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About Deuzerre

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  1. You will see, as a moderator should, that I mentioned "Alpha" quite a few times. Even though it is an alpha, it is a game we play. Actually, it's a game in alpha stage to be accurate, since that's what it's all about, right since it will eventually become a true game. Happy to be a moderator? Grow a sense of criticism.
  2. So, this is an alpha, right? So I'll give the feedback that should come from an alpha, before I leave it somewhere around. As a social experiment, DayZ is sort of a success. not quite here yet, but close. This Alpha proved that many people are assholes when there is no limit to what they can do. It showed, in my opinion, that the Sandbox idea mixed with the possibility of PvP is flawed, that there is an actual need for rules, limits, reward and punishment for actions otherwise some people become petty random killers, grievers and whatnot. The successful aspect of the social experiment is that, when a number of people are jerks and can't be contained, when being a jerk makes you stronger simply because you are alive and the other one isn't, "Normal" people become jerks themselves and/or "Isolate themselves into groups". It's a strange concept, but people don't play really alone, or they become frustrated and leave (like me). I've played with a group over skype/mumble, and needless to say it was fun, with that feel of invincibility. The group eventually split though, since it wasn't really a challenge, and we never met other groups to wage war against, only single targets we most of the time left to their own business. The disappearance of global chat is a big part of the reason of this: Sure, there was a lot of baiting, it wasn't in the feel of the game, but then, isn't teamspeak and similar bullshit too? As a PvP game, DayZ sucks. This engine isn't made for that kind of thing. Most of the time, sounds don't work when they come from someone else. Desynchs make you appear where you are not and take bullets when you are perfectly hidden, makes targetting moving people hard to do at best when they just jump backwards every few seconds. Hits not registering, stuff like that... And that's not to speak about the weaponry available, it's a slippery slope. I will just say that semi-automatic sniper rifles feel quite out of place, and might have been here for the rule of cool, but they aren't that cool. They just sound cool. As a PvE game, it has gotten better. It used to be terrible, but recently it's been better, much better. Less pro sprinters Zig-Zag screw laws of physics, more "right". Zeds are an annoyance you must always take care of. The only major downside of PvE is that Zeds don't follow player rules. By that I mean they go through furniture, sometimes jerk around, and when you want to remain hidden from humans you are still visible to zeds, and the opposite is true too. As a looting game... Partly due to scripts, but mostly by design, it's not great. Finding stuff is relatively easy, thanks to predictable loot areas, and the best way to find stuff is... PvP. Find an enfield, find a good camping spot out of one of the military areas, kill your target, full stuff, or a good way there. PvP is the best way for everything actually, but it shouldn't. It should be "A" way, not "The best way". Since being "Low stuff" general means you don't care, to get loot you can just kill a dude. When you have acceptable gear, to finish the set you... Kill a dude. Then, you have your ideal set and all you have to do is to go for a lake to refill, and hunt an animal to get some meat. As a survival game, it does it quite well, but it reaches its limits really fast. You barely ever get ill. If you die from lack food, it's because of absurdly bad luck or simple idiocity. If you die from zeds, it's either because you did something stupid (got stuck in a building and fought by the rules without disconnecting) or by bad luck (9K limit, meed your broken leg maker), but they are here to keep you on your toes anyway, not to kill you. If you die to players... Sometimes it's a random snipers you can't do anything about (otherwise, check every bush in the game, and pray someone doesn't move in one of the ones you checked) or ambushes (I'm fine with that) or bad encounters, but anyway you are on your toes... but too much, since encountering a friendly is less frequent than finding a prostitute without a STD. I can say I encountered ONE player I didn't know that didn't shoot me on sight since my Makarov spawn days. Because there is no reason to try apart if you are an idiot like I am, hoping that humanity isn't made of e-boner kids. Survival should mean actually trying tu survive, not killing people for what they have in a game of russian roulette or for shit and giggles, or at least not as the only valid way of playing outside of a teamspeak group. As an Alpha, it was, sorry to say it Rocket, but terrible. Since I came in, the only major changes have been the removal of weapons at spawn, and the LoS breaking for Zeds. The addition of axes is fun, but limited. Most of the rest has been some fine tuning... But there has been no change/evolution/improvement in terms of features. You mistook an alpha for a game. People will whine about bugs (Like the current dead body glitches) but these can be resolved separately/later. Add features, remove them, that's what an alpha is for dammit! We are here to test your ideas, just throw them up on us and we'll be happy! We are your playground, for you to know what to add/keep for the stand alone. We are a bunch of whining prats, but we can live with dying to a hill slope (happened) rocks and trees, we can survive with graphical glitches (they can be fixed on a separate schedule, but, man, they weren't there before, what's the change that made you cause them?). But repeating the same tasks for ever without new things gets boring. And some of the features saw their limits: Vehicles get hoarded (I still found some, but you know server owners just abuse the system most of the time), humanity is currently useless since over 50% of the player base kills on sight while the others die, sickness only happens on really rare occasions, global chat not being there only prevents people from communicating in game (further increasing KoS while preventing groups forming). Lots of other things. There is probably a lot more to add. Let's just say that I'm glad to have participated in this (lucky me, I already had ARMAII before, just bought the DLC for the skins) but I have no hope for this game to go, even slightly, in the way I'd wish it to go. It has given me all I think it can give, and frustration but I knew some of it would come. I've played alone, in groups, survivor, bandit (a bit) and in my last life bandit hunter. But that's it, there is no more. Note that I don't expect anything from WarZ either, I suspect this to be a dung with a bit of sugar coating. I'll still follow DayZ's news, but I won't take part in the alpha anymore. Oh, and to the guys that will say this is a QQ or something: Shut up, grow up.
  3. Mh, Ok, I'll go there to blow it up.
  4. Or blowing a fuel tank with a grenade next to a church.
  5. I don't agree with some of the points. There is just one thing though that I'd like to point out: If instead of semi-automatic .50 cal snipers we had the KVSV (Bolt action) or if they replaced the backpack (as they should) I'd be totally happy to have them. But they are one hit, one kill, good luck if you manage to doge my whole magazine if I miss you on the first shot rifles that have basically no downsides. It might be somehow realistic (apart from the weight/backpack aspect) but it's not interesting to use/face. I used to want them removed, but now I want them to be "Nerfed": - Either no backpack (like the rocket launcher) - Or the bolt action russian version that replaces the two others. Like that, there still is a way to take down choppers rather reliably, still is a way to one-shot, but it's a choice with downsides.
  6. Deuzerre

