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About K0ba

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Being able to salvage fuel from vehicles would be neat. but because its a game, like it is now fuel should be obtainable by fuel pumps
  2. K0ba

    New server

    anyone else?
  3. Anyone know of a high pop server for a group of 6 people? need alot of action, cheers.
  4. Admins that do this ruin the game for themselves. You cant see tents physically without going into the data base on dayz.st... Also if a admin pays for a tool like tsw, i highly doubt they would risk their server reputation by going into someones camp. Also, yeah they can spawn weapons in, but then again; ruins it for themselves. Even if they find the tent in the database, they have to copy and paste the tents world location into where they are, which is more trouble than its worth. do some research before making allegations against most server owners, because there are the majority that strive to make their server the best.
  5. K0ba


    Hi David thanks for advertising your server. Although i do ask for ONE thing...RE TYPE THIS IN FUCKING ENGLISH. I think you also killed a few brain cells of mine, just by seeing this.
  6. SOrted out a recent diaster. server is back up and booming!
  7. You dont start with a g17 anymore. The vehicle numbers have been reduced, they are there to help people off the coast.
  8. Hey guys! Would you like to survive while trying to kill bandits? we have People on teamspeak who like to go bandit hunting, as we have a few groups of them on our server. Why dont you team up on our server to try and stop this force? Also, you could just give us a go to have some fun, see if you like our custom towns+castles, buildings and unique events! Heres more info; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/108182-fadetoblack-gaming-custom-townsbases-fortified-castles-250-vehicles/page__hl__fadetoblack
  9. Dont like it. No offence, i just dont like a dramatic change, and it looks a bit cartoony.
  10. Love The design of the murderhouse, good for vehicle supplies too!
  11. Why not try FadeToBlack? we usually have about 15+ players on in the day and 20+ at night, it would be a great addition to our server if you guys played here, as we have many groups who also like to fight. Lone wolves are also big here, trying to take down the groups for there gear!
  12. We have a well established, well maintained server that is located in the US. The custom buildings around the map give Chernarus a more 'updated' feel to it. What we are looking for is lone wolves, or groups to participate in some of the server fighting. If you take a look at my signature, you will find the details in there. The server has active admins, who are constantly watching the server, especially in peak times of the day. Why not come and try FadeToBlack Chernarus?