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New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

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What did you do with the "v" hotkey ...feature that made you jump over shit?

Edited by Takas
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Fraggle, I do use steam, and I admit my heart sank when I read the original interviews where Rocket mentioned steam (and minecraft). Truth is, when things go right that's great but I have two concerns:

First most UK (and probably other countries too, I don't know) don't have great broadband. It can take 10+ hours to download a game overnight, only to find it didn't work. Second, boy when things go wrong on steam they go very wrong. A couple of days ago I bought 3 games via steam. One is incompatible with windows 7 64 bit, and last night I attempted to play one, Bioshock. Might not be everyone's taste but it's a hugely popular game and it was cheap in the sale.

Here's what is worrying me, and may well be what worries other steam users. I loaded the game and began to play and in under 5 minutes my computer died. No desktop because windows had shut itself down on discovering a "serious" error. I got a blue screen of death message suggesting that if I had recently installed software the problem was likely there and I was advised to restart my computer in safe mode and to contact the software supplier. In my experience, I have never once had a reply from Steam that wasn't some bot telling me to restart my computer. :huh: Another example, less than 2 months ago dozens of us were posting that we couldn't get arma or dayz to work because Steam had died and refused to let us sign in. So that's the kind of things that make me a little cautious.

However, I'm not worrying about it because it is what it is - decided. No point is being miserable something I can't change, and I can see the clear argument for using Steam. It makes sense. As the song goes, Que sera, sera! :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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Hmm, interesting. I guess whatever supplier they used the broadband issues would remain the same though. Supplying a hard copy would introduce a massive cost (logistics) that we the consumer would have to pay for.

Also, I'm not that knowledgable about Steam but can't you use them to download it and then run it seperatly like any other game? For me the main good aspect about using Steam is how easy it'll be to keep rolling out the patches. Considering the SA will be under heavy development for the next year after initial release keeping everyone up to date will be pretty crucial. The fact that the devs can just roll out a patch with one mouse click wiegh's heavily in Steams favour.

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Regarding Steam - I don't like forcing anyone to use anything and I can totally understand why people would be irritated about this if they are not Steam users. But the simple fact is, Bohemia does not have the experience or infrastructure to release a game that hundreds of thousands of people might try to buy at once. If Blizzard have problems with Diablo 3, how the heck is Bohemia supposed to cope with a large-scale release when we never have done something like before? It is not just a simple matter of buying the hardware.

Using steam allowed us to drop Gamespy, and it means that everything except for the central Hive server are managed outside the company, by Steam who have tremendous experience with distribution. We then make use of Steam's network for delta patching - linked right into our own pipeline. I literally with one click of the mouse, right now, can distribute the patch to steam. DayZ is already in there, we use steam for the development build distribution. It was the only way we could get the product out in this timeframe. We are focusing on our strengths, and leveraging the strengths of our partners - in this cause Steam.

In other words: You are pro-Steam because it allows you to outsource competences that you can't deliver, sacrificing your independence - totally speaks for you and your project.

Alright, so that's it for me. Again I want to thank you personally for the work you've done so far; I had lots of fun with Day Z Mod and I will probably still have some.

Also, thank you for eventually opening the eyes of other developers that a realistic and complex zombie-surivival game can be successful in a market that is flooded with mediocre casual shooters.

This is probably the greatest thing you and this project have done so far.

Edited by EpeeNoire

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In other words: You are pro-Steam because it allows you to outsource competences that you can't deliver, sacrificing your independence - totally speaks for you and your project.

You're just an outright cock, really.. aren't you?

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happy to know dayz will be launch on Steam, never had a problem, and really fast download with a s.itty internet connection.

cant wait for the next week to see some movies

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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Rocket, there are three of us in my house that play DayZ. I am concerned with the gamma control, and color control being server set. The problem is, My oldest boys monitor, which is a 22" flat panel, needs to be hardware jacked, along with most apps software side also (gamma, color and brightness) to get a decent picture. I am all for not going out of your way to make the game 'accessible' , but limiting what can be done to make the best picture you can seems a bit over the top. e.g. This 'feature' is going out of your way to make the game inaccessible. Ill be dropping whatever the cost is to get three copies of the standalone when it comes out, but cant afford to get new monitors any time soon. As with holding true to what the apocalypse is, adapt and survive, thats what we will do in any case...

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In other words: You are pro-Steam because it allows you to outsource competences that you can't deliver, sacrificing your independence - totally speaks for you and your project.

Alright, so that's it for me. Again I want to thank you personally for the work you've done so far; I had lots of fun with Day Z Mod and I will probably still have some.

Also, thank you for eventually opening the eyes of other developers that a realistic and complex zombie-surivival game can be successful in a market that is flooded with mediocre casual shooters.

This is probably the greatest thing you and this project have done so far.

In other words: You are a douchecanoe.

See you later Drama Queen!

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it will be steam and it is the take on helicopters engine...end of the story...it has become such a pain in the ass to read these never ending complaints instead of discussing the exciting possibilities the anounced features will provide....

PS: if there will be no horses in the alpha release I am done with DAYZ....