    Weapon Poll

    Revolver: Accurate and Powerful. AKS-74u Kobra: Sound and feel, drops zeds in two shots. Quite accurate. SVD: Best sights, not one-shot skilless.
  7. Deuzerre

    Im done, hackers win...

    It may be fun when a Hacker kills you with a roaring jet, a tank or things like that. Yesterday I died to an artillery strike. I mean, where is the fun in that? It's boring as hell! Nothing much to say really "I went boom" isn't as fun as "So, there was that big Warthog that just shot me to death" or "I was teleported and transformed into a dog". Will make a pause (and anyway, no access to PCs for 4 days).
  8. Well, you did this for a reason, acted against instinct, which makes you "Human" somehow. You should have said something like: You can't run, I'm very close with an AK. or something. Sad to see he didn't play by the rules, but then... Wouldn't you have done the same?
  9. Yeah, that's true, it was getting stale a bit. And I lived with no tent so that I wouldn't have the temptation of restarting full gear. Well, it's for two reasons. First one: i love playing at night! and it's hard to find many players at night. Second: Less probability of finding a hacker. A 20 and less people server isn't "Tasty" for a hacker. Though I'm generally in 20-25 men servers. that one had 36 when I joined. Third: More friendly. Less populated servers have more "Passive" players. I even healed one guy I never met, just saw him running and falling several times in a plain, healed him after approaching and telling him to drop the gun on the ground. He didn't shoot my back as I was falling back after healing him.
  10. Long story short, I died to a hacker. Long version: I spawn in a server with more people, as I only intend to go through the wilderness anyway. I still end up in a town, get in a big building, make a fireplace (yeah, I always make them inside) and cook some meat to get closer to 12K. As I move out (leaving the fireplace alight) I almost go out of the building... But suddenly the screen shakes. I think I've been hit by a zed, but no damage, and I went back inside. I look around and see that the building is collapsed near the fireplace. Two shakes later, I bail out, thinking the building was going to fall on my head... I run, look around for a second, see the building hihgly damaged... Again a blurred vision silence black and white, this time with legs broken. "I died" I suddenly realised. From the mystical "Hackers". Not in a fancy "Yo dawg, gotta teleport you dude, then you all die!". Not in "Jeeeeeet!" way. Not to any other "Funny" way a hacker may use to kill people with style. No, just a lame artillery strike. My 22 days character, full stuff apart from GPS, is dead. No one around to get the stuff back, nothing. i'll be starting from scratch again. In itself, it isn't such a problem. It's just that this character was the one that lasted the longest, without killing humans. That character survived three daylight helicopter crash lootings, 5 night time helicopter crashes, 8 raids to NE airfield (two with exchanges of gunfire) and 2 NWAF raids. All of that solo. Countless hours of crawling, checking the horizon, looking at Zed infested towns and thinking "Not that town today", around 12 firefights that generally ended with enemy broken legs or disconnects, not one ALT+F4 on my end, a dozen tent downs looted and destroyed, one bicycle found, many many deer stands explored. One raid in Cherno in daylight in "Run and Gun, 1 vs all zombies" mode. 3 medical assistances. Well, this was the story of someone who played the game in a boring, "Survivalist" way some PvPers would say, but it was still a lengh most people don't reach, and died for a sad little moron that is now giggling, living in his own feces, with a half hard on because he is now impotent due to too much junk food. Or someone that craves for power when at work he's the lowest of salarymen. Something like that. A sad living soul. I feel pity, not rage. And a bit of sadness. He'll try to feed on my tears, failing to realise they were directed to him/her anyway.
  11. Deuzerre

    DayZ Stories

    It is a 22 days story, that can be seen in my sig. Well, WAS a 22 days story.
  12. I'd have voted "Avoid, AEAE (Bloody AZERTY keayboard), AEAE". Also, my "Avoid" generally means "Shoot the guy in the leg".
  13. Deuzerre

    Tradeing for M16 ACOG and SVD CAMO

    I have the ACOG, will trade for CCO.
  14. None. They aren't dangerous to me. I never go there.
  15. Deuzerre

    No Peripheral vision marks

    They are really faint, and on some servers, disabled. They always scare the shit out of me, but only reveal rabbits.