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So my group is about 8-10 people strong, we've got all of the equipment in the game including rocket launchers, SVD camos,GPS range finders etc. We're fucking packed.

My character was about 15 days old, only 2 murders and almost 500 zombie kills.

Had some pretty intense missions to the airfield and a lot of close calls, it's been great.

Today we got a chopper, fixed it all up and had a great time doing it!

Did a mission to Cherno just after spending 30minutes fully refuelling the thing and my friend drops 2 of us of, he then proceeds to fly around just watching over and for some reason decides he needs to stop but does so far to harshly and crashes the thing in the middle of Cherno which in turn kills him and 2 teammates.

The other guy I was with and I decided to head back north to get a vehicle and pick these guys up. They decide they want to romp around cherno for a while so my friend and I log out.

After an hour or so, I decide to log back on and run northwards to our base and get a vehicle to do some people picking up.

After a 30 minute run to base, I'm there. I go to grab some ammo pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew

Some mother fucking hacker has spawned right next to me, possibly invisible, and fires at least 15 shots to kill me at pointblank range.

Mother fucker... I lost my SVD camo,M4A1 SD,Range Finder,NVGs, GPS etc... Fucking ridiculous.

My friends that are down on the coast then tell me they've been teleported to our fucking base along with the rest of the fucking server.

Sweet, there goes all our gear and vehicles.

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So me and my buddies were on Skype playing on the same server. One was far east while I was far west in the Three Valleys, while my other friend was knocked unconcious in the quicky-mart in Elektro for 30 mins. During that 30 mins I ran all the way from Three Valleys to Elektro to save him. He kept saying to just shoot him and finish him off where I said to myself that I could save him right now. The mart was filling with zombies so I began to drag his body outside of the mart and across the road to the school. As I was doing that someone began to shoot me with a revolver and I was hit 3-4 times. I continued to drag my friend into a classroom where I bandaged myself, took morphine and a epi-pen out of my friends pack and used them on him. We then quickly gave each other blood and made our way outside the left exit of the school and out of town.

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I hate starin' down these stairs. I hate everything about these goddamn buildings. The grimey boards that creak no matter if someone steps on 'em or not. The musty walls that crack and snap for no reason. Makes a man's ticker skip a beat for no reason, makes a man's life expectancy skip a year for all the reasons in the world. The constant guttural moanin' of the Z'eds below. Always the moaning. The ceaseless pissy rain that keeps pourin' down outside. The itch you can't scratch, the goddamn pain you can't cure.

He's gonna be here any minute now. He's been rummagin' through the garbage in the cafè below for what seems like hours, hopin' for a can of beans. Too tired to dare hope for anything better, too far up shit creek to give a damn. Much like me. If I'm lucky he's gonna be one of those so far gone he don't even realize there's a second floor to climb. But I'm not gonna be that lucky. If I was lucky I wouldn't be in this shithole in the first place. He's gonna come up these stairs and I'm gonna use the last 4 bullets in this piece of shit pistol and shoot him in the face. I'm gonna live but I'm gonna be dead inside. Hell, I'm allready dead inside. Nothin' much that seperate me from the Zed's 'cept for the anticipation of an early retirement. The final release.

I hear him steppin' closer to the stairs. Slow like. He is either careful or he's just numb. Makes no difference to me either way. Sweat runs down my back and my arms ache from holding the Makarov straight. Come on you bastard, come on! He stops dead. The moaning and the rain takes over again. I curse inside me. Inside I spit and froathe, I kick and scream. On the outside I remain motionless and silent. Noone hears a goddamn thing 'cept the rain and the moaning. Rain and moaning. I feel my neck muscles tense up. I dunno why. I'm starting to think I got a premonition or somethin', then it hits me; Three thunderous claps. The sound of woodboards splinterin' and the sharp stings of two slugs enterin' my left side. The last one whistlin' past my chest. Bzzuu! Angry bee. In some sick way, I feel amused. The Makarov slips out of my hands and I grab my side. It don't help much. Blood spurts out like a goddamn sprinkler and the color of the floorboards under me turn dark red. Goddamn hacks! As I keel over from the shock I hear myself sayin': "Good thing that one missed me." What a joke. What a town.

Darkness wraps me in a final blanket of comfort, my final feelin' of doom. Goodbye Cherno, you was hell on earth. I hope I don't see you on the other side. ...So long sucka.

I come to myself on a coastline somwhere. For the briefest of moments the sound of seagulls and the waves lappin' on the shore kinda makes me think I've gone and come to heaven, unlikely as that would be considerin' my track record of late. I spot a road cross a patch of grass and a roadsign. Wishful thinkin'. As I trudge over to see the sign, sheer horror starts creepin' into the very core of my being. The sign reads: YEPHOrOPK.

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I was just talking with some clanmates trough Mumble when they suddenly start to squeeling like crazy. They found a camp with about 4 tents all filled with some powerfull sniper rifles, ammo, gillie suits and larger backpacks.

They looted the hell out of that place and got out of there like the devil was on their tail. I only just spawned for the first time so I didn't really have any idea. They told me to go to Dolina and try to find anything of use (found a winchester 1688 and a G17)

later we met up at Berezino, a little bit north of the 4 military tents. They where still tense about looting that one camp (They decided to call it an admin camp since it has so much high valeu stuff in it) and me firing a random shot in the air while I'm with them scared the living hell out of them :)

later when another friend found us (now a group of 4) we head for a camp they set up where a bus they have repaired is stationed. Meeting up at the camp was another friends of ours and we waited for another friend to log-in.

Now a group of 6 we leave the bus in the trees and run trough the forest. Night has fallen and we don't see anything at all. so 2 guys with nightvision take point and one gets some Chem light on him so we can see him running. about 15 minutes later they yell 'CAMP!' and we all hit the deck and take off the chem light. remaining silent as possible. Even the mumble chat was quiet. after a few tense seconds we slowly crawn forward and suddenly one of the night vission guys yells 'JACKPOT!'

2 tents with some decent loot (got myself a bigger backpack and a map) and right behind it, locked off with barbed wire: 6 vehicles

Couldn't be a more luckier loot for us. 2 ATV, 1 motorcycle, 1 Old Hatchback and 2 other cars I'm forgetting the name off. We called it a Hacker Camp since all 6 vehicles where fully repaired which was rather questionable.

I'm completly forgetting the loot that is in the cars but we had 8 full jerry cans in the cars as well and so much food we are probably set for 2 weeks with our group. We heard a shot in the distance so we jumped in a vehicle each and drove off. laughing like crazy that we most lickly pissed some people off by stealing their cars. we drove back to where we left our bus but we lost one ATV somewhere along the way (got flipped on it side and just dissapeared.)

Another clanmate joined the server playing for the first time so I tooke a detour with my car and one of the snipers and picked him up, filling up some empty jerry cans along the way and joined the rest of the clan.

So the first 2 days in DayZ? 6 vehicles in total, an unrealistic amount of military grade ammo and guns and a whole lot of food. unfortunatly a hacker got in the server and we all teleported all over the place. one of our snipers ended up in Cherno and another one in Elektro, I ended up in Otmel (wherever that is). Currently we are regrouping.


1) http://sadpanda.us/images/1116484-UB837H4.png

2) http://sadpanda.us/images/1116483-UJ2ZNMA.png

3) http://sadpanda.us/images/1116479-XJ7M2M2.png

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Last night was playing on one of the US Dallas servers. I was making my way across the east coast of Solnichniy.

I was crawling prone on the coastline to avoid some zeds that were working their way toward me. Then I hear "Hi. I saw you crawling on along on the beach. Want a truck?" I turn and see fully geared ghillie sniper aiming his gun at me. He spawns a white SUV. By this point zeds are crawling all over us and he's making no attempt to keep his visibility down, standing straight up, and firing indiscriminately with his sniper rifle from close range, taking down 4 zeds.

He says "Get in and drive or I'll kill you." So I do. I get in the SUV. Having never drove one before on DayZ, I got in on the passenger side of the truck. He fires a shot at the ground and says again "No, YOU drive or I'll kill you." I move over and take off. And I drive all the way up the coast line, hoping to get away from the hacker. I'm thinking, wow, I'm gonna get banned for this unexpected interaction.

I make my way to an open field north of Berezino, ready to leave the truck and bail. Before I can even get out of the SUV, I get shot.

This little 2-min interaction with a hacker (while interesting) was incredibly annoying. Nameplates were off so I have no way to identify the culprit.

