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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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Its not that hard to understand part of the concept behind this delay. People hear about DayZ mod. People buy ARMAII CO. Arma II sales go up. People like DayZ mod. People who like DayZ mod are more likely to buy DayZ Standalone. Bohemia stalls DayZ Standalone to milk more ARMA II sales. ARMA II sales go down, DayZ Standalone is released. Bohemia laughs their butts off all the way to the bank.

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All this talk of the WarZ makes absolutely no sense from a business perspective. At some point, somewhere in an office, someone did a SWOT analysis for the DayZ standalone. It is a basic assessment for a product's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. During that analysis WarZ is identified as a threat as it was obviously, to some degree, available for purchase. Now WarZ has been moved to the opportunity section because it tried to capture a market and failed. This leaves DayZ in a good position to capture that market if one simple word is put in bold print on the Steam page.. ALPHA. Not capturing this market is an irresponsible business move.

You have angry people looking to move away from one product, so you sit on your thumbs and wait until that product is fixed to sell yours? This is another opportunity that is being let go. If your game is ready, which I honestly believe it is and has been since Rocket left for NZ, your competitor fell on it's face, you have a ton of a hype in general, a dedicated player-base who will push your development budget for the next two years on release day alone, and an end of the year sale going on where you can boost sales even more but you decide not to release out of fear of a failed competition?

For the love of god, please fire whoever is handling the marketing of this release, or hire someone who realizes what kind of opportunities you are letting go.

You are not only missing out on on a great opportunity with a stumbling WarZ, but waiting for them to get it together.. You are letting at least 2 other players in this exact market get ready for their release, one of which is being backed by Microsoft. I'm pulling out my hair, not because I'm that anxious to play, but because I want your little venture here to succeed and you are too afraid to take the market.

Please don't try and tell the devs/BIS what to do. So far they've created one of the most hyped brands this year, created a new gaming genre, built a solid playerbase and are preparing to back that up with a solid game release. There are many factors and variables they have to deal with, WarZ is/was just one of many. Just to remind you all of this has been done without a penny spent on advertising.

DayZ has done this well so far because of Rocket's unorthodox approach to game development and his ability to stick to his initial vision. There's one thing above all that could bugger this whole thing up right now and that would be Rocket listening to business/PR management waffle like yours. It's easy to talk rubbish like that, especially if you aren't privvy to all of the info.

Your management speak sounds like the sort of thing that get's other games into trouble. I think I'll stick with BIS on this one, cheers.

Edited by Fraggle

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All this talk of the WarZ makes absolutely no sense from a business perspective. At some point, somewhere in an office, someone did a SWOT analysis for the DayZ standalone. It is a basic assessment for a product's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. During that analysis WarZ is identified as a threat as it was obviously, to some degree, available for purchase. Now WarZ has been moved to the opportunity section because it tried to capture a market and failed. This leaves DayZ in a good position to capture that market if one simple word is put in bold print on the Steam page.. ALPHA. Not capturing this market is an irresponsible business move.

You have angry people looking to move away from one product, so you sit on your thumbs and wait until that product is fixed to sell yours? This is another opportunity that is being let go. If your game is ready, which I honestly believe it is and has been since Rocket left for NZ, your competitor fell on it's face, you have a ton of a hype in general, a dedicated player-base who will push your development budget for the next two years on release day alone, and an end of the year sale going on where you can boost sales even more but you decide not to release out of fear of a failed competition?

For the love of god, please fire whoever is handling the marketing of this release, or hire someone who realizes what kind of opportunities you are letting go.

You are not only missing out on on a great opportunity with a stumbling WarZ, but waiting for them to get it together.. You are letting at least 2 other players in this exact market get ready for their release, one of which is being backed by Microsoft. I'm pulling out my hair, not because I'm that anxious to play, but because I want your little venture here to succeed and you are too afraid to take the market.

Have to say.. kinda agree

Edited by Vincenzo

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Its a well known fact that Rocket's doing this for the cash and the honeyz......


Edited by orlok
it was sarcasm. Im too tired...

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It's apparently not one of the most hyped brands of the year. Regardless of anyone's opinion, WarZ clamped the top spot on that sales list within a day of it's release. Even packed with it's lies and it's controversy it topped Arma 2 in a matter of hours.

Why am I being trolled by an unpaid moderator for offering my opinion a forum section dedicated to the discussion of the standalone release, which I kinda feel like was the entire purpose of my post.

Fun Fact. Do I expect anyone from Bohemia to actually read my post? No I don't. They are busy atm giggling at the revenue they feel they are about to double-dip on.

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All this talk of the WarZ makes absolutely no sense from a business perspective. At some point, somewhere in an office, someone did a SWOT analysis for the DayZ standalone. It is a basic assessment for a product's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. During that analysis WarZ is identified as a threat as it was obviously, to some degree, available for purchase. Now WarZ has been moved to the opportunity section because it tried to capture a market and failed. This leaves DayZ in a good position to capture that market if one simple word is put in bold print on the Steam page.. ALPHA. Not capturing this market is an irresponsible business move.

