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New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

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I'm a little worried about the animations/controls changes.

I mean, definitely both animations and controls need to be improved, but i hope that these changes will increase realism like in Arma 3.

Thanks for the devblog though :D

Edited by Tristane
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I just remember him saying that Steam won't work just because of its character of patching (but they changed that, as rocket stated in the blog post). I am too lazy to put much effort into something like searching for a source right now.

Well, I will certainly not miss an ignorat f like you, that's for sure.

On topic: I just feel a little cheated, that's all. Until now I was quite loyal to the whole Day Z project, I had lots of fun with the mod already. But Steam is just abandoning all of that at once

72: Q: Do you expect or even want to release DayZ on Steam/GOG/Desura/Origin/Amazon?

A: Personally, I like Steam. GabeN is one of my heroes, and Valve is an amazing company. Officially, I don't handle BIS distribution but I know they have an awesome and skilled team who do.

4. VAC/PB. If, for example, the game is released as a Steam distribution - then it can make use of VAC. Think of it as BattlEye on steroids. It also can cause you some issues with your steam account.

It seems he's been talking about Steam for a while, at least in terms of it as an alternative (I didn't check reddit though).

What's the big problem with Steam, by the way? Do they have too much of the market slice for your liking, is it the regional pricing scheme, or do you think their service is of a poor quality?

In case of the pricing, we could potentially have a single currency shop and redeemable keys, at least.

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Glad to hear this! but as for the character customization; maybe we could follow in the footsteps of FIFA with their game face? where you take a photo and then it gets made into a game face? might be thinking too far ahead, but it could work and that would be awesome!

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Glad to hear this! but as for the character customization; maybe we could follow in the footsteps of FIFA with their game face? where you take a photo and then it gets made into a game face? might be thinking too far ahead, but it could work and that would be awesome!

The current mod allows custom face textures, courtesy of ArmA 2. Search for ArmA 2 custom face. Perhaps we'll see similar functionality in the standalone.

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Ahh right, i never knew! that would be sweet if this was implemented!

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I also hope they implement headbutts into the the unarmed fighting design; that way (once they are implemented into the standalone) I can achieve my life-long dream of headbutting a horse.

Edited by mzltv
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Could you also consider sprocket for us who hate steam and are willing to live with manual updates/labor?

Edited by Rakrul
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Does this truly become 'Steam only' at first? If so then I need to wait for a longer than I thought. I like to launch games through steam because I like the overlay but I don't like the idea that games are under one account and not local. I'm a bit skeptic about the future of Steam because anything can happen in big business.

Games Like Arma, DayZ, Company of Heroes and any driving simulator are games that I really like to 'own'. I don't like the idea of 3rd party softwares because I really don't own those games then.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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- I think you mentioned a re-think of the controls. Like most players, I've not been involved in testing the standalone, do you feel they are at least as intuitive as the current mod's controls, if not better?

They are simpler and easily customized by the player, and can be changed on the fly. Think of Minecraft here, you can quickly change that "quick accces" toolbar to suit your task at hand, that is how we are changing DayZ.

- Also, you began by explaining that most settings would be forced server side. Like many, I don't have the option of a good standard of broadband. How wil those settings being forced server side impact on latency/ping/and the experience of those of us who have mediocre broadband? I don't mean in detail but in very simple, basic terms?

We are still not sure of the full impact, this is one of our risks. We know about it, and that is the idea behind a large-scale technology test we are planning for the future, prior to release.

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Does this truly become 'Steam only' at first? If so then I need to wait for a longer than I thought. I like to launch games through steam because I like the overlay but I don't like the idea that games are under one account and not local. I'm a bit skeptic about the future of Steam because anything can happen in big business.

Regarding Steam - I don't like forcing anyone to use anything and I can totally understand why people would be irritated about this if they are not Steam users. But the simple fact is, Bohemia does not have the experience or infrastructure to release a game that hundreds of thousands of people might try to buy at once. If Blizzard have problems with Diablo 3, how the heck is Bohemia supposed to cope with a large-scale release when we never have done something like before? It is not just a simple matter of buying the hardware.

Using steam allowed us to drop Gamespy, and it means that everything except for the central Hive server are managed outside the company, by Steam who have tremendous experience with distribution. We then make use of Steam's network for delta patching - linked right into our own pipeline. I literally with one click of the mouse, right now, can distribute the patch to steam. DayZ is already in there, we use steam for the development build distribution. It was the only way we could get the product out in this timeframe. We are focusing on our strengths, and leveraging the strengths of our partners - in this cause Steam.

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I don't use Steam ATM either but I see no issues with it being used to roll out the SA. It makes sense if it's the best way to release the game and quickly apply patches over the next year.

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The thing you're saying is completely rude, not saying you'll miss someone isn't the best thing to say as it usually makes people either sad or a bit frustrated. People can have their own opinions about some programs, I simply love Steam but I know people that don't like programs such as Steam and Origin.

On topic, This article sure sounds intresting, tons of info about stuff I was thinking about.