Edited by Cannon Fodder

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Well... I have been playing the game for a little over a week now and have already done some pretty stupid stuff. Some of it so spectacularly stupid that I didn't think myself capable of it before I started DayZ.

Starting from Gorka I got lost in the Black Forest, only to arrive on the other side of Gorka half an hour later....

After spawning close to Rog castle, I went there straight away, found some good starting gear, only to fall off the stairs and break my leg...

Being badly hurt already, I literally run into my first helicopter crash, only to find that there are zeds spawning as well...

But my newest stupidity I just need to share with all of you survivors out there...

I had just completed my first grand tour of Chernarus. I had a lucky break with an l85ar aws drop in my second copter crash and I was able to see and loot all the major sites. I already had some run ins with bandits and survivors that probably did not see me as they walked or ran past me. A group of survivors had been running for their lives from some zeds and I even downed a couple of them (zeds, not survivors, of course). So I was feeling pretty heroic when I finally ended up roughly where I started in a deer hut somewhere off the coast.

After rummaging around in the gear that had dropped there, I look up to find that I was pointing at another player called "Animal" 190 meters away (I hadn't even realized that I was on a "recruit" server till then). I tensed because the other player wasn't coming any closer and had probably already spotted me. I also knew I couldn't send him or her a direct message over that distance. I looked through my thermal sights and couldn't spot him or her, I figured he or she was probably behind some bushes or trees. I didn't want to get shot in the gut while I was descending the ladder of the deer hut, so I decided to stay put. "Animal" had been moving around a bit, but not in such a way that I could get him or her in my sights, so I adjusted my zeroing and waited.

And waited... and waited...

A tense 5 minutes later I finally caught a glimpse of my nemesis. It was small, hopped around and had two big ears. The "player Animal" that had given me such a scare was a rabbit... I spared the critters life, lolled a bit and logged off. Too ashamed to play any further tonight..

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I have short story.

It was when I was probably around Elektro, but I don't remember exactly where since I didn't have a map. I was at one of the wooden structures that have loot. When I was looting, I got shot by a bandit using a double barreled shotgun, which broke my bones and put in the prone position(I was also bleeding, but I was still alive long enough to surive). I panicked a little and shot my makarov a couple of times in his direction. As I was in cover, thinking this may be it, I rolled out of cover to my left(Q key), and shot him dead, surprisingly. I couldn't believe I was still alive. I was also thinking he was probably pissed off that the shotgun didn't kill me on the spot lol. A few minutes after that, I encountered a friendly and asked if he had some morphine. He said he did and he was going to give me some, but I died from blood loss, sadly. :/

All in all, I didn't care that I died because I felt happy that I killed him. :)

Edited by Luka25

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My son and his cohorts have a camp way up north and I decided to setup a small camp near Cherno for resupply and sniper purposes. So I grab a motorcycle and 1 can of fuel and head to the spot I'm going to pitch a couple of tents and make the base camp

Pass a downed choppy on the road just north of Kabanina but don't stop as I don't want to risk losing the motorcycle

I get to my spot near Cherno just fine. Turned off engine, got off bike then did a save. Didn't fill the tank as it was almost empty and just in case anyone found it didn't want themto have a full tank. But it was hidden well.

Found a pine tree to pitch my tent under. It pitches perfect any can barely see it. It's about 50 meters from my landmark on the map. Easy for me to find, tough for others to find. Peeeerfect... Here's where things go south...

I was going to put the gas can in the tent but I accidently put it in my backpack where there wasn't enough room. Poof, it was gone! But I still had everything else!

So, from my backpack, I put my as50, the ammo, my ghillie suit and my rangefinder in the tent. I also put most of my other non essential stuff. Last thing I put in was my coyote pack figuring I'd get a new pack when I went to town.

Everything looks good in the tent. I save the tent. Then I go over to the motorcycle and save it again. Then I go back to the tent and save it again. Everything looks great!

So now all I have on me is my NVG, a Bizon, an m9 sd, two mags for each and 1 food / drink. So now it's item to go to Chernobyl to get a backpack, supplies and hopefully another tent. Server is pretty quiet with only a few people on it so it should be relatively safe.

After a short run to Cherno, basically all of the normal places I loot (store, church, military tents) were basically empty! Some trash and Makarov mags but nothing good. So I hit the more dangerous places.... City hall, fire station apartment buildings, etc... Still nothing but low end trash! Finally find an assault pack and gas can after an hour. FML!

Filled the pack with med supplies (at least I got something!) and start to head back. Right outside the military tents, I DC. FML again. When I log back on I have 3 gas cans and both of my bizon mags are gone! Of course the other things I had in inv that couldn't fit because of the 2 extra gas cans (8 spots??) we're gone as well. FML yet again! And now the server thinks I am server hopping so there is literally no loot in the tents!

So I run back to the camp spot and the motorcycle is gone as is everything in the tent! FML again!!! I do not believe that anyone found the camp since the server pop was so low. I think it glitched.... :(

So now I have... Three cans of gas and no motorcycle!!!! One Bizon and no mags.... No AS50, rangefinder or ghille suite.

Oh, but I have an assault pack and a bunch of medical supplies.

Sorry about the motorcycle son! Gonna be a long run back.

Edited by Al Zymers

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I was looting a barn when I heard gunfire a short distance away. Makarov fire.

I hear multiple zombies aggro and then running footsteps coming towards the barn. Another player runs into the barn, turns and fires on the zombies following close behind.

I keep my AK aimed at him as he dispatched a further 3 zombies, then say "I have my rifle aimed directly at you. If I see you aim anywhere near me I will shoot."

With the zombies laying on the ground, he just stands there, doing nothing. A few awkward seconds pass then he replies: "So can I move now?"

I say: "Sure go for it. I'm not gonna hold you here."

I mention some supplies on the other side of the barn which he can take and he picks up what he can carry and moves on. I tell him "Good luck" as he heads out the door.

Not far outside the barn, I hear him exclaim "Please don't shoot me! I don't have much of anything." Another voice asks "What have you got?"

Thinking this poor guy is being held up, I sneak towards the two voices as they talk. As I get my sights on the second person, I realise that it's not his intention to rob the poor guy, infact, he offers up some supplies and asks if the first has anything to trade.

I stand up and walk up to them, saying "Hey guys, coming out into the open. Not going to shoot."

I let them know there's a few more supplies back in the barn they could grab, and they both tell me they have no food.

Having recently slaughtered a cow and cooked myself a full 8 meat, I give them each a steak. The first says he's got to go, and heads off into the distance. The second decides to stick around for a while. We check another building and find some extra weapons. I trade him a 30 round STANAG mag for his water bottle, and he too heads off.

All in all, a situation which quickly could've turned to s#*% if even one shot was fired, but on this occasion, it didn't.

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I learned that Lee Enfield is not the best idea to shoot all the time. So I had gathered gear and was try to make my way into a town. I happened to have a zombie see me. I ran to a house that i figured i could barricaded myself in and shoot them as they came in. I had just got a Lee Enfield and had not had much experience with it. So fired at the first zombie that came in backed up and waited for them to come in. I was starting to get surprised at how many zombies were come in I was taking them all out. then i noticed a crawling zombie i backed up to shoot it and they all came piling in. I couldn't shoot fast enough because of the reload speed. I they started attacking me and eventually hit me hard enough that they knocked me out and started eating me. I was surely a goner. I noticed that they started to leave. I was amazed. They had all left by the time I woke up. I bandaged myself and had still 6000 blood left. I was alive, with no broken bones.

Edited by Raptorattack
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I was helping out a new player and we were looting the office building in Elektro. Some asshole strolled in and shot us both and then took our stuff. Classy. Lucky for me I respawned right outside of Elektro and was back in town in less than 2 minutes. I'll now address the bandit directly.

You looted and hid our bodies but failed to hide the dead body in the corner of one of the second story rooms. That body was there when we arrived and it had a crossbow on it. I saw you leave the building. I walked in, grabbed the crossbow and went to the roof. I watched you crouch to loot that other dead body in the street right outside of the supermarket (the body of another guy I was helping who earlier got overwhelmed by zombies trying get to the super market). I loaded my only bolt, took aim at your head, and put the bolt right through your ears.

Thank you for your DMR and all that other good shit you were carrying (compass, map, binocs, matches, knife, hatchet, toolkit, etc.). I know, sometimes it's a pain in the ass to scratch together all the stuff you need to survive out in the wilderness. Thanks.