You have angry people looking to move away from one product, so you sit on your thumbs and wait until that product is fixed to sell yours? This is another opportunity that is being let go. If your game is ready, which I honestly believe it is and has been since Rocket left for NZ, your competitor fell on it's face, you have a ton of a hype in general, a dedicated player-base who will push your development budget for the next two years on release day alone, and an end of the year sale going on where you can boost sales even more but you decide not to release out of fear of a failed competition?

For the love of god, please fire whoever is handling the marketing of this release, or hire someone who realizes what kind of opportunities you are letting go.

You are not only missing out on on a great opportunity with a stumbling WarZ, but waiting for them to get it together.. You are letting at least 2 other players in this exact market get ready for their release, one of which is being backed by Microsoft. I'm pulling out my hair, not because I'm that anxious to play, but because I want your little venture here to succeed and you are too afraid to take the market.

Sorry but I cant sit here and read this and not say anything.

Pardon my French but what the fuck makes you an expert on the subject? Do you have experience in releasing major game titles? Or in global marketing? What is your business acumen?

Also what leads you to believe the game is in ready to release form? PR releases? Video? Pictures? ANYTHING? Or are you just blabbing... oh ok you are just blabbing just checking.

You saw what happens when a game is released before its ready. Play the mod and be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

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I don't think slapping together a bit of news in five minutes would be the smart thing to do. If there's any room for misinterpretation in the post the trolls, puppets, and gaming sites will use it to their advantage. They have to be careful about what they say and how they say it. It's sad but I think the time when a dev could just hop on the forums, say something about the game, and then answer a handful of questions is over.

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Fun Fact. Do I expect anyone from Bohemia to actually read my post? No I don't. They are busy atm giggling at the revenue they feel they are about to double-dip on.

Hello there

I think it's parts like this that get folks' back's up. Hence the "trolling"

Yes, ultimately it is a business. But, I don't think they're the cash grabbing bankers you are making them out to be.



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It's apparently not one of the most hyped brands of the year. Regardless of anyone's opinion, WarZ clamped the top spot on that sales list within a day of it's release. Even packed with it's lies and it's controversy it topped Arma 2 in a matter of hours.

Why am I being trolled by an unpaid moderator for offering my opinion a forum section dedicated to the discussion of the standalone release, which I kinda feel like was the entire purpose of my post.

Fun Fact. Do I expect anyone from Bohemia to actually read my post? No I don't. They are busy atm giggling at the revenue they feel they are about to double-dip on.

Where are you getting these numbers? I could have sworn a couple weeks ago WarZ advertised over 600k copies sold. DayZ has 1.4 million... not to mention WarZ alpha has been purchasable for over two months.. thats 1/6 of an entire year. Pretty gross overexaggeration from "matter of hours".

tbh, you kind of sound like you're from WarZ.

Edited by CDriVe1335

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what makes me an expert on the subject is working in sales and purchasing for 6 years for a global oil-field supply company, the fact that I am probably one of the only people on this forum who can read and write financial statements, and that my college career is based solely upon management and finance. Other than those things, nothing at all. My opinions are my own and I am allowed them, just like you are allowed yours.

I also said I believe it was ready for release. I didn't say it was for a fact.

And to your last point. I didn't say release it before it's ready. You'll also note that the game that WAS released before it was ready was touted as a fully functional game with featured that weren't actually in game.

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This exact topic is getting filled with keyboard warriors(Not saying names).


You dont have to spam every single bloody post on this topic: """OMGGGGGG WHEN IIIIIIIS THE GAAAAAAME COOOOOMING OUT, The DEV team is so lame they wont release any information, omg you're missing out on so much release it, now!!! """

Its none of your business when they release it, just stick some DayZ mod up your mouth and sit ducks...

Sorry for capsing but this had to be said.

what makes me an expert on the subject is working in sales and purchasing for 6 years for a global oil-field supply company, the fact that I am probably one of the only people on this forum who can read and write financial statements, and that my college career is based solely upon management and finance. Other than those things, nothing at all. My opinions are my own and I am allowed them, just like you are allowed yours.

I also said I believe it was ready for release. I didn't say it was for a fact.

And to your last point. I didn't say release it before it's ready. You'll also note that the game that WAS released before it was ready was touted as a fully functional game with featured that weren't actually in game.

Finaly someone with some common sense comes aboard -.-'

Edited by Ratsmon

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I don't have the numbers and without the companies financials I can't get them. I was basing that solely on the top sellers list on Steam the day that WarZ was released.

consider the release dates also. I can't prove that WarZ has 600,000 copies sold, but if it has, those have been since roughly October, and 1 day on steam? Arma 2 has 1.4 million with how long on steam? That's actually a question, I don't know how long Arma 2 has been on steam.

Edited by Xainn

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It's apparently not one of the most hyped brands of the year. Regardless of anyone's opinion, WarZ clamped the top spot on that sales list within a day of it's release. Even packed with it's lies and it's controversy it topped Arma 2 in a matter of hours.