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In other words: You are pro-Steam because it allows you to outsource competences that you can't deliver, sacrificing your independence - totally speaks for you and your project.

Alright, so that's it for me. Again I want to thank you personally for the work you've done so far; I had lots of fun with Day Z Mod and I will probably still have some.

Also, thank you for eventually opening the eyes of other developers that a realistic and complex zombie-surivival game can be successful in a market that is flooded with mediocre casual shooters.

This is probably the greatest thing you and this project have done so far.

Wow... wow... When you can not do something, you can not do something. That is not just a matter of 'competence'. Competence and ability are two different things you know. If this were like the mod when he first released it, things would be much different (30-50 players?). As it stands, when the SA is finally released, there will be some million people plus clamoring to get a copy now, no not now, RIGHT NOW. Admitting that he does not in any way shape or form have the logistics to do that, but has brokered a plan to where that can be done speaks volumes about 'him and his project". Wow...

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In other words: You are pro-Steam because it allows you to outsource competences that you can't deliver, sacrificing your independence - totally speaks for you and your project.

That's way overboard, twisted logic. Didn't you read his post? No reason to transfer your hate of Steam to this project. Steam is a ready made tool, let Bohemia use it for distribution and updating. No, I'm by no means a Steam fan. In fact I'm not sure why they would choose Steam over a Content Delivery Network. Probably because of all the other services that Steam is able to provide.

Anyway, if you're going to toss around insults, make sure that there is some reasoning behind your assertions because what you used is very weak indeed.

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Rocket, how do you plan on combating cheating? That's what many of us want to know(but for some reason most won't post about on THIS forum). Stand Alone is still built on Arma engine and many have doubts that the SA won't be ruined by hackers.

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Rocket, how do you plan on combating cheating? That's what many of us want to know(but for some reason most won't post about on THIS forum). Stand Alone is still built on Arma engine and many have doubts that the SA won't be ruined by hackers.

Yeah, I would like to know this too. This problem is VERY serious.

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Good Stuffs Rocket, and you should try those sensory deprivation tanks to chill over launch period. Take it easy, but take it.

RE: Peoples reaction to Steam. Embrace it, its less pollution after all.

Edited by RiggsUK

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VAC for dayz will only increase the amount of cheating

Better then BE.

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It's really simple:

Do you guys want us to focus on making a good game? Or do you want us to focus on our own digital delivery service with anti-cheat, server browser polling, fraud protection, consumer purchase support, delta-patching, DRM (shudder), and so on...?

Re: Cheating, please read the blog posts about the move to an Server-Client model, the affect this has on things has been discussed to death.

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I'm not too happy about a Steam release, it will introduce a lot more players but that also means a lot more retards.

But overall, I would prefer a better, more polished game than time being spent on a DayZ digital delivery system.

Edited by Rossums

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Re: Cheating, please read the blog posts about the move to an Server-Client model, the affect this has on things has been discussed to death.

Yeah, saw that but don't understand it. Is there a para phrased version that makes sense to us non programmers? I ask because I need to spam it at other forums where this issue is very much alive.

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Yeah, saw that but don't understand it. Is there a para phrased version that makes sense to us non programmers? I ask because I need to spam it at other forums where this issue is very much alive.

The short and simple truth is that there will be hackers. Period.

We are changing the architecture to reduce the impact of these hacks, and we have VAC that can act as something of a deterrent to the those hacking. More and more, I am convinced the best way forward is to provide the ability to run private servers, for private communities. This is the absolute best thing we can do to combat hacking, and the easiest. So we must remain vigilant and do what we can, and this base architecture change will drastically reduce the hacking options - but overall giving the power and ability for communities to manage themselves will be the most powerful thing we can do.

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Better then BE.

No, not really. Even though standalone will be secured, that doesn't mean you should use some shitty anti-cheat. I don't understand why they don't want to use BattlEye! VAC sucks and barely works in Valve games! + Gives server admins no options and isn't really fast when it comes to detecting cheats

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  • Most settings will be forced server-side, such as gameplay and graphical settings (view distance, shadow distance, etc…). The exact nature of this and specific settings is very much subject to change, but this will be a significant departure from how it is currently with the mod.
  • The Server controls character actions, a player’s client sends its requests and the server decides if this is possible. Our lead programmer in the company, Ondrej Spanel, is working on this currently. I believe this is one of the most radical changes ever implemented in the engine since Operation Flashpoint was released, and turns DayZ from an FPS into a true MMO.

Hmmmm... In some ways I'm glad that this is all being implemented this way, HOWEVER, I can't help to have fears that ballistics and weapon handling as Operation Flashpoint, ArmA and ArmA2 handled them have gone the way of the Dodo... I'm expecting something rather lame like BF3 (fake)ballistics. can someone official please confirm or deny this?

I personally am rather fond of having the weapons behave exactly like they did in the aforementioned games. Much more realistic.

On a side note: Your comments and postings are highly appreciated as it is rare to see developers connected to their community. So, a heartfelt thank you.

Edited by sniperdoc
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