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The sound of the wilderness and the light beaming into the tent slowly woke me from my slumber. As I wipe the sleep from my eyes, I reach into my backpack for some breakfast and find I'm out of both food and water. I think to myself, "Great, time to go into town and pray I don't get shot by someone."

I grab my trusty axe and AK-47 and head towards Krasnostav. As I approach the town, I hunker down in the brush and pull out my binoculars to survey the area for any possible threats. After several minutes, I've concluded there was nothing amiss aside from the usual Zeds roaming around. My goal today was to get in and out as fast and quiet as possible. My target was the marketplace.

I quickly scan for it and see that all the doors were still open. A sigh of relief wash over me seeing them open like they were. As I pick myself up I race towards it being careful not to attract any unwanted attention from both the living and dead. Upon reaching the back doors I quickly run into one and close it behind me and proceed to close off the rest.

"Alright, time to see what this place has to offer". I swiftly move from pile to pile stashing whatever else is useful along with the food and water I was searching for. As I make my way to the door leading into the front, I stop in my tracks. To my left I see a guy proned on the floor.

As my heart races, I pull out my AK and aim directly at his backside. Luckily, he did not hear me coming in or noticed that I was behind him. I see him scanning left and right with his rifle and immediately yell out, "Don't move! Or you're dead!". He stops for a brief second, then tries to turn around towards me. I scream out again, "I said don't move motherfucker!". At this point, my heart's racing even faster and I begin to squeeze my trigger.

"Pop, pop". Two quick shots to his back and it was over in an instant. At this point my nerves are on edge as I look around in case the shots alerted any Zeds nearby or worst another person. For a brief moment it was like the world stopped and I couldn't or didn't want to move a single fiber in my body.

Surprisingly, I was still alone in the marketplace. As I came back to reality, I realized I needed to loot this place and this guy and get the hell out as fast as possible. I was shocked to find the guy so well geared and everything he had on his persons I took for myself. As I finished swapping into his gear, I thought, "If only he didn't move, we could have gone our seperate ways." I shake that thought out of my head and remove myself from the premises and make my way towards my camping ground.

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this is a long one. sorry. =)

So my 2 mates and me have been playing for about 2-3 weeks, died a couple of times in the beginning, but never the whole team and so we always managed to get our stuff back by guarding/defending the corpses of our fallen.. until yesterday.

It started out as a perfectly normal day. We had been up to the NWAF recently, had found it boring (wrong server, imo, but the other two wanted to go somewhere else so we did). We went to Stary, found a bunch of useless gear, but then i spot a body off in some field, I carefully check it out and voila: M4A3 CCO for me.. and a shiny new GPS to boot. yay!

We travel around the countryside for a while, checking out barns and minor loot spots as well as the odd deer stand, but trying to stay off everyone's radar (we are on a high pop server now so things could get ugly real fast for us... or for the others).

In the end, we get attacked by nothing except zombies. We should be shooting them, but we mess around with various evasive techniques and a hatchet, and ultimately we end up getting banged up a little. We are running out of blood and medical supplies. Since we're now not terribly far away from Chernogorsk, we decide to go check out the tent area there for some supplies.

But before we reach it one of us has to leave and so we make camp below a bridge just outside the city.

Now usually, as a DayZ player, you expect bad things to happen at any moment. That, in fact, is why I was under that bridge, I was afraid of snipers from Cherno. What I didn't expect, however, is that this was no ordinary bridge, my friends, oh no. We had fallen victim to the infamous player-crushing bridge of doom....

While I sat there, waiting for one of my guys to return from being afk, I quickly tabbed out to check something. As I tab back in not 5 seconds later, all I see is YOU ARE DEAD.

At first it's like a fist in the face. my shiny new weapon, my Cojote Backpack, all that ammo and supplies I still had, my GPS that I loved so much .. I *have* to get it back.

My guys are still around there somewhere, so we try our old "guard the corpse" game, thinking that I must have been sniped from somewhere.. zombies dont kill that fast, and there are none in the immediate vicinity. Everyone is a little panicked now. "Where is the sniper??" "On one of the buildings?! I dont see anyone.." -"How is this possible?"

(The bridge silently snickers to itself as we utter these thoughts)

One of my guys takes position in the nearby woods, still scanning the landscape for my murderer, and also for anyone who might be trying to get to my pinjata-like body (filled with goodies), the other mate remains posted at my body's side, under the bridge, "just in case someone manages to sneak up on the body unseen".

I respawn near Kamenka. Could've been worse I suppose. I put the sea to my right hand side, and frantically start jogging. "Please god, let them survive, more importantly, let them keep my stuff safe.. > ;) "

Im underway for less than 5 minutes when I hear one of my guys cursing. "I BROKE MY LEG, WHAT THE BLEEP!? .. I was under the bridge, changing my weapon, and it BROKE MY LEG!!!"

So now it dawns on us. There is no sniper. There never was. It was the bridge all along. The bridge ... is eating .. PEOPLE....

In horror, my buddy crawls out from under the bridge, his leg still mauled, trying to put as much distance between him and the horrifying construction as he can before even thinking to mend his broken limb.

Minutes pass. I keep running toward my goal. Only one thought is in my mind .. I have to reach the bridge before something worse happens, I HAVE TO ...

Finally, having run from many a zombie, I reach Chernogorsk's western outskirts. I trace the railway line for surely it will lead me right to that accursed bridge, my guys, and my stuff.

In my mind I can already picture myself holding my sweet sweet camo-printed gun once again, my blond ponytail flapping in the wind as I wreak havoc on my enemies..

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I come up on the bridge. My guys have valiantly held their positions without further incident, but as they spot me, they report a couple of zombies have become aware of me and are on my tail and closing. I pick up the pace. At first I hold straight for the bridge, thinking the others can take these zee's out with a couple of shots. I'm almost there.. just a couple of steps and I'm right on top of my corpse ... but then I change my mind after all: better to stay as inconspicuous as possible until my stuff is back in mine own inventory again... "Don't shoot, I'll get rid of them!"

Suddenly and without warning I veer left towards some small buildings on the eastern outskirts of Chernogorsk, thinking to lose my brain-craving assailants inside. Just as I reach an open door, the game freezes. I panick .. "what the hell is it now? I was aLMOST there?!" ...









Server restart.




My stuff is gone.




On the outside I try to stay positive.. "This wasn't entirely unexpected, right? I mean it is the Zombie Apocalypse here.. "

but on the inside a little part of me is crying for my loss..

We pick ourselves up off the floor on another server. I soon am in posession of a shiny new Makarov pistol with a couple of clips, as well as a water bottle. Yay me...

We are not careful anymore. "BLEEP the z's, BLEEP other players.. let's just get some stuff and be gone from this hellhole!"

As we approach the hospital on the north part of chernogorsk, one of us again has to go afk. "Damnit real-life, what is it now?"

We don't mind him, leave him standing in an old industrial building, he should be relatively safe, there, right? ..

Well, he was. Turns out standing around in the same spot is much more healthy than snooping around the hospital for loot.

I had climbed the stairs on a building near the hospital complex, just out of curiosity, and as I reached the top flight (and disappointingly found no loot whatsoever up there), I turn around, and out of the corner of my eye I see a figure on the hospital roof. Shots ring out, and I immediately take cover, hoping he has not seen me and it was just someone else shooting somewhere nearby... When I emerge from cover for a second, he has disappeared from view. Is there a way back into the building from up there? Did he jump? Or go down the ladder? Can't have been the ladder.. wouldve taken too long... So....

Meanwhile, my non-afk buddy, recently equipped with a shiny new CZ550, comes up the stairs to provide cover for me, and, admittedly, to snipe that bastard over on the hospital roof, should he still be there.

He takes position on the top flight, thinking "Hmm.. I can see well from here, but I can be seen even better... this is no good ..."

I say "where is this guy .. he mustve gone back inside already..!" so I make my way down the stairs again, hoping to catch him before he exits the hospital. (Sidenote: I really need to learn the floorplans/layout of that hospital, lol.. theres no way back inside from there...)

Im on my way down.. but before I reach the second flight from the top, again shots ring out ... "Im dead." Is all my mate says.