(sorry for caps, but i got butthurt)

Edited by Steppwolf
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Any chance or plans to add underground areas for players to explore? I.E, Underground car parks at hotels, Underground bunkers at military areas and possibly, underground subways. I think this would add another level of paranoia for players. While using the abandoned subway stations to avoid the Infected on the surface, you will have to face total darkness and the threat of infected and players.

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"Most settings will be forced server-side, such as gameplay and graphical settings (view distance, shadow distance, etc…). The exact nature of this and specific settings is very much subject to change, but this will be a significant departure from how it is currently with the mod."


So does this mean the graphics quality may be limited and there could be a varying quality going from server to server? What graphic settings would you say the stanalone servers are equal to? (Dayz mod on the very-high/high/medium/low). This feature will even out the playing field but is likely to frustrate high end users.

Edited by vandal GAB

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@rocket: i just hope that polished control mechanics doesnt mean that i will see see 360 no scope jump in standalone. or instant 180, instant weapon switch etc. arma realism adds to dayz experience much.

and i hope that things like FoV wont be server side limited. i cant play with low field of view

Edited by powajoj
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Other then the usual complaints about Steam that everyone's heard a million times before,

The big problem I have with having to use Steam for DayZ is that I'll be forced to install it on my SSD because the RV engine

performs 100x better on one but I don't need an SSD for the very few Steam games that I have.

I use a standard HD for regular games that don't have issues with texture popping, LOD switching...etc on the slower drives.

My precious SSD space is reserved exclusively for games like Arma 2, Take On Helicopters, Crysis 1 and others that stream

a large amount of data off the drive.

Far as I know, with Steam it's all or nothing, yes you can change the location of the games but they all got to go to the new location.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that.

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To Rocket..

How can we (I) get into help testing. I have hundreds of hours played in the mod and would like a chance to help out now with the testing of the new SA... :)

Can PM me about it :)


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"The UI has been completely reworked, focusing on simplicity. We have studied games that we believe are leaders in this area, such as Minecraft, and are focusing on providing functionality without fancy complexity in this regard."

That would mean that we are to expect some quick access to things such as food, water, and other stuff that we want to put there ?

Also, the map, will players be able to have an impact on the map, for example, modify it by building on it ? Or as someone said on the suggestion forum, build underground bases, and if so, how will the server resets affect that, also, how often will server resets occur, if the game is on steam ?

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To Rocket..

How can we (I) get into help testing. I have hundreds of hours played in the mod and would like a chance to help out now with the testing of the new SA... :)

Can PM me about it :)


You want to test an engine?

Good luck.

It was the only way we could get the product out in this timeframe. We are focusing on our strengths, and leveraging the strengths of our partners - in this cause Steam.

I dont like Steam much, but I agree; it will be better for DayZ to be released (and runned lal) on this platform.

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for rocket-ing out loud ™, shit just got real....

i always say to myself,

this can not possibly get any better.

and then it does anyways.

@rocket any chance you can look at my suggestions on reddit?



Edited by Azrail

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so wait.. you think that with a possible release date in lets see... 22 days from now you think they don't have internal testers playing in the new game world yet? IDTS

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Good stuff. By redesigned controls and UI, I assume it also means doing simple stuff like climbing ladders, opening doors etc not being so awkward and frustrating anymore?

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"Most settings will be forced server-side, such as gameplay and graphical settings (view distance, shadow distance, etc…). The exact nature of this and specific settings is very much subject to change, but this will be a significant departure from how it is currently with the mod."


So does this mean the graphics quality may be limited and there could be a varying quality going from server to server? What graphic settings would you say the stanalone servers are equal to? (Dayz mod on the very-high/high/medium/low). This feature will even out the playing field but is likely to frustrate high end users.

It will probably be related to settings that give advantages, while detail levels and filters that don't give you an edge/handicap will be set clientside.

Other then the usual complaints about Steam that everyone's heard a million times before,

The big problem I have with having to use Steam for DayZ is that I'll be forced to install it on my SSD because the RV engine

performs 100x better on one but I don't need an SSD for the very few Steam games that I have.

I use a standard HD for regular games that don't have issues with texture popping, LOD switching...etc on the slower drives.

My precious SSD space is reserved exclusively for games like Arma 2, Take On Helicopters, Crysis 1 and others that stream

a large amount of data off the drive.

Far as I know, with Steam it's all or nothing, yes you can change the location of the games but they all got to go to the new location.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that.

You could create a junction in your steam folder, so the DayZ folder points to a SSD drive location.

In my case, Steam is installed on my SSD (my system disk), while I have a bunch of junctions to a slower disk for some games.

"The UI has been completely reworked, focusing on simplicity. We have studied games that we believe are leaders in this area, such as Minecraft, and are focusing on providing functionality without fancy complexity in this regard."

That would mean that we are to expect some quick access to things such as food, water, and other stuff that we want to put there ?

Also, the map, will players be able to have an impact on the map, for example, modify it by building on it ? Or as someone said on the suggestion forum, build underground bases, and if so, how will the server resets affect that, also, how often will server resets occur, if the game is on steam ?

Rocket has mentioned that overground modifications will create too much clutter, but he likes the idea of instanced underground bases. Search his posts for details. Your font colour really isn't easy on the eyes.

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