh sounds terrific yet i went completley BLIND when my eyes saw Xbox ahh fingers feel like there breaking !! ...why the box why ..?? is ps3 considered?? i no of so many who will cry if only xbox is considered ill litterally have to buy a xbox just for this one game as i broke my bank for a pc to get this lol yet never regretting thanks rocket ur a Genious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-kool beans

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Rebuffed inventory, new spawn system, and accessories (customizable, at that!); best stuff coming out.

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy,

But I been waiting... Release Date maybe?

EDIT: Oooo, look at this...

Edited by GotBeanZ

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ahh sounds terrific yet i went completley BLIND when my eyes saw Xbox ahh fingers feel like there breaking !! ...why the box why ..?? is ps3 considered?? i no of so many who will cry if only xbox is considered ill litterally have to buy a xbox just for this one game as i broke my bank for a pc to get this lol yet never regretting thanks rocket ur a Genious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It won't be coming out for any current generation consoles. They won't be able to run it without massive changes.

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im kinda dissapointed in some things.

i dont see any multiplayer clan with friends. this is really boring when u start 1h away from ur friend and cant meet him at all..... this game solo is a bit boring.

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im kinda dissapointed in some things.

i dont see any multiplayer clan with friends. this is really boring when u start 1h away from ur friend and cant meet him at all..... this game solo is a bit boring.

Each to their own, I find solo fun.

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im kinda dissapointed in some things.

i dont see any multiplayer clan with friends. this is really boring when u start 1h away from ur friend and cant meet him at all..... this game solo is a bit boring.

I agree we should make it even more easier for clans ...let them spawn all together at the beach , maybe give them some nice clan starter gear ( some sniper riffles and stuff)....dying is not a problem anyway ..call your heli via team speak to pick you up at the beach and bring you back into action...oh stop ..maybe it should be possible to spawn near the squadleader....

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I agree we should make it even more easier for clans ...let them spawn all together at the beach , maybe give them some nice clan starter gear ( some sniper riffles and stuff)....dying is not a problem anyway ..call your heli via team speak to pick you up at the beach and bring you back into action...oh stop ..maybe it should be possible to spawn near the squadleader....

I disagree that players should be able to simply spawn at their leader, because it could create login traps and other elements of PvP that are unintended. For example, you could ambush someone in a 2 v 1, and if your buddy dies, you could just have him spawn on you and pick up his gear again, which means he essentially never died. that would completely ruin the game for solo players.

I DO however think that they could create a system that would permit these things. Give people the ability to spawn in buddies by building a campfire or tossing a flare. That will alert people to where the respawn is happening (forcing the spawner and spawnee to pick a safe spot and not 10 feet from their prey) and will still be relatively easy to do. As extra precaution, make it impossible to log out when a respawn is done this way for a period of time.

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I disagree that players should be able to simply spawn at their leader, because it could create login traps and other elements of PvP that are unintended. For example, you could ambush someone in a 2 v 1, and if your buddy dies, you could just have him spawn on you and pick up his gear again, which means he essentially never died. that would completely ruin the game for solo players.

I DO however think that they could create a system that would permit these things. Give people the ability to spawn in buddies by building a campfire or tossing a flare. That will alert people to where the respawn is happening (forcing the spawner and spawnee to pick a safe spot and not 10 feet from their prey) and will still be relatively easy to do. As extra precaution, make it impossible to log out when a respawn is done this way for a period of time.

No, no, and no. Oh and no some more.

Edit: I don't know if I mentioned it, but no.

It's going to take away from permadeath, one of the most appealing parts of this game is the fact that death means something, it actually has a serious consequence. You lose everything, have to respawn, and possibly go on a long and dangerous journey to re-scavenge loot and/or meet up with your group. You may not even make it back to your group on your first respawn.

It's bad enough that most of the time your buddy can watch your body so you can gear up easily because it takes away from what permadeath is suppose to mean. Not being afraid to lose everything greatly takes away from the tension and fear of dying that makes DayZ what it is, unforgiving. At least now with diseases, re-equipping gear from your dead body can possibly mean death...again. Diseases could possibly eliminate or at least limit the use of this loophole. Permadeath may actually hold much more meaning.

Edited by Lights Out
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...isn't it ironic...don't you think...

OF COURSE it should not be possible to spawn near a squadleader...in fact we have to find ways to make it even more difficult for clans...for example we need borders around Chernorus to stop them hiding vehicles in the middle of nowhere outside of the regular map

Edited by Private Evans

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I agree we should make it even more easier for clans ...let them spawn all together at the beach , maybe give them some nice clan starter gear ( some sniper riffles and stuff)....dying is not a problem anyway ..call your heli via team speak to pick you up at the beach and bring you back into action...oh stop ..maybe it should be possible to spawn near the squadleader....

I disagree that players should be able to simply spawn at their leader, because it could create login traps and other elements of PvP that are unintended. For example, you could ambush someone in a 2 v 1, and if your buddy dies, you could just have him spawn on you and pick up his gear again, which means he essentially never died. that would completely ruin the game for solo players.