I hide behind a pillar, now being the only target for this bastard, and I want to make it tough on him. But he's smart. He circles around on the roof, keeping me on my toes - my cover is just a relatively slender metal beam.. he can see and hit me from the extreme sides of the roof hes on ... I try to predict his movement, try to stay on the other side of the beam.. I fail. One hit is all it takes for me to lose consciousness. As my body falls to the ground, I almost fall out from the stairs 3 flights down, but somehow I stay in .. maybe there is some hope yet... more shots ring out and I am ripped to shreds in the merciless attack from the neighbouring roof.

A few minutes later our 3rd comes back. With little left to lose, he tries to sneak toward the murderous bastard, but before he even gets close a single shot takes him out.

All three of us dead, we are quite distraught at first. Again we pick ourselves up, again we try to rebuild. But it is a difficult server we picked, it seems. We die a few more times before even having more than a water bottle in our posession, and two of us decide to turn in for the night.

Not me though. I keep trying. I get killed 3 more times in various places, once even after having fairly decent equipment back together. It's no use, I think, maybe the other two are right. I should try again tomorrow. Theres always tomorrow.

But no. Again I change my mind. One last attempt. COME ON.

I spawn. Otmel. Alright. Not too far from Elektrozavodsk. Good start.

I come across a hatchet almost immediately. Come get some, bloody zombies!!

Not long after, I find dead bodies. One .. two ... three. relatively close to one another. I loot whats left of them, and get a winchester with some slugs. Better than nothing!

Now Im in Elektro. My goal is to somehow make it to the supermarket without being seen, and grab myself a bigger backpack and some food if possible, and who knows what else there might be...

Im almost there...

I know theres a high-value multy-storey residential building blocking my way to the supermarket.. Should I go in? I decide to take the risk, to get a little overview of the market, if nothing else.

before I even get to the door, I hear flies buzzing. A body. No .. not just one.. as I move inside I see one lying in the corridor, but there have to be more bodies on the other floors or in rooms, it's buzzing like CRAZY here. This can't be good.. but what have I got to lose, I own a shotgun and a hatchet!

carefully I sneak past the body without checking it, quickly glancing into the rooms to the sides of the corridor Im in to make sure theres no ambush there.

As I come up on an open double glass door leading outside, I hear movement on one of the floors above me. Then a scream, and a heavily armed guy drops right outside the glass door to the ground, HARD. I hear his bones break. I approach, my shotgun at the ready. He's unconscious and bleeding. I have one bandage in my posession. I'm sorry guy.. I can't .. He regains consciousness, and I see him turning towards me while still on the ground, his big-ass rifle is coming around... muscle memory takes over, and I pump my shotgun rounds into him. His head drops, he is dead.

I breathe once, twice, convince myself it had to be done - but I'm anything but sure of that. I check his body, immediately exchange my now spent shotgun with his weapon without even looking what it is. Whatever it is, Im sure its gotta be better than mine!

Suddenly I see movement off to my right. A guy comes around the corner with a pistol in his hands, I immediately get up and run off around the building, he starts firing and hits me a couple of times, but somehow I manage to stay on my feet, I reach the opposite corner of the building, I get around it, at least for the immediate moment Im out of his line of fire. I see Im bleeding, but I cant worry about that just now. I get past a fence on the other side of the building, and - fortune favors the bold! - circle back to the other glass door opposite the one where the guy fell down. I see his body. The other guy is nowhere to be seen.

Was he his buddy, trying to take revenge, trying to protect the body from looting? Or had these two been enemies, had the survivor been the reason for the deceased guy's fall from the roof, maybe?

All these thoughts are rushing through my increasingly blood-drained head. I climb the stairs, unsure of whether he is still outside looking for me there, or whether he has resumed a higher vantage point .. shaking violently, I cower on the stairs, and bandage myself. I dont have any painkillers, and that was my only bandage. Crap. If he catches me again, Im bleeped.

This is the first time I take a moment to examine my new gun. My jaw drops. A S50. I look again, not trusting what I read. It's true. This guy had the biggest sniper rifle in the game. And now its mine. If I live through this, anyway. I got 6 mags too. Holy bleeping bleep.

But first I have to get out of here. I dont want to be one of those guys that disconnects immediately once they got something good, and besides.. Im still in shock... I dont want to spawn next time next to a highvalue supermarket and fall unconscious..

So I carefully look around the upper floor of the building Im in. Nothing. No steps to be heard, nobody to be seen.

I come back down the stairs, when I notice a small ledge outside the middle flight of stairs. I can step out on some kind of balcony here... hmm.

I do so, carefully. I immediately see a guy who very much resembles my still-alive pursuer, pistol in hand, standing on the ground at the corner of the building, the very spot where I managed to put an obstacle between myself and him a few seconds earlier, aiming down the road with his pistol.

I take a deep breath as I unpack my shiny new sniper rifle, cower down, take aim. My movement is smooth and relaxed, as if i had been doing this all my life. I squeeze the trigger with the most gentle of touches.. BAM. A shot rings out. blood sprouts from his body, but he does not fall. BAM. I shoot again. He remains unmoving, No death message to be seen. BAM, a third try.

"Damnit, were either having a desync or this guy is disconnected already.."

But now I have bigger problems. My reckless sniper fire has attracted half the population of elektrozavodsk, and theyre HUNGRY as they run toward the building's glass door, above which I am sitting on the balcony. 5...10...15...20.. I lose count. I want to run back inside, but I dawdled too long. Theyre on the stairs. There is no way out..

I turn back, out on the balcony. What do I do, what do I do. . . If I jump down here I might break my leg just like this guy did .... then I glance to the right, and notice a tiny ledge. holy crap, this leads to another roof or something..

Zombies have now flooded the stairwell and the first couple of them are splurting out onto my balcony. Whatever I do, I HAVE To get away from here NOW.. so .. ledge or jump?

I decide to try the ledge. It is TINY. But I manage. I sigh a huge sigh of relief as I reach the roof it leads to. I find a ladder on the side of the building that faces the supermarket, and immediately stumble across another dead body .. and more zombies closing in. Im trapped again, I cant get past them here. I circle back inside the building on the ground floor, hoping the Z's have now at least all made it UP the stairs so I can pass through undisturbed.. and yeah .. theyre all up there.. almost all. More are coming in through the glass door all the time, and before I get past one of them notices me and starts taking after me. I start down the corridor, but he hits me just before I reach it.. One hit is all it takes to knock me unconscious in the weakened state I'm in after the pistol attack... As I sink to the ground I think .. so this is how it ends.. it could've been truly great... my newly won super sniper rifle will be long gone by the time I make it back here I bet ..

But then... a miracle. The zombie lets off. To this day I dont know why he did, but it seems knocking me down was all he intended. I am bleeding heavily though, and now I'm painfully aware that by the time I'll regain consciousness I'll be down to 2k or 3k blood at most. Worse, I still havent found a new bandage. What cruel irony is this now.

Come across great loot dropping literally from the sky to my feet, chased by pistolmaniac, knocked out and then spared by a zombie... only to bleed out because I couldnt find a damn piece of cloth to dress my wounds...




No .. it cant end like this. It MUSTNT.

I frantically search the rooms on this floor. Im obviously starting to lose my mind. Theyre empty, each and every one of them.

Slowly, my mind seems to come around to the idea that Im not gonna find medical supplies in this residential building. Then I remember. Body outside. Possible pistol guy outside.

Im down to 2500 blood now, and I dont have a choice. Without even turning around to look for the pistol guy, I lunge for the dead body of the roof jumper, and find a bandage.

I will survive. Hell yes. I will survive AND I will keep the sniper rifle. My optimism starts to crawl back out from under whatever rock it had been hiding in since "the bridge of doom"..

I wonder where all the zombies ran off to though. There were hundreds of them here just a minute ago... and when I fell unconscious they all just .. went their merry way.... oh well, gift horse and all that... on we go:

I check the rest of the inventory of my "victim" (a murder that I have not been credited with by the game mechanics, as a quick glance to the stats box tells me), I find tons of goodies.

Holy hell this boy had it all. NV, Rangefinder, M9-SD pistol with lots of ammo... and then I open his backpack, and lo and behold .. more goodies. The kind that fill wet dreams.

an M4A1 CCO SD with 8 mags plus his shiny new Coyote Backpack, all the toolbelt stuff I could dream of including my beloved GPS ... MOTHERLODE, my friends! MOTHER-EFFING-LODE!

