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Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

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bah i give up no server working going to bed, they all kicking. plus last time i will use sixupdater to update, manualy is much better. anyaway thanks rocket but bed is first :P

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How often you need to drink/eat needs to get changed....you shouldn not have to eat/drink as often as you do in this game. I should be fat.

The hunger and thirst meter should last longer i agree but by eating a can of beans and a coke shouldn't max those out either.

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  'rocket said:

You're late.

A wizard is never late' date=' he arrives precisely when he means too.



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Love the changes.

Especially the new spawn and humanity level ideas.

This is awesome.

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dang it. i got this ArmA 2 just a few days ago, and i cant seem to find that beta patch everyone is talking about. everytime i try to follow a link, it is telling me that its not there :(

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It appears the signature from SixUpdater for the dayz code file is what is causing people to be auto kicked. I just redownloaded the files from the cdn torrent and I was able to get on.

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Thanks rocket!, now go clubbing and get some! :P

Too bad none of the servers are running 1.7.1... T.T

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anybody else being kicked from supposed 1.7.1 servers even though they've updated?

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well since the us mirror disappeared, i tried that 6 updater thing, and i updated and now i get kicked from every server immediately. anyone know what it fucked up?

-yes i have latest beta, i WAS installing everything myself, the way i prefer to do things, and i had 0 issues.

but the other mirrors are slow to download from and slow to have the updates available, so i thought id try the updater. i hate it.

edit-nevermind. as i was typing this so were some other people. i guess its not just me. whew!

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Six Updater has just been updated. It had a different dayz_code.pbo hence why you all are getting kicked. Re download through Six and join away!


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Rickenwing. Do I just need to put the dayz.pbo and key in the addons folder? or is there more to it?

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Rickenwing. Do I just need to put the dayz.pbo and key in the addons folder? or is there more to it?

Just extract both files and replace them. It works after that. It also seems six updater fixed its issue.

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US 43 is now updated and is set to required the 98865 beta (aka r76 on SU). Also be advised that those who used SU to update already might still have 98701 (aka r75). Sickboy just pushed the beta update which was a little slow to follow behind the push of the DayZ update.

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