I DO however think that they could create a system that would permit these things. Give people the ability to spawn in buddies by building a campfire or tossing a flare. That will alert people to where the respawn is happening (forcing the spawner and spawnee to pick a safe spot and not 10 feet from their prey) and will still be relatively easy to do. As extra precaution, make it impossible to log out when a respawn is done this way for a period of time.


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LMAO I thought the same exact thing hahaha right over their head

Edited by Lights Out

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Some of these comments are making assumptions that the standalone's supply of vehicles and ease of coordination are the same. I seriously doubt it will be as easy as calling in your heli. Most people are far from being that organized in every server they play on.

Frankly, I'd be just as happy with completely random spawns. Spawning in a true middle-of-nowhere situation makes the survival aspect of the game ring a bit truer than spawning at some predictable place along the coast where all you need is a quick run to cherno to get back into the swing of things. It might also allow coastal cities to be used as high-risk high-reward locations to the fullest extent rather than letting bambis who don't care if they live or die run in and eat the place clean every 2 minutes.

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I like the cargo pants idea too. Even a shirt with a pocket could add 1 slot or a sweater with open slots for your hands can add a slot. Pretty neat idea.

I had an idea to make the backpack customised by yourself. Saw in a couple of pocket, to arrange items the way you'd prefer it. Say you like your bandages away from other things saw in 4 slot pocket and place your bandages there. You'd start with a most simple backpack and by surviving add more slots to it and arrange them as you'd like.

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I had an idea to make the backpack customised by yourself. Saw in a couple of pocket, to arrange items the way you'd prefer it. Say you like your bandages away from other things saw in 4 slot pocket and place your bandages there. You'd start with a most simple backpack and by surviving add more slots to it and arrange them as you'd like.

If you mean you start with a pack and after surviving X amount of time, magically extra pockets appear on your backpack lol then I have to disagree. Different backpacks should be scavenged for.

You could make it so certain backpacks are better equipped for certain items or have pockets for quick access instead of digging through one big pocket, however, that becomes complicated very quickly and adds extra development/coding work that isn't necessary. Especially not on initial release nor on any of the early updates.

Edited by Lights Out

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If you mean you start with a pack and after surviving X amount of time, magically extra pockets appear on your backpack lol then I have to disagree. Different backpacks should be scavenged for.

You could make it so certain backpacks are better equipped for certain items or have pockets for quick access instead of digging through one big pocket, however, that becomes complicated very quickly and adds extra development/coding work that isn't necessary. Especially not on initial release nor on any of the early updates.

Types of bags could change your attributes, too. It's a lot easier to reload a magazine from an assault vest than it is to rummage through a gym bag, for example.I have no doubt in my mind though that the devs put a lot more thought into this kind of stuff than we have an already have an idea in mind on how to balance features so that they don't ruin the game itself. The initial learning curve of the game is harsh enough as it is, and a good measure of the devs' time and effort has gone into making the game simpler to play, not the other way around.

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LMAO I thought the same exact thing hahaha right over their head

ok since it seems a bit difficult to understand my sarcasm...

in my eyes there are some ingame mechanics that makes things too easy for clans which leads to a more battlefield stylish gameplay ...as I said before, clans are very often hiding their vehicles outside the map and they mostly can pick up their killed members directly when they respawn at the beach with their vehicles ( sometimes helis)...this way they are able to save their gear or to get it back from their own dead bodies very easy....

so death is not a real penalty for them.....of course the game should reward teamplay but it should be fair and ballanced...

Edited by Private Evans
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one thing i was always thinking ..i am a ps3 player have been i love it but i fell head over heels when i saw the dcuo its mmo is massive lil laggy sum times but the engine or wutever is huge i always thought what if we took that aspect of that engine base took the superhero stuff out and made it like or dayz based i mean the magic the special effects are huge for a console and i see it could be a nice fitt for sumthing on this level of gaming zombie appocalype type genre simpler but dcuo keeps adding to its content more worlds a one huge server theres hundreds of player on since its release 1 yr ago ..anybody ? lol i think using its engine, player amounts =dean + sony = ps3 release no new console needed problem solved ....=)

or mybe i just need to lay off the mary j .hehehe


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I get your point buddy I really do, but if you are playing as part of a clan then using TS3 / Vent etc is really the only viable option if you want to meet up with your mates in the game, Your clan mate tells you where to meet, you get there eventually... then start using the in game chat system. But I can imagine alot of people sticking to TS3 / Vent if they use it.

Not sure what ideas have been mentioned about the in game chat system apart from disabling side / group chat etc. Anyone care to mention if the chat system has had an overhaul for the SA?

we could use the direct chat as a whisper chat working only in a very very short range....the group chanel would be what the direct chat is right now.....the vehicle chat could work as a cb radio allowing communication between vehicles..the side chat would be only for contacting the admins...

just an idea....

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