I finish with his body, then turn around. The other guy is still standing there, frozen in time. This cant be a disconnect or a network issue, I think to myself as I approach him (from behind, just to be 1000% sure). as I come close, I put another 2 of my newly acquired silenced M9-SD bullets in his head. Just to be sure. ^_^

He still doesnt drop down. I examine his body, and he is indeed dead. I have no idea why. I shot him, but he must have been dead already. It makes no sense, but again, gift horse...

Looking through his stuff Im starting to believe that this guy was indeed the partner of the other guy I killed, for they have virutally identical inventories, minus the sniper rifle.

So ... MOTHERLODE^2 .... I can barely believe my luck. It takes me a moment to realize it will be very difficult for me to salvage all this stuff without a buddy and without any place to store it.

I look around for a tent .. I find none. I dont have a car, obviously, and my mates have gone to bed 2 hours ago. CRAP.

So I have to make a judgement call. I take the creme de la creme, the very best and rarest stuff, and leave the rest of the fantastic equip.

I fill my backpack with BOTH the M4A1 CCO SD's pack in the 2nd set of NV goggles + rangefinder for my buddies, then fill the few remaining backpack slots with STANAG SD ammo. More of that ammo also goes into my active inventory, as much as possible. I drop everything else except the sniper ammo and a water bottle.. in my secondary inventory I even drop the bandage I just recently acquired from body #1. . . this may be utterly greedy of me, but to hell with those concerns now.

One more judgement call to make, before I head off, because Im starting to get VERY itchy around this high value spot with my 3.5k health (oh yeah, they had 2 grilled meat steaks in their inventory as well.. gnomgnomgnom..): Do I hide body? Or do I let some other lucky bastard salvage the rest?

I decide to be magnanimous in victory and just leave the stuff that I cant carry where I found it.

I turn north toward the power plant. Hopefully I'll get out of this town without meeting anyone else.. Im not in fighting condition. Low health and packed like a mule, with the wrong gun (sniper) in my primary slot and too scared to do anything about it.. if some nightvisioned ambushing bastard comes along now im done for all over again.

But I get lucky. I get out. Im past the power plant, when again the server craps out. It's 1 am. Time for bed. I dont even log back in to check my stuff is still there.

Maybe that was a good thing. for when I check the next day, my backpack has some STANAG ammo, but not the guns, not the 2nd pair of NV and rangefinder. Bugged? Or did I switch the backpacks in my haste to get out of there?? I guess I'll never know.

I curse a little, but I still count myself lucky for having the m9-sd and the sniper rifle, besides, I still got the first set of nv goggles + rangefinder. Hell, this turned out alright, even though it couldve turned out even better.....

end scene.

Edited by wahnsinn
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I'll try to make it short.

We had a van, followed the coastroad, found a boat. Spent 50 minutes driving to the skulia thing island AND FOUND THE CHOPPER.

Hurray, we boat'ed back to the mainland, 2 man went to Elektro, one went back to the island and secured chopper.

After we got the stuff, we went back, radio'd our mate to meet us at the coast BAM he got sniped mid-sea.

Lack of time, we log off.

Few hours later we go back in, our third mate confirms (respawned nearby) that server has swimming (without dropping) enabled. He went over and secured choppr again (with an axe). We swam over as well, integrated the first chopper parts, only a few windows missing, fuel leak prevented us from effectively starting.

~2 hours later and 2 more trips we gathered more supplies and some fuel (without incidents, hurays).

Awesome moment to lift off with the repaired chopper :3

We landed close to the spot we found our boat at (and had left the van). Van was gone. Meh, we got a chopper! We made our way inland to a semi-remote fuel-source close to open field. Landed chopper and started filling and filling and filling "VAN AND QUAD INCOMING!"

Since they were directly heading at us, we opened fire. Oh hell, M240 (mounted), M107 and an AK... Quad took medium damage, driver dead, van exploded in an instant. Then, during looting&securing, we got under unidentified gunfire again. Presumably somebody with a assault rifle from north. only a few minor hits on chopper, no wounds. One guy made his way north, trying to pinpoint the attacker, chopper made his way off into safety, 2 remaining grabbed the quad and went on.

Some minutes later, the loner meets up with the chopper in a remote clearing and suddenly LAG BUMP CRIIIIIEK. Enginedamage. We got lucky the chopper didn't explode. We had enough stuff left in the chopper and got it fixed up again. Whilst heading for our HQ camp, the quad decided to show some stunts. 2-3 saltos on random occasions, luckyly without damage. However, when we passed a railroad we suddenly head-bumped into the ground. Quad near instantly catched fire, driver managed to run off just in time, co-driver instadropped to 400 blood and died next to the Quad as it exploded.


Now, driver started looting our fallen teammate (he had a M107) and ... "SErver restart in 3 minutes. Server restart in 1 Minute!" 10 seconds later the server shut down.

Chopper managed to land in time, we are yet unaware what things got saved and pray for the best.


Server had announced a restart within 15 minutes. 45 minutes now and counting.

Given the past days events and the fact we stole the van from a campsite (and later on escaped a chase), we STRONGLY suspect we have met the same guys I've told ya about on the other page... and given they had all vehicles...

We're currently making up they may have been admins and now rageshutdown'ed the server :3

Right now we're making up fun ideas how to use the chopper. Probably a shuttle flight service for unarmed newbies? :§


Next day, server is still down :/ Now, guess we have to search ourselves a new server/chopper.

Edited by Alblaka

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Well it started off like this.

My friend and I just got the game recently, so we started up on a server. After dealing with a couple of graphical glitches (unresolved, until restart), we had to try to find each other. Of course, being new in this game, we were completely clueless. I told him to go east and I went west. We didn't find each other till about an hour later (real time), due to the fact that we did not know how big the map was. However, once we did find each other, we set off. My friend, not knowing the hazards of climbing up and down a crane, broke his legs climbing down. I sighed, knowing that morphine would be the only answer. I gave him a Lee Enfield rifle, a Makarov backup, and a couple cans of beans and sodas, along with a set of binoculars, telling him to keep sight of any zombies heading my way.

Off I went, into the industrial complex known as Elektro. After aggroing about half a dozen zombies, I finally managed to scurry into another building, finding a Lee Enfield and a M1911. Happily, I shot down the remaining chasers that had entered the building (red building, one floor only), and scurried out the door. I then approached a church, which I looted. I received only meager medical supplies and no weapons, par another Makarov on the floor. I then proceeded to the hospital, aggroing another 2 zombies, which I proceeded to clean off with my M1911. I then retrieved 2 morphine injectors and 2 blood packs, and ran to my friend on the crane (he had climbed the ladder), with him covering me by picking off the chasing zombies. He soon ran out of ammo however, and I quickly climbed up the ladder. I gave him a morphine injector, more magazines for his Enfield, and looked below. Around 10 zombies waited.

I sighed, and told my friend on Skype that we'd be dead meat if we dropped off, so I figured, why not throw a smoke grenade to distract? It was a great idea, and it worked too, as I was ready to run as soon as I got off the ladder. However, my friend managed to become stuck on the ladder, and fell, knocking himself out. I nearly screamed in frustration, but I managed to gun down the zombies eating my friend, patched him up, and ran for the hills. With no Enfield ammo, a whole mess of zombies, and 1 M1911 magazine, we sped to the church. However, as I made it to the church, my friend was not so lucky. He was then gunned down by what sounded like a AKM from the firehouse, and I sighed, aiming my 1911 at the church doors for what seemed like an eternity. However, gradually, I gave ease, and told my friend to meet up at the church once again. He then was gunned downagain and then the server disconnected.

We rejoined another server, and made off to the firehouse. Hoping there was no one there, I stealthily climbed each floor of the firehouse, while my friend was shouting obscenities at the zombies as he spawned and ran to meet me. I managed to find a M1014 as well as MP5SD, along with plenty of shotgun shells. Just as I was looting another pile of ammo, another survivor approached behind me, planting a Makarov round in my back. I turned around, and loaded 3 shotgun shells into his body. Before he could die, he Alt + F4ed. Sadly, I did not have Murder: 1. My friend then finally came, and I gave him the MP5, keeping the 1014 for myself. We then scavenged the school, obtaining 2 ghillie suits in the process, along with plenty of ammo, food, and drink. We then set off for the forest, approaching a nearing castle, as we logged off for the day, with a 200 kill zombie count.

Overall, my first impression was like any other: harsh. But once I kept playing, it was much more fun, and even more so with an actual friend who wouldn't stab me in the back.