Why am I being trolled by an unpaid moderator for offering my opinion a forum section dedicated to the discussion of the standalone release, which I kinda feel like was the entire purpose of my post.

Fun Fact. Do I expect anyone from Bohemia to actually read my post? No I don't. They are busy atm giggling at the revenue they feel they are about to double-dip on.

Sorry if I offended you, it's just my personal opinion, not trolling.

It's not so much your opinion that annoys me, it's more your arrogance and skewed way of looking at things that annoys me. The longer middle management double-talk can be kept away from the progress of DayZ the better, it's always been a personal bug-bear of mine.

I won't even address your WarZ references because they're laughable at best. Please try not to insult me, I'm very sensitive.

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Sorry if I offended you, it's just my personal opinion, not trolling.

It's not so much your opinion that annoys me, it's more your arrogance and skewed way of looking at things that annoys me. The longer middle management double-talk can be kept away from the progress of DayZ the better, it's always been a personal bug-bear of mine.

I won't even address your WarZ references because they're laughable at best. Please try not to insult me, I'm very sensitive.

eh it falls then into a human vs technical management and I have no argument for that. I think my statements were taken a bit out of context. I really don't want to see DayZ fail. I cheered watching WarZ hit a wall and fall on it's face. For all my knowledge it makes sense, if the game is actually ready, to release soon. They have been handed a great opportunity and I hate to watch a good company let it go.

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I said earlier that one thing most of us have in common is that we all want to see DayZ succeed. It's already broken several moulds in the gaming industry and hopefully it will continue to do so. It does this by having a very clear vision and sticking to it, sometimes in the face of much criticism.

I'm just glad we're all passionate about it, better than apathy any day of the week.

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I don't have the numbers and without the companies financials I can't get them. I was basing that solely on the top sellers list on Steam the day that WarZ was released.

consider the release dates also. I can't prove that WarZ has 600,000 copies sold, but if it has, those have been since roughly October, and 1 day on steam? Arma 2 has 1.4 million with how long on steam? That's actually a question, I don't know how long Arma 2 has been on steam.

I see you've only been a member on these forums for two weeks so you may have missed DayZ pushing Arma 2 to the top of the stream best sellers list for months on end not so long ago, a game that was in a niche market and over three years old.

I don't think Rocket needs to take any advice from you mate, even with your whole SIX years experience in an unrelated market.

Edited by RedNome
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I've had DayZ for awhile. I actually created my forum account to post a suggestion about RVs in the suggestion section and to make a post about how good Rocket's work ethic is. You can find my post in the DayZ standalone confirmed section somewhere.

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A lot of you are forgetting that not everyone follows the DayZ/WarZ fiasco...infact a lot of people thought The War Z was the DayZ Standalone.

It makes no sense to delay for you, the regular reader on the DayZ forum, but it makes sense for a wider community.

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Agreed, my friend thought DayZ and WarZ were the same game. He also thinks DayZ is the game of the WarZ film, but he is a tad slow.

It's a shame that WarZ has been allowed to impact the DayZ development at all but the facts are simple, DayZ needs to distinguish itself from WarZ in the eyes of the casual gamer, that's impossible when every gaming site has a WarZ related story on it calling them scammers or just plain shite developers.

Edited by Fraggle

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A lot of you are forgetting that not everyone follows the DayZ/WarZ fiasco...infact a lot of people thought The War Z was the DayZ Standalone.

It makes no sense to delay for you, the regular reader on the DayZ forum, but it makes sense for a wider community.

Exactly, it makes perfect sense, and tbh it was what I thought was the hold up even before you posted your comment.

It also serves two purposes, 1) It lets the shitstorm die down and 2) Allows the team to add even more polish and features to the initial release.

It's win win as far as I can see.

Edited by RedNome

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I can't claim that as an excuse. I've been following and preaching against the WarZ management skills since early November. My apologies to those I pissed off. I wasn't trolling against, I was making an empty plea to.

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In the long-run, many big gaming companies will be looking at DayZ and scratching their heads (already are probably) wondering why their millions of pounds in advertising and PR companies failed to generate as much interest as DayZ has without spending anything. It's simple, innovators innovate, the rest do their best to re-create the winning formula, rarely successfully.

Everything is now in place for DayZ to succeed. The only thing that could ruin it is a rushed release or a sub-par game.

Edited by Fraggle
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Ok guys I'm probably going to get in trouble for this, so please dont quote me everywhere in articles/reddit. I do this because I feel there really should have been an update by now...

A factor in the delay is to distance their game from a competitor's recently released game.

Again this is a factor, and not the entire reason...but just another "pro" to delay release. There are other factors you can probably make an intelligent guess about. So, in the big picture, it is a good business decision to delay...remembering that a vast majority of potential SA players dont follow DayZ news, and aren't walking in circles waiting for release.

Note to journalists: Treat this as hearsay.

You're only a moderator so why should we believe you?

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