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Ive been private messaging a number of you about your stories, asking permission to post them on the story site http://www.dayzjournalz.com (not ad supported) thought i would make a quick post because I cant keep up.

If you are interested in having your story repeated there and linked back to you however you like, feel free to let me know.

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Once i was running down from dobryy to make a visit at the firehouse nearby. It was nighttime and i was trying to avoid possible snipers. I ran to a bush to take cover when suddenly a text "open backpack (coyote)" came to my screen. I wondered for a second that why it said that when i looked to the ground and saw a ghillie suited guy lying on my feet. Without hesitation i put a bullet to his back and started looting his corpse. He had pretty good stuff. Loads of food and drinks. AS50, l85a2 aws and a m9 sd. Also antibiotics and other medical stuff. I took everything i could carry and ran back to my friend who was waiting me at the top of the hill.

It gave me a scare but also i got all that loot :)

Oh and this happened just few hours ago

Edited by taPPajaP3rkele
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This story stays true to the actual experience I had the very first time I played this game - my first "life" which ended yesterday evening when my blood count reached 0 after starvation and zombie bites. I hope my future incarnations are as fun to play!

edit: I just decided to make my own post with this story as well as 8 others here: Nine Lives - character stories

I'm so fucking hungry.

*rummage* Great. More flares... in a deer tree stand. That makes complete sense. *punch punch punch* God, please just give me a knife and I'll feed myself!

Overlooking a town (Staroye) nestled in the valley below, I prepare to abandon the safety of the high forests. As I redress my wounds, my mind wanders back to when I first awoke along the shores of Otmel with no map and very little supplies. How far have I traveled since? My gut told me then, "Head north. Stick to the forests. Less people, less problems." But soon enough, hunger compelled me to seek out villages for sustenance. Scavenging rewarded me with a nice rifle, ammo, and more cola than I could drink, but no food. I was also rewarded a few zombie bites and a bullet wound. Damn, my health is continuing to deteriorate despite fresh bandages. Guess I can't heal on an empty stomach.

One painkiller left. Maybe I’ll take it now before trekking down this mountain? Nah, better to save it for when the shakes become unbearable.

To be honest, optimism compels me almost as much as the threat of starvation. There has to be at least one bastion of humanity left after Hell opens up and the dead walk the Earth... right? Slow, lumbering figures of the once living are undeniable proof against hope for this place. My pace slows as I approach the city limits, but fear and hunger make me loud, careless. A rotting man in a disheveled suit grunts, then sprints away from me. I think.

Did it hear me? Whew. Wait, it’s circling back. Shit, it saw me! Okay, okay. Steady. Breathe. Aim for the head. Don’t waste your ammo, for Christ's sake.

A clean headshot takes care of this immediate problem, but the noise alerts more undead. I panic and run deeper into town. A few of them ignore me when I pass, but most give chase.

Keep running! Am I bleeding? No, just starving. Can’t stop shaking. Can’t see… where’s my flashlight? Don’t drop your gun. (stupid clunky inventory UI) Must've lost too much blood. Or I went nuts. Stupid, stupid me. Can't believe this shit. This is suicide. Bah, I don't care. I need food or I'm dead anyway.

I dash wildly ahead, leading a macabre conga-line of pissed off zombies. Through the chaos, I miraculously spot an open door with (can it be?!) canned goods piled on the floor inside. I hop the broken gate and slam the door behind me. Mouth watering, I lean down and desperately snatch up my prize. Quickly, euphoria melts away. My heart sinks.

It’s empty. Fuck. *punch punch punch*

I wilted to the floor, letting the empty tin fall, and lost consciousness. I awoke to the angry growls of my pursuers still outside – a stark reminder of my fate. A strange comfort washes over me after I pop my last painkiller. Body and stomach become quiet, still. Emboldened by fresh courage, I burst through the door and lay waste to anything and everything, charging down the center street that defines this town. No sense in saving ammo now.

BOOM. BOOM. Click-click. Reload - Last mag. Hahaha, this is it! The end times!

I make my way towards the largest structure in the area: a church. A former preacher, now undead, ran screaming towards me before my last round was buried in its face. Its body wetly slumped down before me. Despite the zombie mob swiftly closing in, time seemed to slow down. Right then, with no ammo and no hope left, I felt a compulsion to loot the body that laid at my feet.

Fuck. Me.

Snickering, I gripped the tin of beans hard as the undead horde descended upon me.

Edited by olivia

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The Teleported Buss Tour:

So here I was scrounging in a barn and I found a cross-bow. Then in run two girls (who are both guys) trailing a bunch of zeds. I was thinking I was about to get wasted but they turned out to be cool and helped me out. The three of us were wandering when suddenly I was teleported away from my new friends and I was standing in a church with 3 guns pointed at me. I laughed because it was funny and I expected once again to be killed, or at the very least robbed. These hackers took pity on me and I tagged along with them for a minute and the next thing I knew there was a buss. These people piled on the buss so I did the same. They took me for a ride. When they stopped everyone got off the buss. I got off the buss. They killed some guy who was with us. I went to pick up his gun and they killed me.

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Dear god, why me? I barely escape elektro with my skin intact, hiking north to meet Nate. Why me? After days of avoiding roads and shadowing power lines I made my way to Berezino, our meeting point. Upon entering the city, I found that it had been deserted, aside from the wandering groups of Deadheads that now made up the majority of our planet's population. Jesus, the town looked like a war zone. Destroyed vehicles, run down fortifications, dead bodies, nd debris littered the streets like toys on the floor of a child's bedroom. Throw around in some climatic battle, forgotten by everyone but the dead. Nate was nowhere to be found. Had he succumbed to the horrors lurking in the dark places of this City of Ghosts, or had he simply given up hope and left for a new destination, a new hope of survival?

"Elektro," I said to myself. Recounting all the times I had told him of the loot I found in mass quantities in that godforsaken coastal metropolis. "He had to have gone to Elektro."

The thought of returning stirred up many memories, mostly unpleasant. I had lost Danny there, Tik-Tak too. I had been forced to kill my first human being there, which had ended up beng for a pile of empty whiskey bottles and bent tin cans. The city was nothing but a charnel house to those who dared enter.

So I set out on my trek bck along the coast to that city I swore never to enter again. After dodging a group of Zacks by running into the forest, I came upon a friendly fellow named Jacken. After a short, tense standoff in the dark we decided to team up. I told him why I was heading back down to the coast, and that my friend was a fairly new player who likely had no ideas of the dangers he currently faced. A fairly expirienced player, he was a tad low on gear and decided that I could use some help once I arrived at Elektro. Making our way through the mountainous roads, time and time again avoiding large hordes of the undead, we came upon a small village.

Jacken spoke up first. "Rock, you hungry?"

"Sure am. Lost most of my supplies on the hike up to Berez."

"Alright, we'll hit up Tulga here then move on to elektro." Creeping slowly through the town, we wasted precious minutes scavenging for supplies that couldn't be found. Minutes in which Nate may have been killed. Then it happened. Creeping across the road in the dark, I tripped over a crawler making its nightly rounds. A scream echoed up from its depths as the entire village was summoned to me. Emptying an AK-74 magazine into the oncoming horde did little to slow them down as they closed the distance. That's when Jacken threw a flare,illuminating the entire village. The horde stopped momentarily, only to have Jacken charge them with his hatchet. In the middle fo the road I saw him swing left, right, up, down, taking down a deadhead with every hack, slash, and cleave. I rushed to help, but something slammed into me from behind as I ran to help. One off the zombies had run into me in the dark, and with my night vision deadened by the flare the monster began to carve into me. SNAP! A bone in my leg shattered and a deep gash was torn into my chest as I fell in the darkness. Falling unconcious I prepared myself for the end.But the end didn't come. Within a few seconds I was awake again, desperately dragging myself out of the fight. The flare had gone out, but the growls and moans of the dead remained. As I crawled into the forest I heardone last, faint shout from the village below.

"Find your friend! Don't let hi-" Being cut off suddenly in a chorus of sick, wet, crunching sounds his shout was silenced. I applied morphine for my bones, and a bandage for the deep gash in my chest. Looking down into the blackened village, I could make out just a bit of movement on the road. I threw a new flare in hopes of alerting Jacken to my survival.

At the spot he had made his stand in, there now crouched a horde of the beasts. Several corpses lay strewn over the road and to the sides, at least ten that I could see in the red glare. A sickening, wet sound echoed through the trees and I knew it to be the final acknowledgement of Jacken's existance, only food for a horde of bloodthirsy, cannibal former human beings. I turned into the woods and ran, going south and never stopping. Wracked with pain I stumbled through the night, with my goal being the only thing that kept me going. I should have died that night, on the side of the road in Tulga along with Jacken, the last thing I saw being the teeth of a dozen starved, dead mouths.

After what seemed like hours of running, I reached it. The dark familiar skyline greeted me with a feeling of unease as I slipped quietly into the town. Raiding the hospital, I stumbled on another dose of morphine and a bag of blood. Thinking to myself that it would be handy in case Nate had been wounded, I darted through the streets. Whispering my friends name every half-minute or so, I came upon the old station house in town. I popped a flare, deciding to alert Nate to my presence through a visual, instead of audible means. Scouring the station, I found one extra clip for my rifle before descending back to the ground level. Satisfied with my loot, I crept slowly and deliberately out of the station's rear exit when it happened again.

Turning a corner onto the darkened streets led me face to face with a hopper. Crouched low, it let out a menacing growl as it leaped for my face. I turned and ran, not wanting to alert the rest of the town's population to my presence any more than I already had when two more cut me off from the road. I broke hard left into the field where my flares had fallen, no less than five undead chasing me at this point. Sprinting with all the strength I could muster I made my way to the supermarket in hopes of making a last stand when I heard a voice from the shadows.

"Rock, I see you! Wait up!" Oh shit! I forgot about Nate in my exodus from the station house! I screamed at him to find some buildig to hide in while I took care of my pursuers, though I knew I couldn't survive. Running into the supermarket drew them in withme, now sauntering slowly through the aisles. Thinking quickly, I ran out the back door in an attempt to lead them away from my friend but to my curiosity I hadn't been followed. Then I heard a voice from inside the supermarket.

"Rock, where are you? I'm inside the store." Oh god no. Is someone else going to die tonight because of me? Then he shouts at me. "They're all over the place! I found a gun, a double-barrel. Holy shit, they're everywhere!" A large boom thundered outward from the store as I ran into the street. Even more came crawling and shambling from dark corners of the town as Nate made his last stand. The were gathering around the outside now, oblivious to my presence as they came closer to their food inside.

Then it hit me. He really is going to die because of me. He was justa kid.He had no experience against these things other than run and hide. But now he was cornered. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Another thundering blast echoed through the dark store as I made up my mind.

Taking one of my last flares from my belt, I lobbed it through the store window. As it ignited, I saw half a dozen rottin, pale faces turn to me from inside. Fast as lightning I drew my revolver and sighted in on one that was outside and nearest to me. Pulling the trigger, I had his friend's head in my iron sights before his body hitthe ground dead. Another shot, another kill, and I ran in the front door.

"Nate! get out of here, there's doors in the back!" They stumbled toward me, cold hands reaching for my throat as I pulled the trigger. BLAM! One fell, I sighted another. BLAM! Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat I told myself. Time seemed to stand still as I fired. I couldn't hear their moans, the sizzling of the flare, or even the oud gunshots eminating from the barrel of my weapon. There was just me and the undead bastard currently in my sights. Finishing off the ones in the front, I ran to the back to discover that there were even MORE back there. Reloadng I proceeded to clear them out. The last one nearly had me as I fired the gun point blank into his left eye, splattering the wall behind him in grey matter as the body fell to the floor lifeless. Nate came storming out from the back, now with a crossbow clutched in his hands as he staredat me.

Before we could say anything else, more entered the store from the front and back. Nate scurried behind one of the shelves to find more bolts for his weapon while I reloaded and began taking them down. Nate, finding another bolt, proceeded to reload while I turned my back on the few remaining Zed to cover him from behind. At the moment I turned around one stood up behind him, approaching him from his bllind spot.

"Nate, behind you!"

His voice quivered in fear. "I got him, don't worr-" His sentence was cut off as the zombie behind him hit him, slamming him to the ground. Hearing the moans behind me growing ever closer, I took aim at Nate's attacker and fired. The force sent it backwards, with a smoking hole in its head as it stumbled about for a few seconds before accepting a final, permanent death. Getting up, now with a loaded crossbow, Nate fired over my should and hit one that was about to finish me, repaying my favor almost instantly. Swinging around and firing my weapon in one fluid motion, I began backpedaling to the rear of the store. At the moment the last one fell, my revolver clicked as the hammercame down on an empty cylinder. Fumbling for my next six rounds, I had just shoved them into the gun when I was grabbed from over the counter. I yelled as the rounds clicked into place at the same time cold, stiff fingernails pierced my arm. The thing jerked, as if to pull me over the counter and pin me to the ground where I would be an easy meal. With its fingers still lodged in my arm, I placed the barrel of my revolver into the bastard's mouth and squeezed the trigger as I clenched my teeth in pain. The bullet ripped through the back of his mouth, taking a portion of jawbone with it as it sailed into the back room of the store minus its owner. The thing gave a last desperate wease before the grip slackened and I was able to pull my arm free. The body fell back against the wall and slid down, leaving a small trail of gore in its wake that glistened in the dying red light of the flare.

I limped over to the wall, and fell against it for support. With my legs giving out I slid down and into a sitting position as Nate crawled over to sit beside me. The world was silent for a moment, as if even the crickets were giving us their rapt attention. We both sat in silence, neither of us able to believe that we were still breathing. The flare died, plunging the store back into darkness. The bodies, and evidence of our struggle seemed to evaporate as the shadows swallowed them. The silence was broken.



"Did I save you?"

He was quiet for a moment. "I think so." Slipping me some painkillers and a bandage, he continued. "That was some shit we just pulled off man."

"I guess it was." He wrapped he bandage around my arm, and the pain that had been hounding me since Tulga had finally retreated, now only a distant, numb throbbing in my head. I stood up, barely, and made my way to the back doors. Nate finished scavenging the food and other useful items and met me within a minute. I led him shakily to my hiding place so we could rest for the night, regather our strength and take inventory, when he spoke up.

"Why'd you come back for me? I was screwed."

"I just did." Even in the night I could see his frown.

"No reason? Even I would have left me to rot in there."

I gave a smile as we reached the treeline to the north of the city. "Let's just say someone did the same for me. Pay it forward, ya know?" I glanced back one last time, at the city that had claimed so many of my friends. Not this time you bastard, I thought as we scampered northward. i'll see you some day Jacken. Thanks for another chance.

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There is a sense of excitement when you first awaken on the beach. Sure, you have nothing too eat and the only water in sight is the salty ocean, but somehow the prospect of a new adventure overshadows all of that.

This is how I awoke. Fresh and apple-cheeked with no gear weighing me down and a dangerously optimistic mindset. After taking in my surroundings and realizing that I have no idea where I was, I decide to run with the coast on my right until I find some sort of civilization.

After a short time jogging on the beach, I see a man standing still and staring out over the water. Hearing my footsteps, he turns and greets me, and calmly asks if I would like to team up. At this point, I think only a fool would reject such an offer in these trying times, so I gladly agree and he starts to guide me to better places.

This man is really a beacon of hope for me. I have absolutely no understanding of the landscape and yet he seems to know it like the back of his hand. I hardly know how to wield a hatchet before he teaches me how. He guides me around the dense groups of the undead and we sneak into barns side by side, happy to share any food or drinks we happen to find. The man often asks me about my health and I, a little scuffed up from recent battles with the monsters lurking about the country side, report a slight dizzyness but nothing debilitating.

Eventually, after looting every farm we come by, we find a barn in a tiny settlement at the bottom of a hill. The man and I have been traveling together for the better part of an hour now, and we are fairly comfortable in each others' company. We sneak past the wandering zombies in perfect sync and enter the barn together. We climb up to the loft, eager to find any supplies that might be useful to us. The man watches my back as I start to pick through old bean cans and shells for guns I didn't have. It is at this time that I here a deafening bang right behind me.

Suddenly I am on the ground in immeasurable pain, barely having the strength to squirm around in a pool of my own blood. Unable to form words in my broken head, I only manage to let out a groan as my vision darkens to pitch black.

This happened on my 2nd or 3rd life after starting this game without knowing anything about it. Since then i have had a KoS mentality. I can't trust any random players anymore.

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While spending hours gathering parts for a 4x4 truck we found my buddies and I finally got it up and running. I must admit the truck was pretty sweet. We loaded up our two buses (we look like a gypsy caravan) and headed off to repair a car and ATV we found while hunting for parts. By now its pitch black, all you can see is the cone of light that emanates from the headlights.

We decided to head back to camp and loot along the way for more car parts when we made a wrong turn. ‘No biggie’ was my thought. With a quick look at the map I believe I found our location. The road should be directly south of us, so we decided to cut across a field to shorten our trip to the main road. Then without warning my character gets knocked unconscious. I tell my buddies in the two buses behind me that I’m unconscious and have no idea what just happened.

They start laughing and tell me that I drove into the middle of a pond and that the truck is on fire. When I came to I managed to crawl out of the pond seconds before the 4x4 truck explodes into a ball of fire. My buds mended my wounds and revoke my driver’s license for the evening. You see that’s what makes DAYZ so great, little unexpected adventures like that, which you wouldn’t come across in any other game.

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Started out from a previous venture, down to 3,000 blood in the lootable church in Pogorevka. One of my survivor buddies came under the cover of night to the church and gave me a transfusion, as well as a spare Barrett he'd just picked up from a chopper wreck. Upon us leaving the church we heard a heli flying past towards Stary Sobor, and quickly ran out of the church, towards Stary.

When we arrived, we proned on a hill overlooking the long white building across from the military tents and found up on the hill, a perfect condition Huey. Keep in mind it's a somewhat bright, but still night server. Both of us immediately opened fire on the Huey with our Barretts as there were only us, and 5 other clan members in the server.

The heli then slid down the mountain next to a telephone poll, where it remained inoperable. At this point we thought the ordeal was over since some of the clan members had logged off and there were only about two left in the server.

My survivor friend and I made it up the hill overlooking the tents to find that ANOTHER Huey had flown in and landed.

I immediately went prone and opened fire in the general direction of the Huey with my Barrett, as to scare whoever was inside. The chopper sat dormant as the gunfire rang out, so I approached. Upon stepping inside and starting the Huey, I was greeted with some sort of .30 cal small arms fire from the tree line, apparently whoever owned the chopper was using it as bait.

I was knocked unconscious, bleeding and feel out of the chopper onto the ground. As I laid there helplessly, I heard the gunfire continue. I then somehow managed to come to, and ran into the tree line gushing blood. I bandaged before losing no more than 4,000 blood, now down to 6,000+ total.

In a daze, and with blurred vision I ran to the idling chopper and got in, once again greeted by gun fire, but this time I made it off the ground, and flew away. (previous Arma 2 experience ftw) One of my colleagues who was providing cover fire says he heard whoever had flown it here cry out "Nooooooooooooooo!" over direct communication as I flew away.

I flew over Pogorevka and some other smaller towns until I felt it safe to land and heal. Unfortunately I was a bit too hasty in my decent and wrecked the engine and rotor. I then got out of the chopper, and ran a distance towards a cow, which I killed, cooked and consumed. I now regained all the lost blood and was back up to 12,000. However still shaky and requiring painkillers, I got back in the chopper and found it had somehow magically repaired itself, everything was green and it started up like brand new.

Instead of questioning this miracle, I took off and met back up with my friends in Stary where my friend Hex took over the piloting work.

The rest of this story will be shown in video as soon as it's uploaded, and a cheater report has been filed as we found these vehicles were spawned in by the clan [GSUA].

Edited by Bukethead

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My shitty story happened because of our noob friend crying about how he wanted to kill some one with his CZ550

Me and my friend CJM started playing dayz over 1 month ago we picked up the game quickly because we both always play first person shooters since COD2 and Battlefield 1942. Me and CJM were both great snipers and spotters but i like the role as a spotter and he took the sniper. We didn't have many people because no one else had hardcore computers like ours but we did find one person RinaNNo he is also great with FPS's (CSS, BF3 etc.) we get another member Cavan with a laptop that can barely run Arma 2 and finally a noob named Dean or Young $ Dean (be aware if you see him please call him Deanie the weenie) Dean sucks at realistic shooters like BF3 and Arma 2 he says loves to snipe he says he is awesome at it but realistically he sucks he can only COD queer snipe.

CJM is kind of our leader he keeps us organized and on our toes him being the "leader" we gave him the M107 that we just found in an ATV spawn and some other goodies he died with it once while giving out sniper support for me and Deanie the weenie at the NW AF. Me and RinaNNo managed to find yet another M107 in a VS3 parked in full condition next to the Ural spawn (which we later fixed up and took) we gave the M107 to CJM again besides the fact he died with it once all ready and we were all looking for some action so we went back to the NW AF we waited for awhile and saw zombies spawn we knew we were in business after 10 mins i managed to spot a bandit inside the air traffic controller we couldn't take the shot because he kept going prone Dean kept crying how he wanted to shoot him and we told him no not untill we get a good shot thankfully he didnt he was 600m away and was ranged still at 300m. We watched all the exits and he never left we figured he disconnected and were about to log then i look to my right to see a survivor running past all the zombies getting a giant horde behind him we could tell this was his first visit. The guy cleared all the Zed's and went looting we couldn't get a good shot because he was always moving so we decided to bait him with a DMR. We made Dean run down there and drop a DMR in the 3rd hanger so we could easily see and shoot him it was a success the guy took his sweet time grabbing the DMR and all at once me CJM and RinaNNo shot to insure a death Dean being an idiot was next to the barracks and got a Zed on him we Killed the survivor and the Zed and Dean keps crying how he wanted some of the loot for doing jack shit and how he should have gotten the kill. RinaNNo had to DC (it was 4am) so me and CJM went down to scavenge the guy and other goodies and we made Dean cover us with his CZ550 armed with 8 mags (i know a little much but we wanted to make sure he could get a kill and when we went in we gave him 1 job to watch our ass and make sure no one came in behind us from the mass of bullets. We checked the body to find some great loot he had a L85 with thermal a M4A3 CCO SD and the DMR we dropped we grabbed the good stuff and dropped our shit.

But of course Dean failed to do his only job (figured) i had out my Remington to easily kill Zed's at close range and CJM yells out ah im getting shot at i look at the side of the hanger to see 2 guys with m16's shooting at CJM first he dies i try to shoot back but could deal no damage from the further range then like a miracle just as i get shot my internet times out like usual at the perfect time i grab my phone and yell at Dean to shoot the 2 idiots before he grabs CJM's shit and of course somehow dean gets 2 Zeds on him and he spends 10 long mins to try to kite them away he fails and shoots them with his CZ he wasted 3 FUCKING CLIPS for 2 zombies and i was really pissed though because #1 the 2 guys ran to the next hanger then hid in the corner because of the shots and #2 there was a cross hair at the middle of his screen my internet finally comes back up and i join the server the loading screen took forever and to top it off i was passed out for the longest possible time i finally get in the game and i take out my M16 with the grenade launcher to my luck the guy drops a smoke shell and i had my HE shell while i was passed out though Dean has the greatest vantage point from the top of the hill at the southern end of the AF he can clearly see where the 2 idiots are hiding in the side of the hanger i told him to see their distance use the mouse wheel it says it he finds their range of 400m and shoots 3 times at the guy and he missed every time so like a fag he starts calling them hackers and such and claiming that he hit them by then i just got up and grabbed the shell so i walked out of my hanger around it onto their side and waited for Dean to call out their positions he said i was right next to them that they were around the corner so i backed up and launched the smoke next to their position once the smoke covered part of the entrance i loaded in the HE shell and went rambo i used the smoke as some cover and shot through the smoke and hit the wall behind them BOOM DOUBLE KILL i come back and rush in to hear flies but no bodies the 2 assholes disconnected once i shot.

i got both kills saw both kill confirmed below and i wasn't satisfied at all i was still pissed the took the Cyote Backpack the M107 and the L85 with thermal so i though they did take the M107 but when h switched the backpacks the L85 derped itself into his alice pack (now on CJM's back) me being the spotter i knew that the thermal would be an amazing tool to help me spot enemies that i cannot see but Dean being the greedy bitch that he is takes the L85 dosn't know how to use it hell he didn't even know how to ADS FOR CHRIST SAKE i told him just right click you will see into the scope and finally he found out how so later i got sick of his shit and how before he kept telling us how he is absolutely AMAZING at sniping and bullshit like that and how whenever we killed some one he would wine how he wanted the kill so when we went back to our camp and finally regrouped i took out my DMR and popped him once in the back of the head ended him quick and quiet and kicked him from the skype call so i would have to hear his bitching.

This is why i hate cocky noobs -_-

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